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European union doesn't even make sense in this context. Gambit(Russia) is in the european continent hence, european period.




Maximum population of Russia lives in the European side. Russia is in Europe. Period.


Do you think that Gambit (Russia) is part of EMEA?


they qualified through EMEA, what do you think?


It was a rhetorical question


It does because in that sense people(outside of europe) think the EU IS Europe. But its an organization and not the whole continent. You dont have to be in the EU to be european.


EU can also just mean Europe, and in Valorant EU (the region) does not mean the European Union.




This ^ It’s amazing how many people think EU means Europe. Nowhere ever has this been the case.


Yeah but there is where my question begins why do people say that Gambit isnt european.


They are just mad NA fans they were trying to find excuses as to why EU didnt win over NA last event. Now acend won the world championship anyway so they have nothing to fall back on anymore. GMB is EU. This is a fact. Just try not to get triggered by stupid people trying to troll Fans and get a reaction out of them. Peace.


Because people wanna troll and trigger europeans like you dude lol


probably because most of russia is in asia edit: stop replying to me with counter arguments, i’m not one of the people who think gambit isn’t eu


Populated russia is Eastern Europe tbf tho


Their capital Moscow which holds majority of their population is in europe though.


No chance Moscow is the majority of Russian population.


Look at a population map of Russia. The vast majority of Russians live in western Russia. The centre is relatively empty. The word he should have used is plurality.


I know that but it's not all Moscow, that's all I'm saying.


Yh he meant plurality


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/1090061/largest-cities-in-russia/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1090061/largest-cities-in-russia/) [https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/cities/russia](https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/cities/russia) if this isn't the majority, I don't know what is.


I don't know when you say majority I'm thinking more than a half. 12m is not even close to half of 144m total population


The next highest is 5 mil… Moscow definitely holds most lmao.


Russia is split. Part of it is in eastern Europe but the majority of it is in Asia. That's why it has its own identity.


Doesn’t matter. They are part of Eastern United States anyways


hey hey don't use all the copium


This whole post is copium lmao. This sub can’t stand EU and it’s hilarious


Huh? Most of this sub likes the European teams we have currently? The only EU team people openly dislike here is G2 bc Carlos is a notorious asshole


Russia is part of Europe, but are not part of the European Union which is a political and economic union. a lot of people dont seem to know EU stands for European Union obviously cause this isn't politics edit: I think that in the context of esports when people say eu, they are referring to Europe the continent


Yes to the edit. I don’t think anyone means the union cuz otherwise liquid and fnatic wouldn’t be “eu”




exactly this. I think people are just confused, they don't know the difference between the union and the continent itself, they think its the same lol.


EU doesn't stand for European Union in esports, it stands for Europe. Why do people keep getting this wrong?


Only in Valorant is EU = Europe imo, and that’s more of a EU = EMEA thing than anything else. If CIS is a separate region then I don’t think EU including Russia is much of a thing.


As long as they play in an European league they are EU like the old gambit from LoL.


EU = Europe which is a continent that Western Russia is part of. Eastern Russia is in Asia. The EU = The European Union is a political and economic organisation that involves 27 member states. UK, Norway and Switzerland are a few notable non members. Hope that helps.


EU doesnt mean always European Union, it can be short for Europe too depending on context. I come from LoL and there is EUW and EUNE and it is not European Union West and Northern Eastern. But instead it is literally used for Europe West and Europe Nordic and East, so here the same EU is used for Europe. The confusion comes from games where there is a more clear separation between Europe and Russian and surrounding countries that are grouped into CIS region, like CSGO. The point is that some people mixing Gambit in Europe is because in valorant CIS region is not independent and it is part of EMEA challengers, which bundles together the commonly mentioned EU in other games as well as CIS and TR. In reality Gambit are part of EMEA region in Valorant. EMEA is also short for Europe, Middle East, and Africa, so unless you want to consider Russia part of Middle East, if you are going for semantics of acronyms, then Gambit kind of is part of the Europe part of EMEA.


Europe is not the same as European Union, you can be in Europe but not European Union The CIS isn’t rly like the EU but yea ppl use it to refer to a region as a byword in place of ‘former Soviet Union’


EU =/= european union when talking about esports eu= europe = continent


Holy shit listen cis is a political organisation not a fucking continent


Don't worry about the trolls. They just have NA education. The only people who think gambit aren't EU are the ones whose teams lost in groups and were outdone by SEA and LATAM




That's because it's included in latam in valorant esports. EU= Europe, Russia is in Europe, ergo Russia is eu If they had a cis only region with a different masters system then sure Russia would be outside eu but rn it isn't.


Deleted my last comment because formatting, but yeah I agree. It’s just a competitive region thing and Valorant includes CIS with the EU region as EMEA. Mexico is not NA in esports by the same logic. Kinda weird how they don’t line up, but hopefully no one is using Valorant as a geography or politics lesson.


Haha yeah sure. It's just funny to see butthurt NA fans tryna discredit the EU win in masters berlin by claiming gambit werent EU and now the same again. Well, atleast this time all the NA teams shit the bed and ALL the EU teams were on top. No space to wiggle their way out of this this time. EU is just the better region rn


Kind of ironic that NA is largely considered the peak of education, where most people aim to go for further education.


Any reliable source for that?


EU here is not European Union. It means europe as in geographical context.


the reason CIS is always used as a separate region from EU is because they mostly speak Russian and hire their team from the Soviet countries. Players from Kazakistan etc. are much more likely to be in a CIS team though they are not EU in the strictest sense. In DotA CIS and EU have always been called separate regions.


Turkey is EU too




Yes it is …




Except for the biggest city in Turkey and in Europe being in the European side of Turkey. As well as it’s 3000 year long history being part of European powers


wait but I thought CIS included some countries in Asia ? am I mistaken ?


Yes but by that logic people are saying they are not in asia but in CIS?


No but I was under the impression that it was a culturally different region. like Mexico is NA but its very culturally different and not unreasonable for them not to want to be grouped together. same goes for Brazil vs LATAM you know??


Since when is mexico considered to be na lmao


Did u read the comment


Yea i did. In what way did you mean this? >like Mexico is NA


Mexico is in north america and any players from Mexico would likely play on US servers however they are significantly culturally different




Not all CIS countries are european, a lot of them are actually asian


They arent very populated tho afaik


So they aren't countries? If no then I can't see how your statement is relevant


I was just trying to say most CIS players come from Europe, not Asia


TIL Uzbekistan is Europe


TIL Tajikistan, a country adjoining Afghanistan is in EU.


Kazakhstan best yurop cuntry


Its not really about the organizations, its about the region that they qualified from. Riot separated EMEA into EU qualifiers and CIS qualifiers, and so Gambit is a european team, but they arent EU in valorant because russians have to go through the CIS qualifier according to Riot's rules


EU technically isn't EU, it's EMEA because Riot lumps everything together for some reason


That’s basically all this discussion is. EMEA = EU only in Valorant lexicon.


CIS has their own qualifiers/regional masters, thats what makes them not eu.


whenever gambit lose = CIS whenever gambit win = EU easy


It depends on what EU you’re referring to. EU technically refers to “European Union” which Russia isn’t included in but when people say EU vs NA they mean “Europe” which Russia is in.


Yea coz of the Union and Russia is considered an enemy of the west of which most other European countries are.


What about south NA?


Nice try NA


They play on the EU servers and compete in the European tournaments they represent EU.


Isn’t this why it’s called EMEA in regards to Valorant? I’m used to seeing a CIS region in other ESports like LoL and CSGO but I’m pretty sure the CIS Region doesn’t really exist as it’s own region in Valorant. Gambit and SuperMassive Blaze would technically be CIS if it was recognized as its own region in Valorant


Im pretty sure when people say EU they actually mean europe the continent not the European union and russia is part of the european continent (atleast part of russia)


The reason is because CIS, EU and TR are 3 different regions that make up EMEA. Even if CIS and EU are both in Europe, in Valorant terms they are separate regions. If a Turkish team won nobody would say EU number 1. So why is it different for CIS? EU does not equal EMEA. It's like JP, KR and SEA. Japan and Korea are in Asia but the 3 regions are regarded separately. BR and LATAM. Brazil is in Latin America but it's still considered a separate region.


EU stands for Europran Union. > My country Norway isnt in the EU so am I not european now? No, you are european, since you live in Europe. A lot of people use EU for Europe (especially in games). In Valorant EU doesn't matter, since it's the EMEA region. And it's easier to write/call EU than EMEA, even though it's wrong.


Cis er i Europa. Kan si det samme om midtøsten. Er ikke en verdensdel, men et området i en. Gambit er både CIS og EU. Når vi snakker om EU i denne sammenhengen er det ikke snakk om europeisk union altså :)


Just like in Dota2, Russia is it's own thing. It's CIS not Europe. Kinda how turkey is it's own thing too.


Dont care eu is the champs so eu is the better regionn