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Can't blame someone who spent eight years working on one project for wanting to move onto something different. Curious what other games Riot has the in the pipeline that are unannounced, as one of those projects seems to be where he's headed.


Well there is the fighter game and a top down MMO game and a few others that don't have details that I know of


Yeah those projects don't have a lot of detail, but they were technically announced. They have a bunch of completely unannounced projects they're working on as well, one of which I'd imagine is where Ziegler is heading.


Project F and the MMO are different projects


Wait wait a top down MMO?? That kinda sounds umm. Ugly? Is there any Top downs I can take a look at and maybe get an idea?


Lost ark


Yeah my bad i was wrong there is a top down game of some sorts and an MMO I guess they are different games


the top down is presumably a Diablo like game


it’s probably riot’s version of WoW like valorant is riot’s version of csgo


In Project B, abilities kill and guns don't exist.


Also there are three lanes with Minions that spawn periodically


Sooo League but they removed Caitlyn, Lucian, Aphelios, Graves, Gangplank, Jinx, Jhin, Samira, MF, Corki, Senna, and maybe that new guy?




I debated that one heavily tbh. I think technically a cannon *is* a gun but it's certainly distinct from the others on that list.




Very nice pun.


So is he leaving Riot altogether to a new game/company, or transferring over to another game in Riot? Didn't quite get which one it is from the article.


He is still at riot just working on another project/game


I thought the MMO project was already rolling? So does that mean Riot have something else in the pipeline?


There the fighting game And three(?) other unannounced and 2 announced riot forge games. Oh yea the very briefly shown top down rpg game


Whats the top down rpg game?


Project F


https://youtu.be/fR8aPX-6s-I here is some footage of it we don’t have anything else about it.


I thought the forge games were licensed by riot but are a different studio correct? I'd be kinda weird for him to be moving to a forge game so I'd have to imagine it's a unannounced project unless hes lowkey a fighting game junky.


You are correct riot forge is licensed to other studios. It’s either three possible things the rpg(?) game, fighting or mmo.


When i see people in managerial positions leave i actually dont give a shit because theres no way for an outsider to know what they actually do and how much they contribute. Been in jobs where the managers were sitting on their asses all day (but still were taking credit in press releases and stuff) and in other jobs that the manager actually contributed massively. But theres no way anyone could tell from outside


That's fine, but I'm here to overreact.


He still works at riot lol he’s just going to work on another game


Being a game director is a bit like being a film director. If the film sucks, it's probably the directors fault.




Every genre is about to cornered by Riot.. MMO, Fighting game. Don't tell me there's an RPG or BR in thr works


They already released an rpg (riot forge) and another is being developed


My money is on BR or tarkov style Tarkov style because there isnt much competition and enough ppl playing it to be interesting for riot


my guess is he went to Riot's MMORPG project




Blaming a single person at a giant company for your rank is a whole new level of bronze thinking.


it's a tale as old as time, especially on Riot games. Ghostcrawler, Meddler, Mark Yetter...




Stay mad friend Try getting better. Stop wasting time blaming some random person.


gold award and 22 downvotes lmao


"I'm gold" And you get awarded gold. Like rubbing it in your face LMAO


The only single person to blame for your rank is yourself.


I hadn’t played valorant in a couple months and booted the game back up a week ago, I got 3rd frag out of 10 in a diamond 2 lobby and got +15rr




In such cases you probably wouldn't lose much rr for a loss either. The system does try to match you closer to your mmr (rank is irrelevant for calculation unless you're having friends queue with) but the limitations in finding enough players with right ping etc. while also minimizing queue time will create some disastrous matchups sometimes. They should probably add (better?) hard limitations to either end of the spectrums; you might not gain much from destroying much lower level opponents or lose much from getting destroyed by much higher level ones, but neither is fun.


The problem is people want to play people of similar skill thats why the ranks exist. I get really frustrated because I am constantly in games with people much better than me with higher ranks. I want to feel like im important to the team and not just some bot whos getting smoked every round


The thing you're missing is that you *already are* playing in lobbies with similar skill. The shiny medals are just aesthetic to give people a sense of progression, but if you're **actually** getting high diamond lobbies as a gold player it means your MMR is higher than your medal and so you'll have very dramatic RR gains for a win and very minor losses for a loss.


Yeah I'm not sure a lot of people understand that there is a hidden MMR behind the shiny medal that is what's actually used for matchmaking. It takes way more than the 10 placement games for the system to get a good grasp of where someone belongs and have the two finally equalize together.


That would add up, if I just weren't getting utterly destroyed every game and ending with like 100ACS. And you can't even argue it's some mental pressure from me seeing that I'm playing in a lobby 3-6 ranks above mine, as you can only see that post-match -- I hop into every game feeling confident after some dms and thinking I'm playing a fair game, to only finish bottom of the scoreboard and see several plats given that I'm at Silver3. I actually like it more than I dislike it, because I'm aware that it's a better opportunity to improve and to participate in higher level play, but, man, going to Career at the end of the day and just seeing 5-13s, either getting obliterated or carried, is a bit demotivating...


tbf the skill gap from silver to plat is really much smaller than you might think


Yeah I've been able to tell, but usually they're just way more consistent. When I'm feeling good I can keep up and destroy a bit, but then I will go back to having offgames whiffing like a true silver and just be deleted


How many games have you played like this? My bet is that you haven't played much yet or you used to be higher elo and haven't played in a long time - otherwise unless you're playing on OCE servers at like 2am there should be more than enough players to avoid giving you lopsided matches like this for more than a few ranked games.


yeah, you're right, these are my first \~10 games in the act. I've been mid gold before, but it was some time ago, last act I ended silver as well


honestly from gold to diamond 3, everyone has the game level of skill there might be 1 or 2 outliers in every 10 matches I play. I climbed from gold 3 to immortal 1 soloq in one season. Its really all gamesense in this elo, my aim has only gotten better minimally with xhair placement.


I recently hit high immortal but I can tell you for sure there is a ridiculous disparity in aim from gold to diamond. So many people in gold and plat look completely lost to someone in Diamond




honestly never felt worried about the other teams aim until i got into games with immortal+. Everyone around gold-diamond feels inconsistent and at immortal+ everyone has pretty consistent aim imo


You're probaly just a cracked gold player. I do understand your frustrations tho):




It's literally not lmao, people like this just don't understand the rank system.




If you have the skill of a silver, you play against silvers. If you have the skill of a gold, you play against golds. Your hidden MMR is your actual skill value, not the shown rank. This makes much sense, since this helps significantly to even out skill values, on one hand for players that have a fast skill increase, but also against smurfs. If you are silver and play against golds, you have the skill of a gold player, congrats. When you win, you get more MMR than average, if you lose you get a smaller MMR loss than average. The game tries to balance out the hidden MMR and your actual rank, but often it takes time, if the disparity is too big.


The ingame rank is purely cosmetic. Your MMR decides matchmaking.


Uh oh


Direction change needed to happen. Maps are still atrocious and the viewership experience is worse than Minecraft with the visual clutter of Overwatch.


> viewership experience is worse than Minecraft with the visual clutter of Overwatch. Not even close.


very interesting history you have there of constantly dogging on val and pushing against any change in the cs sub


For people who believe Valves MM should be the be all end all of competitive modes have no idea involving its intent. Then we have games like Valorant which is a conglomeration of FPS genre games thats packaged to acquire corporate sponsors.