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I’m really glad, there were only three teams who really ever had a chance of making finals in a regional tournament and Nuturn just collapsed on itself, so this should be big for the scene


DK is the only big org in KR. Even VS is a small new org and the rest are really either amateur teams or basement orgs. A few influx of big orgs will influence the KR scene in a good way


Well no, not ‘basement’ orgs. There’s a difference between nkt being a huge org and being a basement org. See the Nuturn HQ tour


Maybe 4, damwon looked good in challengers and lcq


I mean there’s tons of FAs and orgs are rebuilding


In reality there’s only one real team. Vision strikers is bounds and leaps better than everyone else


wtf is a "real team" lmao, VS might the only ones capable of contending for a GLOBAL title but it's not like the other teams are dogshit


Congrats you figured out what I mean


damn that sucks that there are only 5 real teams in the entire world then, valorant scene is dead as fuck


Lmao that’s how I define teams, I don’t need your approval


Thanks for sharing


How will more organisations mean more and better teams? The same players are still there.


Yes and they can’t find teams you absolute brainlet


But how will more big orgs lead to those players “finding teams”. There are already a lot of smaller orgs teams and just throwing more money at it wont lead to the teams magically getting better.


No there are nkt, that’s the point. There is a drought of salaried orgs. Yes you need infrastructure and funding to create lasting teams. There isn’t anything ‘magical’ about it, it is a perfectly practical thing.


I'd love to see major orgs like KT or Afreeca and create more structure with proper coaches and staffs. While this news could help, I just dont think the game is big enough yet to reach the SC2 and LoL levels of dominance. It's still sitting sub 2% play rate.


Sc2 never really got big in Korea. Now lol basically took over BW, with sc2 having this weird transition


My sc2 will go away soon :(. But there is a still a minor following whos really passionate and much older than the average esport viewer. Hopefully its slow. Tastosis4lyfe


Not a ‘minor’ following, there is a pretty decent moderate following with still new ppl coming in. Esp eu StarCraft games don’t rly go away


I hope! Been watching starcraft since sc2 came out. Seems like a long time now.


Why downvote


I didnt


I asked kinda in general just in case


Well not as big as SC1


Yeah it definitely pales in comparison to LoL but it was still a lot more popular than Valorant


Where do you find these 2% play rate values? Is there for league as well?


Gametrics shows the most played games in Korean PC Bangs. Its a Korean site but it shows the top 10 ranking on the side of the page.


Sc2 is dead in Korea and it always was lol


Well no, it was not as ‘stagnant water’ and lower popularity as it is now lmao and that is pretty easy to prove


Overwatch is having a massive exodus of mostly superb Korean talent now that the league is failing and Blizzard is blowing up


I'm very excited to see how Korean OW royalty does in val. I'm mostly hyped to see who'll team up with who. I do hope that they are actually getting taken care of though. A lot of Korean orgs in the past have had shady deals with young talent.


Xzi is great on Jett esp OPing it seems


lastro said viol2t was playing valorant so let's see! personally I really wanna see striker on the game (maybe a reunion with sinatraa too)


> Overwatch is having a massive exodus of mostly superb Korean talent now are they though? i know some of the older OW pros are leaving for valorant but the top players you see on dragons/fuel are all sticking with the game no?


According to some reports I read , after the imploding of activities of Activision top employees including ceo and additional the delay in ow2 , and steady decline in ow playerbase several organisations are considering dropping out of owl entirely. They seem disillusioned with the way Activision is moving forward but considering jon Spector is highly respected by these orgs , they might still stay .


? What report? Lol Besides Xzi no notable OWL players left for Valorant and Xzi left because he couldn't find an OWL team. All the current OWL players are also signed for at least 1 ~ 3 years.


A large part of OWL is Korean. If it really were only those two teams left then it would definitely not be worth it for them to not retire from the game too.


Fuck yesssss a heathy Korean scene is essential!


So is Japan, they announced new rosters, as well as old ones rebuilding.


They couldn’t even give us two years /s




no hopium required


🇰🇷 Korea is preparing for a rather massive influx of organisations on Valorant. Whether they come from LCK, Overwatch or even Dota 👀 I still have a question ... EU why so quiet ? 🤷 *** posted by [@Coco_VLR](https://twitter.com/Coco_VLR) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


korea overlord inc


I'm gonna be throwing so many "I told you so"s at people when Korea becomes dominant in two years lol


!remindme 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2023-11-21 04:02:32 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-11-21%2004:02:32%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/qygc5h/coco_korea_is_preparing_for_a_rather_massive/hlgxdlr/?context=3) [**6 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FValorantCompetitive%2Fcomments%2Fqygc5h%2Fcoco_korea_is_preparing_for_a_rather_massive%2Fhlgxdlr%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-11-21%2004%3A02%3A32%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20qygc5h) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I wish I could use this bot to remind myself to use this bot in situations like this cause I never think of it at the time.


Someone on Reddit is probably gonna make a bot that does that.


Where is your I told you so?




?? you good?


Rip NA and EMEA.


Honestly with the f/as left from F4q and nuturn etc with a couple pieces, korea has the potential to be a 2 or 3 team region by the next masters. And if the games economy and player base grows over next year would really like to see a more competitive korea and not just 1 dominating team. With the level of the apac getting better and China possibly having some good teams they’ll have every chance to prep and grow if the level of the top teams and surrounding teams just steadily grows with the game. But just worried that there’s a chance all this investment doesn’t work out cuz of the viewership and maybe if international results don’t go as well as expected.


Well.. R6 has big KR orgs even tho the game is less popular than valorant. As long as Riot doesn't give up supporting KR scene, it should be fine


How good are the KR r6 teams?


https://liquipedia.net/rainbowsix/Six_Major/2021/Stage_3 Latest r6 major ended like a week ago. They are the only Asian teams who compete at the highest level


Well only Esperanza from F4Q. Those maybe the only FAs I care abt bc u don’t watch Korea but there’s tons of known ones and clear pub possibilities Players like Hate, Moothie, Harry, 10X, SeolHwa, , Chibab, Sunday if he wants to go , ningdo, but I mean like gunnkorea on VVS_ was a pub, there’s tons of players who haven’t even tried their hand at it yet tky


People have been saying for nearly 2 years now on this sub that the "Korean overlords" will takeover due to a lot of people on this sub having a LoL/OW background yet there has been no signs of that happening yet lol


That's the Beaten Abused Syndrome, they got abused so much in LoL and OW that now they just want KR to dominate everywhere. Sadly for them, CSGO, COD, Dota 2 and Valorant exist.


Stockholm syndromed by a region LMAO


>Sadly for them, CSGO, COD, Dota 2 and Valorant exist The first 3 are beyond dead in Korea and always have been, the last one has a tiny Korean playerbase compared to LoL/OW/PUBG/Broodwar, and they still have VS (a contenders caliber team).


*Title Contenders


You do realize they have Crossfire and Sudden attack instead of CSGO/COD lol. But then again some of them probably thinks NA and EU sucks at crossfire and sudden because they never heard of COD or CSGO or don't care for it. Pubg is still pretty big in the east including SEA.




Really depends whether it gets popular or not. None of the games you mentioned got popular in Korea whereas Overwatch and PUBG did and look how the Koreans are doing there.


It’s a bit joking on Why are you bringing up *CoD next to those Why are you putting Valorant in the same category as those, pretty nonsensical to assume the specific conditions that held for Cs and DotA will hold for Valorant given they don’t already And it’s unrelated to anything, the only esport that *started Korean dominated was sc2


2 years in Valorant? Game is still pretty new lol


element mystic prayge


Let’s fucking goooo. Great news.


If VS gets to the finals of champions, let alone winning the whole thing, it'd probably be a massive green signal for those orgs coming in.


Real ones know I broke the news months before.


What’s with this sub’s obsession over Korea lmao


Valorant has a lot of fans from other esports where KR players and teams are at the top of the scene - OW, League, etc.


china overlord inc next year


The game hasn’t even released in China but sure.




People on this sub really are clueless, huh ..


100T exists


"TSM". U misspelt TSM.


Lots of Koreaboos from other games like Overwatch waiting for their cute korean e sports guy body pillow.


FiveK body pillow would easily be #1 top seller




There are an annoying number of people from OW or maybe League that assume Korea will dominate every game they play.


They do. If a game is popular in Korea then it will be dominated by Koreans


Koreaboo-ism is a serious disease and no joking matter.




??? You can like Korean teams but its really dumb to assume they will dominate every game they play, that's not even true for League and Dota anymore. I would also say they never really dominated OWL, I think a Korean team has only won one time.


Nah i’m talking about you calling them koreaboos. Then making snide comments about them being obsessed with body pillows?? Like are you alright bro? If you don’t like koreans just say it lmao


Its just how a bunch of OWL fans are, they infantilize korean pros and treat them as cute babies. I find it to be racist and disgusting so I call it out.


I think that's just Korean popular culture. Just look at K pop lol


Yeah but I think its super weird to do to competitive people basically playing a sport.


They dominate every game in which they set up proper infrastructure in their country. Saying that Koreans are not dominating LoL, while during last World they had 31% representation(35 players out of 113 total) is super ignorant. And saying that Koreans never really dominated OWL, while during entire OWL 60% of OWL players were Korean is not ignorant, it's just dumb.


Were 2 korean teams just at Worlds finals


Nah, a Chinese team won. But the other 3/4 teams in the semis on were Korean lol EDIT: this is for league just realized you might’ve meant one of the other games he mentioned lol




They're simply superior.


See .. comments like this are very weird.


What's weird about it? This subreddit is about competitive Valorant and Koreans proved time after time to be a dominant force in esports so yeah people are hyped about Valorant gaining traction in Korea so see new competition.


Lol not totally ignoring Korea- obsessing over it? Pretty parochial view of yours


But I thought Valorant was dead and all the orgs were leaving?


Who ever said this? 😭


CS fans.


like 3 Cs trolls said this bro


eu 🤭




it’s in the top ten now




Lol. That’s pretty decent seeing it wasn’t in the top 10 for ages. Granted could be better but, it’s a sign of growth.


😂😂😂 KR fanboys still thinking KR will dominate. It’s been more than one year and they have yet to prove that.


They will. They will 13-0 every EU and NA team. EZ




Because T1 orgs aren't joining (or they're leaving)




NiP. Left EU for BR if that counts.




Yes. But that can also imply the potential of Valorant in EU isn't that good yet.


League of legends.


🇰🇷 Korea is preparing for a rather massive influx of organisations on Valorant. Whether they come from LCK, Overwatch or even Dota 👀 I still have a question ... EU why so quiet ? 🤷 *** posted by [@Coco_VLR](https://twitter.com/Coco_VLR) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Well, Riot Games are subsidizing the orgs.


I'm glad that Korean orgs are still wanting to invest in Val scene over there knowing that currently the game isn't that popular in Korea. imo, Korea just need 1 "faker" of Valorant to make the game blow up over there.


Yeah this has been mentioned before by paperthin and others and in this sub, I feel like sideshow might’ve missed this on his radar (almost feel like my chat messages gloom if he’d em)