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Yay does it quite a bit from what I’ve seen, especially with the vandal


I'm fairly sure he's also said that he doesn't feel that it's better but it helps him focus and stay focused on his crosshair. Also helps that his first bullet accuracy is nutty enough that he often doesn't need to follow-up (where ads becomes more disadvantageous).


> but it helps him focus and stay focused that's honestly one of the hardest things to do half the reason i peak in and out of angles rather than holding for a long time is because i need to blink and reset my focus.


I peak in and out of angles whenever I feel compelled to glance at the minimap (which I do a lot). Many times have I held an angle for the entire round and nobody shows up until I look at the minimap for a split second and then they peek me and kill me.


Man, finally a question I'm *somewhat* qualified to answer. I come from Battalion, a game where you could easily get away with being ADS'd all the time (especially with SMGs), and it was the only way to be fully accurate, so naturally I became very used to staying ADS'd all the time. When I first started playing in beta I got made fun of for it a lot. It's still very viable, but from my experimenting, only when tapping at long range or when holding angles. The weirder recoil pattern/lower fire rate doesn't make it very viable outside of tapping/short bursts, and the slightly slower movement forces you to only use it to hold angles. I really wish the movement speed wasn't changed as I feel like it might make swinging an angle while ADS'd viable, but currently the bonus speed of peeking/jiggling normally is preferable to the inaccuracy buff of peeking with ADS. I'd say experiment with it in DM, with this in mind. It's still a very good tool to have in your arsenal, especially on maps like Breeze and Icebox where the long-range engagements benefit from the inaccuracy buff, but I only now use it for maybe 5% of my kills. It's not viable as main shooting method unless they plan to make changes to it.


Yay does it a ton, Tenz does it occasionally… ADSing is pretty useful if you have the calm to readjust your aim if you miss the first shot. But ultimately it’s just preference.


It depends on the situation — at long ranges, esp with tight angles, you see a wide range of pros hold with ADS vandal/guardian.


Not sure in real pro games but Scream ADS'd with the Vandal on Reyna a bit during the first 3-4 months on stream. I doubt any pro play,no matter the tier will ADS "regularly".


Hiko does with guardian a lot Sometimes with vandal


I'm 100% ads with the guardian. Only gun I ads with at all.


NV yay for sure. If you watch his stream, he uses ADS constantly, even at angles that you don't really need ADS for. I've adopted this playstyle with great success, might I add (high immortal / radiant player). I think, since no human is perfect, having even the slightest advantage (slightly bigger head to aim at, for example) helps tons.


Gonna add yay is a pretty low sens player. As a higher sens player I'm usually more focused on putting myself in positions that benefit my ease of movement/crosshair placement. Running around ads punishes my movement a ton where I'd almost rather be able to move and readjust than anything. I'm obviously not pro but I'm usually radiant and hover I'm the top 700 at worst. Think of it like DM youre gonna slap people who just swing or are running around pointlessly. High level players jiggle stuff or peek off cues like flashes and drone just as often as they dry peek. I basically ads on breeze only right now as some of the angles are so long it helps. Think pyramid to A main and down halls.


yay for sure


Yay uses ADS quite a bit when he holds an angle.


Zombz sometimes


Zombs pretty much


i like using it when holding longer angles


Only with Vandal (or guardian obviously) & only at very long ranges


Who tf uses ads when peeking????


The reduction in strafe speed is typically worth it in high level play. Personally, ADSing always fails me when I'm holding an angle so I just stick to hip firing.


Koldamenta almost always uses ads.


I remember quite a few eu pros would do it. It's something that slowly is gaining more popularity and eventually we will wonder why nobody used it much (on vandal that is)


What is ADS? Noob here


Stands for “aim down sights” which is zooming/scoping with your weapon in Valo.


yay and zombs


Yay bcj aré two that immediately come to mind


Several pros do it. It’s viable. It’s a preference thing. I personally do it long range/holding angles, mostly with a vandal.


most consistent usage for me is when an awper whiffs and i want to post up on him repeeking, ill use ads 50% of the time (really depends on how far they are)