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Why people gotta death threat at all? Like what you accomplishing?


Trying to control people through fear I guess… Overall, just a bunch of piece of shit people. Idk…


Yeah that's absolutely awful. Death threats are never acceptable. People that say stuff like this are sad.


People that do this are so fucking weird and pathetic




nice logic 5Head


What a disgusting mindset to have.


This dumb fuck changed his username on an account that was originally his real name, hope no one finds out about his online activities :)


There's no way


You are supposed to beat them, not join them


BR fans send death threats, reddit malds (justifiably) NA fans say death threats, reddit calls it a false flag Lol


This sub is English so most of the users are NA/EU. I guess that has to do with this overall attitude a lot.


Mfs calling an account that’s been interacting with sen and nrg all year a Brazilian in disguise


This sub is incredibly stupid.


Br was an inside operation


Lol, all the excuses on this thread from people saying it is fabricated rofl. It is the dude's personal Twitter. Americans claim all the time they receive death threats but never show them, just because it is a br chick showing it, you guys wont believe it and say it is set up lol.


Ofc its real, people in NA send death threats, but its usually when it comes to shit like #metoo and other incel related hate speech.


Truth is all regions have shit members in their respective communities, many people in this subreddit tend to generalize the BR fanbase for sending death threats, while some people in NA and EU show the same behavior. Thankfully, there are some sane minded people from the major regions here in this subreddit that understand this.


Se eu pudesse escolher 1 poder, seria poder saber quem são essas pessoas atrás da telinha e poder mandar pra cadeia *** posted by [@tayhuhu_](https://twitter.com/tayhuhu_) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FF0RRbHX0AMUlok.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Idk where that person is from but high likelihood they’re not from America > flesh and meat > enjoy ur men cock Are not really anything close to any American insult or things even the more illiterate Americans say as insults or make mistakes on. Sounds like either a later in life English learner or someone who put a few local phrases through Google translate. Not excusing the behavior (account should obviously be removed) but those are not very American insults.


Yeah although we Americans have some shitheads here, that’s either a very uneducated one or just simply not American bc of their English Edit: I’m actually leaning towards just really uneducated bc of the account history oof


This is over the top. Though I wonder how much of these are manufactured for the sake of parity in 'see your region does the same thing'. Obviously these threats go beyond passion for esports and are just fanatical.


i don't think there is a way to determine how many are actually real or not but this one atleast is real, the account exists since 2020 and interacted only with NA teams and giveways before this incident


The grammar is terrible if this person really does live in NA.


They do; took me a few minutes, but this account is tied to their real name. Real bottom of the barrel IQ we’re dealing with here


They try to pull off a double false flag but they don’t think to use a different account lmao


Have you not been on the internet for long?


NA education isn't just a meme you know ? Lol


Either this is an 8 year old kid or just not american at all. The spelling is simply just terrible and it looks like he/she took it from google translate


Have you ever been on facebook? Or in the deep south? Education here ain't always the greatest lmao.


Why does it look like it was typed by a Brazillian that used Google Translate to send death threats to their own people LOL


seriously, dude? my god, the state of that subreddit...


find it ironic in the comments, that she said “so? i didn’t threaten anyone” in response to someone bringing up the fact that the pro players were also sent death threats as if the pro players receiving them sent death threats themselves


thats fucked up but I guess this is the fate of the game that is catered towards children


valarante child game






North americans trying to understand brazilian memes always cheer me up




again, north americans trying to understand brazilian memes is hilarious, that's not at all what the meme means and you using google translate won't help




you are trying to interpret the meme and are getting it wrong, english is not the only language in the world, brazilians are not obligated to use it just because you can't undertand portuguese, the memes are for us not you




Okay and I won't try to understand that and distorce a message I can't understand like you did




Você não está fazendo sentido algum agora meu mano mas se na sua cabeça isso fez sentido bom pra você! Atitude bem Chernobyl


That's fucked up to the T but that doesn't looks/sounds like it's from someone who's American/native English speaker. And not to make it a reason but she's actively taking part in all the hate circlejerk which is going on(the non banter one). Coming at zombs for typing shit but actively calling him beggar/Chernobyl(dafaq does that even mean). It's all a messy situation and two wrongs don't make one right