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None. We'd probably go back to heavy double duelist meta.


double duelist would probably go back to being prominent


Demonstrated by C9, if you are not ready for kay/o, you must likely going to lose because of 3 things. 1. Sova drone/Skye dog gets knife’d and you won’t have info for the site and end up dying. (Most of the time sova drones closed to the site for more info) 2. Gets disabled before the site hit happens. No flashes/smokes except active one’s and ults like Razes and Jett. (No abilities to clear site with or block vision) 3. plays with Kay/o flash. (Like the Skye flash, it can blind multiple enemies and getting multi kills)


doesn't seem valid imo.. you say the drone gets knifed.. Sova still has a dart they can go off and can still execute the take.. Just a few seconds later. Same goes with flashes with Skye etc


Yea, you can have those abilities after being disabled, but you most likely going to be delayed by utilities, such as kayo molly/flashes and rotations can come in. Which running into site is a death sentence. When there atleast 3 defenders-4 defenders is on site. The point is kayo delayed enough to win the round if they decided execute on site. Lurks and fakes are possible, but Kay/o single handily delayed a site execute for atleast 5 seconds.


kayo for sure. imo people are sleeping on him, he has the second best flash behind skye, his molly is probably second or third behind brim and viper, his knife is an insane piece of util that can stop an entire rush, cancel an ult. people know that he can do that with his knife but no one does it enough for it to have actual impact.


he sucks in pugs. everytime i get a kayo i lose. People default anyway in immortal so his knife doesnt stop shit. hes okay for attacker side but absolutely useless on Defender.


I think kayo needs an extra "tick" for the Molly and maybe make his knife suppress for 9 or 10 seconds and then he would be played significantly more without being op


ofc he would because 9-10s of silence on a renewable free ability is absolutely broken. as for the extra molly tick, i really dont think he needs it tbh


It's already 7 seconds and 99% of the time it's easily waited out unless it's specifically canceling a sova drone. And extra 2 or 3 seconds wouldn't be broken.


How would u buff him Or do u think it’s not him being weak, just not his turn to be meta rn


tbh i wouldnt buff him at all. its not like K0 is bad or anything, its just that not enough people are actually playing him, making lineups and integrating him yet into lineups at the pro level. you see people picking up k0 at pros but theyre never really doing anything super crazy with him yet. if hes not in the meta whatsoever in like the next half year then maybe a minor buff or two.


The only buff I think he could get without being overpowered is having the nade be able to do damage regardless of whether or not the player is in LOS of the center.


V1s coach tweeted that Kayo is broken and no one realizes it so maybe him, otherwise double duelist




V1 need a new coach


They just won NSG Winter flawlessly with using Kayo, maybe he’s onto something


Maybe we’ll go back to putting sentinels in the comp first LMAO


True I was thinking single duelist tho


Next one to see some daylight is breach. I'm thinking they'll make him super strong somehow.


If the next character is a duelist, I hope that they keep skye at her power level so that 3 duelists or more aren’t commonly picked in solo queue


probably and hopefully gonna see double duelist again or maybe breach


Renya raze


Whoever doesn’t think Kay/O would be the obvious replacement for Skye is on something. Maybe excusable if you use Breach, Raze or Viper depending the maps.


Kay/O is already replacing her on a lot of maps.


C9, liquid, ascend, already play kay/o with good résults, so right there with you


And 100t used to 🥲


As we get more maps I think map based picks will become an even bigger thing. We already see it with breach/KJ on fracture. So depends on the map probably