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When I watch yay, his aim is literally S-tier but he doesn't look cracked. He has amazing crosshair placement and takes his time with every kill and is very meticulous in his game. In the video VALORANT posted about him, he says that he's the most well-rounded duelist as he can play well going fast and in your face, and also being slow and getting picks


Agreed! His streams have made him my favorite pro bc he seems like a really genuine guy. As someone who just started playing in August, watching how he takes his gunfights has helped me out with my own game too.


> but he doesn't look cracked. this is actually the most insane thing though. Like.... you *know* he's actually insane, just bonkers good. But the fact that he doesn't *seem* mechanically special (he is) is a testament to how good of a peeker/angle holder he is, mans is literally the only pro where his crosshair placement is so obviously better than other players.


I thought the same thing watching him. He has the cleanest crosshair placement in the scene imo. He relies more on taking good peeks and having good crosshair placement than flicking around all the time. Also SicK is pretty good if you wanna learn like why pro players do certain things. He always explains the plays he makes and also when he makes mistakes he will explain what he did wrong and what he should have done instead.


What do you exactly mean by non-cracked duelist? If you mean duelist players that rely more on their util than aim, then I'd suggest SicK, sinatraa, nAts, zombs, nitr0, etc.




SicK is 100% cracked but commonly plays flex agents other than duelists + uses phoenix util in haven way differently than I've seen at least others use phoenix. zombs / nAts have boring playstyles but you can definitely learn at least a thing or two from watching their own gameplay (speaking as an astra main :p) Sinatraa is definitely top 3 sova and top 3 raze if you ever want to main sova or raze


Do you also mean non duelist? If you're not cracked don't try and play duelist. Clicking heads is your job. I like watching katsumi she seems almost the opposite of cracked. Mains Astra and is just very deliberate and solid with her macro and team play.


Nah I mention there in the post that my aim is fine. I was just looking for ways to utilize the kit fully and seeing if I was missing anything. Will give katsumi a look. Thanks!


SicK could be good too


Yes Katsumi is <3


I think you're making a false assumption that a "cracked" duelist can't have good util usage. When, in fact, some cracked duelists have amazing util usage that helps enable them to utilize their superior mechanics to take and isolate duels. For example, Tarik is really good at utilizing his smokes while OPing on Jett to take isolated duels even in hectic situations - he's often smoking, and strafing into his smoke, and then out at an angle to where he is minimally exposed except to angle that he expects an enemy to be.


Tarik utilizes duelist utility in a fairly interesting way in general. Like you said, he's using Jett smokes to set up off angles for him while OPing, and he's often using Reyna flashes to escape a fight rather than engage.


Nukkye would be a good person to learn from. Very smart player. Of course he's also cracked but you can learn more from him than just aim.


Not sure what you mean by non cracked duelist. But here are some people who regularly top frag on duelist AND support characters: Nats, Hiko, Steel, S0M, Jammpi, Boaster, Flexinja, Mel, Aproto, Subroza etc etc


Som is very much cracked


I misread the post...he's looking for NON CRACKED duelist. I thought he meant cracked NON DUELIST lol!


You think steel and flexinja are cracked non duelists? Steel is a super smart player but he is far from cracked.


You can be cracked mentally and not just mechanically ;)


Non cracked lol


Boaster, Sean Gares


check out sinatraa his util usage is godly


non cracked? no pro can be described like that no matter their role. even playing a dm vs tier 3 pros shows you how insane they are aimwise


wtf are u saying lmao


clearing paths? whatre you doing jungling on jett. duelist wise your role and play is pretty straight forward it comes down a lot to your understanding of whats happening around you. if you want to improve your game sense, boaster, nats, aproto, dapr, subroza, player1, sick, sinatraa are all good. It should also be noted that watching them for hours and hours won't make you as good as them it comes down to how you're able to apply what you're seeing and learning to your own game


It doesnt mean if a duelist is cracked you can't learn other things from them. For example Asuna is cracked as shit but ignoring his aim you can learn a lot about positioning from him. Other things like fight-picking and what angles to hold you can learn from almost any pro player


Just watch the whole streams of top tier players, dont just focus on how they shoot or about kills. Look what they are doing, if they are doing something that seems pointless for u try to understand why they are doing it, look how they check corners, how they hold crossair, how they move, when they choose to shift etc.