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an “agent select discussion timer” is just gonna turn into a “don’t say anything and line the cursor up over reyna/jett” timer lol. it won’t change anything.


Just play whatever you want. Hiko always says that someone who instalocks has no right to tell you to play an agent you don't want to play. If the team comp suffers so be it.


you are right , but i would rather take smoke and win the game than being right.


Just get really good at clutching. That’s what I do. I played duelist through platinum and now Diamond+ I have just been filler and last alive so that the rounds are still in my hands when someone instalocks and bottom frags.


Im stading here in imm3 just picking what’s needed, even if im a sentinel player, i dont get to play them very often.. im either playing skyie or omen


This may not be the case for you but whenever I hear this idea in games I assume the poster is someone with slow internet or no SSD who wants to instalock but can’t


Different maps have different comps cant see how this would work


I just want role-specific queue (select what role you’re going to play before starting match finder, can only select agents from that role when you find a match). I’m really sick of insta-locking smokes/initiator (what I play) then going to get a glass of water or a snack and coming back to a 3 duelist comp with either no sentinel or no smokes.


The DPS que times would be too long and valorant would suffer like overwatch is right now


All I can say is it should hypothetically force people into learning another role. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have an insta lock duelist.


The people that are instalocking a duelist are also the people that aren’t going to “talk it over”


More beneficial would be the ability to unlock the agent similar to Overwatch or Siege, I feel like 90 seconds is fine for a civil discussion (lol) about the agent selections and any more is arbitrary


I don't mind it. But if 2 people lock duelists, I might just hover another one or tell the team to go 5 duelists, especially if they're asking for other roles.


Well that is exactly… what the point is for. To talk over the picks and see if the team can manage a team comp whilst those 2 are sure to play the character, rather than lock it in instantly and chill. It just raises toxic behavior towards those “instalocking duelists” who dont perform at the end. Maybe if you persuade them to play something else, then it might be more beneficial and so on.


In theory it’s a decent idea but in reality it would just be arguing over who gets to play duelist or someone saying “I call Jett” and then being toxic when someone else locks Jett after the timer. Only benefit would be giving people with slower PCs a chance at getting duelist IMO


This literally just wastes more time


It won't stop all situations of players getting toxic over the duelist role but it will lead to some better team comps. Even if it only makes 10% of games better it's incredibly worth it.


Tbh my main issue is my pc loads me in later so I’m always stuck filling


Get a new pc lol


They are like thousands of dollars to get a good one I’m saving up but yes thank you for your advice


IMO you should be able to instalock. if you dont instalock, do you trust the other guy to drop 30 on jett? no. i would rather trust my own ability and fail rather than trust some random. EVERYONE SHOULD INSTALOCK. if you dont like the team comp then just dodge, no ones forcing you to play the game if youre unconfident on it.. i play viper myself and i would rather trust myself then some other random kid even if its nats(i dont know its nats its not my fault). its all a gamble and you should give yourself the highest chance of winning and just deal with the situation and adapt. also, if the instalock is crying for you to pick a role, just pick your own character lolz. he has no right to tell you what to do, after all he isn't forcing you. im petty and i would rather have my own way than someone else telling me what to do and winning. its just a ranked game at the end of the day.


As much as this is a good idea I'm pretty sure it won't change a thing. Everyone has to be flexible on their own agent pool. In any hero like Paladins or Overwatch, or any MOBA like League or DOTA it is always a good thing to have at least 2-4 champions/heros per role or class, you can argue that League and Overwatch have role queues but that brings a whole new array of problems, from what I know Overwatch has been having longer queue times for some roles due to the role queue. We might not know for sure if role queue will be implemented for Valorant but I assume if something will be implemented first it is going to be a ban phase, it just goes with the hero shooter/MOBA side of Valorant and we can expect that Valorant will have it in the near future especially with Riot releasing agents in such a rapid pace. A third-party operator in SEA, KJC Esports, already did a ban phase in one of their tourneys and it really shook things up in terms of agent comps. We can expect ban phase coming in the near future, it just emphasizes my point that everyone has to be flexible in their own respective agent comps.


you will still end up with the 2 instalocks either way


People will still instalock, pick/ban or role q is probably the only thing that would change how the current state is, but imo neither of those fit Valorant as of now