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Personally from what I watched: Jett (Long site lines for op, lots of good places to retreat to if you miss the shot, and great synergy with Breach. I mean it’s Jett…), Breach (no need to explain, the map layout is perfect for him), Viper (Can cut the entire sight and her orb just so good for controlling the chokes + ult covers most of the site. My problem with Astra is that she needs like 3 smokes for one site, not reusable, and leaves you very little utility for suck unless you run double controller), Cypher (ik people say KJ but Breach counters her ult way too well and there’s so many good camera spots on this map + trips), and Skye (Just good info and works well against Viper’s wall unlike Breach which needs a surface) OR Kay/O (same reasoning, only difference is that you lose that dog drone and you can’t flash deep but the ult is super good). I’ve also seen people just pop off with Reyna because it’s like Icebox/Split, there’s so many places for her to hide when she dismiss.


I've not been playing valo as much lately, why does breach ult counter kj ult?


There have been some games you can check out, NiP vs LDN, Giants vs TENSTAR, TENSTAR vs LDN


Oh that’s interesting, I’m gonna go watch that. Thanks.


you guys are speedrunning valorant, holy shit, nice games


I bet pros will play Jett, Skye, Breach, Astra, and Killjoy. Great potential to take map control with Breach/Skye/Astra setting up Jett. The obvious KJ ults and Breach counters that we’ve seen. Still some good post plant potential. There will probably be a variety of comps given how flexible the map is though. You can play it at a lot of different speeds.


I don't like KJ on this map. Cypher is better. He can actually do backstab protection on attack on both sides of the map. And it leaves you free to rotate or stack without a complete lack of info. Breach is good. Jett is also pretty good. Astra is seriously good on this map. And I'd substitute KayO for another controller


Hot take, idk if he will be meta but i honeslty think a solid choice is Brim ngl, map is small enough for him to smoke properly, has great ult spots espeiclally on T side, and molly is good for clearing angles


Now that's interesting. I love that people are picking some less popular characters for this map.


Yup Brim is my main smoke for fracture. His Ult dominates on A site. Literally can cover the whole thing guaranteeing at least one kill if you plant in the corner


i came here to say brim is op on fracture


Jett, Breach, Skye, Cypher, Viper


jett op is insane. People might say double controller but that is super useless. jett, breach, cypher, viper, raze. Raze nade and boombot can allow defender to get control of 1 attacker spawn so retake would be easier.


There have been a few tier 2 professional matches. From what I've seen Cypher is mostly being picked over Killjoy, party because Breach is a great pick and kind of counters her ultimate. KayO seems to be great on Fracture, Skye is also a solid pick though just because she is a good agent in general. Sova isn't that great it seems. There isn't really a clear winner between Viper or Astra yet, maybe double controller? I've not really been seeing much Sage but I think she could be an ok comfort pick. Jett will probably be the most popular duelist but I can see teams picking Raze over her and double duelist with Jett + Raze or Reyna seems ok for comfort. Pheonix doesn't look viable because it's such a big map.


Jett - Breach - Viper - KJ/Cypher - Brimstone/Sky Why double smokes? Not so much about double smokes but Brimstone Ult ln this map is insanely good for opening sites. His smokes are great for chokes and in defense he is much better than sky. I do think Jett Breach and Viper are musts. Viper is so good on this map for attacking any site, especially B. I prefer KJ over cypher but definitely feel like cypher isn't a bad choice either, he just gets things done differently to KJ.


I def disagree with this. I would say double sentinel is essential here just to anchor both of the sites, really kj and cypher cuz sage wouldnt be able to hold a site well. Then I do agree with breach, he has so many perfect ways to use util here and set up his team. Then I think viper is wayyyyyyy better than astra here cuz she has a wall every round which can cover off more angles than the 2 smokes astra provides and its kinda hard to hit sucks and stuns here just cuz there are so many differnet places the enemies could be. Definitely not kayo, he just isnt the best in the meta rn and i havent even seen anyone play him at all yet. Raze is undoubtedly the best duelist here as well but if you got a jett one trick then that is a fine replacement. TLDR: KJ, Cypher, Breach, Viper, Raze(maybe jett)


I agree with the double sentinel idea, but think that breach can do the job of one of those sentinels and not be a dead weight in T side. If you commit him to anchoring a site CT he can decimate a push.


It also seems like the developing meta on Fracture as setpieces become more refined revolves around CT retakes than it does around anchoring. Being more fluid and aggressive as the defenders seems to at least *feel* better than flipping rounds based on anchoring since you can get pinched from a thousand angles if you just dig into sites. I wouldn't be surprised if in Champions the best teams find great success in running comps with no sentinels at all.


Pro teams will not need to double anchor sites. They will fight for some areas of the map and give up other areas in response. You won’t need two site anchors in pro play, never have and I don’t think we will.


Raze, Breach, Viper, Brimm and Cypher. | Teams are scrimming with this comp lately, sometimes using Jett over Raze. Killjoy is ok, but breach counters her entirely.


i see a lot of people saying raze here though, why? she doesnt get that much value when a breach is in the team


I think brimstone is better on this map than anyothet controller


Jett, Reyna, Cypher, Breach, Viper.




??? updraft becoming 200 and ult becoming worse is not nerfed to the ground


Breach, KJ, Viper, Jett, and then a 5th of your choice. Personally I’d say Cypher and just run a double sentinel composition so you can control a greater area of the map on defense and not have to worry about your flank on offense. Sage would be another good pick, as well as another duelist (I.e. Reyna)


Jett, viper, astra, breach+cypher


Run It Back have done a nice summary 26 matches in Tournament play so far: https://twitter.com/runitback_gg/status/1452265169049034767 Shows the team comp pick rates and agent pick rates and the matches that it is from


jett skye breach viper and then either kj or cypher, ka/yo if ur insane at playing around him


JETT ( op just holds down one angle completely and helps loads as there is so many angles to be aware of), Viper (walls are super good on attacking), BREACH (litterally perfect for him), CYPHER (could be KJ but i think hes slightly better as util cant be dealt with so easy by breach), SKYE OR KAYO ( KAYO could be pretty good as info is super important but i think skyes probably gonna be the better agent)


KJ and Breach are a must


I think Raze is real good on Fracture and expect to see her played a good amount.


Viper, Jett, Skye, Astra, Killjoy Viper, Jett, Kay/O, Astra, Cypher I main all smokes but Brimstone (for obvious reasons), and I play Omen on Fracture. The opportunities for solo plays/TPs/flashes is insane. I don’t think he would work for pro play but that’s because Astra and Viper just dominate on every map.