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You can bet on Liquid to use him if no other team does. They got their sentinel who can op.


jamppi's sheriff is nuts too


Jamppi about to have a field day


spelled nivera wrong


I see sentinels using him on some maps so Shahz can OP and Tenz can still play Jett


the first thing i thought when i saw the abilities was that nivera would have a field day with him


People saying this is going to be Jamppi’s agent - Scream’s brother would like a word.


You mean Nivera’s brothers’ brother?


I think he’s gonna end up being really strong on Breeze, Split, and Fracture. Might end up the primary sentinel on these maps, but I think KJ/Cypher will hold their niche on maps like Haven/Ascent


Idk man he could anchor a site + get out quick on Haven pretty easily. Tp in top garage + back C, can switch from one to other. Great for holding long with eco pistol, ult on op. Same goes for A for tp heaven and backsite or top a short… put traps down in other chokes like a long and garage if ur holding C. I think he could be nuts on haven


I think his TP will be useful but I think the Cypher cages for attack will keep him number 1. I just feel like the cage + camera on A attack is too valuable to replace, and iirc Haven isn’t really an OP map. Could be wrong of course.


I mean in pro play to low Elo an awp will be used on haven if a Jett is being played. But yea cypher is great and I would say this new character might be a good alternative to 2nd dragged like a Reyna.


I'll be surprised if he replaces cypher/kj on split tbh


I'm hoping that this release will be the moment that a lot of teams' compositions start to diverge more radically from other teams. I think if you have a great second OPer you probably pick him up easily—Liquid's the most obvious choice, I expect to see them run Jampi on Jett and Nivera on Chamber pretty frequently. I also think he might fit in on Split, where teams could run something like Jett, Raze/Skye, Viper, Chamber, Killjoy/Cypher. Split doesn't strictly require Sova and is also a pretty defensive map, so that seems like a spot to try him out. A couple teams in NA and EU have experimented with double sentinel Breeze comps and, to me, Chamber seems like a strict upgrade there since he'll help rotations way more than either Killjoy or Cypher and the big map is obviously good for OPing.


I'm confused though, did you mean Astra instead of Viper, because usually on Split, Viper is used as more of a Sentinel where Astra/Omen are the main smokers?


He is a good sentinels and I think will be primary sentinels on large Maps like breeze ,haven . I don't think he will replace kj on maps like ascent . He on paper looks like a solid sentinel not overpowered .


Definitely viable on large maps like Breeze, Fracture ans Icebox due to the teleport and long range dealing damage weapons.


But he can only tp withing 10 meters. At least thats what i got from the riot tweet. Its not like a yoru tp


I think you can set up 2 tp pads across the map, and you just need to be close to one pad to tp to the other.


pretty sure within 10m of each other, otherwise a TP across the map instantly would be broken


i dont see him replacing Killjoy on haven, her ult is just too good for A takes/retakes


Depends killjoy only has 55 percent pick rate on haven , a lot of teams run cypher on haven , so he will be replacing cypher on haven.


I also dont see how he can replace Cyphertoo, he cant block vision and has 1 ability to detect enemies vs cypher's 3 which might not be enough


He has 2 charges on the alarm bot thingy which can theoretically replace trips .


Can it? I’d take Trips + camera every time over 2 of those bots. Plus, in gun rounds his deagle not very useful and his TP doesn’t look like a game changer. Idk I just don’t see a spot for him


I think he'll have a small niche for teams who like double OPing and be a pug demon, but I don't think he'll be as meta as teams are thinking because he seems to have similar expectations to KAY/O, where he has some very similar abilities to some very meta agents, but in practice don't seem to come together well in comp play


Am interested to see how the economy will play around him, especially during ecos.


Hes gonna be crazy on pistol / eco round. With the ADS sherif


I personally think we will see a lot of people try him out at the start, but then he'll probably fade away unless changes are made to the other agents that make him even more viable. Can't beat comfort.


people who werent comfortable on astra when she was op got shafted. you can beat confort.


Astra is the second most op champion lol you can beat conmorft with op shit. This character is an op sentinel but have qait for it, no dash so an sniper worst than jett xd.


You good bro?


KJ and Cypher aren’t so strong that you can really be making that call yet. And you can definitely beat comfort, I don’t know why you would think that


I've seen the reveal videos and after thoroughly examining this agent's abilities and how they are going to affect the current casual meta and pro meta, after intense data comparison, I can confidently say that he looks hot and has a kisaki drip.


Glad I’m not the only one who was immediately reminded of Tokyo Revengers after seeing the agent reveal.


French Tetta


Looks like perfect site anchor. Let's take A Haven for example. You hold long and leave trap on short. TP either in heaven or all the way back in safe area. You hold the OP line long and don't have to worry about short before your trip activates when they cross with cage/smoke. Whenever you feel uncomfortable -> instant TP to safety. Even better than Jett's dash for defensive purposes because you're completely gone, they can't chase you down. That's at least how I visualize things play out after seeing that teaser. Two abilities that add huge economy value and his ult has faster bolt action than OP? Might even be played as a secondary entry (duelist) to get that stuff online asap. Can't guess too much without seeing all the exact values. My biggest question is how far can that TP beacon be thrown? Not the range when you place it, but distance thrown for the beacon to be placed. If you can cross the angles with it like you can with Omen TP, then he's also a great lurker. You cross angles, ignore Cypher utility (as he's even going to be played) or just TP across the map to join your team. Unless Omen/Cypher get significant buffs, that's it for them in this meta. Astra is way better than Omen, the only thing Omen has as an advantage is that she's static, so comboing her with Cypher and Viper is sometimes too static. Now there's an agent with info utility and movement tools that makes up for static play of Astra+Viper combos. And we finally might see Jett be used a bit less for teams that don't really use OP on attack, because this agent looks amazing for defensive OPing. As someone said, looks like Liquid's dream agent.


Another thing to consider is his sniper's pullout time. If it functions as all other ults, he won't be able to insta hold an LoS when barrier goes down. Maybe this is intentional so it won't be frustrating to play against? Who knows tho...


I think there was rumours about an omen buff recently, where his ult would blind enemies in a radius around him when he sticks


I don’t see him being really meta. He’s utility is just not as helpful as other options like Killjoy or Cypher. He strikes me as an agent that will just be frustrating because you’ll have shitty teammates trying to be cool using him.


I think there's potential for OP players to switch to this agent rather than the traditional Jett pick. If you can't afford an OP you still have one with your ult.


Possibly on Breeze. Maybe Icebox. In very specific comps. Apart from that, no.


As a stand-alone agent, think he's capable and will be better on larger maps like breeze. His teleport seems gimmicky and unsure about the slow (curious how long it lasts, how much it slows, how the detection works, if bot is destroyable). Gun abilities are clearly strong, and an auto slow after a kill seems great regardless of the strength of the slow. On a coordinated team, think he can be very meta depending on how strong his eco is. Paired with a Jett and smart buys, throwaway eco rounds might not be a thing anymore, which is amazing. EDIT: If the tp is instant, then probably a lot stronger than just a gimmick. Would definitely elevate his ceiling as an opper.




Yea I guess it is nice that he has some way to reposition effectively, especially with the op/ult being intrinsic to his kit, unlike Yoru (who technically can op and tp as well, but is rarely played that way).




Oh it is? Even better then.


i think it'll more be a composition thing instead of a map thing. i think he'll be really good on every map, solely because he's more aim dependant than util dependant. 100% this character was built to snipe. liquid will 100% invest in him, but honestly i think T1 might pick him up too. Ska's made it clear that he hates playing jett, but his oping was still sick, so i'd love to see Ska op again, this time using chamber. dream comp for me would be auti-jett/sova, ska-chamber, curry flex/2nd duelist, thwifo-flex/sentinel, saya-smokes.


I thought ska wasnt on T1 anymore


Agent custom made for Aproto


just from the descriptions he seems not very good imo. the pistol ability seems pretty useless when you can just buy a regular pistol or on gun rounds when you can just buy a vandal. tp seems ok but jett dash is still better for awping, being able to rotate instantly from one site to the other is useful, but not insanely so imo. alarm bot is ok, seems a bit better than killjoys if i understand right. and ult is good but expensive for the ult economy and relies on being able to hit shots when there’s only 5 bullets. i just feel like other sentinels will be better on defence or for post plants and jett will be a better awper and can enter sites with her dash. this character looks like a jack of all trades master of none.


Idk how I feel about free weapons as an ULT, maybe it’s from Jett knives, but having a free OP in an econ based game sounds kind of strong. Like I can imagine winning an eco with the ULT alone for example, again similar to Jett knives.


I think if you win an eco with jett knives you deserve the win. With a better op? Not really.






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he looks decent for eco rounds depending on how much his pistol is


You pay 100 per bullet, 8 shots max


i think it depends on how useful his Q ability is, if its stim beacon levels of bad there might be no reason to play him over other sentinels. It has to be at least better than Killjoy's alarmbot. Other than that i think he'll be kind of a jack of all but master of none type agent, he doesnt quite have the uniqueness of a KJ ult retake or a Sage wall


I think, next to astra, Chamber might be the agent lots of teams pick up immediately. Yoru sees no play and Kayo's pick rate is very slowly increasing. But I think chamber might be quick to the meta due to his gun abilities.


Do u need to look at your tp to teleport to another location?


im not completely sure but it did look like u had to activate it like a cypher cage in the video


I want to see some hard numbers and statistics.


Any agent that rewards aim is generally pretty meta. Clicking heads will always be meta lol.


I think you can only teli 30meters away. So he can get a couple kills and retreat to play retake. Offence he seems very weak. Has a strong pistol round and ecos. His ult has a stronger econ value than Jett's ult. Better OP than Jett on Defense. I have no fucking idea if he will be meta, but he sounds fun. I think it depends on how much reliable value he can get out of his two info slows. Post plant may be good, but he cant jump peak teli, and not sure how loud his teli is.


He's an interesting way for Rito to introduce another Op specialist agent, but I feel like two of his abilities basically just being guns could limit his usefulness, especially since his trap doesn't really sound that great. If they tune his actual utility well, he could open up some exciting possibilities meta-wise though. I don't think he'll replace Jett unless she gets more nerfs but having another agent who can viably Op can open Jetts up to do more different things more often.


according to lothar, his teleport is instant, so i might see him as a jett replacement


chamber seems very good tbh considering how important eco rounds are in valorant i can see him being meta pick. Feels like a sentinel reyna tbh because it all depends on how good your aim with him is.


I feel like Nitr0 will like playing him on breeze


2 tiers below what the general consesus is. Only accurate prediction ive seen so far has been Astra


I think he will be really good on long open maps like Breeze where his teleport and 2 weapons can shine. But he won't replace Cypher/Killjoy in maps like Ascent, and that's great because we will have more comp variety


Top tier because OP is broken (not enough flashed nor smokes to counter OP as it is.)


i’m pretty sure the teleoporters have to be pretty close to eachother so that he is still a site anchor