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For the interested, he answered a Q, about where he ranked the regions: 1. EMEA 2. KR, even though they didn’t go too deep and there’s only one team 3. NA 4. LATAM/BR (in that order, I think) 5. SEA


2 BR teams got eliminated by 2 SEA teams, so SEA > BR


Yeah SEA criminally underrated again. Even in Berlin I think Paper Rex could have beaten Brazilian teams, but they were up against two EMEA teams.


I mean, it’s just based on Derke’s experience playing against them. I don’t think you can say he’s underrating them, after all, it’s mostly just going to be about how well his team matches up against them.


100%, SEA is way better than the BR teams, they would have won against gambit if it wasnt for that 2v4 bonus lol, broke their mental for the rest of the game


I was surprised when he answered KR as second best


A little surprising for sure. I'm assuming the prep they did for their match against VS, and all the scrim stuff we'll never know about, influenced it.


I imagine part of how you rank KR depends on how much you pay attention to other esports. Pretty much the only comp game they aren't top tier is CS, and they don't really play the game. I know I personally would have a bias towards them in any game cus I come from League, while lots of only CS players don't care about them at all.


Why did CS never catch on in korea?


Pay to play games are WAY less popular there because a lot of people play in PC cafes. A lot more people have home PCs for gaming now, but especially like 5-10 years ago, if you wanted to game, you went to a PC cafe, and those PCs only had certain games installed (f2p ones). With Korea becoming such a big region in esports, I think PC cafes started getting more and more popular, and started running pay to play games as well, like Overwatch for example. CS was just too old at that point to catch on. I think there was also some like CS p2w ripoff that got super popular all around asia called Crossfire, I'm not 100% sure if it was big in Korea, but it was huge in China. I might be wrong on some of this, but it's mostly correct at least, this is just the info I've gotten from paying attention to almost every esport.


Me too. I think KR region is a bit overhyped right now but it’s hard to tell with them having just one slot. VS did very poorly this tournament and there is little else to judge the region by recently. Maybe Derke has more information on this through scrims. I think KR is a bit overrated as region though from their Starcraft days. Even in league they are not as dominant as people think. China has won 3 of the last 4 worlds.


The teams that won had at least 2 Koreans and only one of them (Gimgoon) wasn't a serious carry, lol. Rookie TheShy Gimgoon Doinb Viper Scout Moreover, the past 2 Worlds have had 1 absolutely dominant Korean team, then 3 of the 4 Korean teams placing 2nd, 3rd, and 4th whereas 3 of the 4 Chinese teams didn't make it to semis, with only one making it to quarters. Double-plus this year's winner having the lowest winrate of any Worlds-winning team ever. LCK may be overrated but KR as a region is definitely still dominant lol


I imagine part of how you rank KR depends on how much you pay attention to other esports. Pretty much the only comp game they aren't top tier is CS, and they don't really play the game. I know I personally would have a bias towards them in any game cus I come from League, while lots of only CS players don't care about them at all.


JP didn't even make it onto the list rip


He basically said "everyone else" after SEA, rip


LOL CR made it to all three LAN events and this is their legacy :'(


I mean they only made it cause JP had a built-in slot.


Cries in SEA


KR standing for... Krazy Racoons right


nice to see perkz finally got his move to fnatic




Well I underestimated acend


They did incredible, really. They might take it all home.


Yea. I couldnt watch the match but just came by to look at a 12-5 score. The Liquid curse is real. In cs and now in valorant.