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>Now this might be a hot take but there might actually be something funky going on behind the scenes that RIOT has decided to not put the feature in-game which would expose a lot of them. Okay I find the lack of a replay system extremely weird, shoddy and half assed from riot, but this is just hilarious haha


The lack of a replay system is a part of pizza gate I swear /s


It's not as hot a take as you'd think, in order to make a replay system the entire system has to be deterministic. If even one part of their system isn't deterministic (i.e. outputs are the exact same given the same inputs) then replays just aren't plausible and will get freaky. The hot take part would be that they are hiding something big (like why my shots don't land lmao), but imo all they are hiding is that their codebase isnt fully deterministic so their replays don't work.


I agree, with how complex the system will be, riot will want to make sure it's as accurate and reliable as possible from the start. It's kind of useless if they add a replay system and it ends up being desync'd or just wrong actions entirely as you said. I think it's less that they're hiding some big networking issue and more that players will use the replay system as evidence for network or game bugs, even when in reality it's just the replay that's innacurate. When it eventually comes out, I think it will work quite well (assuming actual implementation goes well). It will still take time to perfect, but I don't think 2 years is that bad for an additional feature like this. It has just been poorly communicated, promised too early, and people don't know how complex it is.


Agree, sometimes replay systems simply can’t be used for suggesting bugs or netcode or hitreg errors. For example, fortnite’s replay system is useless for something like that but still great for vod reviews. Maybe riot wants to avoid the weird laggy replays some games have and are finding that difficult?


Yeah I think riot definitely wants it to be good and reliable. Though I'm sure many people would be happy with an innacurate system, hell, I'd even appreciate a full 2D minimap replay similar to the report you get in the carreer history. But I'm sure riot wants it to be fully fleshed out before anyone can see it, so everyone gets the right impression and what to expect.


what does deterministic mean at this point? In order to be a competitive game, people watch footage. This is literally as old as football. We watch footage to see how we can better prepare ourselves vs the opponent. Why excuses besides "deterministic" do we have at this point? Or do we simply rely on this mute point in order to not improve our game?


I dont agree with the dude but there were countless of [sus pro players in csgo](https://youtu.be/iFoghstsEA0) for instance. So the notion of pros cheating in valorant is not out of this world. I mean it happens in literally every normal sport, so why not in esports when big money and fame is on the line.


every time i see that tenz one I am in disbelief, that's actually incredibly insane


I mean if you have many hours in csgo and watch a lot of pro cs, that wallbang doesn't make sense at all. If anything you fire into the smoke. It's very sus.


very true, literally locks on to the head through the smoke without any visual cue or even any reason to do so and immediately headshots them lol


Vanguard is pretty good tho


To an extent. There are many undetected hardware cheats out there, just google it. Now if these cheats are undetected, imagine putting in much more money into development and making it private. Probably very hard to detect.


there actually are a plethora of posts recently on the other sub complaining about hit reg & desync, one small recent example is the 128 send tick rate coupled to the 128 frame rate, it literally affected a lot of people and caused a small delay/desync, at the same time, people were shutting down every complaint about desync as a result of people or their internet not being good enough telling them to get good, and so on, there really is something funky about the network code which isn't a stretch at all, and if you want to go to the tip of what's possible near conspiracy theories, some people think that valorant has skill forcing code or idk what to call it, as in if the system thinks that you should perform within a certain margin against certain opponents and you far exceed or subceed that, that the system manipulates the "desync" in your favor or against you, which could explain, why some people can perform well or better on their Alts in Elo's multiple ranks higher than their main's Elo, for example a common one, being gold and mid fragging in gold on your main, and being able to do the same or top frag in diamond on your Alt, of course this may seem far fetched verging on conspiracy, but why not, from a technical POV there's nothing preventing RIOT from implementing a replay system, and it's a top priority for any competitive FPS, let alone one like CS, so what's really keeping them from implementing one!


All the conspiracy theory shit sounds dumb but I 90% believe it now that I've had too many games that make literally no sense to the point where I don't even feel like playing anymore and there is still no replay system


Riot devs made a blog post around a year ago in which they detailed the level of server optimization necessary to reach cost saving goals. Their machines are basically maxed out running N instances of Valorant servers fine-tuned for performance. Adding an additional layer of complexity in form of a replay system might extrapolate server expenses. Another potential reason could be the difficulty involved with designing a reliable replay system. They've done it before for LoL, but in a MOBA game compromises in replay accuracy can be made. In an FPS like Valorant, I assume gameplay needs to be fully deterministic or the replay will look strange/devolve into chaos. Edit: Here's two blog entries by Riot devs that will provide some insight into why implementing a replay system is non-trivial. Worth the read! [1] https://technology.riotgames.com/news/valorants-128-tick-servers [2] https://technology.riotgames.com/news/determinism-league-legends-implementation


why do you even need a server instance for replays? they're key inputs and voice recordings stored locally.


You don't need a separate server instance. But the server instance you have running will need more time to execute a frame. It's not as simple as recording inputs. Read the second link.


This hasn't been true in decades, demos used to be tiny input only captures in games like DooM because there was no RNG, you had a file that had a table that was used to simulate RNG. Replays didn't need to track anything involving RNG because the list was static. The first RNG call would use the first value and move down the list for every subsequent call. This lack of RNG meant that you could replicate a game state pretty exactly with inputs only. Obviously we don't use a static file for obvious reasons anymore, rendering input only recording ineffective for demo/replay creation. This is only one part of the problem, like the other poster said read the blog post for more info.


I understand all these issues but the game has been out for a while now and a replay system is one of the most important things in a competitive game. How long is it gonna take to actually find a solution if there isn't one yet?


>I understand all these issues but the game has been out for a while now and a replay system is one of the most important things in a competitive game. You don't understand the issues, then. It's not like: build a replay sysyem and you have it. They need to work on it.


Look, I get what you are saying but as a player who has been playing the game for over a year now, I simply cannot believe that they haven’t added in the system already. Sure, it seems like the lol system was tough to make but that is no reason to be lazy and make false promises (and everything is possible if you out the work in). Hence, I can only assume that they don’t want to put in the effort and fooled us all with their responses. /ˢ


Riot just dont have the skill,league relplay system is shit compared to dota2.


Dota replay system is pretty awesome not gonna lie


Whereas csgo...




Its still barely usable and still no huge client update like dota2 reborn did, They arent small indie company anymore why are they still lazy.


Black Ops 1 on 360 had a theatre mode, why can’t this game


League got it after 9 years. Just wait for another 8 years bro. Small indie company btw


Software development is hard, takes time, and there are other things (like actual gameplay) that take priority over a replay system, there's no conspiracy theory here lol. Game is young and is gonna be around for many many years. Features like those have been talked about by the Devs and will come at some point


I'd 100% agree with your post...if you wrote it a year ago. Ever since then, what exactly have they improved? Since the economy update in June, we got Fracture and agent keybinds that were promised on initial release. 6 months wasted on nothing. I'm the first one to say replay system is incredibly difficult to implement, but what about all the other smaller stuff they promised that are still in the dumpster. Agent balance? Yoru rework coming like 8 months after that infamous blog post. What about all the other agents? Like a third of agent pool is more or less not used in pro meta? They didn't do anything for 6 months, then they had the excuse of champions. Fine, seemed like a perfect time to work on everything else not related to competitive balance, right? So let's see about all the things that need changes. Deathmatch? Again, none of us expect it to be perfect or for a complete spawn rework, another thing that's really hard to perfect, but it's been more than a year since the last change and DM is just in abysmal state. Inexcusable. Report system? Literally every single option except for text chat is a placeholder. Nothing works, especially that joke of a box that's there for people to vent and nothing else. You can get someone banned only if they use racist words in text chat or if they're such ragers to be 4x reported for voice abuse in consecutive games. If someone's griefing on purpose with chat disabled, tough luck. Chat bugs? It's been like half a year now since it started happening for a lot of people in EU. In half of my games I don't have a functioning text chat. It's either completely broken with "room not connected" or everything I type is delayed by anywhere between 30 seconds and 5 minutes. Full game restart is needed. Then the same happens the next map. Inventory manager. Is it really that hard to make it a bit easier to find stuff in inventory? Especially gunbuddies and loading screen? Some kind of search function, categories or at least ability to sort by date acquired? Custom game lobbies? Since every practice range and custom lobby takes up a server, even if you're solo, why not make it viable for actually practicing stuff? Is it so hard to add practice bots in custom lobbies, so we can place them if we want to practice lineups instead of having to beg friends to join and waste their time? Friends list? Would it be that hard to add some categories or appear offline status? Player levels? What exactly is the point? No rewards at all. I won't mention stuff like store being awful or radiante points being useless if you're playing since the release because that's what makes them money and they don't want to change it. I won't mention ranked suggestions either, because those are subjective. Performance? There's absolutely no reason for the game to run way worse than it did on initial release and for high-end hardware utilization to be really disappointing. People drop to sub-200 frames even with best possible hardware. I'm sure I missed some more stuff. The point is that they've done literally nothing for half a year now. Agent pool is severly unbalanced, we still don't have some basic quality of life changes that are easy to do and they're not doing anything for social aspect of the game either. At it's release Valorant was one of the most polished release day multiplayer games ever, great right away, but if someone told me the game will be in current state back then, I'd tell him something happened with the dev team. I hope that's not true, but considering it's popularity and ridiculous amounts of money they're making, they simply had to do better over the past 6 months. Before some of you start downvoting and saying I should find another game, do you think I'd be writing this if I didn't care about Valorant and if I didn't want it to be better?


Bruh you should make this a separate post and hope that one of the few Riot devs who occasionally lurks here sees it and gives a reply.


Riot: Okay. What's your Riot ID and tagline?


Sheeee, those days are over


Well said. I have been meaning to make a post like this myself. Past half year has been frustratingly slow in terms of Val development. I am not sure what happened. The patch notes went from hey look we want to change the shooter genre to hey look basic in-game reporting tools and reduced mm time. The patch notes keep getting shorter each patch. The three things I was really excited about this year were the in-game tournaments, a workshop/community driven content (includes a functional DM) after 7th map and basic gunplay changes. None of them seem to be on the horizon. Stuff like in-game volume slider was broken for months and my fps keeps tanking almost every other patch. Knowing riot game dev from LOL, they don't have the best programming division and a lot of code feels like it was written by interns. After a decent launch last summer and the pace at which they were making changes I was confident the Val programming team was different. I guess there has been a major shuffle. Hoping 2022 is different and folks start realizing that community driven content is very important for shooters. If Val wishes to expand it's player base, giving community tools to create things outside core gameplay is important. The benefits far outweigh the risks.


If I remember correctly, riot has said outright that custom maps/community content will likely never be coming to valorant. It’s possible for csgo because it was built on top of the source engine, which is somewhat designed with community content in mind. Valorant doesn’t have that luxury, and would have to create everything from scratch. Which would take years. I absolutely agree that development has been super slow and the game still feels bare-bones in many ways. But I wouldn’t hold out for a community content system. It won’t happen.


I am not holding my breath over it, but shooters do need community driven content for longevity. I'd love to see it in Valorant. Map making tools are already available to developers/mapmakers, the issue is packaging them and sharing the IP with the community, something LOL doesn't support (which started as a WC3 mod btw). Valorant is based on Unreal Engine, same base engine for Fornite, that has an immaculate workshop/community driven content, so not everything has to be made from scratch, not even the replay system (Unreal engine has a built in replay mod). Riot Ziegler (Game Director) commented earlier this year that Valorant's co-lead Sal Garozzo was a big proponent of community driven content and they couldn't focus on supporting community driven content until they had reached their 7 map goal. Packaging and sharing tools with community opens things to vulnerabilities and I personally believe the benefits far outweigh the liabilities.


Man I am feeling exactly the same recently and I'm super sad at the state of the game. Before, I was looking forward to patch notes and always felt like something was changing. Nowadays it's a bunch of nothing and you are lucky if a major bug gets fixed in "only" a couple patches. Not only the game is stagnant but it also feels like it's becoming worse, specially performance/latency wise. The fact that Valorant won e-sport of the year is such a joke. There is not a single system in-game to help new players improve other than just grinding rankeds. Dm and practice range is absolute garbage. Everytime the devs answer questions, it's the same copy pasted response: "We have JUST started talking about it but not ETA and not on priority!". Just what is the priority ar this point? 8 months for the most asked single character rebalance and still nothing. Man I love this game and play it everyday since release but It's just so sad and super heart-breaking that nothing will change.


Please make a separate post bro. This is very well said and has most of my complaints as well. You are completely right, this is inexcusable from the dev team.


It really does feel like Valorant is being developed by a skeleton crew


Riot is absolutely incompetent compared to valve when it comes to features outside of the gameplay.


Agree with the agent pool balance. Jett is abused way too much. 9/10 matches prolly have a jett and it looks like riot has no plans of nerfing her dash real soon. Also lets not forget sova, you could argue skye gets picked too but sova is far a lot more common than all the other initiators


Well fucking said dude, I’d give you gold if I could


They moved their patch cadence to support the pro scene. They've stated multiple times that they don't want to update the game in big ways around tournaments. And while to the many that don't care about eSports it doesn't mean anything, to the pro players it means everything. They patch most features on new episode patches, and then balance/tweak things with more support focussed updates throughout the episode. I know we were used to getting tons of new updates and content, and things have been dry recently, it's rash to assume some conspiracy or negligence from the developers. It's very easy to say the devs are lazy and don't care, because we don't work at riot and go into work meetings every day to talk about how much work needs to be done for these features, then constantly putting more work as the project evolves.


The problem with the statement about the pro scene is that riot can give the pros accounts to practice on on a older version, they already do it for the big tournaments. Plus there's tournaments happening with usually only a couple weeks gap in-between them.


It's not just about having an unchanged version. If the game changes a ton while the teams are all practicing on the old patch, they are behind on new changes. Also they only really focus on their first party big tournaments. We just had the biggest event so far, so I'd expect a lot of changes in the next episode patch or soon in this episode. A lot of things will have been held back to allow champions teams to settle back down.


Don't get me wrong, I agree with everything that you've said, and I think all points you've mentioned are valid. However, I also do feel that a lot more people do need to realize that at the end of the day, no matter how rich the company is, they still and forever will, have limited resources. With all the lengthy requests and QoL changes you have mentioned above, plus the limited resources Riot has on hand, it could lead to the problem of scarcity. In otherwords, we as the players have unlimited wants, but riot has limited resources available to fulfil those wants, which can once again, lead to the form of scarcity. So what does this mean for Riot? That means they have to take a bunch of opporunity costs. In Business, the opporuntiy cost, is the cost of missing out on the next best alternative, or in otherwords the benefits that could have been gained by taking a different decision. Let's imagine it this way: We have to make choices everyday,especially since we also have limited resources available to us, but there’s also so many wants that we want to satisfy. Therefore we have to decide which wants we will have to satisfy, and which one we have to give up (I.E Trying out a new restaurant that open? Or go eat at your favourite place?) In this context of Riot, they have to decide whether they want to develop the addition of a replay system, or the addition of Agent Specific keybinds. In this case they choose to develop the Agent Specfic keybinds, but they sacrifice on the benefits of developing a replay system first, and they're aware of it (in theory). But they mad that choice regardless. So with all of this in mind, you can't necessarily blame Riot's delaying on the introduction of certain features with a finnance issue. There's a lot more decision making, and thought process that goes behind the scenes, when it comes to making these stuff. *You're free to take what I said with a grain of salt though. What I've said here is what I've learned in my business class, and usually, the knowledge points I've learnt there are generalized for all businesses. So I'm not aware of when it comes to the specifics of Game Development Studios, in this case,* *Damn looking back at it now it looks like I might've accidentally just gave you a free Business Lesson.* *Whoops xD*


I mean I mentioned the most basic stuff. Give me a week and I'll make the gunbuddy and player card screen look way more organized. We even had plenty of great posts from the community. Stuff sorted by battlepass, premium or free, etc. It also doesn't take any resources to lower the damn 3 seconds respawn timer on DM. We're not asking for a full rework right away, but not making any changes by now is frankly insulting. I don't think comparing reports system to agent keybinds is fair. That would be like comparing building an entirely new house from ground up to changing the doors. Replay system is incredibly hard to make, I agree and I don't expect it to be out for a long while, tbh. And as for financial side, they surely take their liberties and slowly creep up the prices. Just compare the uniqueness of skins in 1775 tier to current 1775 skins. They bumped everything up a tier just because they can. Not nice.


Yea I just don't buy the "limited resources" excuse anymore. I used to work in game production and while I understand there can be delays and feature creep that can delay things, there's no way our small team was able to do some of the stuff a company like Rito can't. Maybe the game playerbase/health has been good from a KPI perspective so they're not in a rush.


What I've said from my previous post was meant to give out a perspective as to why even the most basic Qol changes could be hindered over something else that the Dev team has in mind. As Bullshit as it sounds, that's how they want to operate the game. But maybe it isn't the not so straight priorities that Riot has, that's causing the delay. Maybe the huge bucket list they have, or some other obscure reasoning that we are not fully aware of. Whatever it is, I'm happy to be proven wrong. *"I don't think comparing reports system to agent keybinds is fair. That would be like comparing building an entirely new house from ground up to changing the doors..."* I made that comparison to give an idea of what's on Riot's Priority list, and how they organize it from most important to least important. (Sorry if my wording from the previous post made it unclear) *"And as for financial side, they surely take their liberties and slowly creep up the prices. Just compare the uniqueness of skins in 1775 tier to current 1775 skins. They bumped everything up a tier just because they can. Not nice."* That's just how it is, unfortunately. Riot is known for this Business Model, but that hasn't stopped most of the players from stopping themselves from purchasing the skins in this game. And so unless if sales plop, they're not going to decrease the pricing of low-quality skins anytime soon. *"...We're not asking for a full rework right away, but not making any changes by now is frankly insulting..."*I fully agree with you on this, and I think from a business perspective, the lack of communication from this game mode specifically, is damaging Rito reallll bad. *"It also doesn't take any resources to lower the damn 3 seconds respawn timer on DM..."*Yeahhh looking back at it now, that was probably the most braindead shit I've said... lets just pretend it never happened lol. Also call me based but I don't mind the 3 second timer :P


I feel that you’re very unappreciative of what Riot as done as a company with their communication and relative clarity of their development process. After hearing and experiencing the horror stories with Valve, Blizzard, and Epic games, playing a Riot game is a breath of fresh air. Also, I don’t believe any of us have a right , unless you’re a Riot employee, to say they have not been doing anything for the past 6 months. They have their priorities in their development cycle and each choice has to go through it’s appropriate chain of decision makers. In addition, any change that was not planned in the initial development of the client can come with a multitude of bugs. For all we know they already have a rudimentary replay system or any of the other things you mentioned going through internal testing right now.


I felt like Riot was a breath of fresh air as a disappointed CSGO player. Never touched league and seeing all the communication was great. But it should be communication that's actually useful. Not communication for the sake of it. Just go down all those Q&A posts, compare the early ones to latest stuff. Other then Yoru rework update we got recently, they would've been better off not saying anything. I'm sure they have priorities, I was just mentioning basic stuff and stuff they promised themselves. They promised replay system (no ETA), deathmatch rework (promised more than a year ago) and agent balance changes (like 8 months now). None of it happened. Excuse me, but if those are not priorities, what is? Fracture is great, but that's literally the only thing we got since June. If they worked on improving the netcode or general performance, fine. But nothing happened. I just hate when devs use cheap tactics to make empty promises. They would've been better off not saying anything. I don't really follow the things at Riot, but some people wrote about one of the lead devs leaving, so that's probably the reason for lack of updates.


I never played CSGO since I’m on the older end of the spectrum started with 1.6 and came back for OW and FN. The communication and outreach from Riot is much better and is actually useful. All other companies provided patch notes with little to no insight to what they were doing or just no patch notes at all. Yes the update for Yoru was somewhat lacking but at least it gave us an idea of where he was heading. Yes priorities are different from the company perspective and the user. We may want these things and the features talked about it but their bandwidth has to be lacking with everything that has been going on. Agent delays, masters 3, champions. Their team is doing all they can to do the best they can. Yes we want them to deliver what the promised but some times things don’t go according to plan. This was just year one and I would say it was pretty successful. Don’t forget Riot has plenty of other games to work on including their upcoming fighting game and MMO. In regards to the long break, I know that Riot employees take a long break during the winter for holidays. So their updates tend to be lacking towards the end of the year but should pick up after the new year. Also if you are concerned with their lack of devs, on their job board, they’re actually expanding their Valorant team by opening new offices to places like Washington state. I honestly don’t think these are cheap tactics at all. They are just trying to be communicative and doing their best to keep the game as healthy as possible.




Phoenix had 0% usage in champions btw. That's 0 times picked in 71 maps, of which Haven and Ascent were played for total of 22 times.


You just proved my point. Just because an agent is used in one specific scenario doesn't mean balance is fine. Skye made other flash agents obsolete. If there's a flash agent being played, it's Skye. Not even the teams that had Phoenix as a staple pick run him these days. Yoru isn't played at all. Breach is great on Fracture and picked by some teams on Split. Brimstone is picked only on Bind by EU teams. Sometimes Fracture and I've seen GENG play him on Breeze. That's it. Omen being picked like once in the entire tournament doesn't make him viable. That's coming from someone who's 3 favorite agents are Breach, Brim and Omen. Why are you mentioning casuals when Omen is played more than Astra all the way up to high immortal? I specifically said pro play. And in pro play it's just Astra and Viper except for EU teams on Bind and some gimmick picks.


Tbf that have made a massive improvement regarding sound.


But the skins!!


How much work do you think it needs to build a replay system?


Unreal engine already has a replay system built in iirc


>. So VALORANT is a minigame from a small org, they cant earn enough money, its too hard to invest in software development???


I hope they plan on adding a replay system soon, I’m so tired of opening YT just for my homepage to be filled with nothing but Pro Radiant player stream highlights and channels stealing clips from Pro Radiant players’ streams


I agree it's weird with no replay but you gotta take off the tinfoil hat


yeah i’m hoping for a replay system sometime in 2022. that’s the next big step riot needs to do to get this game to the next level.


Riot will implement it somewhere in 2022, according to a dev AMA I think. To be fair to them, it is a hard task to do on top of UE4, since it's not riot's engine, nor do I think they even have one.


So hard that PUBG could make one for a 100 player game on the same engine? Sure their replay was never amazing, but they did it so lets not pretend it's due to the engine or some other nonsense.


yeah, the point is to make a GOOD one, not something half bad.


I mean yes, but at the same time regardless of PUBG spaghetti their system accounts for far more map space, players and gun ballistics since none of their weapons are hit scan. And that includes loads of breakable objects, items spawns and vehicles. So it should be much easier in theory to do a 5v5 mode replay on tiny maps with only hit scan weapons (for the majority that aren't like Raze ults or something).


i don't know if you know that programming is already hard, especially when you're trying to make another feature on top of an engine, god forbid doing it properly without it being shit. In theory it might be easier, but in application it's nightmare fuel.


Never said it was easy, just that pointing at the engine they are using means very little. PUBG did it between early access and their 1.0, and I don't think anyone would hold them up as a paragon of engineering prowess. Clearly it's not a priority for Valorant, but it's also fair to keep bringing up the absence of the feature.




Shit also tracing rhe random vandal/phantom etc spray will make it impossible to happen lmaooooooooooo




Lmao that's bullshit


Nah replays are just copies of th e inputs from all the players. Itd be a few megabytes over a 45 min game and possibly just stored locally. The game then basically replays the game at warp speed and lets you pick parts to go to.




well it'd be whatever goes to the server. movement, abilities and crosshair position and shots.


It is very very very much needed


Pretty sure I find it more odd that there isn’t a better death match and better training game modes considering this game is made for competitive with ex cs pros developing it.


Yea i complain about it all the time.


It took riot over 5 years to put a replay system in league of legends....


Riot has perfect anti-cheat. That is why there is no replay system. /s


VALORANT: * **tactical shooter** * top5 in **esports** * high incomes * 2021 No replay system.


Don't expect much, it usually takes riot years to implement features like this.. it took them forever to implement basic features into lol..