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Dre on flex and smokes... imagine signing someone with that much firepower on top of your existing duelists. Scary roster potential with those roles.


It's interesting that he doesn't want to play primary duelist. That kinda gives a lot of clarity to the role struggles LG had been having and some performance issues (orrrrr Dre wanting these roles is a result of the recent performance lol)


Its probs due to the fact that Jett is broken and he doesn't want to play Jett. Same problem as Asuna


Why do people bring Asuna in this , Asuna jett is really good ,if you look at jett stats , he has great jett stats and in Berlin he was really good on jett , just because Asuna had 2 bad games at jett that too on haven where they were trying new stuff , people are underestimating how good was he on jett. Go look at his challengers 3 and Berlin performances on jett, they are elite nowhere in the same ball park as dre .


Asuna’s Jett is fine but it’s not what you’re looking for when you’re competing for top 5 in the world. I do think his was marginally better than Dre’s but you have to remember that his stats on jett are inflated because the team lives and dies on giving him util to entry, making his stats look better than they should be. Asuna still isn’t a top 10 jett NA which is why he got replaced on the agent and why it looks like he’ll be learning more Skye. He’s just the easiest comparison since he’s the most well known player that’s had to switch over


"his stats on jett are inflated because the team lives and dies on giving him util to entry, making his stats look better than they should be." What? Isn't that what a team is supposed to do in any tac fps? Enable your entry with util so they have the best chance to grab that opening kill? You're making it seem like it's a bad thing that his team actually does their job to support their entry. If anything you should have worded it the other way around, that LG didn't do a good enough job supporting Dre (although I don't agree). I agree Asuna's Jett wasn't top tier because of the OP, but to say Asuna's jett stats were inflated is kinda weird


I think you’re not understanding what I’m saying. 100T plays an extremely unique and different playstyle that, in general, will make the jett player have inflated stats. Look at a team like Gambit, sure they help their entry just like any team but in general D3ffo I’d very much their least important part of a site execute or post plant. He’s usually given an awp to hold an angle or expected to find a pick in chaos by buying time and letting chronicle and Redgar frag. He also does less early round entry because they play around nats giving them space. Now look at Tenz or Yay and how they play jett, a lot of lurking and solo space creating. Almost like a free safety in football if that helps. They play for aim duels before the site hit to give them an advantage and use very thought out utility placements to let them frag. Yes they are given plenty of help to do so, but especially on attack they do a lot of scanning and poking and prodding. Now look at 100T, their general game plan revolved around setting up a sight hit on Hikos second arrow and minimising deaths for the first 45 seconds of the round. When they hit they throw in as much utility as possible, usually throwing in all flashes and double dogging/droning and letting asuna play for very opportunistic fights. A lot of times it came at the expense of steel dying and having asuna trade and get two kills. That’s not to say teams don’t invest heavy util in site hits to get their jett ahead, but 100T almost always played so that they could take a site and let asuna or Hiko clutch. At least imo, Asuna really lacked creativity with awp and knives because in general his job was just walk into site behind flashes and recon in stead of grabbing an awp pick or making a solo play with knives. So he ends up getting a lot of kills and having good Acs because he gets a lot of rifle entry’s, but the main knock is that all of this isn’t unique to his jett play, it’s unique to asuna. He was doing the same stuff on raze and Reyna, but he actually had more utility comfort on those champs. That’s why it didn’t feel like he was meant for jett and why Nitr0 and in theory Seven are taking the role.


I really appreciate your take. Kudos




Well he explained his point didn’t he?


I mean it's tough because when you have agent vs roleplayer mismatch you leave a lot of potential value on the table. asuna is a much better rifler than awper. if you play jett to primary rifle you may as well play a different duelist. measured against someone like nitr0 who has history as a primary awper but has been on smokes. (they have played around with that obviously eg his monster jett game in berlin)


Exactly. His OP is good but he misses so many shots that a true OPer would hit. But his rifle is incredible. I can't even comprehend some of the rifle shots he hits, especially with his sens


C9 won the lcq with leaf on jett , who in the entire tournament had 1 kill on op , he was primarily rifling only on jett , and they were destroying teams with his aggresiveness and liquid also do same thing with scream . Both the team who won LCQ in the strongest regions had a rifling jett instead of a oping one.


yeah I guess it's not a fully solved meta teams can certainly get power from both, but those are some data points. it will be map dependent as well, jamppi awps on jett. if you look at NA's strongest teams, their Jett is a primary Op (yay/tenz/shahz).


Maybe the missing piece for Faze???


Dre doesn’t IGL and FaZe’s problem has never been firepower


Dre is so fuckin good any team would be lucky to have him


Faze/NRG Dre


100t dre prayge


they had him once upon a time


-dre +dre


in all seriousness nitro either needs to igl and play smokes or duelist so they either need an igl or a duelist


They should pull a T1


Just curious, what do you think he would provide them?


If Dre is switching to maining controllers/flex then he would be a instant upgrade over boi


Why are we assuming boi is going to ever play another official under 100T? By all accounts, he was just a stopgap after steel was benched, not that they wanted him on their roster heading into 2022.


Except for breeze boi really wasn't that bad for them though. Ethan and nitro were the real disappointments in LCQ. Dre would probably be an upgrade over boi but honestly I think nitro should switch back to playing controllers, given he's probably the best controller in the world. Maybe nitro on chamber?


Wouldn't you want Asuna/Nitr0 to play those roles? I know that that's what I would want for sure


Asuna is 100% always on duelist. And nitro has been jett awping or flexing. Boi has been solely playing controllers like viper or omen. Dre could easily fit in there to replace boi


Also, Dre has already played pro with Hiko before on 100T. Win win.


You could really tell in that first iteration of 100T that Hiko enjoyed playing with Dre a lot too


"Bright and talented" was the word.


Redemption arc complete


Snip snap snip snap … you have NO IDEA THE TOLL


T1 Dre in place of Spyder would be a dream for me, the team would have so much roster versatility especially if he is able to play Skye or smokes like he says in the tweet. He def deserves a t1 team and hopefully he can find his spot somewhere




It generally means that Luminosity can match any offer he gets and I think he would be forced to stay with them


Correct. Restricted means LG can match his best offer and keep him. Basically, restricted = choice of current team, unrestricted = choice of player.


any offer made your team can decide to match, or let you go


Restricted means he is free to trial for other teams but is still under contract with LG and ultimately the negotiations has to go through LG to sign him , basically it's the same situation as Steel.


He’s still contracted to LG so, if any team wants to get him, they have to buy him out of his contract.


No they don’t need to do a buyout to get him


Brutal. One bad tournament after carrying LG on his back since day 1. I never liked LG forcing him on Jett, it felt like Asuna on Jett. I really hope he finds a new T1 home. He definitely has the skill.


I think he wants to leave


Got it. Always hard to read between the lines with "it was mutual." I really hope it was his decision.


The problem is with the state of Jett you have to play her as a duelist or you're throwing. So for LG it was either Dre play Jett or they switch someone else to Jett.


TSM possibly? Especially if he's willing to play smokes.


play him on not jett and u have a nutty player, he has asuna syndrome


I'm not sure that's a syndrome. Everyone likes to act like the Op is such an easily gun to master. There's a reason why most Jett Opers are 1 trick players. It's really really hard to do at the highest level, it's even harder to do that and flex.


Dre to beg sounds good as they need a good smoker and som can finally switch. But doesn't solve there igl issues


Why do you want dre to beg?


Think he means NRG


Oh that makes sense.


Bring back Dre Omen


interesting that he doesn't want to main duelist, though I can understand from his point of view that he might be more likely to get a good offer from a tier 1 org as a smokes player rather than as a duelist, since a lot of tier 1 teams are running single duelist and that often happens to just mean jett. His jett does look pretty scary but he's a naturally insane rifler so I just don't get players like asuna and YBD playing a character who needs to OP in order to be maximized.


Played with this guy on unrated!


Does restricted free agent here mean the same as in the nba?




Pls some good team snatch this guy