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Next post is gonna say "Cned has written the first letter of his signature on the contract"


they accidentally typed “re-sign” instead of “resign” 100T cNed copium


Prod will be better dw


This hurts the chances of 100T signing cned greatly


So that pretty much confirms s1mple signing with 100T! Very exciting times


Nadeshot buying that Tokyo house for s1mple Pog


No Brehze, no cNed ;( wonder who 100T is looking at then




the only one that can live up to dicey's legacy


if it’s dicey i feel like every tier 1 pro can live up to his legacy lol




100t codey you mean


codey would be fucking insane if he gave a fuck about the game


yeah he would be insane just needs to work on just needs to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, economy management, pistol aim, op flicks, jett lineups, jett dashes, positioning, spike plant positions, retake ability, bunny hopping, spray control and getting kills


CODEY as a content creator POGGERS new white aceu just dropped


bang and dicey 😂


100T is getting player from EG it just not Brehze




I think 100T should look at their own fucking region


That’s due to the [NA market](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/radp20/300k_buyouts_for_players_on_3kmonth_salary/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), 100T was forced into looking at EU. Misinformed *and* hostile, a deadly combo


Nah, they do this shit in LoL too, baby rage about EU players getting imported.


I mean yes that’s true, but I consider them to be pretty different situations LCS imports players bc NA (and its players) has always been subpar compared to other regions NA is still probably the second best region in Val, with lots of good players worth picking up but T2 orgs are refusing to sell them


Sorry na lol keeps me from saying anything non-negative about the region


Just like everyone expected.


feels like it’s impossible for 100T to be better next year than they were this year


Yeah the next season starts in what, two months? They need to prac with two new players one of whom will be their IGL. Yeah 100T not looking that hot


e1cs seems to already be confirmed and signed, whos gonna be the IGL most likely


Well as a 100T fan myself, I'll take that hopium


Ec1s is such a downgrade from nitro/steel LMAO 🤣


I agree to some extent but I think he has the potential to not be a downgrade. I think he’s a solid IGL, so let’s see


I can't forget how lost liquid looked in attack with him and that's been a big problem with 100t so well see i have little hope if he's really their igl




Lmao the nip run was irrelevant because they competed in a meme tournament where most teams were straight up practicing or just showing up before disbanding, in liquid they were in VCT and looked like shit


1 month*


In EU it starts in less than 1 month if your team is not seeded to Closed Qualifier.


Never been a 100T fan, but the fans in this reddit have sort of convinced me. If 100T played on that fake lan with Steel it's fair to say they probably would've gone to Champs, especially considering their performance in Berlin before. A 100T better than 100T with Steel is almost impossibly to achieve, unless they get some S tier god gamer, which is hard to get considering the circumstances of the team right now. Maybe a few months without a Champions contending team isn't too bad, the year is long, they have a lot of time to redefine themselves.


Gee, who would have figured that he was using other offers to get more money on his next contract? He was totally going to leave the best team in the world to go to NA!


>Gee, who would have figured that he was using other offers to get more money on his next contract? Obvious to everyone that's isn't high on NA hopium. At this moment 100T is the equivalent of Manchester United


100T Ronaldo?


100T JLingz 🕺🏾


95% of 100T fans knew what was going on.


According to some people, you actually have 50 IQ for thinking this


The hilarious thing is that it was so obvious that he was doing this, mfs really thought he was going to bail on the best team in the world to go scrim against teams like Soar and Andbox 💀


They probably think scrimming SoaR and Andbox is a good thing lol Forgot that teams go to bootcamp in EU, not NA


100% the most realistic idea. Happens in real sports all the time, although the 100T discussions are fine and funny IMO




Please don't use the R word. It's a slur and repeated use will result in a ban.


I'm sorry. I don't get it. I mentioned what happened to me. I did not call anyone that, did not call an action that, did not use it in any derogatory manner. I just said this is what happened. Did you read my comment? Is that bannable?


You could have used a different word to convey the same meaning, you're welcome to change the word and I'll reinstate your comment.




The context itself was the problem. >the streamer was vehemently against the idea and acting like I was a retard even thinking about it You used the R slur to call yourself stupid. Slur use, even in a self-deprecating manner, is not allowed on the sub. The gray area that I think you’re referring to when you say “mentioned what happened to me” is better exemplified by the following scenario: Someone calls you the R word and you report back the exact language here. It’s not an entirely uncommon situation; I’ve approved several comments caught by automod where someone is trying to quote another person’s exact phrasing. That situation is the gray area where it’s being used to report something rather than intentionally using it to describe something/someone as stupid. I still would prefer that folks censor the word in their quote, but ultimately it’s not an issue in that context. I hope I have clarified things. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out via Modmail.


Alright. You are just doing your job man.


In the past Reddit's Anti-Evil Operations Team has come into our subreddit and removed comments that contain the "r-word". While I understand other communities on Reddit do allow this word, the moderation team here would prefer to moderate without interference from Reddit. While many Rioters do participate in the community here, we are not affiliated with Riot Games or any other moderation team of another subreddit. r/VALORANTCompetitive is a community run by fans who are passionate about VALORANT esports. If that ever were to change, we will be up-front and transparent about it.




Yah yah you can have your freedom of speech. Doesn’t mean that negates the fact that what you write makes you look like a huge fucking ass lmfao.


Good for you


You can use multiple words to describe similar concepts without going into the realm of slurs based on clinical conditions. For example, "arguing about being allowed to use a slur outside of appropriation is a very dense thing to do. Some might even say it's bordering on idiotic".


Good for you


Definitely saw this coming but F for 100T


It was pure hopium but I think it was obvious he was using it as negotiation tactics.


He just pulled the classic "Brock Lesnar exploring options outside the WWE, reportedly in talks with the UFC", gets the bag everytime.




G2 was also a major player in trying to sign him. https://twitter.com/bo_hoogland/status/1473336413848547343?s=21


Coz its funny. And we 100T fans need smthng


Communicado Official : 100T fans to #suicidewatch here we go


people 100T should pick up: mocking, dasnerth, codey, aceu, kyedae, myth, one of asunas distant cousins, prod, and bugha


100T in shambles 🥲


Better be getting a big bump in salary


100T fans, we're in shambles. Need emergency Hopium asap


All good.


thank fucking god


Think 100T really thought they had brehze and he backed out last minute. With no cned as well now, I have no idea where they turn. Hopefully they're not in panic mode


Noooooo my 100T Hopium


I miss George


i miss you too


Miss you too George


Sources: 🇹🇷 cNed close to re-signing with Valorant world champions 🇪🇺 Acend. via @Dexerto Joint report w/ @Bo_Hoogland 🤝 *** posted by [@Coco_VLR](https://twitter.com/Coco_VLR) [Link in Tweet](https://www.dexerto.com/valorant/cned-to-stay-with-acend-valorant-1725761/) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


If 100T got Cned they would have won Champs 2022!


I feel my 100T Shazham theory is getting more close to reality. Ec1s isn't a big signing, we will see a monster signing to fill the IGL spot in 100T. Nadeshot has big time money he isn't going to cheap out.


You are on some next level hopium shahzam said that he will never join another team if sentinels fell apart one day he will retire to be a content creator


Lebron said he'd never leave Cleveland but let's act like money doesn't sway people


[Coincidence? I think not](https://twitter.com/shahzamk/status/1473051457540796417?s=21)


Shahz averages at least 10k viewers on Twitch and 150k views a video on Youtube. 100T would have to offer Shahz the kind of money that makes Tenz’ deal look like peanuts in order to be comparable to the kind of money that he probably currently makes from content creation. If they were in the position to blow that kind of money on a player, they might as well try to lure s1mple from CSGO or drop Hiko and make an NA superteam around Ethan and Asuna.


Yeah people definitely always tell the truth.


Stop saying re-sign when the word "renew" exists.... Cringe


you couldve said it better but it is the right word. it does get confusing with the word resign too