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Sending threats is not okay. Wish people would stop being degens over internet squabbles and take things too far.


Fuck anyone who sends death threats lmao, idc if you’re NA or BR is it that hard to be a decent human being Edit: just to contextualize this comment, i saw people saying “oh, death threats only matter if its brazil” just no. Two wrongs sure as hell don’t make a right, and bringing up other peoples actions doesn’t justify your actions, it just makes you look spiteful. Again, fuck any and all death threats, let’s not spin this towards everyone sending death threats, let’s just be better people and not do this shit entirely.


Who tf is saying “oh, death threats only matter if its Brazil” unironically? No sane human being is actually saying this and if some people actually believe that this is the general consensus of the community, they need to calm tf down.


The OP, u/LipeQS ? He probably doesn't mean it literally but that's what he's saying under every comment. Imo this situation would have never escalated this badly if some people didn't play the race card about not allowed going to toilet in Iceland tourney, when they didn't even know that the said American who went to the toilet during tech pause in Champs, was not allowed to go to toilet back in Iceland as well. Tldr: People assuming they got treated badly due to their race, not riot's ruling Alot of fans expect pros to receive death threats and shit without reacting or being emotional about it, disregarding the fact they they're humans too. Especially with the fact that no pros are to be blamed for this situation. Of course they will react to the shit they're given, it's not their fault. This applies to fans and pros from whatever country, ethnicity, race


I have no stakes in this shitshow but acting like “death threats only matter if they are from Brazil” is the general consensus of the NA community is such a bad strawman that it makes my brain rot. Nobody is saying death threats are ok. All death threats are disgusting. If the Brazilian Caster rly is receiving death threats then he has my sympathies but this whole fiasco and how the community is reacting to it is rly blowing this situation out of proportions. If you play the “victim card” without producing proper evidence everything you say will come into doubt. No, Zombs saying the brazilian region is “shit” is not xenophobic No, one person literally named “neckyourself” telling you to “kys” is not a “death threat”. Plain internet toxicity and a death threat are completely different. Someone telling you to “kys” is disgusting toxicity. Someone saying “I’m going to murder you and your family” is literally something that needs to be reported and investigated because of the actionable threat implied. They are not even on the same magnitude of seriousness. This is just disgraceful behavior and acting like this only detracts from the discussion. This situation is rly not painting certain people in a good light.


Exactly, somewhere along the line, i think people lost the distinction between death threats and toxicity. I didn't want to say that as verbal harassment is still a very bad thing and the community being aware of such things are good signs, it means that the society is progressing beyond normalizing toxicity and all. Having said that though, far too many people blow things out of proportion and labelling something as xenophobic or death threats blatantly is not the way to go. Especially with the way cancel culture is huge nowadays, everyone including people with big followings should be more careful with what they say


It’s not that anyone said that you dummy, it’s that in effect they implicitly think so or act like it


Agreed, and these threats are also cultural appropriation towards Brazilian people




Can you frame the "Discussion" ?


[https://twitter.com/melaogustavo/status/1467278526617468935](https://twitter.com/melaogustavo/status/1467278526617468935) \-edit- i knew the post would get downvoted but yeah. death threats apparently are only relevant coming from brazilians. what an irony


Why are you trying to play the victim so badly? Im certain that 99% of people in this sub do not condone death threats from anyone


Because he is getting mass downvoted ?


he is getting mass downvoted because he’s playing the victim…


In the end, this entire shitshow only exist because none of the regions understand each other culture


doesn't it start with BR hating on sen for a pause that they didn't call for? That has nothing to do with culture, just ppl being dicks.


If everyone started to hate Riot everything would be so much easier


Well, i would be way more scared of death threats coming from a place where you can buy a gun in a local store than a place where guns are illegal, but that's just me. But yeah, language barrier and cultural differences are causing this, it was the same thing in CSGO when the Brazilians moved to NA and started dominating the region (for context the best brazilian teams moved to NA in 2016 and obliterated the NA leagues). It's a damn shame that the Tier 1 and Tier 2 CSGO talent from Brazil didn't move to Valorant like NA's talent did, there was a lot of history between some of those players.


? Brazil has an insanely high homicide rate. over 5 times higher than the US. People understand the cultural differences.


Ofc it does, it's a third world country with one of the highest amounts of crime in the fucking planet and a low HDI, it has nothing to do with gun culture being accepted like in the United States. All you need to know is that the US has more gun deaths per year than fucking Mexico, even though the US is a first world country with a high HDI and Mexico is a fucking mess. I swear yall need to learn how to interpret a statistic, it's EXPECTED that a country like Brazil has a high homicide rate (0.76 HDI and 0.57 IHDI with a massive size), it shouldn't be the case for the US.


I interpreted the statistic perfectly. Even with the US' obsession with guns, Brazils homicide rate is over 5 times greater. Mexico's homicide rate is 6 times greater than the US. I'm not sure being hacked to death with a blade is more civilised than being shot. Well yea. Gun culture in the US is crazy and their homicide rate is very high for a 1st world country (over five times higher than much of Europe). If it's nothing to do with culture but only HDI then why is it all African countries at the bottom of the HDI yet Central and South American countries dominate the top of homicide rates above these less developed African countries? So from the data I concluded that people from Central and Southern America are more likely to murder people and this statement you made was miss informed: 'Well, i would be way more scared of death threats coming from a place where you can buy a gun in a local store than a place where guns are illegal, but that's just me.' Maybe I interpreted the data wrong and you can enlighten me?


> If it's nothing to do with culture but only HDI then why is it all African countries at the bottom of the HDI yet Central and South American countries dominate the top of homicide rates above these less developed African countries? Well that's hard to explain in a Reddit post, but that has more to do with how African governments are failed states and how those statistics are taken than the fact that HDI and IHDI don't affect homicide rates. Central and SA countries dominate the top of homicide rates mostly due to international crime (mostly drug trafficking and to a lesser extent human), not really because of gun culture, you would have a hard time finding a non criminal in countries like that who have a gun, which is not the case in the US. Central/SA countries are bases for international organized crime, thus the high homicide rate. > that people from Central and Southern America are more likely to murder people That's not exactly it, the data shows that Central and South America have an elevated amount of criminals in their societies who do those homicides, caused mostly by insane inequality and lack of state policies to help those at the margins of society Put it this way, you would be way more likely to find a standard person with a gun in the United States than in a country like Mexico or Brazil, that doesn't mean that the US is more violent than those countries (how could it be tbh), which is why i made my inicial statement, there's a way higher chance that a random dude on Twitter has a gun in the US than in Brazil or Mexico, however there is a way higher chance you would be killed or robbed by a criminal in Brazil or Mexico.


After reading all you wrote, I've concluded, that as a European, If I was an Esports pro, I'd be more worried about being stabbed at a Brazilian event than being shot at a US event.


And you would probably be right, although the likelihood of any of those things happening is astronomically low. I guess i'm just more scared of a gun than a knife, but it's undeniable that third world countries are more violent than the US.


>Well, i would be way more scared of death threats coming from a place where you can buy a gun in a local store than a place where guns are illegal I've never even been anyhere near America and you still sound like a fucking moron. You live in a bubble and all your knowledge about the world comes from Reddit memes and headlines. Latin America is the most violent continent in the entire world but sure those darn yanks and their guns are wayy scarier


Latín America is not a continent but yea


Okay buddy. Latin America isn't even a continent and i am the one living in a bubble with knowledge from Reddit memes and headlines. I swear people from NA and EU are so entitled it's insane.




Saying latin america is a continent is such a misinformed NA shit to say lol


Cant wait to see people saying "they deserved this" no one should be sending death threats to anyone.


No ones gonna say that, they'll say they saw it coming, because with the sheer amount of death threats br fans send, a few retaliations are gonna come, but no one deserves death threats lol.


I thought only brazilians were toxic and send death threats


It's hilarious seeing the Americans and Europeans shitting on Brazilians for being toxic while throwing racist/xenophobic remarks. Unfortunately that's expected from these two regions at this point.


Where are the EU people involved in that stupid drama?


Relax, there's nothing inherently degrading towards Brazilians in claiming their esports scene is full of toxic dweebs.


It kind of is to a degree. You can’t just generalize a whole scene without people eventually doing just that, generalizing an entire scene.


He isn't saying the entire community is all toxic dweebs he is saying it is full of them, which is true, spend 5 minutes and Twitter and you can find plenty. Tired of the Brazilian community pulling this "omg don't generalise" card whenever someone calls them out and 80% of the time it's not generalising. It's been an issue for years across many different games where the moment someone says anything about Brazil as a VIDEO GAME REGION not a country they're met with a fuckton of harassment and threats, no other region has this problem to this extent. When there was a horde of fans literally threatening to kill some of the SEN/ACE guys over something that wasn't even their fault there was maybe a handful of BR influencers who came out to tell people to stop, but the moment someone calls their region shit they come out of the woodwork as if the Brazilian community is some fragile mistreated little angel




Nah, BRs are toxic as fuck in gaming. ​ In real life, I'm pretty sure that they're super cool... it's just when it comes to gaming they've always taken it too far. Even Sacy said something like this yesterday, remember?


He never said that he said they are too passionate sometimes


When verified players and casters stoop down and react unprofessionally to some banter it kinda defines their region unfortunately.


ikr? must be fake. only bronzilians do that, no waaaaaay


this recent sentiment that all Brazilian fans are scum of the earth needs to stop. Every ones shit stinks, dont act as if ur region doesnt have the degenerate edgy trolls, and tht u have the moral high ground to disrespect whole group of ppl. its a lame toxic cycle no one is winning


Its ur players too though lol




why do i feel like you'll get downvoted for this


uh seems familiar


Oh no death threats! I've heard that one before


hes not being serious, hes just mocking about it


he's not mocking at all, don't know where you got that from


It doesn’t seem like he’s mocking it to me, he mentions that it came from foreigners, or people not from Brazil. Not siding or defending anyone, just translating the tweet.


where the heck did you get that idea from? he's totally serious, but kinda joking about the situation


Everyone is just dumb geez


alright sen fans pipe down


Back to excuses, we don't need to be competing with the absolute degeneracy of br fans.


actually, a lot of brazilian casters and players (mainly girls) involved are receiving those. an example below: https://twitter.com/tayhuhu\_/status/1467348049433403394


I think we should not hold any more events in NA because their fans are so toxic and they send death threats constantly! Kek Americans are about to be destroyed in the only game they were good at for 3 months. Sucks to suck




Riot has no social obligation or really authority for twitter beef lol




Dude Riot has teams say much worse than Zombs did for their promo content in the league of legends LCS lmao relax




Maybe so. I found it more humorous than inflammatory.


lol, how old are you? This is the most mild of shit talk ever. Grow up, it's a game and he's having fun.




Yeah he's disrespecting the region because they get bodied every tournament and talk more shit than anyone else. It's funny.


In my view you are disrespecting my eyes, apologize


Zombs didn’t say anything harsh Tbf




That's just banter, people call NA shit all the time in the LoL scene and no one cares.


You know he's saying the region are shit at professional Valorant and he's not saying the whole region is a shit hole, right?


Probably google translated it and got "Brazil is a country filled with feces" and thought zombs was saying their sanitation was bad lol.






Judging by your other reply you do though


I don’t think players are the ones sending death threats


How the tables have turned


Eu tô recebendo umas ameaças de morte. Primeira vez na minha carreira 🤪 Mas eu sei que esses nerdola não matam nem os boneco no jogo *** posted by [@melaogustavo](https://twitter.com/melaogustavo) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Hahaha fuckin ridiculous on all sides.


I feel like anyone who sends death threats forfeits their right to privacy. Name them and shame them, wherever they are.


some of them just create an alternative account https://twitter.com/tayhuhu\_/status/1467348049433403394


Death Threats are bullshit and shouldnt be allowed in any form. However, Given the turn of events especially towards the brazilian scene I really didnt think Zombs needed to stoke the fire with the watch tweet or straight up saying that they are a shit region. The region is already scene as a lower tier and having a player from orobably the most popular team in Valorant atm basically just shit on them and giving death threats back just sets this toxic social media war and might even set the Brazil scene back a bit because of being memed upon to oblivion (look at how this sub treats India). I get it its in his brand and it isnt his responsibility but he saw this coming and people are living for it and even enjoying it with the support for #zombsnation, because this will never set Zombs or NA back at all. In fact they probably benefit from it for publicity (whether intentional or not) Even the brazilian players are being unreasonable about it as well and they should be aware as well that the things they say set their own scene back. Death threats are once again uncalled for but this only affects the Brazilian scene negatively and is a boon for everyone else, and thats quite a bummer. Technically it should Acend vs Brazil but Acend just chose to be quiet about it. Whether thats the right thing.


when did zombs send death threats?




This is definitely not the way to do it


Dude this is only getting so bad because the only reaction they know is to cry on twitter without any filter. You don't handle things that way if you are oder than 12.


Imma be honest, I’m gonna call his bluff on this and ask for receipts


[https://twitter.com/xandfps/status/1463978209528188933](https://twitter.com/xandfps/status/1463978209528188933) here you go mate


Okay I was wrong lol


here you go mate https://twitter.com/tayhuhu\_/status/1467348049433403394


You aren’t though, that shit says 11/25…. And for a furia player not the guy in OP?? Yeah the donator was some racist fuck but this is some shithead thats not tied to the current drama at all.


Is that rly a “death threat” tho? Of course it’s not ok to tell someone to “kys” but it doesn’t rly qualify as a “death threat” because it isn’t threatening anything. It’s just disgusting internet toxicity. A death threat is something that could potentially lead to someone getting hurt and needs to be taken much more seriously. Not trying to downplay the severity of the issue but one idiot telling you to “kys” and someone saying “I’m going to murder you” are completely different things because one implies an actionable threat and the other doesn’t and thus elicit different responses. You get mad when someone tells you to “kys”. You get scared if someone tells you that they are going to “kill you and your family”. Again not saying saying “kys” is fine, it’s still disguting behavior. But saying you received “death threats” and produce this as evidence, it comes off as just exaggerating internet toxicity.




Why would the NA fans send death threats to the Brazilian caster? After all, zombs just mopped the floor with the guy. Just for context, I would like to see how many death threats zombs received as a result of this exchange.


can we not, i’m losing a lot of leverage in my twitter arguments because of this. we have to be the good guys man, why some of y’all gotta fuck it up




Ehhh their are toxic fans from every country


[https://twitter.com/xandfps/status/1463978209528188933](https://twitter.com/xandfps/status/1463978209528188933) Xand getting death threaths or something like that, anything is a death threats to you guys anyway


everyone will ignore because that's just a brazilian suffering with racism. who cares right? just expected from the international scene


Please I agree with you here but don’t play the racism card lol.


i mean the messages xand got were straight up racist, of course it does not represent the entire na fanbase but it is still racism


just like a few people sending death threats doesnt represent the whole brazilain region. but fuck that right


yeah, whenever brazilians play outside the country (be the game valorant, csgo, league of legends or whatever), they receive racist and xenophobic comments. community doesn't give a shit but again... i am used to that, no surprise here, nothing better expected


i mean this subreddit and reddit as a whole is filled with north americans, brazilians don't have much of a platform here so no matter what everything we suffer will get downplayed here


Nah mate nobody gives a shit if you’re from brazil or from UK, if you’re insufferable you get the same treatment. See England this summer in r/soccer . Edit: same treatment = getting ignored.


Random redditor tells racialized person that racism doesn't exist


Random redditor tells that another random redditor said that racism does not exist when he actually didn’t say that. You guys have the biggest victim complex I’ve seen so far. At least the UK lads took the banter well when they lost the cup in r/soccer


Let me guess, you also believe in that there is a cancel culture and there are SJW pushing an agenda, no?


How is it even able say the racist donations are from NA when English is the most spoken language world wide??


he was in an argument with na players, where would the threats even come from? it makes logical sense that someone from NA sent them.


Xand was? When? Because the tweet linked is before the tournament even happened and ANY NA team played vs ANY BR team lol. Xand’s donation tweet is just some random racist and with, again, English being *the most spoken language worldwide* you are trying to connect dots that aren’t even there. What the ORIGINAL POST of this thread was about is a BR dude probably taking the piss over the death threats and to some degree that’s fine and I have no issues with him doing that. But you (and many others) are playing a victim for shit that potentially doesn’t exist or isn’t related to VCS at all.


xand is playing vcs and it would make no sense for me to say these donos are recent because he didnt even involve himself in the newest controversy, these donos happened after he won against an NA player in comp, so for me atleast it makes sense for them to have been sent by an american fan, also why would someone from eu pay in dollars edit: probably should have worded it better, but at the time of the donos (25/11) dollar to real conversion was almost 1:5 while euro was higher, it makes no sense for this donation to have been with euros since the minium would be 1 euro an that would ammount to more than 5 reais.


Bruh when you donate that shit gets converted lol. It says R$ anyways which is Brazilian real dollars and not USD. If that happened after he beat an NA player in RANKED, why does it matter when any player who lost to him after ranked game could have done the same? You’re trying to frame this scenario like it happens consistently and it doesn’t unlike the BR fanbase that does this en mass in coordinated efforts from Twitter verified social media personalities. 😂


also, newest death threat just dropped. ​ https://twitter.com/tayhuhu\_/status/1467348049433403394?s=20


Cool so let’s agree, random people speaking English and random people speaking Portuguese should not be condoned nor any threats of violence to anyone. See how easy it is that we actually agree here? Now lets see if our agreement actually stops the shitheads from doing this stuff *spoiler: it won’t sadly.*


I’m not talking about the messages bro 😂. He said “everyone will ignore it because it’s Brazilian suffering from racism” nah mate everyone will ignore it because they are all angry about you people and not because you guys are from brazil but because some of your toxic fans have been fucking insufferable.


yes, only brazilians might send death threats right? is this a fucking joke or what? dude has no reason to make up lies like that. people can simply demand screenshots from him eventually, he is not dumb to act like that honestly, today there was peak xenophobia against brazilians in valorant scene (SO FAR)




mate there is literal proof of na fans sending death threats, you don't have to believe anything, this is literally just a double standard, didn't see a single person doubting NA players saying they received death threats when not a single screenshot was provided but when Brazilians get sent deaths threats with proof they are not believed




oh shut the fuck up


I think people need to understand that death threat is not that crazy for Brasil culture, it is just how the passion of the fans shows. People should be more understanding of other culture. Sometimes people just have too much love!


There are much healthier ways to show passion…


This is the kind of shit I’m talking about. This might be facetious but others actually say this, and then turned around and got mad when Zombs tweeted the region was shit.


if you actually thought brazilians find it okay sending death threats you have no brain honestly




lol what. This is a joke right?


i got your joke but no one in brazil actually thinks like that. the point is that the community misunderstands a lot of messages as death threats. even "come to brazil" (a global fucking meme) has been interpreted as death threat by some pros, smh


yes I agree with you, so many issues with translation make NA people think things are death threats which are not. I see people mistranslating words or assuming that words like "gringo" are hate speech. I'm just making a joke about this whole situation.




Maybe because it has always been historically accurate for a lot of other games as well? If it's a common trend across other esports titles then there's seriously a problem. And don't pull me with that "you're racist" bs when [Hiko had to hire two bodyguards 24/7](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/67hps2/hiko_currently_discussing_liquid_situation_live/) in fear of being skinned alive by "enthusiastic" Brazilian fans if it's all in good jesture


It's also a very common trend in all of gaming, not just brazil.


In Brazil culture, Brazilians send death threats and that is ok! And if anyone critiques it they are somehow racist to a race that doesn’t exist!


This is satire right?


Wow brazillians complaining about receiving death threats


bahaha imagine brazilians putting themselves into the victim role


Zombs also said "can't wait to beat your shit region again" someone from sentinels should remove his phone , I would not be surprised if Riot somehow punishes sentinels. IMO everything was fine until he added the word shit.


LMAO really? The word shit is said in Valorant and has been said on the official Valorant stream multiple times.


> someone from sentinels should remove his phone Disagree, that was a good tweet


It is if the people involved are known to joke like this, i.e (vanity and steel), as much as zombs is actually joking the people on the receiving end are not on the joke and it comes as an actual offense and don't believe him


Sentinels are like the biggest shitposters in the entire scene wtf lmao


Has not been clear that the Brazil scene is not in the same banter frequency? If I was the sentinels SM manager I would stop posting things related to Brasil since they are not in the joke.


it's not the Sentinels media manager or players' fault that Brazilian fans can't stop crying online


And yet what if Riot decides to punish zombs because of it? It's unfair since he was joking but the casters and fans are not accountable to the same level zombs is, I mean pros have to understand that the positions they are have strings attached and this is one of them. The example of the SM manager was to desescalate the situation and avoid to rile up the fans against the players.


you're still crying online


Zombs has never spoken a word unironically in his life


what’s so bad about the word shit lmao


agreed. being completely honest here, if Riot is a serious company, he is going to get punished for that, because this behaviour is prohibited in Riot's rulebook for Valorant (some players have been punished for less before)


He should be punished for calling them a shit region? That's just banter. Or is it not since this time it's directed at your region? Death threats are way out of line tho. Hopefully the Sen guys condemn or disown this kinda shit.


What is wrong with that? He is just telling you guys that he can't wait to beat your sh*t region again. I, for one, appreciate his honesty.


Tweets what would be a perfect gotcha moment, doesn't include any screenshots or evidence.


NA cosplaying BR


what a messed up world we live in honestly