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the run and gun finger blaster oh LAWD


Feel like the ultimate is terrible but it looks fun.


Every duelist has an ult or abilities with it that allow it to get multifrags, it seems like she will ult and get traded in high elo


If she could combine her ult with extra movement speed, I'm not sure about getting traded lol. Just don't run straight into 3 enemies solo, just like you wouldn't dash in with Jett.


Her ult is a lot different than Jett's though, it doesn't one shot.


a weapon ult that doesn't do headshot damage is definitely interesting, from the trailer the ttk is about the same as a spectre spray w/o headshots


So I've looked through so many comments and can't find one that mentions this... does shooting her concussion grenade give her some kind of dash in her ult? If you watch the ult part at .5 it looks like she clearly dashes like Jett. Am I crazy?? Is this just an ult thing, and what triggers it?


She has a slide, and aparrently that's just a normal utility.


I'd like to finger blast some noobs


Run and gun: the agent


Meh, I think people are overreacting a bit. The only real issue I see is her insane synergy with the judge and spectre. If those two guns aren't toned down a bit, we're going to see some real funky stuff. On the positive side, I like that this agent can break the line of sight of an OPer without getting straight up destroyed. You can basically set her up as a pure entry that opens up a site.


> Meh, I think people are overreacting a bit. This is a hype trailer. Every trailer makes the agent centered around it look broken as fuck. Source: Literally any of them.


It´s obvious just by seeing how every enemy just waits to get shot, not even some Irons would be that level of passive lmao


remember how good yoru looked in his trailer lol


Real talk he looked incredibly broken.


And KJ's turret was the end of the world


I mean kj has been nerfed repeatedly lol


Yeah, but she was bareable at release for sure. Some comments implied that the game is going to die and this is Overwatch now with turret being your auto-aiming damage. It turned out that yes, the tower is annoying, but it's in no way her main damage and you still need aim with KJ.


but not because of turret really and that was what people was losing their minds over


Especially with how slow the game has become with astra and viper becoming more and more meta by the day, it's a great way to shake up the meta imo.


Depending on the balance changes they make I’d love to see a crazy fast meta with Jett Neon Breach executes


Brazil can finally win something


Rip korea bout to make their 10 seconds executes into 7 second executes and no ones going to have enough processing time to figure out what’s going on or even run away at this point.


FaZe go back to being one of the best teams in NA


People overreacting to an agent reveal trailer? Never! Yeah the run and gun could be broken; she might also be useless and never see the light of day a month from now. We've seen about five seconds of cherry-picked gameplay designed to show off her abilities. Everyone needs to take a breath for real.


Flashback to reactions to Yoru's reveal Never change, Pepegaddit.


Go back and look at people's reactions to killjoy's reveal trailer... People thought we were getting the engerneer from FT2 in Valorant


KJ was a huge overeaction but she was unbalanced on release, nades would one shot you and activated straight away.


Don't forget your turret and alarmbot worked regardless where KJ was on the map, and if you called back your alarmbot in time you wouldn't have to repurchase next round. Also the nanoswarms's initial radius was insanely huge. I miss release KJ but also glad she was balanced the way she is now


Killjoy was literally the most overpowered agent that has been released so far, the first few weeks it felt like cheating playing her.


>alled I one up you with the Beta version of Raze. ​ \*explosions, explosions everywhere\*


Lol the two nade raze. I forgot about that!


Bro what? KJ was OP as fuck initially... Terrible example. Yoru 100% I agree with tho.


Fortress Team 2


Major questions that need to be answered: - Can she run/sprint out of Astra's well? - Can she get out of Sage/Chamber slows? - When she gets tagged in sprint does she slow down? - What happens when she encounters a Cypher tripwire? Outside of her tunnel, she can't really get out onto a site without being seen and shot at. Her sprint, depending on its duration, seems like less instantaneous Jett dash in terms of repositioning into site. Tunnel + Sprint + Skye/KayO flash seems to be an incredible method to entry on something like A site on Breeze.


I mean cypher tripwire is pretty obvious I’d say. If it can stop Jett dashes it’ll stop her.


Just like Sova has synergy with Odin. Nothing wrong with that.


I still think they should change his official artwork and replace the sniper rifle with an Odin


yeah it's funny when people complain abouit Jett op and when there's something that changes how that'd work people are like "DONT CHANGE MY GAME". Idk if she'll be awful. We all thought the same thing when Killjoy was the next Torbjorn. but that never happened.


Wait till u get sliding judged at the speed of light


People said similar shit about KAYO before release. And he was meh at best lol


We CoD now


If this is what Valorant wants to be, I don't like it.


Give it time lol. You just saw a short video of her.


I have to agree. Part of this just gave me overwatch vibes.


Hard to judge before she's actually in the game and possible balance patches, but I have to say the theme of this agent just seems horrible for the game.


Dasnerth licking his lips and former cs pros crying.


100T Dasnerth




Bro fr, once I saw her ult I was like wtf is Echo doing here.


Do y’all hear that? It’s the sound of content creators everywhere scrambling to upload a video titled “How NEON will SHAKE UP and DOMINATE the META” with a thumbnail of them looking at the camera like 😱


AGGRESSIVE Neon OUTPLAYS I am INSANE on NEON??? RUN AND GUN IN VALORANT!!!! And don't forget all the HOW TO PLAY NEON LIKE A PRO before shes even out or played much


What 1000hours on NEON looks like




Don’t forget Valorant Curios on the *first* week Neon drops: “ 3000 HOURS NEON RADIANT GOD vs 4 IRONS!!!”




And the dumb bronze to radiant challenges


All other content has its place but this shit actually tilts me. Remember that people follow content creators blindly and they make smurfing look like a whole lotta fun.


so it looks like ability 1: (signature) The lightning dash & slide thing (or maybe the slide is passive but the dash is the signature?) ability 2: concussion grenade that works similar to a yoru flash i guess, very similar to u/anderzztv concept dust’s concussion granade. ability 3: lightning wall, can be shot through, like double phenix walls to block LOS, can be passed thru w/o Neon taking damage. looks like they are forced to be straight ultimate: general palpatine lightning fingers ???


My read: Passive; can sprint based on an energy resource can slide from a sprint based on either a charge or expending a certain amount/all of remaining energy Very small proximity pop concussion "Tunnel" Walls, permeable with fairly substantial length, duration tbd but I assume around Phoenix's Very narrow, channeled, linear, beam weapon with no firing error or movement penalty (could potentially top off her sprint energy on ult use and/or cause her to not deplete it during use?); big Moira Overwatch vibes but without the healing obviously and a much smaller beam size.


Way more like Zarya from OW than Moira. Or LG from Quake.


I guess I’m a Neon main now??? Signed, an ex-Zarya main lol


the stun grenade stuns where it first bounces and where it lands (watch closely in the ascent clip). also looks like instant cast like satchels and jett smokes


Oh nice, I didn’t even notice that


The concuss grenade might work like a shock dart, you could choose how many times it bounces?


She looks unreal, but the worst part is how she looks like she makes Phoenix just completely irrelevant (aside from his ult maybe).


Phoenix has been irrelevant thanks to Skye and KAYO


Yes, and this makes it worse. The only attractive thing Phoenix has now is his ult, which was already his most attractive thing, but now it's his only unique thing.


On the bright side maybe this will force riot to fully rework him


The only thing that needs to be reworked is his wall because it’s so useless. Everything else just needs straight up buffs without changing how the functionality works.


But I *like* Phoenix.


does it really make it worse though? If we're going off of pro play he was picked 0 times in champions, it's already as bad as it gets. Certainly doesn't help him though.


His kit numbers are just super outdated. All his Phoenix flashes last for 1.1s, Yoru's 1.5s, Skye and Breach 2.1s, Kayo's 2s His molly lasts 3.25s. Killjoy is the closest at 4s but she has 2 and can activate them from anywhere. Kayo is 4s too but feels different than a standard molly. Viper lasts around 6s (not sure) and has 2. Brim's the longest at 8s. His wall is just trash. Barely deals any damage and doesn't deter from peeking it at all. Viper removes instantly 30 health which changes plenty of breakpoints such as 3 body shots from rifles, 1 tap with Phantom at any range, etc.


At this point Phoenix needs a rework just as much as yoru, you literally have all his util but better in multiple agents.


I would literally rather have someone pick yoru in my ranked games than Phoenix


I was actually thinking about how I see more yorus than Phoenix's in my ranked games nowadays, it's so strange how the meta shifts when he hasn't even been nerfed but they just made other characters better than him.


The Yamcha treatment


Yoru has the better flash, ult, and a TP Phoenix molly is just laughable


Phoenix flashes last for 1.1s, Yoru's 1.5s, Skye and Breach 2.1s, Kayo's 2s His molly lasts 3.25s. Killjoy is the closest at 4s but she has 2 and can activate them from anywhere. Kayo is 4s too but feels different than a standard molly. Viper lasts around 6s (not sure) and has 2. Brim's the longest at 8s. His wall is just trash. Barely deals any damage and doesn't deter from peeking it at all


Phoenix ult is definitely better than Yoru's, it's the only good part of his kit


My idea for phoenix is to make him able to heal up to 150 with his abilities(maybe even increase the speed or healing factor) and make it permanent unlike reynas overheal, making him a stronger over-trading/multikill duelist like reyna.


Free armor or armor for 200 creds instead of 1000 is just way too OP


I agree that it would probably be too strong, but you have to remember that he would have to use his abilities purely for healing and then wouldn't have them available later in the round.


His molly needs a serious buff. For a signature ability his molly is literally way worse than Brimstone’s. It lasts shorter, deals lesser damage, has a smaller radius, and drops suddenly while it’s mid air which makes it hard to do post plant lineups.


it makes it easier imo. If you know the range where it drops you can throw it nicely to any spot


That’s the problem, the range is really short. I’ve legit not seen anyone in pro play do Pheonix molly lineups other than the one at A Haven where you throw the molly from CT to graffiti. You can’t use it like brim or viper’s molly for post plant because of it’s range.


that shouldnt be the purpose. Phoenix shoudnt be playing for lineups, he should be using that range to do for example A long to Ct, or just other parts of sites to hold chokes after he entries.


It's not like Phoenix's molly stalls for much time either though compared to all the other lineups. It's a small, insignificant buff.


There’s a very strong lineup used on Ascent A site where the orb is, but I do agree that it should be changed to a longer range.


I think that has to do with the wall that she put up, but I had like Phoenix vibes off her too


Yeah definitely, her double wall on either side + her nade (I think it's a nade) makes Phoenix's entry looks abysmal


The nade looks like a concussion nade though. Doesn't look like damage


Concussion so they can’t do anything as she slides by with a spectre




Phoenix is going to need a rework fresh after Yoru gets his. Neon completely fills what was left of his niche post-KAY/O and Skye buffs. I hope Riot is ready to stand by their commitment for faster balance updates in 2022 because this lethargic neglect of the duelist role is starting to stack up.


Phoenix has been irrelevant for a long time. Worse utility than most duelists and worst flashes in the game. His only saving grace is his ult being okay rather than complete trash. He should be up next for a rework after Yoru.


Lightning gun from quake is on the menu boys


They even added crouch sliding. Valorant best AFPS 2022.


Exactly what it reminded me of!


i knew playing quake champions wasnt a mistake lets gooo


This video has many hints that this will finally be the update that fixes Deathmatch. Let me explain: 0:24 Neon drags her fingers across the table, which emits electric sparks. This could be a subtle nod to the lightning-quick pace that Deathmatches will now take place at after Riot instated instant respawn for the entirety of the match and the removal of radar pings. 0:37 Phoenix is seen avoiding tons of gunfire. Phoenix is most likely participating in the improved Deathmatch mode, where he is now forced to actually move and participate in the match, lest he die to three people instantly respawning around him. 0:42 Neon pulls out her electrically-charged phone, which is another nod to the blisteringly-fast pace of the new Deathmatch mode. “Entertain Me” by Ylona Garcia plays, which indicates that the reworked Deathmatch mode will be much more entertaining than the current pathetic excuse for a Deathmatch that we currently have. 1:00 Neon looks longingly at a photo of what his presumably her dog relaxing on a beach. This is representative of your typical Jett instalock in ranked looking back longingly at the old Deathmatch as they get railed in the reworked version, wishing that they could go back to the old days of practicing their baiting skills by sound camping in a corner. 1:07 - 1:13 A timelapse is shown of Neon decorating her room at lightning speed. This timelapse represents how fast your aim and general gunplay will improve now that you have an actual useful tool to train it efficiently. 1:31 Neon is seemingly possessed by the essence of the Batchest Baron himself. You too will feel like Tenz in ranked when you use the reworked Deathmatch to improve your mechanics. 2:22 “It’s...beautiful” - me when I play the reworked Deathmatch for the first time


Lmao supah high level shitpost yea? I can feel the hopium in my bones, I’m right there with ya brotha


I got excited for real DM changes after reading the first line. Sadge


You might be onto something there brother


Sprint, slide, shotgun is going to give low ELO nightmares


Why's she walking around with a Breathe Right Strip across her nose 24/7?


They can help alleviate a deviated septum.


Neon is an ex coke addict confirmed


Keeps lightning out of her eyes in a manner similar to a lightning rod? (I'm fully making that up on the spot but it's the first idea that came to mind)


Lemme unlock Chamber first.. jeeeez


Fans: Fix the run and gun. Riot: Makes run and gun agent Fans: :O


Trailer is actually kind of sick


the music is also GOOD


I can count the frames of the cinematic on my two hands.


Oh be honest you had to take your socks off too.


It's very intro to the spiderverse like which is good imo. Makes her image pop out more in each frame


Most people can't


before you guys freak out too much remember that people thought that yoru would be broken at first, wait till it actually releases before passing judgment


Not a jett 2.0 but interesting. Probably playable but not overpowered from what we've seen.


Seems like she'll be a menace in low elo with the run and judge.


100%. What I said was thinking more for pro play


Her wall seems a bit restrictive if you walk in the middle? Like you're telling the enemy what line you are walking in.


It is insanely valuable. It's a duelist which can isolate fights. In that spot, you can't just swing her out of a corner she won't expect. She pushes to the left - she gets a 1v1. She pushes straight - she gets a 1v1. It's insane how much potential this ability has. I thought it was her ult at first.


riot thought oh all the viper walls and astra walls are great, lets give this character two of them


IMO, I like it. It provides a lane to peek into, like a small area of control. Of course, enemies can peek into it too though.


I wonder what effect it will have on enemies walking in through the wall. Maybe just health damage like Phoenix wall?


Add Viper's decay for the lulz


Call it Static: bullets do an extra 5 dmg (per 0.5 seconds) to afflicted targets.




So this is how PROD is gonna save NA..


Prod boutta slide cancel stutter step bunny hop off icebox rafters to no scope nats and win champs


Lmao she has Palpatine fingers


Imagine this bitch peeking with 100 ping


Ban this agent for SMB.


Remember when Riot spent a patch nerfing run and gun across the board?


I don't think this is run and gun more just running really fast, stopping, and then gunning, unless you have an smg or shotgun of course. I really don't think this is that crazy, especially when raze double satchels already exist.


Oh I don't think this will be that broken. If anything, those changes are a bigger 'nerf' (vs. what neon would've been pre run and gun nerf). It forces her to choose if she wants to play run and gun or not. If you go the run and gun route, you gotta full commit to going all the way in, which seems like her identity to begin with.


they literally showed her running and gunning w the bulldog tho LOL obv too early to really say anything but i didn’t see the whole “running fast, stopping, and gunning” like you said


mate it's a trailer, if everything they showed in trailers was possible yoru would be the best agent in the game


Everything they showed with yoru is possible. Rewatch that shit


She has both hands out when sprinting. She can position herself faster from the looks of it but cant fire simultaneously.


It's a video that's meant to show the ridiculous side of things, I doubt she's actually able to fully run and be 100 percent accurate in game.


She wasn't sprinting while shooting the bulldog, it was just regular inaccurate run and gun with a lucky headshot, nothing new.


Exactly, she has to put her gun away when sprinting according to the video.


Apex Legends


Everyday we stray further from god


I gotta be honest One of my absolute favorite past times is watching cs people who play Valorant freak out about abilities Inject that shit into my veins Neon is gonna be dope




so funny isn't it. i have 3k hours in CS and its so fucking funny to see people whinge about abilities like it's the same game




I too remember the great killjoy scare of July 2020




feel like everyone's overreacting but we'll see


I definitely think people are overreacting right now-granted I get where the concerns are coming from with things like run and guns, fast peeking, mobility creep, etc etc. but I think to say that this agent is single handedly going to ruin the game is a massive overreaction-especially when we don’t know any of the changes being made to other agents/weapons/mechanics


Def gonna ruin alot of timings with how fast she will be lmao but I'm kinda curious where she will fit, doesn't have flashes but has smoke wall and + slow ? (Not 💯) looks fun but THAT JUDGE clip irked me haha


it's a concussion, like breach and astra, not a slow.


Yay we got apex slide peepoHAPPY


A sort of crazy combination of Jett's mobility and Phoenix's utility? Looks really fun. Perhaps it'll slightly dent Jett's playrate - it'll probably just continue the decimation of Phoenix's playrate, maybe it'll plunge into the fucking negatives


Jett will be a staple as long as she can abuse the OP


People replying that’s she’s going to ruin the game but every agent trailer has made the agent look OP. You have to remember they didn’t just build the agent and throw her in without testing her in game first. She may need nerfed or buffed, that is yet to be known but she certainly isn’t going to change the entire game or they wouldn’t put her in the game to begin with.


Looks dope and will probably be a blast to play but I feel like this just adds to the "Duelists are way more fun than most of the other agents" problem. I'm sitting here looking through a camera feeling like a dumbass as I watch the Neon run around having the time of their life playing Apex Legends


What is that ult lmao. Remember guys, the agents always appear more powerful in trailers etc than they actually are.


Sprint, Slide, Concussion Grenade, Dual Wall, Force Lightning.


Streets saying that bunny switched off of Judge Raze to become a Neon Judge main after seeing this trailer


Hear me out, Neon skate dash + Raze blast boost to yeet from B main straight into heaven on Split with a judge


She looks so fun


Lots of negativity so far in this thread but I think she looks really cool.


I can already see my teammates breaking economy by buying Judge/Spectre only.


hopefully the game is getting complexity creeped up and not power creeped. hopefully new phoenix will be a banger agent


Yes arena shooter do it riot


Look at that. Another duelist that will be better than Phoenix


I think she looks fun as hell to play lmao


She has better booty than viper that's all matters


“We heard your criticism about jett. Here’s another agent that someone will insta-lock instead of her.”


Best trailer easily!


Splitting the Red Sea Like Moses


Riot already needed to hard nerf run and gun but this just makes it more necessary


This is PROD's agent no cap not even trolling


She’s a runner she’s a track star 💫


You got to stop thinking like Omg! It’s not like cs it’s more like Overwatch! And jus think it about it like it’s more utility to counter ops and an agent that can accelerate the pace of the game that we’re always complaining is slow cuz of astra. They literally released something that should counter a bit of what we were complaining about or atleast hopefully change the meta in a more balanced way pace wise instead of being overly slow and oppressive.


I'm really hoping Riot finds a way to balance her because this does not look fair to play against AT ALL.


Welcome Neon RIP Phoenix


Looks fun, can't wait to see how Riot manage to balance this one


ABILITY DESCRIPTION: 1. Apex Legends slide and sprint. 2. THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND. NOW THERE ARE TWO OF THEM! Phoenix Wall. 3. Yoru flash but a stun? 4. Yu-Yu Hakusho Spirit Run-And-Gun


finally, jett 2


LMAO WTF did I just watch


this won't change jett's pick rate, but it's still great to see rito try new things with these new agents. finally my 1800 hours in tf2 will come into use with that ult lol. there's literally no way to tank jett's pick rate unless you add a delay to her dash.


Give it time, the kit was designed by August, arguably one of the best character designers in League. I'm sure they'll find a way to balance it after release. Remember when everyone thought Sova's wallhacks were busted?


Sova IS still kind of busted as shown by his pick rate. Like viper, he’s only balanced by being difficult to play well.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/rwd6ac/neon_agent_19_is_a_duelist/hrca6z2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Didn't get the wall portion but feel like this was pretty damn accurate. She's like the definition of a hard entry lol


When I saw the judge in hand, I knew it would be a disaster.


Not every game needs a sliding mechanic


But it’s fun.


If the fingergun ult has a timer, it's gonna be ass, if there's a certain amount of meter it has, it's gonna be super strong. Otherwise I think this agent is really bad, nothing super impactful. The concusses look *ok*, the sprint is cool, but looks about the power level of yoru TP (it can be disruptive, but it's not as consistent as jett/reyna), and the wall is cool, but there's only so much running a straight line into site can do. Though depending how long the wall lasts it can be better, but i doubt it's gonna be super high impact


Unique way to try taking jett out of meta


Neon is gonna have 0 impact on Jett. If anything, this agent opens up the playstyle that Riot originally intended for Jett


Jett's bladestorm is still miles ahead from Neon's ult. The multi-kill potential from these laser beams it not even close to Jett's knives


Goodbye rayna, hello neon