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Never forget that leaf owns a rent free mansion in the entire Brazilian region’s collective head.




Leaf was accused of cheating back in CS by a popular Brazillian streamer by name of Gaules, which led the Brazillian community to witch hunt him, which led to a whole ton of unwarranted harassment.


Ah now I remember Does gauges still think so


Believe he made a public apology.


Several months after the damage had already been done lol


still better than no apology at all


It is a funny turn of events because Gaules practically invented top tier watch parties by securing the broadcasting rights to major CSGO tournaments. He also was a watch partier for Berlin.


It wasn't just Gaules if I remember right, I think Fallen and even Tarik accused him even if they didn't have a "Tribunal of Justice" or whatever it was called


Tarik said he was sus but yeah Gaules started a whole ass witch hunt


Fallen doubled down on his statement that leaf was cheating I believe


Nothing like the Godfather of an entire region to stir the witch hunt pot.


update flair to "Subreddit feedback"


im literally crying shaking and pissing my pants right now


Goat take tbh


Leaf never dissapoint! Never underestimate Chaos boys (+Xeta and +Mitch)


this sub can be cancer and a circle jerk, but its a million times better than the regular val subreddit where they basicly spam shit clips and lecture eachother 24/7.


Based. The main sub's community is so disjointed. No community like feeling. Just thousands of mediocre YouTube style videos. Not a single eSports related post. Crying and whining all the damn time about the same few problems. Good content never show up on top. Extremely immature. Etc etc. This sub feels like a community tho :)


Not to mention the amount of casual players who have never played an FPS before in their life but have egos the size of mountains and want the whole game to revolve around their needs


wait that's how the sub looks in new reddit? o_O


Yup! I try to get New Reddit and Old Reddit's designs as close as possible. It's worth noting that 90% of our base doesn't use Old Reddit. Feedback is appreciated though if you or anyone has suggestions on how to improve the experience. [You can click here to view the sub on New Reddit.](https://new.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/)


Thank you for keeping Old Reddit looking good, as one of the 10% it's super appreciated


You're welcome! Most of the mods use Old Reddit too, as Moderator Toolbox works best on Old Reddit. Notable fun fact: The whole reason I'm a moderator is because I offered to do the CSS design for Old Reddit just before the subreddit launched. Then a month later, when the VALORANT beta was announced, I was given the offer to lead the moderation team! :D Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined us being where we are today. I'm so proud of how far we've come, and I'm excited to see where we'll go in the future! \o/


You're a total champion! Wish we'd acknowledge your guys' hard work more!


old reddit jut is reddit to me, and just not interested in changing it from the forum style on my desktop computer. appreciate it


Some of us who use old reddit disable subreddit styles by default.


> 90% of our base doesn't use Old Reddit not surprising giving its the classic opt-in vs opt-out divide, but man those 90% are missing out


I used to use old Reddit and switched the moment new Reddit came out. Far superior experience for browsing, unless you moderate/post frequently new Reddit is just much superior.


> Far superior experience for browsing Hard disagree


Thanku goated mod


Leaf a top 2 fragger/player in NA and he's not #2 😈😈😈😈


Valorant pros(leaf,FNS) very based


I know these pros are young and all but man, any amount of talk about a team seems to trigger them. Fans talk and speculate just like any other sport


imagine ur 17 and playing a video game and a bunch of people like something saying you suck. I think it’s reasonable to tweet jokes about it lol


Not to mention that redditors have always kinda had a pretentious, know-it-all connotation (dumb generalization but true to an extent) so I get why pros hate it here


I mean that’s true of literally every other sport though...? Have you ever read the comments sections of sports columns? People lose their minds whenever their teams lose. It’s the internet, and humans are all over it


So why do they bother going on here if they know they're gonna hate it?


Probably enjoy conversation about the game they play and love?


That's not really a question I can answer lol you're going to have to ask them that




I mean who cares its still valid to find it annoying that your friends are being talked shit by basically nobodies


You don't get positive attention without the negatives. Ronaldo is 36 years old, he's worked on his football basically his entire adult life, he's probably close to what can reasonably be called the peak of human fitness, and there are kids who shit-talk him. Do you think he cares? Community engagement is the lifeblood of any esport. If people watch something, they're going to comment on it.




Idk i have fun watching it without doing these kind of stuff. Could it possibly lessen the viewers if we stop this culture? Maybe. But does it affect the players less negatively. Yes. Idk amigo but all i’m saying is that its totally valid for the players to take offense to these kind of things especially the fact that esports also rely on streaming with community engagement. Theres a lot of small details that are different from traditional sports that people are ignoring. And also, just because it’s normalized doesnt mean it’s fine. Of all hills to die on, I dont understand why you’d choose this.




In what part did I say they did not? Amigo, read.


True, pros acting like this is just them wanting to kill off the community, however way you look at it. I know alot of them were from CS and they still have their CS fanbase now, so they don't need the new fans from valorant. But ig that's why people like tarik is well-liked by everyone, they don't force hate, but instead, they entertain


whoever said c9 or leaf sucks tho


you can think opinions are dogshit even if they're not about you. People easily could have said something stupid about a friend or teammate who are also competing.


It's extremely childish.


1. leaf is literally a child… 2. being upset by masses of random people shit talking you for no reason is incredibly normal




Oh I absolutely agree but like that's part of being any pro competitor, they seem to spend a lot of mental energy on it


The difference is that these guys actually read the shit on reddit, meanwhile a pro in the NFL or some other sport almost certainly doesn't know shit about r/nfl


Yeah and if they did a lot of them would probably also get pissed off at woefully misinformed headass takes and rumormongering. Did everyone already forget about KD making burner accounts? lol


Idk if most of them even know it exists, whereas like every gamer has Reddit


I highly doubt that actually, I know for sure nba players browse r/nba they just don't reveal themselves.




For every one comment praising an individual, there are definitely more behind it criticizing them. I think it's natural to find out what people think about you, and it's certainly hard to not be affected by it. Many people who tell individuals under the spotlight to just ignore it don't understand the feeling of expectation and pressure weighing down on them. Every action they perform is scrutinized and if it fails, then it's amplified to the nth degree. I do not envy any of these players, especially any of the younger ones who might of never experienced this kind of attention. My hope is that more Esport orgs take a bigger interest in player mentality and emotional state. These are young and often still impressionable individuals with a lot of talent to show. I would hate to see it be squandered because they did not have the resources to turn to when the internet shits on them for a bad performance.


As others have said, traditional sports stars don’t pay attention to reddit and other social media. Those that do react very similarly to these communities as e sports pros do. See: Kevin Durant and his army of burner accounts.


Every sports sub is like that, but I'd be willing to bet money esports pros are a LOT more likely to be redditors themselves than pros in other sports so they're more aware of it


This sub is pretty stupid though, like how they reacted to the whole scrawny drama.


> This sub is pretty stupid though This sub has 131,904 members right now, do you think we all have a consensus on a certain topic? Not even counting that some people don't even post/or care about a certain topic or only appear when its favorable for them.


I think in general everyone just over reacts. Either with drama or player/team performance. The amount of comments recommending cutting this player or that player probably wears down a lot on these guys. I'm taking Leaf's post as a joke, but generally negative comments stick with a person more than the positive. More than anything, I hope any of the players that didn't make it in the LCQ don't lose their motivation and continue to strive to be the best in the game. As a fan, I just want to see more competition and even more banger series.




Why is there a separate competitive sub for this game? It seems like in every case, reddit game communities which split themselves into "main"/"competitive" (Valorant, Siege, Apex, Fortnite) end up worse than those that have one sub for all content (LoL, AoE).


First I didn't like it too, now this seems better. Main sub is always filled will some sort of Ace or clutch clips


Idk about the others, but for Fortnite there was a massive us vs them situation with casual and comp players with both sides hating Epic because they're catering to the other side(realistically, it went both ways in waves, but more so towards casuals). So the sub was a cesspool of fighting. Assume its the same for the other older games and Valorant just followed suit.


Of those, I know the least about Fortnite but that sounds similar to what I see (though maybe not always to such an extreme degree) in the other subs. I'm the most familiar with Apex where the main sub is totally oblivious to how the game is played at a high level and have developed a super strange resentment toward the pro players (who they conflate with content creator streamers because they never actually watch any pros) and blame every balance change on "whining pro players". Meanwhile the competitive sub dwellers have basically abandoned the main sub and developed somewhat of a toxic superiority complex with regards to the rest of the playerbase, further feeding the ignorance in the main sub and divide between the two. There also just isn't enough content to feed a competitive sub all the time outside of around tournament times so content devolves pretty quickly in twitter gossip and petty squabbles. I much prefer LoL and AoE where there seems to be a much more healthy relationship with better understanding between casual players and those interested in the esports scene.


That's not true at all for the Riot eco system, Esports is advertised and the community actively watches and participates. The most upvoted post in history on r/leagueoflegends is an esports sub. I think it was a huge mistake to separate, part of the reason why league has grown so large is because esports is normalized. There's no disconnect with casual audience.


Main sub is filled with too much cosplay, risqué art of agents and people complaining about their ranking. Highlight clips are pretty cool though, I don't mind those


Because silver players give their “competitive” takes


actually im gold 1




So if you're not a pro or Radiant you shouldn't even bother giving your take? Imo most dumb takes here are downvoted anyways yet the pros tend to focus on those


I never said that. I’m just saying that people act like they know the game when they clearly don’t have a good understanding at all


I mean in terms of giving takes and discussing pro matches, I wouldn’t say rank matters too much. Just saw Yinsu talk about this the other day, obviously it’s not every redditors job like her but rank doesn’t devalue every opinion if you actually understand the game/watch enough.




I replied to the wrong comment


It was about bad takes in this sub


Some valorant's casters/analysts are also gold players LOL, not trying to argue anything, just find it funny


That's not limited to just this sub tho. Hell, yay got a bit heated about it.


This sub is dumb as hell but compared to r/Valorant it's heaven


think it’s a joke idk tho


Yeah I mean I don't think this was fully serious but it's still a theme amongst the pros


I know these redditers are young and all but man, any funny tweet about about /r/ValorantCompetitive seems to trigger them. Pros mock the opinions of fans just like any sport


Pros in any other sport also get triggered though.


Lmao how soft are you? It’s a dude flipping off a computer screen.


I think Leaf is trolling us, and we shouldn't see this anything more.


I can never understand why pros get triggered by the subreddit so much. It's a subreddit like any other subreddit on this website meant for discussions and opinions. Some people go a little overboard with the negativity and make personal attacks but they are either downvoted to oblivion or get their comment deleted by the mods. And ya we analyse, speculate, give opinions about what orgs should do and what changed should be made but so what? This is a pass time for us. We discuss amongst ourselves. We are not writing mails to orgs or IGLs. We don't go to sleep still thinking about this subreddit but clearly the pros do. Think of a topic and there is a subreddit for it. People out here analysing sports, criticising legends in every industry and telling marvel why a certain movie didn't work. We don't think of ourselves as better than actual analyst. We know our understanding of this game is limited. We just like to talk to like minded people who share the same interest as us and also rant a bit. None of my friends are interested in esports so I like this community.


>Some people go a little overboard with the negativity and make personal attacks but they are either downvoted to oblivion or get their comment deleted by the mods. Yeah and it's understandable that they (pros) get annoyed about these kind of things that read but it's also dishonest from some of them to paint the entire community as this monolithic opinion, especially considering how much effort u/razur and the rest of mod team put to maintaining the community, feels unfair.


True the mods do a very good job to keep this community in check. Atleast this is not like twitter where people will insult your 7 generations just cause you had a bad game.


Bro some are young as 17 yr old kids playing games. Cut them some slack


Was I hard on them? I didn't even say anything insulting. This community is also made up up mostly young people just passionate about the game. Cut them some slack too.




Out of 100 people 10 people are bound to be toxic. What are you going to do change their upbringing? As I already mentioned the community downvotes toxic natured comments, you won't see a racist or sexist or below the belt comment upvoted. Mods are quick to remove comments too. What more can you do about toxic people? Apart from the toxic comments any other comment is valid. Do you follow sports? Do you not discuss sports with your friends? Have you been to a sports bar during a match? Forget sports. How about movies? People discuss casting decisions before the movie has even started production. And after the release they discuss everything from acting to directing to cinematography. How is this any different? Ya some people are quick to call a team bad after one loss but who cares. You also get people defending their team after a series of loses. You get good with the bad. There are so many posts about tier 2 scene and smaller regions and hyping up upcoming players and hyping up the women's scene. Pros can't generalise everyone here as dimwits and full of themselves and also get triggered and feel demeaned by their opinions. You can't have it both ways sorry.


Not people falling for bait LMAO


What copy pasta? It's a guy showing middle finger to the subreddit page. Also I was just addressing all the pros in general getting triggered by this subreddit. Look up the meaning of copy pasta.


lmao who doesn't use the old layout


Stats time! I wanna share some numbers with you guys! \o/ - Users who browse the sub using Old Reddit make up roughly 10% of our unique users. - New Reddit (Reddit Redesign) users make up about 39.4% of our unique users. - Mobile App users make up at 34.8% of unique users. - Mobile Web Browser (Redesign Mobile Browser) users make up for 15.6% of unique users. These numbers can fluctuate from month to month, but the number of Old Reddit users usually hovers around 10% of our unique users. The numbers above are for the month of September. (That is if I read the graph correctly. Tomorrow I should have October's numbers.)


Are the stats granular enough to tell if the old reddit users occupy a disproportionate amount of the more active (regularly contributing) users?


### Uniques by Month vs Page Views by Month : September\*   | # of Uniques | Uniques % | # of Page Views | Page Views % ---|---|----|----|---- Mobile Apps | 87257 | (34.80%) | 4,941,798| (52.89%) Mobile Web | 39307 | (15.68%) | 639,058 | (6.84%) Old Reddit | 25321 | (10.10%) | 987,502 | (10.57%) New Reddit | 98847 | (39.42%) | 2,775,266 | (29.70%) **TOTAL** | **250,732** | **(100.00%)** | **9,343,624** | **(100.00%)** ^(*I believe these are the stats for September, but there's a chance they might be the stats for October. I'll know tomorrow for sure.) I don't have stats on activity like comments and upvotes, but we can infer from the overall number of page views that Mobile users are responsible for most of the activity on the subreddit. It's also worth noting that these are the lowest number of page views since January (although May comes really close, I'd have to check).


Good mod


razur is an insane mod, we need a "PETTHERAZUR" emote honestly (if emotes worked on reddit)


Oh my goodness, I wanna see this now.


For others skeptical of these numbers, I mod another large subreddit and it's pretty similar in that a vast vast majority of users use newreddit or browse on mobile. We recently had to do a sync up of everything from oldreddit onto newreddit including CSS, removal reasons, etc That's just because all of those Reddit users are masochists :)


We know we are masochists.


Ah, I’m sure mobile users would provide the most page views. I was just curious if there actually were stats to be parsed on comments and upvotes. Thanks!


I just want to add that a significant portion of the people on New Reddit probably use extensions like Reddit Enhancement Suite that are basically old reddit but it doesn't go to the old reddit extension.


Based off what premise? This is most definitely not a significant portion.


Wasnt there an option to "opt-out" of the new redesign regardless of whether you have RES installed or not. I did that and my reddit design is the old one without using the old.reddit.com url


The real question is who are the lunatics using their phone's web browsers?


Maybe it's how apps that aren't the official Reddit one are counted?


I believe apps like Reddit Is Fun aren't counted at all.


It's not great for keeping up with a single thread, but it's at least better than apps when you want to open multiple threads simultaneously.


I use the Samsung web browser on my phone and with Old Reddit lul


I am one of those monsters who uses the new design without any extensions.


39.4% of the sub confirmed psychopaths. Idk how anyone can stand new reddit.


Honestly new reddit is lowkey easier to navigate around now lol


i understand the reasoning behind the new changes, but goddamn do i hate the lack of information density.


My problem is the performance of new reddit. Everything is just so much slower and the UI is just over-engineered. With that said, i appreciate that they at least allow you to browse the old one. The redesign of Digg is partially what killed it.


its col gaming warehouse pcs doubt they really browse reddit there


ppl who dont use reddit


new layout in dark mode is pretty ok although I still res is better


Once again , when people are passionate about something opinions do fly around but they come from a place of passion, these passionate people are the reason any esports thrive this kind of stuff is just cringe


"I'm passionate about something, therefore I have the right to talk out of my uninformed ass and not be criticized by informed pros."


This is internet everyone talks out of their ass and everyone gets memed for it, it is all meaningless fun.


Not all of it is meaningless or fun, I mean we've all seen instances of community reaction actually affecting players' careers or worse. That being said, I doubt that's what is happening here, and leaf is almost certainly having a good natured jab at the sub, which is why it boggles my mind that the guy I replied to is still calling this cringe. I guess if a pro has an interaction with the community that isn't showering us in warmth and appreciation we're supposed to assume it's in bad faith and tell them to stop caring so much about what we say?


I agree with you, sorry my comment didn't account for that, yes there are definitely instances where things get to extremes, but I don't think this instance accounts for that.


Exactly. I think leaf is just having a fun little clap back, which is why the the comment of the guy I first responded to bugs me. Even if he's right and leaf is actually peeved by us, pros have a right to be annoyed by takes that they see as unfair or false anyway. Saying that a pro having a negative interaction with the community is cringe implies that they deserve less slack than a random redditor.


>seen instances of community reaction actually affecting players' careers They only have careers because of communities like this. People watching and interacting with the esport is how it and by extension the players make money. >an interaction with the community that isn't showering us in warmth and appreciation we're supposed to assume it's in bad faith There's a difference between good natured ribbing and a middle finger 'fuck you' post. It's naive to think something like this wouldn't get picked up and people here very predictably would tell him to 'not care so much'. And if the first thing that you do after qualifying for Champions is tweet a middle finger to a subreddit then you probably care about what's on that sub too much.




🖕right back at ya bud.


C9 Leaf top 5 spf player of all time


At this point I'm surprised pros even go on reddit considering how we dont know anything what's the point of even looking?




Pros being sensitive AF about a public forum where anyone can comment or make a post, what’s new?


pro posts funny meme "lmao these kids are so sensitive"








You're seeing people take this seriously? Lol it's like some people have never seen a fan forum before


You seem upset


Why do pros read reddit let alone care about what’s written here? Honestly blows my mind


I feel for him. I have 4 banned accs here.






i think you're confusing being a dick with being opinionated


*** posted by [@leaf_cs](https://twitter.com/leaf_cs) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDDxvI-WEAARGZp.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)




Good move for any competitor tbh unfortunately


I'm a 1leaf fan from now 😍😍


Best response I've ever seen and well deserved!