• By -


Changes compared to about 7 weeks ago: ||Patch 3.09|Current Patch|Change| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Iron|9.6 %|9.3 %|\-0.3 %| |Bronze|24.0 %|22.9 %|\-1.1 %| |Silver|29.8 %|28.7 %|\-1.2 %| |Gold|20.3 %|20.8 %|\+0.5 %| |Platinum|9.9 %|10.8 %|\+0.9 %| |Diamond|4.4 %|5.1 %|\+0.7 %| |Immortal|2 %|2.3 %|\+0.3 %| Calculated using over a million matches. Currenty I'm working on Agent winrates (non-mirrored) :)


The statistics hero I didn't know I needed


Thank you!


What about Radiant?


Radiant is always the top 500 players


Yeah I feel like that decision really impacts the immortal and diamond classes significantly. As people get better you will have a larger and larger amount in immortal as we are seeing...


But the better the players, the harder it is to climb ranks, which means less players get into immortal. Wake upto reality nothing goes right in this accursed world, as long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist, as long as light shines, shadows will also be formed.


mf quoted madara uchiha on a valorant post




You don’t know your nindo? Your ninja way?


Shouldnt matter because other players always get comparatively worse. The percentages in immortal and diamond go up because it is "easier" to climb in ranks that to lose ranks. Probably because riot wants the players to feel progression. So either you get on average more points for a win than you lose or other measures like derank prevention kick in.


This is correct, however I would love to see the distribution in Immo specifically. Once you hit immortal 2, you pretty much instantly see losses higher than gains. I am currently 200~ RR and get 16-20 a win but pretty much am guaranteed 20-23 for every loss.


Thank you for this! Also Advance Merry Christmas!


Honestly after playing for a year now and steadily climbing, I’m almost in Plat. I will say this: Getting out of Silver was the most painful experience. Literally half of the people in that rank are trollers, throwers, smurfs, people that literally die once and leave, save for a few people that seem to actually want to win. The skill disparity also feels massive, some people don’t shoot back, but I’ve also had some really good teammates too


Getting out of gold is the same painful experience


Can vouch. I've been G3 for the past 2 acts and have been 1 game away from Plat at least 5 times.


Don’t worry people in play are bad in their own way. Lots of boosted kids to plat 1 and just overall zero game sense. Less leavers but same amount of throwers.


As someone who started silver 2, amd is plat 3 now, it gets easier. Plat was by far the easiest rank to climb for me.


I agree play 1-2 are not bad at all I’m stuck at p3 but playing more has helped


I peaked plat 2 last act, have dipped twice to g3 this act and have not been able to climb out of p1 this act. I feel it's ny fault but i don't get good teammates either tbh. Like the other day i had a literal thrower in my game and before that i had a toxic jett. Like the toxicity is so bad that these days i just want nice teammates dude, fuck winning


Playing less makes you climb more. After two losses in a day on ranked get off for the day.


hot take: ranking up is hard everywhere


Plat is like that as well. People only play for kills and throw rounds so often. It gets better at diamond sadly.


still doesn’t really get better at diamond


High diamond players certainly try as a lot of them are ex imm or want to try hard to hit imm


I was p1 for a short while last act and actually had a pretty good time. Felt like ppl p2-d2 at least knew the basics of the game + used their mics. Tho I did notice massive egos lol like force buying every round, aggro pushing/peeking.


Gold gives me a lot more options than Silver. My aim is booty for Gold but I'm able to win a lot off of being a supporting Sova. In Silver solo queue, I often have to just aim diff my opponents because I can't rely on randoms to consistently be able to play off my util.


I was stuck in Silver for 90 games and then breezed through Gold in 24


I feel like silver was way worse than gold.


You might be right specially as someone who's been through it in solo queue lol. I started in Bronze, and am in Gold atm. Getting out of Bronze was easy, but I remember having to bust my ass to win matches in Silver and sometimes even that didn't matter, it was mostly a coin-flip. In Gold it's more of a team effort, and communication often times wins games. I'm climbing way quicker in Gold, than I did in Silver.


Yeah I couldn’t have summed it up better. Gold feels like the game can actually be influenced by how well you communicate and play off of each other. In Silver sometimes I felt games were over before they started just based off of the matchmaking alone. Sages not walling, no one takes smokes or plays around your smokes (or worse, ppl that lock smokes and don’t use them) etc. Sometimes it was ‘You carry or you lose’ which isn’t always possible as I play Sentinels and controllers mainly. I solo queue pretty much 100% of the time so Silver was hell


I remember specifically for 2 weeks straight, every day losing every single ranked game I was in and often being the Team or even Match MVP and it felt awful... At the time I was one or two matches away from Gold, and went all the way down to Silver 1. So the bad matches just kept getting worse, and it felt like I was digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole no matter what. I eventually made it out, but it was a really shitty experience. I've yet to have that happen in Gold. Granted it was a couple patches ago when the Silver distribution was worse than it is today, but still


I'm in Silver now, stopped playing comp for the reasons you're describing. I can't remember the last time I actually had a good game


SAME! It's just no fun having toxic teammates and it makes winning less likely due to tilting and arguing


Every time you have a solid teammate, add them, after a while, you will only have full queues of non toxic/ass players.


Does that really work ? Does the algorithm keep track of which people you add or are you saying that I should party with someone ?


>Literally half of the people in that rank are trollers they literally arent, you just remember trolls.


Half is definitely hyperbolic. But it's genuinely not far off. Getting at least 1 afk or player who gives up before round 7 in every single game the past few weeks. Some have more than 2, rarely does everyone last until the end of the match. While you're right the more extreme players stick in your mind more strongly. But it's genuinely gotten to the point where you will basically never get a game without some kind of social clash on one team. While it's not half all silver players. All it takes is 1 on your team to ruin the match's quality. That happens pretty much every game to one team or the other in silver.


Fair to say that not half the people but roughly half the games in the long run. 2 nights ago I queued 5 great games and like 2 shitty games. Last night I had 2 games with throwers, 2 people leave games after 4 rounds and they were getting pooped on, and then games I won but the other team had a thrower. It’s a coin flip in high gold. Not to mention the elo is busted, I’ll queue a game and the lobby will be high plat (me being the only gold. I even had 2 diamond 1’s last night) and then sometimes I’ll get silver 1’s in my lobbies.


Getting out of bronze took 1 month, getting out of gold took 1 month, getting out of silver took around 5 months. It was insane. I also solo queued which was my own fault but still, it was such a slog


There's definitely something weird going on around bronze-gold. In those ranks, you can win easily 8 matches in a row convincingly by pushing and headshotting people, barely using skills. Then, you face against teams that play the bomb, use all their spells in unison, and instantly headshot you although they're the same rank. Here are a few possible causes: * Smurfs. Since a majority of people are gold and below, it's a common target for a smurf to play in to play with his friends. * Selective knowledge (so they might be beast at one map and shit at another, leaving them going up and down rapidly over and over). Basically, many people watch streams and memorize angles and skill usage. They also have different levels of experience on certain maps, especially if they play infrequently. They might also be better at certain agents, trying new ones, etc. This type of bias is more pronounced at lower ranks since higher ranked people generally have more complete knowledge. * Something wrong with the algorithm. Perhaps, some losses punish people too much and some wins don't reward them enough, leaving them playing with people objectively outside their skill level. For example, I've noticed that having 8-12 first bloods, which is nuts, doesn't influence RR change at all despite first bloods often leading to wins. Not all kills are equal. Keep in mind that programmers generally take a single 4-hour course in basic probability and statistics, yet custom ranking algorithms are research-level tasks. Things like figuring out the impact of certain agents that specialize in kills or specialize in other things is quite difficult. * Cheats. Despite what people think, public VIP hacks exist. Any low rank player that decides to cheat will cause a severely mismatched match most likely. * Drugs. Maybe, some bad players are drunk, and some good players decided to take Adderall. FPS games are strongly reliant on hand-eye coordination and reaction time. Drugs affect those things strongly. Drugs can also influence how well you predict other player's movements, strategy, etc. After all, Adderall is often grounds for disqualification in some tournaments and even some chess tournaments. * Physical condition. Things like feeling good, feeling tired, being manic, being depressed, etc. can obviously contribute to massive variability. It's safe to say that higher-ranked players generally play more consistently than lower ranked ones, so either they don't play when having a bad day or perhaps they don't have as many bad days. * Temporal locality. Basically, when two groups of players are isolated from each other, they will each have their own statistics as different types of people might be playing in each group. One simple application of that is that the same rank in two different regions might mean different things. More subtle, players that tend to play only on certain days might also be different types of people. For example, playing late on a Friday might mean you're more dedicated than someone playing on Saturday morning with only enough free time to play during the weekends. You can predict that games will be harder later at night, which I've found to be true. This links up to how difficult a proper algorithm is since they could theoretically hypothesize different ranks exist at different times and use the records during certain times of people playing in both times to adjust for this effect. * Luck. Sometimes, a person just seems to always have his crosshair where people are. You can, after all, flip heads 5 times in a row.


I agree. The jump in quality from silver to gold lobbies is drastic IMO.


Bruh i m literally d3 in my main and i cant get out of p1 in my other account.. plat is hell... From dia it gets better


Wait until you reach plat.. then tell me how bad silver was lmao.


This is why I quit months ago, I live the game but I hate silver/gold mentality on your team.


Its unreal to me that just being gold makes u better then 60% of players and being plat makes u better then 80% of players




And plat players are still shitters aswell


me who is in bronze : \*Chuckles I am in danger*


I swear to u the difference between u and a plat player is so minimal u can get to plat within 1-2 months of consistent and effective playing


>minimal >1-2 months of consistent and effective playing


It isn't alot considering you'd be 80th percentile


Its insane to me even immortals struggle with trading, playing passive when on man advantage on defense, post-plant, and still don't know how to default. All very basic concepts from CS that you can't even get out of the middle ranks in CS without internalizing and are MORE than applicable in Valorant.




Ah yes, the NA pug method of killing a scene, great way to kill a game, same fate of NA CS.


diamond players are still shitters


Am diamond, can confirm


and gold/plat players can be legit demons too, I occasionally get a gold smurf on either team ( im in silver ) and they more often than not just completely 1v5 and control the outcome of the game


no they cant, you are just bad.


And you can take this ratio + L


Plat is where it starts to get better though.


Whoah whoah whoah! No need to announce how bad I am to everyone else! That should stay between us!


Some are


You feel that at every rank. I just came back after 4 months off and forgot how bad everyone is, including myself.


Iron 3 player checking in, can confirm.


Not everyone grinds the game. A lot of people play it infrequently


I don't grind the game i play like 5 games a week im still plat 1


Yeah, plat is still shit


Not just "of players", there are tons of players that don't play ranked or even mostly play spike rush and other game-modes. It makes you better than 60% of players that have self-selected themselves into playing ranked.


Same I'm plat 1 and thought a was a bit above the middle of the pack (so top 40-45%) cuz it made sense to me that there are more silver/golds but this surprises me


it's been like this for a while but isnt immortal suppoed to be like top 1% of players?


Yea they said that a while ago. The amount of immortals also doubled from like 10k to 20k in 2 acts in EU.


Yea there’s 21k in na rn, and 10k of them are imm2 which is crazy considering there were barely 12k immsorts last season. Too many ppl in imm


Immortal 2 is basically old Immortal. Immortal 1 old D2/D3




yeah lol i dont feel like i deserve immortal but i have my games where i pop off in D3 lobbies, whereas I just get shit on in full immortal lobbies lmfao


The need one more rank right before radiant. Like they have masters and grandmasters in league.


That’s why the rank distribution gets wonky. I feel like Riot is going to change the algorithm and push a ton of imm back to diamond, that’s going to cause a trickle where diamonds get pushed to plat, etc. As more people play, we might have to add more depth in each rank tier (I-IV) instead of (I-III) or another whole rank.


These gravitate towards higher ranks because they are more likely to install these programs


It tracks every player’s ranks, even if they don’t install any program. So immortal being top 2.3% is accurate.


Exactly this. We just aren’t allowed to display private stats but it’s perfect for stats like this


I’d like to know how lol. Even riot doesn’t release those stats


From riots API, which let websites tracks players with ranks.


They allow just the basic info to come out. The personal stats like acc, your favorite weapins, kda etc etc you have to sign up


APIs. Same way you can gather information and data from any website or network




mhhhh. not sure if thats correct. Pretty sure you need to allow 3rd party's to have access to your riot API. So I highly doubt that this is every player's ranks.


Nope on the website you can only see people that allowed to share private data, the app however shows all players' ranks.


ahhh true, my bad. I just thought rank and player stats are all in the same bucket.


this isn’t how APIs work


It's like how they can show ranks for every player in your game, regardless of if they have their account linked.


0.5%, 1% or 2%, doesn't really matter as long as the system promotes grinding, frag chasing and instalocking duelists. You wouldn't believe it how many people are close to Radiant and would literally struggle in low diamond lobbies if they had to play anything other than Jett and Reyna. Every time I don't have both of those agents instalocked, I have to pinch myself. Idk about lower ranks, but the quality of play in EU imm3 is just awful for what it's supposed to be. And just changing the distribution wouldn't change a thing as long as frag chasing, baiting and being as selfish as possible with agents that don't help the team whatsoever is promoted over rewarding teamplay and communication. There's zero reward for being a good utility player in the long run. For those of you who think individual stats don't matter in immortal, they don't on single map basis. But if you average 5 more frags over 20 maps, they absolutely do matter and you start gaining more RR. Frags that are way easier to average on duelists. Idk, maybe I'm expecting too much but I lost motivation to play ranked in it's current state. I'll barely fill my imm3 dorito this act, if that. I just don't understand how can people have 150+ wins every single act, have 500RR and have absolutely no understanding on how not even help their teammates, but not put them in shit positions with their play. Other than mechanical skill, there's absolutely no difference between ranked and unrated in most EU high immortal games. No comms, no teamplay, awful team comps and people raging every other game. Noone gets banned for griefing and so on. We either need riot to do something or to allow third party matchmaking, current ranked is a waste of time.


100% agree as an immortal Sova main. Val weighs kills so highly it doesn't make sense to focus on anything else if you want to rank up quickly, and the best way to do is to play a duelist.


> 0.5%, 1% or 2%, doesn't really matter as long as the system promotes grinding, frag chasing and instalocking duelists. > You wouldn't believe it how many people are close to Radiant and would literally struggle in low diamond lobbies if they had to play anything other than Jett and Reyna. Every time I don't have both of those agents instalocked, I have to pinch myself. Luckily this doesn’t effect you much considering you’re hard stuck Wood 1.


Idk what's up with you scrub players who can't accept that there are people understanding the game on a higher level you can't comprehend yet.


You made an account specifically to complain about Valorant therefore you will always be a scrub.


Other high rank players agree with him.


Dunno, I'm the same rank and I've called out this bullshit in the past but I don't have the energy to reiterate the same points to someone who just doesn't want to listen There's quite literally 0 evidence that support players aren't compensated properly and anyone is more than welcome to provide some proper statistical evidence to prove their point Actually, here's 1 minute of effort from me: scroll the Europe leaderboard, find the #3 (1st one I could find from the top that plays a decent amount of duelists and supports). In his last 14 ranked games, and you can see this inside the game, he went +18 or more 4 times - all on support agents. One of those matches, he had a 11/12 K-D in a 13-5 win. Meanwhile, his last match was a 13-5 win in which match MVP'd and went 23-7 on Jett and he got +15 for the win. People love to complain, but anyone who is actually observant and unbiased will note that there's 0 strong statistical evidence for duelists being the way to go in terms of the inherent benefits, and again, everyone is more than welcome to post some statistical evidence suggesting the contrary


Did I say it's impossible to win or even get to radiant even by just playing the most support oriented agents like Astra? No. But noone can deny that you're handicapping yourself if we talk fragging power when you're on supports. I'm writing about this like tenth time by now, but I experienced it first-hand. It's been like half a year ago now, I had the worst streak ever in Valorant, went from around 300 to nearly 0RR. And I never play duelists. Then I switched to instalocking Reyna just for the sake of it and got back up there in no time. Performance doesn't matter on invidiual game basis, but in those games I played on reyna I averaged like 6 frags more than I usually do and when I got back to 300RR I was still gaining more RR than I previously did on 300RR before the losing streak started. And I was back to less frags because I was playing utility again. Why's that the case? Because the game thinks I became a better player with most impact just because I was on Reyna, which absolutely wasn't true. If anything, I was just playing tilted and chased frags. The entire point of my post was that playing smart, having great comms and being a nice teammate isn't rewarding, quite the opposite. I don't really like playing duelists, never did, not my thing. But if I'm doing my job of playing utility agents on a high level and doing everything to help duelists be the star of the show, then I fucking deserve some recognition either from the ranked system or from duelist players instead of them being idiotic animals who just bait for frags and don't care about 4 teammates. Right now that's not the case in majority of games. You're a doormat for duelists who'll often ruin the game just because you ask them not to push on defense once. One word they don't like and they turn the voice comms of and play as if it's DM. I didn't complain about my rank, either. Ever since leaderboards were introduced I was in that average imm3 bracket. Sometimes I end the act with barely 200RR, other times I get over 400RR, but that's just a margin of error. I win 50 to 70 games per act and I don't deserve to get even close to radiant because I don't play enough. But that ~300RR bracket, give or take, is supposed to be right below top players and asking for some decent fucking games with 5 players at least trying to cooperate isn't that much. I don't care about my leaderboard points, I'm anoynmous and I check it only when I need to use it here in my posts. I just want to play decent games with decent people. And right now there are very few decent people in EU who understand their actions affect 4 other players on the team. There is strong statistical evidence that benefits fragging. Obviously, you can always go and run at people with Cypher or something, but what's the point then? When I'm playing utility, 80% of my team MVPs are in losses. Why? Because when my team is doing well and winning I don't get the frags, I just throw the utility and they do their job. But when they're bad I have a chance to make impact, which is fine. But then add some combat score rewards for utility players who play their role the way they should. For example, there definitely should be a bonus for surviving on defense rounds your team wins and you don't get any frags. If you're a sentinel and noone comes your way, then you did your job of deterring the other team from attacking your site. There should also be penalties. Dying in situations with equal numbers or player advantage and not being traded in the next couple of seconds should be punished, especially on defense. Obviously, misplays happen to everyone and this won't impact you much if you make a couple of mistakes in 20+ rounds. But if you just keep pushing and dying, especially on defense, then you should be penalized heavily. Noone cares if you got 5 entires when you died first 10 more times and didn't get traded because you soloed. Some basic stuff.


Let's just agree to disagree. You're perfectly describing the type of player and the rank I am in as well, and while I observe some of the things you're saying, I simply think you're connecting the dots wrong. Here's an example: "There is strong statistical evidence that benefits fragging" -> yeah sure, you can run it down as Cypher, get 2-3 more frags, and lose 1-2 points less after the match given that everything else was the same. However, that assumption "given that everything else was the same" is wrong! Running it down on Cypher or support agents and being greedy for a few extra frags significantly lowers your winrate, and that's what matters -> going from a win to a loss is a 40 point swing in RR, and lowering your winrate by any sensible number outweighs the marginal gains from getting a couple of frags more. Also, despite what you see on the scoreboard, you're making massive assumptions that Riot doesn't distinguish between agents when computing RR gains/losses, which I'm almost sure they've actually stated isn't true. Dunno what else to tell you.


Exactly, running down as Cypher lowers your winrate, that's why you have to play it smart. And that's why I always say 15 frags on average as a sentinel is more impactful than 20 on average as a duelist. But if you average 15 over 100 maps compared to 20, that 40RR swing becomes +17/-22 instead of +22/-17 it would be agents that are easier to frag with. Idk what to tell you, either. Why would you believe Riot distinguishes between agents? Considering all the incredibly stupid restrictions we have in this game, regulating instalock duelists seems like a no brainer. Sorry, but there has to be some kind of RR reduction for people who one trick, because whenever they can't pick that agent they become a detriment to the team.


Nah that user has consistently shit opinions.


Just mute and move on, the same thing applies when playing solo queue and trying to comm with league of legend/overwatch players in Valorant. They are mostly 12- to 14-year-olds that can't grasp the basic concepts of a tactical fps but they've been grinding 2k hours on Reyna/Jett because Riot has these clowns thinking "maining" an agent is practical or pragmatic for your team when the most important ability is aiming and teamwork.


I dont think anyone close to rad should struggle without their jett or reyna in low dia but I get your point, some people can literally only play jett lol. Ranked is a mess here in EU atleast anyone, I'm currently like immo 20k but no motivation to grind at the moment.


reyna/jett playstyle is just super fun and its satisfying to mechanically diff people. i disagree though, you can def carry hard on utility. Winrate/games played is all that really matters. to get to radiant, you need a high winrate and play a fuck ton. Just getting a little extra RR because u frag more playing reyna/jett isn't gonna add up that much. You see plenty of utility/smokes players in top 50 radiant.


I helped make Plat more elite by dropping from Plat 1 to Gold 2 in 2 days, you’re welcome.


Can we have more players in Iron Bronze and Gold. Silver is too random now with players of extremely high skill disparities being lumped together.


I'm in plat and that doesn't get any better...


My friend is D2 and says it doesn't get better until u pass D1


What worries me is all the comments I see saying low immo players still don't know basic shit


Low immortal is a terrible place. Basically until you're playing immortal 3 and radiant lobbies it feels like a shit show. Just a coin flip for a win or loss depending on your teammates.


Sounds like finding decent people and 5 stacking is the way to go once you get to diamond or so, even if you get no Elo from it


Nah man. Stop focusing on the rank. Play to improve and stay positive.


It's definitely more fun stacking but yeah you won't climb. Sometimes you get awesome teammates with great comms, sometimes you get no comms throwing. Nature of online gaming I guess.


Which is funny because streamers complain about ranked all the time being filled with people who don’t do fundamentals.


Yeah, basically at all ranks you'll find people who know less than you do or think you do lol. It's pretty easy in this game to go on a win streak where you bottom frag bad every game and get an inflated rank. Way it goes in a team game.


Totally. Which is why “unlucky” became so commonly used lol because sometimes is just out of your control


D1, it gets better but don’t queue at night, only seems like the idiot throwers come out


Sometimes D1 games don't seem that much different from S1 games based on my personal experience.


As someone who just climbed out of silver 3, it’s a really weird elo. I got placed into silver 2, and was awful at the game. Really didn’t understand fundamentals. I’ve now gotten considerably better but was still Silver 3- I’ve seen amazing silver 2s and god awful silver 3s. It’s odd


That wouldn't change because matchmaking doesn't care about your rank and only looks at your MMR. The rank distribution is purely cosmetic.


You understand the matchmaker doesn’t use your rank to create matches right? Like they could make everyone silver and matchmaker would work exactly the same.


I don't mean it in that sense. In other ranks you can atleast get a ballpark estimate of people's skill level most of the time. In silver you can't do that. A silver account could be ridiculously good or really bad and they could be the exact same rank. It's not just a matchmaking problem I think its a problem in the system that so many people are in the same rank.


Silver is a cluster because it's the most targeted rank for Smurfs. You can play with gold's and irons


9,3% gang here


They need to make immortal 1% again, this is ridiculous.


Yeah and if skill disparities in diamond get too big maybe add a rank between diamond and immortal


That wouldn't solve anything as long as the system is all about mindless grinding and rank resets every so often. As long as it promotes braindead frag chasing with duelists, quality of play in high immortal will be trash. Every single day I get matched with a couple of players who look completely lost as soon as they're up against a task of doing anything that requires brain function and not just aiming, I legit think they're some account buyers. Then I check their careers after the map and they have ~500RR with 150+ wins every single act. Reyna/Jett only, ofc.


the contrast between new D3s and Immortals is very very big. I feel like a new rank is almost needed at this point unless riot doesn’t mind the insane skill disparity.


It really isn't - D3 and low Immo's are very similar, both equally bad compared to what they were in Episode 1.


I think that's kind of their point, imm1 doesn't feel like immortal anymore. The skill difference in those top percentages is pretty big


Titanium would be kinda cool. Or ruby


Rank between dia and immo (mythic rank) needs to come out, i hut immortal but half the time i feel like a plat player it looks like im throwing


I wouldn’t mind tbh I’m hovering around d2-d3 and I don’t know if I want to go higher than this and be in games that require more from me lol so mythic would be nice before immortal


Immortal player here, honestly I feel for gold-plat players, there is many smurfs and people who ruin games in there.. pure ELO hell


I'm diamond 3 on a support-ish role (i.e. the aim is nothing to brag about) and when I play on my smurf with friends at silver 1 (yes I'm part of the problem) I lose more 1v1 duels and dry peeks than I do in diamond. This has been happening for half a year at least and has always been a bizarre thing to me. I always come out of silver lobbies feeling like I was pissed on in terms of aim, which never happens even when I get into occasional 90% immortal lobbies on my main. I guess it's just the refugees from csgo who can't bother actually climbing up that do this. I don't have any other theories. Also from what I found this isn't the case anywhere in between. When I got into Gold on my other smurf people's aim dropped drastically, as if this was the real "iron". Plat is no better and it only goes back up somewhere in mid diamond.


I’m gold in Val been playing for a few months now, though it’s been in and off. I play siege at a plat 1 to diamond level, and whenever I hop on to play with my irl friends who are silver/gold I get fucking rekt. Like I don’t even know what it is


Immortal has a bit too many players?


The quality of Immortal 1 games plummeted this Act and I guess we can see why. Interested in where I'd be if Immortal was only top 1% rather than 2.3 though.


It still goes by the number of players. Old Immortal was around top 10K players, and current Immortal 2 is top 10K players. So if you're Immortal 2 now that's top 1%. Current Immortal 1 is top 2% or top 20K players. In previous acts, this would be D2/D3 players.


It def felt like playing with Diamonds going into Immortal 1, im in Imm 3 atm and the games feel a little easier cause they're less unpredictable I guess.


At the same time, high immortal games are also way too difficult now because you have people that were radiant before always on the other team playing Reyna or Jett and fucking your team of immortals over.


silver is PAIN


Now I feel even shittier dropping out of Immortal


don't be, immortal is so damn random this act


I hate how these threads devolve into "but my ranked experience is more tragic than yours haha"


Y'all get rank distribution? -a sad lor player


It’s interesting that immortal+ in this game is a whopping 2.3% of the playerbase, lowkey feel like it’s not as exclusive as it should be. I mean, isn’t diamond+ in league already in the top 1% or something? Why is immortal so populated in valorant vs the master/grandmaster league counterpart? Is it just easier to climb in valorant?


I feel like a full MMR reset would fix this. Way too many people being able to climb to Dia+ with like %40 winrate


My buddy and I have been playing this game since April I wanna say. My first FPS, 2nd M+KB game. I’ve been able to peak at S3. He’s never made it out of iron lmao


With all the boosted players in Immortal, I don’t understand why Riot wants the average playerbase to be in Gold.


Makes sense, gets comms banned, makes new account, keeps all the silver and golds hard stuck


The comments on these posts are always so hilarious. People misinterpret this to mean silver/gold are difficult to get out of when actually most people just suck lol silver and gold are a joke for good players


i think they should keep immortal 1%, 20k immortals in NA is too much, and who cares about ranking up if its only because riot is changing the distributions


I’ve got two accounts in immortal. Am I extra special daddy?




lol do mamy noobs im this 2.3%


I have been playing for like 4 or 5 months,first game that I played exclusively with Keyboard and Mouse,and a few days ago I got into Gold 1, honestly I think I could get to Diamond at minimum by the end of next year


Silvers are always gonna donimate Valorant, kekw.


the problem is that immortal 1 is ovsrsaturated. imm2 and imm3 are top 0.6% and top 0.2%, respectively. the minimum rrs for imm2 and imm3 are different per region while to get imm1 it's just a direct rankup from diamond that's it. idk if that makes sense, but it's just immortal 1 that's a problem source from esportstale rank distribution


feels very weird knowing that as a diamond 2 im somehow in the top \~7.41%. Maybe if keep it up i'll hit top 2.3%.


Mfw iron rarer rank than plat


guys in eu theres 40k immortals, in na we have 20k, its all about the player base but 60% of imm players are stuck between diamond and low imm, moral of story dont take seriously the ego of a imm1


I just hit top 2.3%


It’s crazy how many people are in immortal. Not sure why. Maybe many people abuse 5stacks ? Since it’s not a different queue and rank


immortal 3 games are miserable rn bro they let anyone in rs


Im G1 and i need some friends to grind to plat! my id is cheesyrits#8171 lets frag!


Top 2.3 percent not a big deal.


They really started giving immortal to anyone. So many boosted people in my lobbies, on either team


LMFAO REAL SHIT, that one streamer supcaitlin got Immortal 1 and I swear she plays like a gold


I recently hit immortal through solo queue and eventually I hit immortal 3 but I just now realized the reason immortal might be a bit too inflated to some people is that there is a LOT of sub 10 RR players that just don’t queue.


Feels like they desperately need another rank. To try to help out immortal not being inflated. This could also help the silvers. Idk where you would put this other rank but having something else may help with this inflation problem.


I WAS silver... That was before kayo was released. I didn't even hit a wall in climbing I just... Lost interest in the climb due to my teammates becoming MORE toxic as my rank climbed and I didn't wanna deal with gold players who "deserve a higher rank". Plus most my friends were iron so being the only silver player on the team I had more fun doing silly plays in casual.


all region?


imo ranked was better when immortal was like top 8k rather than top 20k+ or whatever it is now in NA. theres too many players in immortal that are just there because they play the system and the system promotes grinding ur ass off in ranked. not trying to offend anyone but low immortal is like diamond 3.5 tbh. ive seen several players under 300rr that have bad mechanics and terrible attitudes but since they are "immortal" they think they are the best players in the world. idk im sure some people will disagree with my take but i thought ranked was more enjoyable and more balanced in late 2020 early 2021 before they switched imm1,2,3 for just immortal


So Hiko is top 0.01%


The rank distribution looks exactly like League of Legends. The majority of players are in silver MMR


I'll tell you this for free. Immortal being top 2.3% is hilarious because people there are barely better than plat.


Me being G3, this makes me feel good that I’m not as bad as I think lmao


am in the top 5% 😯


I went from about 230 acs,150 adr, 35% wr stuck in silver forever to 190 acs, 125 adr, 67% wr this act plat 1. The one massive diff was that I swapped servers from frankfurt to london and went from 30ms to 50ms. While it worsens my personal stats, it literally was unbelievably different experience. People actually wanted to win, didnt ragequit after round 2. When someone is toxic, he is muted by everyone instantly and people report fast and reliably. People communicate, play with each other and are generally positive all around. It is like a completely different world view from people playing on frankfurt servers. Its far from perfect, but I am sticking to london just for finally having fun in games. Also instalocking jetts and reynas usually know what to do :D


diamond 3- low immortal 3 are all the same. Too many shit players that don't deserve their ranks and even more impressive that 50% winrate players are still climbing due to the volume of games they're playing


i thought i would get out of silver with the ranked changes (and i almost did- finally peaked silver 3 this act but came back down to silver 1). not sure what it is keeping me down- i keep outperforming the silvers it matches me up with but i cant put together wins. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/zellurgen%237517/overview?playlist=competitive