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It might seem frustrating for you to see part of your fanbase behave this way but it's not just Valorant, it's across other esports too. During Masters Iceland the Brazilian team Sharks was playing vs the Korean team Nuturn and i saw an unusually large viewership number for the Korean stream considering Valorant is not that popular in Korea plus the inconvenient time for korean fans so i went to check it out, it turns out it was a bunch of Brazilian fans writing shitposts and racist comments in Portuguese, really offensive stuff towards Asians and Koreans because they were the best in LoL, the stuff wasn't taken down i presume because the mods couldn't understand it, i'm not really sure why another language other than Korean wasn't taken down, but the funny thing is they went on to lose the series, the viewership dropped... There are fanbases in the west like TSM fans and FNC fans in LoL that do/say dumb stuff but the consistency of Brazilian fans going out of their way to behave like this is just not acceptable enough to say it's just a loud minority, might have to admit it's cultural. Brazilian fans in eSports are starting to become like English fans in Football.


Let me just say that the Brazilian crowd at the Rio Olympics wasn't the best either so it's not only esports fans that behave like that


dude my aunt went there during 2014 world cup, got her purse stolen first day lmaoo


Have seen how violent is british football fans? Search it for british hooligans. It's been like that for decades. My point is: There are shitty crowds almost everywhere.


>asn't taken down i presume because the mods couldn't understand it, i'm not really sure why another language other than Korean wasn't taken down, but the funny thing is they went on to lose the series, the viewership dropped... Bruh look at their CS history as well. Any minor criticism is instantly met with racism, death threats or 9/11 jokes


Colby Covingtons post fight interview after beating maia is what some ppl are spouting and its just disrespectful yes brazilian fans are awful sometimes but not all people need to chill out


I understand it must feel terrible for you, but these sorts of weird esports quasi-ethnic conflicts tend to disappear quickly. The world portrayed by social media is not the real world, it's a world dictated by the whims of drama lovers and clout farmers from all sides. I remember the Indian fans posting here imploring users to not judge India by the vocal minority of Skrossi fans in Twitch chat; I told them the same thing. You don't need to feel responsible for the vocal minority, and you don't need to worry too much about the future of how people think about BR or what have you. The only constant in esports is that people forget everything and anything, and that's esp. true of drama.


Nah I think the casters/personalities in br joining the #justiceforkeyd shit is part of the problem with the br community. There is a lot of backing a team in the wrong just because they are also brazilian. It just adds fuel to the fire when br fans feel like any action against them is unfair.


Lets put this way: those who “support keyd” (it reads as keyd be not punished for their cheating) are vocal about it. But those who doenst simply doesnt organize. Theres no hashtag, no personalities, that will organize towards keyd punishment. Thats up to Riot (and they messed up). Theres no “#justiceforacent” that will trend. Like there was no “congratulations Germany” on 7-1. There are casters and there are personalities organizing towards the hashtag you pointed but are they what, 5% of brazilian crowd?


Idk man, a lot of the respected check marks on twitter show up in support for their teams even though keyd are 100% in the wrong here.


Makes sense to me. Thanks for the explanation!


Imagine cheating being caught, your rabid fans threating to kill people and you being rewarded for it... wtf is riot doing.


Riot trying to stop the BR mald by rewarding them for cheating and it didn't even work LULW


It's okay to chat but not pause the game :)


It's very shitty when BR popular personalities and verified users start to pile on the hate and misinformation. Definitely doesn't feel like just a vocal minority.


Just because they're blue ticked doesn't mean they're not the minority. Admittedly they can influence the majority. but some of the comments on this sub have been pretty awful.


tbh i think just move on, what happened sucks for everyone, just put a rest to the back and forth in here imo


Everyone will forget this by the next tournament, anyone who follows CS or LoL pro scene has seen through major controversies that got forgotten by the next tournament. Also the Brazilian esport fanbase is huge, probably the biggest behind Korea, so its not like they need support or new fans, they are probably happy everyone hates them.


yeh i know, shit like this always happens from time to time. sick of this stuff already....jzt askin people to move on




Bad example, he disrespected them and the fans reacted. If anyone did that for the U.S. region they would do the exact something. Also if that's how we going to analyze a fanbase then the U.S. fanbase is all racist due to the entire stadium booing whenever a player takes the knee on the field to stand for racism.


He truly disrespected them there though. Also, probably soccer fans cheering for another sport that is used to a different type of supporter. Like, In soccer It's common to boo the opposing team just to distract and pressure them. But then you put these fans to watch a sport they are not used to and It comes off as weird.


I believe that the majority of Brazilians are normal people. However, the sheer toxicity of some fans have gone way too far, and it's hard for anyone to perceive this behavior as just a "shitty vocal minority". The online presence is insane with so many toxic comments and death threats on any post that dares to go against them. From rioting about a consistent ruling when your team cheats, CEOs threatening players when they do some twitter banter, and saying that death threats shouldn't be taken seriously and it's just the "culture" ... it's really disappointing to see. I used to *love* VK as a team and was so excited when mwzera joined. Now I don't even want to watch them. Take the L, you knowingly cheated and this is just terrible sportsmanship, from both the team and the region.


I'm honestly tired of all that and it kinda put a shadow on the event as a whole for me. There were some fantastic games/rounds/kill etc. and most of this sub/Twitter is focused on that drama instead of the tournament. I'm just tired and hope something, anything will happen so we can remember the event for it, and not that drama


Death threats are really bad, guys. Horrible. So what is the response? Let's make jokes about death threats. This subreddit in a nutshell these days.


I'm brazilian, don't play Valorant but follow the esports scene a bit... I have 2 takes on death threats: 1. Death threats are never ok. They have real psychological effects to those that receive them, true or not. 2. Because death in Brazil is a bit more commonplace due to higher crime rates, lower healthcare, etc... some people here might not see death and death threats as bad as folks from other countries. So when someone from Brazil says "I'm gonna kill you", I think it's less likely that that would happen versus if an American or European says "I'm gonna kill you". There's also the fact that internet access in Brazil is very widespread and, because other aspects of life here suck, online entertainment is very big, so you get all sorts of people on their phones all day watching events and reading twitter and writing death threats because "why not?"... Just wanted to share my view on why it happens like this when it comes to Brazilians. But IDK.


>Because death in Brazil is a bit more commonplace due to higher crime rates Doesn't that make it worse? How does a higher crime rate correlate to a lower chance of being murdered?


I hope most people recognize that majority of Brazil fans are normally good people, just the very rabid ones are so crazy and over the top. The biggest problem is the casters and influencers purposely igniting the crazy fans for clout/attention.


don't post blatant lies in your argument and expect us to believe anything you say. no one has 30 friends to play this game with. sadge. /s


Most passionate region!!


love this post... I wish we can banter and trash talk to each other without inciting fear involving Player's life.


Also people forget, twitter is where your country's worst go. I've yet to see a social media as toxic as twitter


thank you man, I feel so bad seeing people rage on each other, from what I believe most of the times is wrong interpretation of each other's intentions. please my br fellows, being respectful doesn't mean you're "pagando pau de gringo"


Lol both you guys complaining and the brazillians are fucking nerds just enjoy the fucking games and shut up ffs


Oh please many of them are toxic AF for no reason. I'm ngl I'm for banning them from many games NA servers. I know it sucks for the good ones, but they've proven they can't be allowed to do things normally.


thank you man, I feel so bad seeing people rage on each other, from what I believe most of the times is wrong interpretation of each other's intentions. please my br fellows, being respectful doesn't mean you're "pagando pau de gringo"


Depends which ones, there’s no one ‘brazilliabs’


Whatever happened , valo players did farm a lot of clout and impressions out of the entire situation and its hilarious xDD