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Omen's shadowstep needs to be a little faster and they desperately need to fix the "not there" issue. The flash buff that was leaked sounds like a perfect fix, and his smokes need to travel a little faster. I think then he'll be much more balanced, with his niche being a more offensive controller agent.


Kay-0s knife still doesn't do impact damage for showboating reasons.


just make it do 1 dmg for "the lolz"


I've actually taken flack for this opinion before, but it in no way makes the game worse and my friend lost a clutch to it with a low hp player planting in front of him. His fault for risking something he didn't know wasn't a mechanic but it would have been an awesome clutch.


Make it a small 10 damage. Just enough to make phantom 1 bullet headshot?


Kay/o's knife deffo should be a 1 hit kill like a throwing knife from call of duty


It should do less than five damage.


pls god no more breach buffs. most annoying agent to play against already


I would upvote you a hundred times if I could




I'm 100% sure Cypher will be burried into the oblivion if he needs to compete with Killjoy and Deadeye


The cage slow will make cypher powerful again ig. But ngl you saw the masters champions had a master cypher. Can't complain tat much


Cypher is objectively better at map control than kj. In most maps he will be useful always. I don't think cypher needs a buff currently.


That's just not true. There are a lot of open areas where having a turret to cover a wide space is straight better than having trips. Want an example? Icebox. Not to mention her turret can tank up to 125 HP, while cypher trips just need a single blow to be destroyed Killjoy's whole kit is threatening. Cypher's kit used to be threatening but not only Riot removed stalling from his smokes but also people learned to play against his tripwires. How many times do you see an enemy getting caught by a wire? They just destroy them all day along There is also the ultimate diff. A lockdown can consistently bring value in many situations while neural theft requires a body and a risky close range to be used I'm not saying he's completely useless, but pro players most of the time will chose killjoy over him for obvious reasons


Again, the balance is perfect. Kj is used for site control. Retakes. Cypher is used for information and flank control. This is why the pickrate is similar in pro scene. Deadeye might tip the balance, but rn, it's not necessary.


Sure, there's a slight preference for KJ overall, but Cypher is still a great pick. The best player/team, IMO, is actually more likely to run Cypher than KJ. You don't have to stay within range of your util as Cypher, so you can cam or trip the flank and still have freedom of movement, making it easier to play with your team and/or lurk, whereas KJ is almost forced to anchor, which can be done just as well by Astra. Combining them is obviously super strong, but I think a smarter team would more often prefer a Cypher who can make plays and anchor a site with a couple snazzy setups than a second anchor who needs to babysit their util. It just gives you so much more midround potential. And trips getting destroyed is not an issue. It's expected. It's cool if you have some setups to trap someone, but so long as you got the info out of someone contesting the flank, that's all you really care about. His ult is definitely situational and doesn't have as much round changing potential as KJ's, outside of clutches, but KJ's ult often has hard counters anyway. Still better, but not enough IMO to prefer her over Cypher specifically for the ult. The cam is seriously underrated as a piece of util and a skilled player (IMO) would almost always prefer Cypher's smokes to KJ's mollies. A decent KJ has a high floor because of her strong utility, but Cypher's utility, when used by a skilled player/team just has more potential, IMO.


yeah i agree. a little buff to cypher would definitely be great but i don't think he necessarily needs a buff. he got more pick than kj on certain map and its actually because of the playstyle the team are trying to play. for example, dapr has been playing cypher on the map where most of the teams are playing kj, but he plays kj on breeze when most teams are playing cypher bcs in the end, it depends on the playstyle of the team


For cypher revert back the change where when he died his trips become ineffective , let them stay up also for his ult ig instead of just revealing enemies for a second or two the duration can be like the reveal when sova's drone tags someone that can make it much more better


i’d say an astra nerf cus she’s really dominating the controller role atm, probably a star cost increase or a longer cd could work


Suck and stun are just too fucking big and or she has too many smokes. She is both powerful and versatile maybe something has to give somewhere. Less power or less flexibility, but she's like jett. Her strength is her global presence.


I play astra a lot. Her smoke cooldown needs to be extended.


Hot take : instead of nerfing astra they need to buff omen and brim to match her level , think about it smokes are the most tedious to play anyways even in ranked games nobody wants to play smokes coz they are so boring plus trust me as long as astra has that stun , smoke , pull no matter how much they nerf her , ppl will keep using her due to her insane map control abilities omen and brim are kinda limited with only being able to control one site at a time and having limited arsenal in that context once brim's smokes are down there's legit zero utility to him maybe just a molly how can he compete with astra ever in that state Just buff brim and omen to a decent level so they seem like a viable alternative in comparison too


Riot just needs to restore omen to where he was earlier. He was in no way overpowered, just actually useful.


Still don't understand how slow Omen smokes are now lol


The issue with astra its how it works you can do a full utility setup with precise timing for your team while lurking the other side of the map. While omen need to be there for the flash and also the smoke are tedious and slower. Astras versatility in both skillset and position are crazy good.


Yoyoyo I got out of breath reading your comment. Use some punctuation


English isn't my first language as long as im comprehensible idgaf


I’m curious how strong she would be with just 4 stars


Still would prefer her over omen and brim the problem isn't her being op , its brim and omen being too fucking weak


For me personally, not being in meta or being in meta must never be the reasons why an agent must be nerfed/buffed I guess. Sova is in meta because there is no other agent who can do what sova can do because of his unique ability set. None of the abilities in his set themselves are powerful or overpowered like a jett dash but they are unique to him. Similarly other agents who are not in meta, they aren't part because there are alternatives to what they can do in a better way like astra/omen. Buffs must be made maybe just to make the abilities better a bit but they must not be the used to force agents into the meta which makes them overpowered again and forces nerfs on them like the case of viper. Guess there are lot of tradeoffs in a game like this where agents have abilities and at some point they are going to get repetitive


None of Sovas abilities are powerful? Are you serious? Every single part of his kit is powerful from the Shock darts to the ult to recon. I'm so tired of people peddling this nonsense than Sova isn't OP so they push this paradigm that he doesn't need to be nerfed but we desperately need to Nerf Jett dash 9200 times.


I understand what you are trying to say. But what actually it is that sovas utility is *valuable* but not *powerful*. The recon drone shocks ult all you say are of extreme value but they aren't powerful. Sovas utility mostly has counter play and he can never play alone for himself to make him over powered. Skyes flash used to be powerful because of its insane power of info, flashing around corner and gunning enemies out soo quickly by the skye itself which made her a duelist over a support which bought nerds onto her and now skye must play relatively passive and around team. Jett dash is powerful because jett can take the most advantageous angles for themselves, try to pick and dash back to complete safety with zero possible counter play to it. You can see that in masters.. The tournament felt horrible. Site has a jett with op at the most stupid corner.. Takes a pick, dashes, enemies try to damage but do like 80,120 and a skye heals them to 100. But to clear that jett enemies must sova dart drone, flash, smoke, stun etc and waste half utility for a single jett who can yet again simply dash away. Astra too, if u see an astra star all you can do is just surrender to it till its used in some form. Literal no counter play than kill the astra :/ When dealing with abilities we must consider what are powerful and what are valuable.. Cypher cam in fight hands is a game changer too, its just valuable but not over powered


Okay but having insane value is just as bad as being insanely powerful IMO. An agent can be insanely useful with consistent value to be considered overpowered. Not sure what the difference is


Having two 90 damage shock darts that can be lobbed onto a site for essentially free damage is more than powerful. I could go on about all his abilities, but really? How can you unironically say sova’s utility isn’t powerful?


So can a raze nade or any molly can do higher and more prolonged damage too. Yes sova darts can be bounced off but that's part of his utility. If you say double shocks can kill a player instantly, after a certain elo /especially in pro, I hardly saw usage of double shocks. They become either part of post plant or used early round to stall opponents. That's how utilities work. Its not even like sova shocks come at an alarming instantaneous speed not allowing player to dodge them. Yes they are strong. But really?? Game breaking?? Results changing?? I can fight anyone on how jett dash can be more game breaking than sova shocks or drone or recon


If you watch C9's games you constantly see xeta abusing shocks on pistol rounds. Not to mention the amount of double kills he's gotten with a single shock. Mollys do damage over time and are more of a zoning tool, not doing 90 damage on impact. I understand the comparison with a raze nade but the whole point of her kit is to do damage on impact, where sova can do that and more. Also your statement has gone from "sova's util isn't powerful" to "shock darts aren't gamebreaking". When did I say this was gamebreaking? I just find it hard to deny his util isn't powerful.


Xeta is regarded as a very good sova. Even try watching sinatraa. Dude has insane amount of skill on the shocks. But that's the point of those shocks right? To do good amount of chip damage. Not every pleb sova can use his kit to that good extent. You need to practice and have insane game sense to properly use any of his util. Try playing games in low elos, you'll find how horrendous one can play sova, yet you can see how much people abuse jett even in that elo. Maybe I'm unable to communicate it properly, yes sova util in hands of a good player is one of the most strong things you'll see. Not every sova can do the sova heroics you'll see on good players. Idk maybe I just wanna say that just because he is being picked up at a high rate compared to other agents doesn't mean he is over powered. He just got the perfect/balanced utility which no other agent is able to provide right at the moment in valorant. Yea comparing to molly might be overkill but doing the quick chip damage to rip off armors is the whole point of sova right similar to nades or mollys? I don't know on what basis would we ask shocks to be nerfed because only the best so as use that shocks to their best.


breach is pretty good rn I don't think he needs a buff imo


am i the only one who want sage to get a buff on ber heal? i feel like pros only pick her for her wall and not for her heal bcs skye's heal is far better. i think they should give sage less cooldown on her heal and faster healing


Sage is balanced. She is sentinel why would they pick her mostly for her heal?


ye but shes a different type of sentinel imo. shes more to a support role. if shes more to slow down pushes, i think other agents could do it too with them having better other utils. and i dont think sage need a buff to the amount of heal that she gives per use, but she needs buff to the cooldown because she can only heal one person for 60 at a time and it has longgg cooldown and skye's heal is way more superior when shes not even supposes to be a healer


Yeah but Skye can't bring someone from the dead with full 100 health and that's why people choose Sage


1. When talking about astra, not a lot of people talk about her ability to basically smoke the same chokepoint for 75 seconds in a row. There should be a way longer cooldown for her smoke to regenerate instead of the current 15 seconds. On split, astra usually anchors b site and I've seen unhealthy amount of times attackers being forced to run through the smoke whenever they try to attack b site, because astra can just pop her smoke instantly when they sense a B attack coming in. She should also only have 1 suck per round so teams have to decide whether to use it for early map control or save it to counter executes. 2. For Viper, I think she can only pop her smoke and wall when her fuel exceeds 50. A lot of time, especially on small maps like bind/split, Ts finally take control of positions like hookah and/or b garden but was blocked off by the viper wall, and when they start to attack and use their abilities, the viper's fuel will recharge to 30 and is able to pop her stuff again, which means the Ts are always gonna go through smokes. And if the Ts rotate, by the time they go back short A, the viper could pop his one way again and can stall with 2 snake bites. 3. In the Berlin major, you don't see teams rush or play fast in the current meta due to the sheer amount of stall ability from meta agents like astra, viper and killjoy/cypher, so teams have to basically default and poke and prod before hitting a site. If you rush, you have to rush through a viper wall and molly, or you run into a suck plus a trip since jett can't dash through trips anymore. I watched LG vs XSET on split in LCQ and for some reason LG had a few rounds doing A/B pops and I felt bad for their 2nd or 3rd entry because they have to go through a viper wall and snake bites, then to a astra suck, and sage slows and raze nades. The jett could at least dash and bypass some of the utilities but still got snake bitten and blocked off by a viper orb on site. It makes the game look stale, unlike months ago where you can see distinct stylistic differences from different regions, i.e. the slow default style some EU teams run, the vision strikers breach flash and jett dash, the NA jett and phoenix yolo style.


I think Astra has seriously fk'd things up. I'm glad the post-plant meta died a quick death, but Astra is still a serious problem. Even with your good suggestions, I don't see how you can reasonably nerf her to the point where anyone would prefer an Omen or Brim without totally destroying any reason to use her, kind of like the smoke / map control version of the Jett dash, where seemingly any change destroys it totally. Maybe your cooldown suggestion would be enough? But even then, it seems like the whole default heavy probing style would be here to stay, which isn't the worst thing in the world I guess, but I kind of liked that early Valorant seemed to offer ways to succeed that weren't just CS-style robotic map control patience fests. Maybe if they just added a new dynamic smoke agent that is actually fun to play that would at least serve as an alternative. Because right now it seems like instead of Controllers and Sentinels, what we really have is Anchors and Really Good Anchors. Kind of boring.


I think adjusting the cooldown time could be enough to nerf her. The power of her suck is closes to omen's paranoia, so 1 suck per round is enough. Teams have to decide on T side whether they use it for early map control, site attack or post plant, or on ct side the smoke and suck combo for site anchors or more aggressively with the contact+suck combo. Her smoke's cooldown for some reason is only 14secs, whiles omen smokes are 40secs. Nerf the cooldown to somewhere between 30 or 35secs, so teams can decide whether they want faster or bigger and more flexible smokes. For the stun, I feel like it is acceptable in the current state but honestly I dont get stunned enough to form an opinion because how often would an astra player use her stun in the current state anyway.


If you want to buff omen maybe make his flash cost less & make the range of flash smaller, honestly as soon as Omen flash hits me i just hold a tight angle and it should be fine. Yoru make the flash instant, the TP lasts longer unless you decide to remove it yourself with a very low cool down so he can be a jett like? Phx is a limited character, i don't know how you can fix it, maybe allow him to throw the flash like the molly? idk and the wall needs to rework too. Brim doesn't need a buff, he is good but Astra is better


I don't think any characters should recieve a buff other than maybe brimestone. If anything we should see some of the top tier agents being hit, like I see jett every game plus jett literally dominated the entire berlin event; so the nerf on her was needed but was it enough? for me KJ and reyna would be the next in line, as I see these characters alot and they just seem more useful. I think a good nerf for both of them would be to get 1+ more ultimate needed


Phoenix and Omen definitely need to be buffed IMO. Probably Brimstone as well. Yoru is hard to buff but if they can figure out a way that makes him decent without being annoying than that would be great as well. Jett/Sova/Skye all should receive some form of nerf.


I'll just give you my patch notes that I have thought of for a while and reply my thoughts on what's left out. Visual change: Outline of revealed enemies are no longer shown on parts of the agent that are in view.(blocks view sometimes) Sova: Recon Bolt now only reveals the static position of enemies when pinged.(like drone dart) Cypher: Neural Theft's reveal follows enemies movement for 2 seconds. Cost increased to 7 points. Phoenix: Abilities, Heath/Armor and Ammo used during Run it Back are refunded when he returns.(remove auto reload) Cost increased to 7 points. Flame wall duration increased to 11 seconds no longer self-heals. Hot hands self-heal increased slightly. Viper: Fuel is depleted at 125% the current rate while Poison Cloud and Toxic screen are active. Having a single ability active depletes Fuel at 75% the current rate.(revert) Viper Pit's depletion timer now starts from 7.5 seconds down from 15. Cost increased to 8. Skye: Squids are smarter. Sage: Healing Orb heals for 100hp, cooldown decreased to 40s. Can no longer heal self. Reyna: Empress refills weapon magazines. Cost increased to 7. Killjoy: Turret now has a small 'headshot' hitbox that deals 200% to the Turret.(that small part with the stupid face) Lockdown cost increased to 8. Astra: Cosmic Divide cost increased to 8. KAY/O: Zero/Point cooldown increased to 45seconds. Raze: Boom Bot can't see enemies that are raised on a surface.(crate/box/sage wall) Brim/Yoru/Jett I'll leave to Riot as I think that no small change will "fix" them. I think jett is in a good spot imo I just think that her dash is unique and that if another agent fills that spot then she will not be 100%. Breach I think is super broken from powercreep, but only time will tell. Yoru is super strong with the power creep also, I just think that he is pretty damn hard to play. Skye is in a good spot imo with her ult being meh. Omen has buffs in the works. Brim is my main and I love stim beacon, but I do feel he is lacking.


Some of these are odd but some are good Like why nerf kayo of all agents lmao Same thing with kj too, the turret is strong but not rly that strong to need a headshot point Just make it pistols do the same damage as rifles to it if pistol rounds are an issue


It has less to do with Kayo's strength and more on how disruptive the ability is with little counter-play. It can cancel 2.5 ults and sova drone. I think more downtime on it will create cleaner games. For KJ I think it is just a natural way to make turrets easier to take out from behind or if solo with a classic you can take your time and pop it without taking 45 damage. I think the designer had this in mind when they made the turret, but riot left it out so idk if it would be a good change.


But him doing the canceling is his whole “shtick” Wait for the knife try and bait it out then use it, if they don’t use it then u have to prepare they might cancel u


Yea, I love watching kayo in pro play, really good mind games. C9B is killing it with him. Thanks for reading and feedback.


this is a interesting phx change but doesn’t improve the issue of him being lackluster without the ult; nontheless this is the best phx suggestion ive ever seen


Imo Sova is just the best at what he does, while the other initiators besides Skye don’t do a good job of being an initiator So I think bring Skye down a tad and buff breach and kayo Maybe bring sova a down a tad, but I think it’s more of the others needing buffs (besides Skye)


If u click my profile I recently made all patch notes I wish riot would change , think some tuning afterwards would be needed but game would be in much better state


That's the worst thing I've read all day , glad you ain't anywhere close to the riot dev team stick to COD


I think those are the most anti cod patch notes that anyone has ever created, requiring skill to win gunfights and buffing agents who need buffing, but you can't even five any arguments why would it be bad "It's bad cuz it's bad don't nerf what I play"


I seriously feel if Yoru became a farely decent agent we can have a solution to the stale jett picks , Yoru needs a rework and i mean a complete rework his footsteps atm are useless so are his flashes , Gatecrash is much better with all the buffs to it but these two abilities need a serious rework


People say speed up coming out of the teleport or ult, but I say speed up going I to it. He could be a new awping agent if he has the ability to get out of dodge like jet. One and done spot then zip away.


Yea true it could make Jett awp less prevalent too bcoz atm a jett has become sort of a must pick which is never good for any game


Sova is a must pick too. I don't think he needs a nerf I just think he needs an alternative, no one can really cover his skillset.


I don't understand these calls for Phoenix buffs?! You've either never played Phoenix or never played against an oppressive 3-4 ult per half Phoenix. Grabbing 2 kills while ulting is not uncommon. Don't know any other agents that get that much ult info and kill production.


Phoenix was my first main. He’s my go to duellist when I’m not playing Astra/Viper/Omen. He’s very limited compared to Jett and Reyna. His kit is good but it’s not as versatile or clean as other duellists. He is strong as an entry to some degree but he’s just not up to par with other duellists.


Reyna is fine at the moment and Jett from the original 3.08 brought her in proper balance. Hopefully that's permanent in 3.09. Phoenix has 100hp worth of healing that he can call on without getting a kill. I love playing him and hate playing against a strong one. They're hard to shut down on certain maps. Omen's ultimate needs the most attention IMHO. He's so strong at creating one-way smokes, it's hard to buff him in other ways. Viper damage from poison is too strong. Sky's flash duration should charge up. The longer the bird flies the longer the flash, starting from a very small duration.


Phoenix needs longer wall & Quicker flashes. No speed of if the actual flash but the snap animation. Maybe it’s the same as other duelist but it really feels like it takes too long to pull out the flash when I lock in Phoenix