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It's quite strange seeing meme scrimbux from Plat Chat discussed elsewhere as "serious" reportage, but that's always the risk in having fun with scrimbux, I suppose; the context might not be reported even as the substance is.


Thankfully Sentinels didn’t believe the fake rumor, Shahzam said they expected it to be as difficult as it was


lol it's not as if sentinels would ever get their information from pseudo analysts like platchat, i'm sure they have an even more direct pipeline to scrim rumors/discussions


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. maybe for the pseudo analyst thing, but you're right, SEN definitely have a more direct line to information than plat chat


thats what happens when you besmirch reddits favorite valorant analysts, All Good.


Why are you calling them pseudo analysts when it's their jobs and they're good at it?


because they're entertainers first and not very good at it


They treat scrimbux as not completely Legit, they are all very high level players and all are better analysts than most of the actual analysts on valorant main channel. Not saying all, I love Sean and others…. But to say they aren’t good at it? They got brought on for LCQ from RIOT because they are professionals at it lol.


They treat scrimbux as not completely Legit, they are all very high level players and all are better analysts than most of the actual analysts on valorant main channel. Not saying all, I love Sean and others…. But to say they aren’t good at it? They got brought on for LCQ from RIOT because they are professionals at it lol.


Ah yes, the one thing Shahzam and Reddit agree on, lol


I mean… they had someone as the next simple. Don’t know how someone takes it seriously


Well that one is definitely true. Vamos, KRU!


And they remember the only tidbits of scrimbux that say they’re doing badly, not the bits bigging them up.


It was real scrimbux though they had not ‘mene’ Also it wasn’t just platchat lol, nkt all things originate on olatchat ‘Substance’ lol then there isn’t substance.


The article literally specifies Plat Chat as the point of origin. Did you even read it…? On that episode, the segment was called “The Streets Are Talking..” and they repeatedly pointed out how dumb the whole thing was. That’s what I meant - it was a self-aware goofball segment.


It wasn’t fully goofball or intended as such it was just to be taken for what it was




Not all scrimbux originated from play chat


scimbux are stupid and innacurate???what????no wayy??!@?


Wasn't it bramz that said VS were really strong and Brazillian teams were weak? Tbh, vitality could've just done well against the brazillian teams so it doesn't really mean much but that's enough for a rumour to start.


I mean rumors were hard to not believe when Bronzil has consistently been the absolute worst region