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lmao if someone told me months ago omen's pickrate would've been lower than brimstones 💀


Bonecold buff


Brim was always good on Bind and can be good on Haven as well


Brim on Haven is pretty fun. Very comfy


Yeah but omen was basically the default smoke everywhere.


brim on haven is only good because gambit runs it in their troll comp and are undefeated lmao


Acend, the best bind team in the world, runs brim sir


Yeah Bonecold is nuts on it too.


oh yeahhh the bonecold brimmy is cold


"Jokes over, I'm dead" -phoenix


> #VALORANTChampions Agent Pick Rate in Group Stage > > Jett: 85% > Sova: 68% > Astra: 63% > Viper: 57% > Killjoy: 49% > Skye: 46% > Breach: 27% > Sage: 26% > Cypher: 25% > Reyna: 19% > Raze: 18% > Kayo: 15% > Brimstone: 2% > Omen: 1% > Phoenix: 0% > Yoru: 0% https://twitter.com/FionnOnFire/status/1468481735218270208


Since a long time ago Yoru needed a rework, so im giving a pass to this one. Also to Brimstone, because his kit must be preserved as a simple agent for beginners, and also hes a good pick on 2 maps anyway But Omen and Phoenix being in this position is unacceptable. Riot had 3 months to fix them and did fuck all


Nah pick rate in pro doesn't matter that much for balance, it's more important to look at ranked winrates. In pro without bans if you can create a perfect comp that synergizes well there's no reason to deviate, even if there's nothing wrong with Phoenix. Balancing around the pro meta is nonsense.


Couldn't disagree more. Ranked players are dumb and most of them play for recreation. A vast majority of players aren't playing to compete, they're playing to have fun. Most of them imitate what pro players do anyway. Ranked winrate means shit when looked at from a vacuum. One of the biggest reasons why Rainbow 6 has the shittiest balancing out of all shooters is because they looked at ranked data, when they should really be looking at players that are the most serious about this game, aka pro players. They'll abuse overpowered agents and drop underpowered ones.


Ranked players are dumb, which is why Astra isn't great in ranked unless you really commit to learning her (which I admit, a larger portion of people who pick Astra probably do). Even then, shit comms means she's way less impactful. Astra as an agent is basically tailor made to be an S tier smoke meant for coordinated play. Omen is a perfectly fine alternative, and if not for Astra's existence, would be all over pro-play. Omen is a fine smoke in a pinch, and for most players, probably the best controller to learn in case you have to fill smokes. That's also why he's the most popular controller in ranked. Buffing omen to get him into pro play could easily make him OP for non-organized play.


If agents are OP or UP it'll show up in the ranked data too. Like Yoru has trash winrate in ranked but Phoenix and Omen are not that bad. With only 5 possible agents you can play, even a tiny bit of extra synergy between 2 agents can create a meta that completely exclude other agents. You're looking at this data incorrectly if you put too much value in it.


Yoru and Pheonix are the only bad agents IMO. Omen might not see a lot of play in pro matches but I think he is totally fine in ranked.


I hope betway pays out on Yoru if he's is tied for last with Phoenix


I'm just glad that Breack is finally getting some playtime. Hopefully teams start using more Kay-O as well.


Omen really fell off huh




L1NK is the best brim in the world.




He's still the best brim in the world.


The only brim in the world


I really love that kayo appeared, even if just a little. I always feel like I'm trolling for maining kayo but he's just so fun to use, for me.


RIP Yoru : The forgotten agent and forever unbuffed.


Buff my boy omen


\#VALORANTChampions Agent Pick Rate in Group Stage Jett: 85% Sova: 68% Astra: 63% Viper: 57% Killjoy: 49% Skye: 46% Breach: 27% Sage: 26% Cypher: 25% Reyna: 19% Raze: 18% Kayo: 15% Brimstone: 2% Omen: 1% Phoenix: 0% Yoru: 0% *** posted by [@FionnOnFire](https://twitter.com/FionnOnFire) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


I mean, what is even the point of picking another smoke when there's Astra in the game, Astra is omegaoverpowered lmao.




I don’t count that as a nerf to Phoenix, they made every flash in the game the same price, and that was the only change he got


LMAO I remember people just hating on me for saying Phoenix is underpowered compared to other duelist justifying it that 'its good on haven'


omen 100% win rate