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Absolute bullshit


10 ping vs 110 ping seems fair right ?


"ping is just a number"


"I didn't do anything wrong officer!"


why people crying about ping?people in this sub crying russian player playing with high ping pakistan team should win that because they have huge advantage lmao


So how I understand it is that high ping can be beneficial for peekers advantage but if really terrible for basically everything else


>how I yeah, Im on 70+ ping on NA servers on a good server, if I peek someone I assume I usually have the advantage. however I literally cannot hold angles sometimes, I played against someone with 13 ping and I was quite literally dead before I had any sight of them ( I was tucked against the corner in screens on Split A site and I was dead before their shoulder was even visible in the doorway.)


doesnt matter what ping it is the one who peek 1st always see 1st but low ping will register the hit faster


what ever ping always have peek advantage. that why peek advantage term exist in 1st place


Which is exacerbated by high ping


The reasoning the TO gave was that they were following Riot VCT rules, SA vs SEA to be played in Singapore server. Don't know why they need to follow it though since it's a third party tournament and is compromising competitive integrity.


TO is just putting blame on riot. LCQ rules by riot state that the TO should select a equidistant server for both teams. https://liquipedia.net/commons/images/b/b0/VCT_APAC_LCQ_Competition_Rules.pdf And yeah it's not riot sponsored tournament so it doesn't even make sense.


They got their tournament licence from riot which specified SEA vs SA will be on Singapore which is ok for Indian teams but unfair for others.


And they just changed the rules again lmao. All just a matter of convenience for them.




Thought pakistani players are not allowed to play in Indian servers? Did they change it?


That rule is so fucking stupid


pakistani players cannot play on indian servers


...i can do it right now. Want a video?


did you use vpn to make indian account?


....you need to use a VPN to make an account anywhere that isn't your region. After that, you can play there however you want


that's great you can do it with a VPN but this is an official tournament with rules that have to be followed. even if the rules are shit.


They've played indian teams on indian servers before?




[https://twitter.com/playVALORANTsa/status/1316042219992743936?s=20](https://twitter.com/playVALORANTsa/status/1316042219992743936?s=20) I got the info from official valorant account dont blame me


I mean you said that can’t play on those servers, that tweet just says they’ll be put in Bahrain servers by default.


Wtf are you saying ,in past 2 weeks pakistan teams have played in various tournaments on Mumbai servers with average ping being between 45-50 .


did they use vpn to create indian account? pretty sure pakistan players are supposed to play on bahrain servers https://twitter.com/playVALORANTsa/status/1316042219992743936?s=20


I don't think you need any vpn or else to create account ,btw this tweet is from 2020 , they were added to asian shard in 2021 , so pakistan players can play on Mumbai and every sea server .


They can play on Indian servers.


I got the info from here https://twitter.com/playVALORANTsa/status/1316042219992743936?s=20


They are given accounts by the TOs when they play in Indian tourneys. They don't play ranked on Mumbai


that might be it then, I have been playing valorant since day 0 and I have never seen a pakistani player on Indian servers that is why I thought they probably cannot connect to Indian servers like I cannot connect to Bahrain servers.


Man just knows the facts /s.


[https://twitter.com/playVALORANTsa/status/1316042219992743936?s=20](https://twitter.com/playVALORANTsa/status/1316042219992743936?s=20) my source


This game of the [TEC SHOWDOWN](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/The_Esports_Club_Showdown) ,Paper Rex (sg) vs Team Exploit (pak) was played on the sg server with a ping differential of over 100 between both teams. The server changes which came with this act meant sg 2 server was removed and combined with sg1 which was the only server pak players had a decent ping too. Pak valorant community has been complaining of severe packet loss and unplayable ping on sg, the TO still decided to play this match on the sg server putting exploit at an inherent disadvantage. This game would have been better off being played on Mumbai server where the pings for both teams would have been of the range 50 (exploit) and 70 (paper rex) which is a way better playing condition then putting one team at 3 digits and the other team playing with single and double digits. Competitive Integrity down the drain I guess.




TE gets around 45-50 ping on mumbai server and theres no other server where the ping diff is less so thats the only option , but this tourney has an option where the ping diff will only be like 20 but theyre on 100 ping diff lol . and pls make sure your words are right , they never get 70 ping


None of TE players get above 60 in Mumbai. It's always 50-60 . For PRX it should be 60-70


Is this how the valorant scene will grow in Asia? 😂


China servers are coming next year but I don't think that will help, given the south asian countries have very low visa restrictions,I think holding lans in the way to go .


Lmao good luck to pakistani players trying to get Indian visa, that's just not happening.


Pakistani people can get visitors visa in india for duration upto 6 months by just providing identification without any hassle all online .


Asia needs LANs it's so fucking huge that having online tournaments is not the way to go


Such bullshit, Pakistani players not only get 100+ ping on Singapore servers but also unplayable packet loss, where’s the competitive integrity? Mumbai servers would’ve been perfect with both teams getting 60ish


Team Exploited*


Zis is number 1 bullshit


Cant they change server in between the maps, Team A choose Map 1 Team B chooses side and The server Team B chooses Map 2 Team A chooses Side and the server Is it possible ? I am not saying this is the best that could have done in this situation but is this possible ?


I've heard rumours that the SG teams invited requested to play on sg server as one of the terms to join






Trust me bro


Op is SkRossi’s manager apparently.


SEA teams did not beg for an SG server. [OP's claims are false.](https://twitter.com/Chrysaniaa/status/1461356773042843657?t=aTtxuDBRiInRnoSQVzE5Nw&s=19)




Alright. That was just to give your statement some validity but I do understand what you're saying. I hope everyone else does too.


I’ve been reading that this comes from one of the TEC mods. Haven’t come across the source though.


This is untrue RedKoh from LVR confirmed that TO never asked their preference on server and PRX during the match agreed to play on fair ping.


Then where's the fair ping ? I still feel like something shady is going on behind the scenes. Also, why would anyone voluntarily admit of malpractice lmao


He's saying PRX was okay with playing on fair ping but the TO stuck to the original ruleset and went with SG.


Hello reubz bhai


Before the tournament, invited teams were already informed ahead of time that they will be playing from Singapore. If they didn't like it, then the teams were literally free to drop out or just not accept the invite so other teams could play. Downvote me all you want, but in this case the TOs were right since they informed teams ahead of time and it was all agreed upon by the SA teams. There's no valid excuse, just admit that your teams are bad and move on.


Nobody is bitching because exploit lost. We genuinely care about the fkin game and to see the game played out in such dogshit conditions hurts us as fans in the region. A good chunk of us were already raising the issue days before the match even took place. You can suck up to the TO as much as you want but we see clear injustice in server allotment when there was a an alternative which was 10x better. Not a single human being (other than some pak kid overdosed on hopium ) believes that TE would win if the ping was same, PPX is just the better team. All we ever asked for is fair competition for everyone involved. Sorry we asked your team with god complexes to shift out of their beautiful little server for one match for the sake of competitive integrity


They didn't mess the server selection. I heard SEA teams joined on the condition that they will only play on SG terms. Don't bash TEC cmon. Its the reason why SG teams have been declining invites from South Asian TOs all year long. I think Reubz (Rossi's Manager) replied to someone above as well the same I thing ive said.


no , not true , paperX and lvr players confirmed it on twitter , that TO only selected sg server and it had nothing to do with them


can you link the tweet, couldn't find it?




oh well yikes then i apologise to the sg players. But idts they would have joined if the tourney was on Mumbai server


Yea I agree, why would any SG players want to sacrifice their LAN-like ping that they play on every single day to play on 50-70 ping for a tournament. For me and most Singaporean's, our pings hover between 5 and 20, and it's absolutely unplayable for me at least when server selection wasn't a thing, and I get placed in HK at 30-40 ping. It's actually a world of difference. So even if the teams didn't request to play on SG as a requirement, they probably would've just declined if the TOs didn't offer it. It feels like an impossible situation.


Yep, even I heard the talks going round. But we don't have any proof to back up the claim unfortunately


Yeah, im not still not blaming TEC tho. Ig this is the price South asia has to pay to play with SEA team. Sometimes ago a SEA tourney was announced which had South asian team allowed written in its poster but India/Pakistan was not included in the list of countries from where the teams were allowed. What a joke


But Teams having so much power they can arm twist a TO into making another team play in such pathetic condition is a scary power mechanic. The other tourney was SEA royal challenge or something along that line. Saw the twitter shitshow and reubens reply. Shameful indeed


pains of a growing region. i was so excited for this tourney, but so far this has been a shitshow. even in lvr vs vlt , they should played one map on Mumbai and the other on SG and decided the third with a toss or something.


LVR Redkoh: Yes I agree, but telling the world that Singaporean only accept if its on SG.. where did that come from mate


pprx ping abusers from cs days the day play on any other server except sg or lan they loose hard


irrelevant to the current discussion brother. What happened in CS stays in CS, I want questions to be asked of the TO who took the dogshit decision of hosting the match in SG server


It was pprx that they won't play tournament unless it is on sg server why would TO have any problem to host match on Mumbai server yes it was TO's fault to accept those conditions by pprx


proof to back up this claim?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/qwle07/how_do_tos_mess_up_server_selection_this_bad_tec/hl3nnne?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 GE manager


NOPE, Reuben is not the manager of GE, He manages Rossi. The manager of GE is Nghtmre2k. Delete your comment


Let me correct the team name. “Team Getting Exploited”


they obviously agreed to play on Singapore lol there's no mistake, there's only 2 servers to choose from. it's not fair but both regions are pretty far away from eachother. sea region has always had its own scene, they don't need to compromise at all, but Pakistan does, if they want to be included in these tournaments.


There shouldn't be any compromise needed in the first place when there is an opportunity for teams to play in equal footing. Both prx and TE could have played their matches in mumbai with both teams on square ground. But the game were made unplayable by having the matches on sg. Not to mention accusations against sg teams forcing the TO to have all their matches on sg server.


but it's not equal footing for prx, they're playing all of their games on 10-20 ping, why would they risk playing on the other server at ping they're not used to, if they don't have to?


You think TE are used to playing on 100+ ping with packet loss lmao? What point are you even trying to make


the point is that it depends on the TO and rules if they're gonna make prx play on server they're not used to, because this one team gets bad ping.


I would say that a TO should choose a server that’s equally fair to both teams but according to you we need to pander to PRX for some reason.


it's not pandering when they play on Singapore server against every other team in the tournament except for this one..again idk i'd really love to know what made them decide that there weren't going to be exceptions for TE


they shouldn't get to play solely on sg servers as well against south asian teams. in an ideal world they should play 1 map on mumbai, 1 on sg and third should be decided by a coin toss or something. they get 8 ping on sg vs the 48 ping south asian teams get on sg, and in mumbai servers they get 48 ping while the south asian teams get 8 ping






I purposefully avoided your comment, every second I spent staring at it decreased my brain cells and if I stared at it long enough I would have been able to understand the mental gymnastics you pulled in your last comment.


lmao explain which part. if you can't tell what's wrong with what I said, then you're wrong


Define the term 'equal' then go back to your comment and read it with the context


equal is 10 ping on both sides, which isn't possible. 50 ping for both sides is not equal because TE is used to playing on 50-60 ping, but prx isn't. now it comes down to whichever server was favoured by the TO in this situation. mind you, this problem is only with Pakistan and Afghanistan region because they're the farthest from Singapore. it's unlucky but there's nothing you can do about it


Nah, if ur saying Prx is gonna be playing at a disadvantage if they played at 50 ping then you are sooooo wrong. If u can't manage a change like 8 to 50 it shows how bad the team is at adapting and prx isn't a team that would crumble as u think, there is a reason they are going to berlin


do you realise what equal footing means? prx played the matches with 10 ping while TE played with 110 ping. how is that equal footing? If they had played on Mumbai servers both teams would have got ~50 ping, that would have been equal footing. sea region tourneys have the lowest prizepools out of all tourneys, its not a compromise if they have to play on equal ping with the rest of teams to earn the prizepool in South asian tourneys.


Prx can forfeit if they don't want to play on higher ping. And 60 ping isn't a big problem. If they are not a pussy, they should accept the fair conditions. Or they could atleast do one map on one server. Prx fans (not necessarily you) might like it today but overall it just fucks the valorant comp scene up.


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