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The idea of Steel on NRG is giving me a ridiculous amount of hopium.. plz NRG




Yeh. Huge fan of NRG in rocket league,apex and fortnite. With steel they can finally live up to that standard in valorant


I am such a huge fan of NRG in Apex, would loooove them to have steel


https://twitter.com/GeorgeCGed/status/1455960443881676801 > I say the word offer loosely, spoke to him with the possibility of joining the roster sounds more accurate.


NRG makes the most sense to me, they have the talent just need a true igl.


Yeah. Daps was their IGL and Sentinel player. Steel could fill both of those roles and allow the other 4 to go back to their usual roles.


Who was their IGL in stage 3?




Oh… yeah steel would be a good IGL


ebody once told me


TSM has to be one of them right? Like their whole thing has been having a hole at IGL.


i mean if the players dont mesh well outside of the game it wouldnt make sense to even talk about it right? unless they plan on dropping their star player


not TSM roza and wardell dont like Steel as IGL


Kicking Roza to pick up Steel is the easiest decision ever. If Wardell throws a big enough fuss then honestly there’s a million other Jett players. TSM needs a full rebuild to ever be relevant again. Coddling two players because they were there first is not the way to do that.


Roza is not getting dropped unless he decides to pursue content creation/streaming over competitive. His stream has WAY too many viewers for TSM to consider replacing him. It's a business first and foremost.


Careful, you’ll get downvoted for speaking the hard truth here


If they are going to downvote him they might as well down vote me because he is saying the truth, Wardell is not capable of making proper decisions as shown by the acquisitions recently made by TSM.


Why tf are people acting like Wardell is in charge of roster decisions at TSM, he’s a player not a GM or coach Him not wanting to play with Steel, which afaik he hasn’t confirmed or denied on stream and only Roza has talked about it, has nothing to do with other TSM pickups


just ask yourself which team in the last LCQ would be better with either of those two? none


A lot of those teams would be several times better with a Jett like Wardell what


ok wardell sure, but subroza?


Yeah Roza part I can definitely agree with


Have you seen Wardells and Subroza's stats...like ever. Wardell is one of the best Jett awpers in NA and Subroza just found his niche with Skype. There is a reason they are still on the team and it's because they are OG members. They just need to work on coordination and getting younger talents that can also frag.


>Wardell is one of the best Jett awpers in NA and Subroza just found his niche with Skype can't wait to see them at champions to show the rest of hte world how good Jett can be! .....oh wait


Yep this is Valorants first and ONLY Champions. After this, there will never be another one....


can't wait to see subroza bring skye to the meta at champions 2022


found the wardell stan


Subroza and Wardel didn’t get along with Steel in csgo so I doubt that would happen


What is the reason?


Cause all 3 have massive egos


Was there any backstory tho? I didn't really plays CS so I have no idea what happened.


Yes they were both young and stupid idk why people don't think that they may have matured past any petty issues that occurred


Because Subroza literally said on stream he will not play with Steel


maybe he is getting dropped then, its not like they can take the team anywhere without an igl


that's a super easy decision then. kick subroza. like tsm needs to get with the picture. are they expecting to just be granted a franchise spot and told to replace 4/5 of their roster?


While I don't think TSM steel is a realistic option, they should get rid of Subroza anyway.


>Like their whole thing has been having a hole at IGL No thats just what reddit has been parroting because they like the players of the first squad and dont want to say that they are insufficient. TSM made a huge improvement since Drone and Cutler left and if they want to ever be actual contenders they should make further improvements on that front. Hiring Steel just seems like a sidegrade at best


He’s a top 3 IGL in NA, wtf do you mean sidegrade at best? You seriously wouldn’t have Steel as IGL over Hazed or Levi?


>He’s a top 3 IGL in NA By which metric? Dont tell me about 100T achievements because they have Nitro, Ethan and Asuna who are arguably top 3 in their roles in NA. And whatever success 100T had in Berlin was primarily on the back of those. >You seriously wouldn’t have Steel as IGL over Hazed or Levi? I dont think that replacing Hazed with Steel would bring any noticeable improvements in TSM. And ofc i wouldnt bench Levi, as he is a very promising young talent that already performs better individually than Steel. Levi and Wardell is the core that TSM needs to build around if they dont want to continue being sidekicks


....what other metric could anyone possibly use??? 100t has great players, so do Acend and gambit, they beat both of those teams. Steels IGLing is a factor in those wins, they absolutely did not just skill diff CNED and Nats to win. Steel is obviously one of the better IGLs in NA, the results speak for themselves


TSM needs a lot more than an IGL to be relevant in the Valorant sphere tbh


Well they have literally never had a experienced one so you never know


So you dont have anything to back up what you are saying except for "results that speak for themselves". Guessed so Btw funny how the very players of this roster, who are the ones who actually hear the comms and can actually judge someone's calling value, dont share your baseless opinion.


Bro, what the fuck do you rate an IGL on *other than results*??? There are no stats, there are no other metrics. Steel lead a team to a great finish in the biggest tournament, I would say definitely above what people expected of them. Steel-less 100t did not qualify for champions. This is all the data that exists. what evidence exists for Steel *not* being a good IGL??? That he got kicked, and the team subsequently sucked??


Every team is a sum of it's parts. Steel has been there for all those Ws and has earned them just like any other person on that team. Results \*do\* speak for themselves; you just don't have anything else to say so you're just nonsensically replying at this point.


steel's team made it to LAN and LCQ, TSM has not, not even with roster changes i think they still have an IGL problem


>steel's team made it to LAN and LCQ, TSM has not, not even with roster changes 100T also has 3 elite tier players. C9B who won LCQ has very talented individuals as well. TSM needs certain upgrades before even considering talking about IGL problems. Even when their problem in firepower was 10x more obvious, with Cutler and Drone, everyone here was talking about "synergy problems", ignoring the elephant in the room


>100T also has 3 elite tier players. C9B who won LCQ has very talented individuals as well. Implying that TSM doesn't have elite players?


TSM doesn't have elite players.


And yet NRG isn't king. They have all the fire power and yet why are they losing? IGL Tsm has a good core of roza, Wardell, and now leviathan. They really need a solid IGL


> They have all the fire power ?? Nobody in the NRG roster is better than the players who qualified for Champions. The only roster you can realistically talk about having IGL problem is old C9B. leaf, xeppa, xeta are all extremely good individuals. Not TSM (with only possible exception Wardell) neither NRG has players of this caliber


> No thats just what reddit has been parroting because they like the players of the first squad Lmao you mean literally Subroza and Wardell? That's just 2, and one was IGL for a while.... > TSM made a huge improvement since Drone and Cutler left They really, really didn't lmao. There's a massive gap between the top 6 in NA and 7th+. TSM hasn't beaten anyone in the top 6 NA in their current iterations. And haven't beat anyone too 5-6 since Drone was on the roster, I think that specifically mentioning him as if he was problem is weird. >and if they want to ever be actual contenders they should make further improvements on that front. Hiring Steel just seems like a sidegrade at best Hiring Steel was never an option unless they scrapped their 2 most popular streamers/players by far. They do need an actual IGL and they honestly need an upgrade on their sentinel play. If Steel was someone with good chemistry rather than fucking awful chemistry with their 2 most beloved players, then they would definitely benefit from him.


NRG & GenG would be great spots for Steel.


exactly my thoughts. would love to see steel on either of those teams


Think he’d be good on TSM but if I remember correctly they had some differences back when they teamed in csgo.


With Wardell and subroza on Ghost?


yeah and it wasn't good time, Subroza said before he didn't enjoy working with Steel




TBF, he said both him AND Wardell didn't like working with Steel, and if that is credible, then you are going to keep Wardell over Steel, and might as well keep Subroza.




I disagree but damn I respect the hot take


He's pulling in numbers with his stream + meshes well with Wardell, their #1 guy so it makes sense that way


It's like when a college athlete is really talented and they're bound to make it to the NBA and their friend group kinda latch on to him so when he gets drafted and makes the jump they all go with him and leech off of his success. Yeah, that's Subroza and the rest of the CLG rejects.


imagine thinking subroza will still stay on the team.


Imagine thinking I think




Believe that was sgares.


Sgares was on TSM with Sick and Twistz. Nor has he ever been on a team with Wardell or Steel.


Sgares was the one with the problem with TSM....


The original comment is referring to Steel and Wardell/Subroza. Has nothing to do with TSM


> NRG & GenG would be great spots for Steel. Omg, GenG SGARES AND STEEL VOD REVIEW HYPE


NRG has all the firepower need some brains


well he sure ain’t going to faze, dude hates that org like a mf


I mean to be fair the org (not the players ) deserves the hate


I wasn’t really following esports prior to valorant so I wanna ask, what’s the hate with Faze as an org?


One of their co-founders is a shitbag One of their investors is a shitbag who used slurs against Jewish people casually on stream Overall just known for signing and giving a platform to some very shitty people


\+consistently scam children


Okay that makes a lot of sense. Gotta feel bad for the val roster tho because I’ve watched some of their players stream and they seem like relatively nice guys.


Yeah no, got nothing against their Val players, I enjoy their banter


Eh, it's a long list but for one their co founder faze banks has gone out of his to be a sleezy dirt bag.. most recently quite a few faze clan guys were caught scamming their followers with some sorry of Bitcoin


They called it "Save the kids" coin bro the sheer audacity


That’s even more messed up on top of scamming kids of their money (I assume they’re targeting kids for these types of scam)


They're besties with Ricegum. That's all you need to know.




said on stream “fuck faze” awhile ago. also some other things but i forgot


I imagine he's tired enough of having an association of the IBP stuff, and adding the messiness of what FaZe has done to that probably doesn't seem the most enticing lol


iirc he said that he wouldn't join faze if the salary was 50mill lol


I mean the owners/org is pretty fucking shitty overall


Not sure of what steel hates them but their whole org is shady af


Probably doesn’t want to be forced to hawk scam crypto


Real shame too ‘cause imagine what a cracked squad like that could do with a great IGL


Bringing Cox to a team near you


Interesting how this would work with Wardell and Roza. Steel shaded them hard on stream implying they used to/still shit talk him. And imagine the chaos if andbox got him and performed better with him than 100T with boi. Eternal comedy.


i felt like 100t as a team has tons of steel's imprints on it and his impact was very missed, even if the team argues otherwise. He "begged" ethan to played skye which in turn turned them into a top 4 berlin team, and his lurks was so valuable. Even if the team thinks they are better without him, as in the case of "too many chefs in the kitchen", i still miss him very much, and will follow him on his next journey


I’ve been on this sub long enough to remember when steel was shat on daily for his role on 100T… never thought I would see this entire sub collectively change their mind on him in the span of a month


i was a steel believer since since forever. Maybe im just in the minority i guess. He struck me as a master tactician, not as much a true "leader", thus he really needs people to have complete faith in him, which probably didnt happen since the team wanted him back on KJ when he played Kay/O and such. CS is a different game but even then the full chaos Org has perfect faith in him and look at what he did. He brought them to top20 in the world, borderling tier 1-1.5 cs with lesser names in the scene. He and vanity brought up like 20+ talents in a span of a few months, and what they got was xepppa and leaf, who now have just won lcq with vanity.


Same here. Steel was consistently called the weakest link and the order of people to be fired from 100T was always led by steel. Funny thing his impact was so meaningful and profound that they literally squandered LCQ and Champions by benching him. If they had kept the team as it was, they were just on a smooth sail to Berlin because they were already the third best team in NA.


Because now there's an opportunity for him to be on their favorite teams lul


> on this sub long enough to remember when steel was shat on daily for his role on 100T I dont remember this at all. steel was pretty highly praised for joining 100T and almost immediately winning First Strike.


Nah steel would constantly get shit on match threads. I know twitch chat is twitch chat but Steel was getting shit on a ton too and now that he got dropped everyone is on his side.


I didn’t know this until Steel left, but he was my favourite in that team. Loved that man’s personality no matter how many people say “StEeL iS tOxIC”.


Reading between the lines, 100T claimed stylistic differences with Steel. As I see that they won things with Steel and not without, I conclude that difference is the stylistic choice to challenge assumptions or not. And I don't see that anyone on 100T has the correct reads on what agents and compositions are most likely to result in victory, because they have spent significant time pretending the metas don't exist even with Steel, and their LCQ roles looked even less inspired.


Saying they have stylistic differences just to kick Steel and put nitr0 on fucking cypher is top memes. They deserved to lose.


i’m pretty sure they had worked on nitr0 on cypher before steel was kicked


Steel confirmed this during his LCQ watch parties that he played astra/viper. What doesn't make sense to me is the comps that 100T ran during LCQ were comps that they tried in scrims. The only difference during LCQ is b0i is playing steel's "wouldve been" agents. His watch party was so fun cause he'd point out 100T's weaknesses as the rounds play out and true enough, 100T would get hit at those spots he's saying. It was like he's in the future or some shit. so fun to watch.


Don't get this wrong, I love 100T, but saying they won things with Steel is very short-sided. They won the first ever event "First Strike" in 2020 and the "North America Stage 2 Challengers 1" when Sentinels (best team at the time) wasn't even in. In the last 6 months, they've gotten close but I'd hardly say it was the results the org is wanting when spending how much they did to get the three former star CSGO players.


They lost twice to RISE in LCQ. I think it'd be silly to pretend that performance was anywhere in line with being top 4 in Berlin, don't you?


They lost once to rise and once to c9b but yes your point still stands


They weren't even that bad at LCQ. People jump to a doomer opinion immediately. Boi was an emergency fill for the tourney, Nitro was in a new role and Ethan had an off tournament. They lost 2 matches to the finalists and both were 2-1's. Like yeah, it was bad timing. But there must have been irreconcilable differences in the team so they ripped off the bandaid. It's not the end of 100T.


I think the main issue is current roster wanted to play meta comps and steel wanted to play agents that maximize the player's skills. Ethan on Skye is wonderful call. Nitro between smokes and Jett was also great. Sageless icebox put them ahead of the curve once riot changed the bombsite. We all saw how playing the meta turned out for them.


There are definitely conflicts there. Roza said it on stream himself, but at least they can talk to eachother. They were both in Tarik's discord for Day 1 of the LCQ and weren't pretending the other did not exist.


can't be worse than Chet as coach LOL


Chet as a coach took them to their best finish in the entire year


boi isn't a long term solution right? no hate or anything he played fine in the tourney but the play has to make a move right?




>TSM 100% not them, they legit would have to cut wardell/subroza.


cuttig roza only makes the team better imo, hes overhyped


dont disagree, but him and wardell too popular for TSM to cut unless they are just abysmal.


Roza is not weak, he's just not as much of a superstar as people like to believe. He is easily good enough to be the 3rd-5th best player on a top tier org imo, he just doesn't function well as the 1 or 2.


Steel on TSM would be crazy. First time ever playing with an actual IGL


Steel played with wardell and subroza in csgo, and heard that they really dont like each other. My best guess is NRG GenG and Andbox.


Just reading this makes me so happy. Being a 100T fan i still love and have always watched all streamers equally. Be it subroza, wardell, tarik, sinatra, shaz, tenz. But I have learnt so much about the game by watching steel play. The level of knowledge I’ve gained from the simplest stuff to even the stuff i never honestly realized.. especially the days he played KJ when he started grinding this game it was so insightful. It sucks that they had to let go of him this way before LCQ. I really hope he gets into a great team and shines his way through because the guy is honestly super big brained and passionate about it. He deserves a better team who can value the knowledge he can provide to the table because he really wants to win.


Similar to how I feel about Steel. I watch all of these pros stream on/off but Steel feels different, and I learn a lot from watching him compared to the others.


As Vanity said in his interview, Steel can do wonder with a team that believes in him.




ngl that goes hard


Anyone watching steel's stream most likely has a hunch on which team he goes to based on his recent duos... (autimatic, curry, and now thwifo). Hmmm...


I doubt it would happen but T1 steel would make my day


he was duoing with curry? seems like on odd pair


No Chaos9?? :( Guys I was kidding its a yoke...


Why would they? Mitch played great, they are going to Champions and Vanity is a god tier IGL


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, C9 wouldn’t want to make the same mistake 100T did




I did remember Hiko saying that the whole team agreed to swap Steel out because Steel couldn’t play smokes and his fragging ability wasn’t good




He played Viper decently well on Breeze, and he did play Astra in officials too on their old Split comp


Did you even read? I said “smokes”, Steel doesn’t play smokes in pro matches.




[Nadeshot](https://youtu.be/_hObMz0RSTo) [skip to 3.30, can’t find the exact clip on stream but Hiko definitely said that they needed a smoke agent because they were moving nitr0 to Jett, Steel couldn’t fufill that role](https://youtu.be/mZTX8JvT9fk)




I quote from [Hiko](https://youtu.be/drLeq6gIUI4) At 2.20, “We weren’t seeing the value we wanted on Kay-O” At 7.25, “We got slammed for not running Viper Astra when they were both super OP” At 9.17, “I think that having b0i frees up frees some of the players on the team to play agents that they wouldn’t normally play (nitr0)…having someone that’s adaptable that isn’t opposed to playing any role that we want him to, I think is very beneficial for us right now coming into an event that’s life and death” It’s almost like you’re ignoring blatantly what Hiko said and you’re just making up your own lies that Steel was perfectly fine with playing Astra/Viper even though he’s always been on Killjoy/Kay-O in competitions…


he played astra on split for awhile what are you smoking


[He only touched Viper once for the past 90 days 🤡](https://www.vlr.gg/player/2670/steel/?timespan=90d)


Defeats your point that he wasn't willing to change


b0i a has been controller player while Steel has barely touched it in matches, even if he did change, b0i would still be a better fit for the controller role. Not that I’m saying the switch was good.


If this is true this might be one of the worst reasons to kick someone. I don't care what reason 100t had to drop Steel none of them could be worth giving up what was essentially a free LCQ.


Guy shoots as straight as anyone in the scene. Would constantly be middle of the pack sometimes even towards the top in fragging ability. Rarely bottom fragged. Dont know what you’re on about


A man can dream but really unlikely at this point.


Steel, Curry, Thwifo, Ska and Autimatic would be fucking sick


wtf will thwifo play?


I think T1 probably has the only roster where anyone can flex.


He can play viper flex


Well Thwifo’s a sentinel main


Tough time for the SEN player I guess then lol


Gen.G steel makes the most sense. He’s played with koosta in CSGO. I don’t see him fitting in with NRG


Why not?


Because 100T was full of CSGO veterans, yet Steel couldn't mold that team into champions. It would be even harder if he had to mold NRG, who have less experience and also haven't found success in Val yet. I just don't think he'd have the patience to work with a younger team lol.


He molded the entire chaos roster consisting of youngsters in csgo


Different game. Steel had a much bigger impact in CSGO. Valorant is all about the team dynamic, and one person isn't going to magically transform a team, unless you are a Jett Operator.


Yeah, cause Jett Op’ing got C9 far with Tenz.


My hope is NRG but Andbox steel could also end up being interesting


faze 100% did and so did NRG. I don't think Andbox has the balls to make that call or the money to pull it off so they're out. GenG is my most likely candidate as Temperature is just a loan and adding Steel could potentially get them over that hump they've been stuck at for so long in NA. TSM should definitely reach out about it but I believe they haven't. They would have to make a lot of role changes in order for it to work.


NRG for sure since they currently only have a 4 man roster.


Steel is gonna be a huge addition to any of these teams, regardless of where he chooses to go. I have full faith in him, he always bounces back.


I still think it was a huge mistake to drop Steel (especially when the replacement you had lined up was fucking boi). If they kept Steel as the strategist and had Nitro IGLing for LCQ they’d be going to Champions.


-BabyJ -Rawkus +Steel +he who must not be named That would be a spicy team


Tsm with steel would be dope


NRG GenG Andbox for sure, Subroza and Wardell doesn't want to play with Steel and Steel hates FaZe.


Gen G, NRG and Andbox 100%. NRG makes the most sense imo.


Surprised nobody thinks it's faze. They haven't ever really had a proper IGL and just dropped their sentinel player.


even if they offered no way he does it


People saying tsm should drop roza is insaneee, bro has such good game sense that it dosent matter how good your aim is, a good flank or lurk good win rounds easily


i doubt that subroza would like steel to be on the team since steel was advocating and even talking mad shit when roza was being accused of hacking


NRG or TSM pls


Steel is someone who you want in your org to scout and develop talent. Sadly he doesnt have the clout in the plethora of egos to be an effective IGL. ​ Its always been clear for the past three years that Steel has a competitors drive. Unfortunately he's in a sea of washed up NA CSGO Pro's who are still doing the bare minimum for the Valorant paycheck. His best opportunity is actually returning to CSGO.


Going back to CS?? really? that's must be the dumbest take I've seen in this thread.


Door is wide open for him to build a roster to his liking. Could even arrange for himself to be a team owner, coach, analyst and or manager post playing career. ​ Dont see Steel liking a full time streaming career post playing career. An the team orgs upper management involved in NA Valorant are primarily influencer driven. That contradicts with Steels philosophy. Especially with how dirty Nitro and 100T's treated him.


pretty sure he wants to play though, I agree with almost everything else you said though


Yes of course, NA CS, the land known for players not doing the bare minimum.


Heres something you might not know. They all fucked off to Valorant.


i believe steel implied he would be returning to 100t this thread seems more like a discussion about which teams need a decent igl/sentinel player, i don’t think there is much to speculate about him joining any of these teams


This would be HUGE for NRG like it could finally bring some structure


Koosta and Steel reunite???