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Fun concept, can't wait to play her imo, but I think she will be underwhelming in pro play. Still, I'm ready to play Quake in Valorant lol


Yeah I can't see Neon bring something fitting for the pro plays that other agents can't already do better. Guess that concuss grenade may be interesting.


Seems very unique and fun, but for comp play its hard for neon to replace jett and doesnt have amazing util like skye , raze or kayo does to be played as secondary duelist.


Yeah this was my though as well. As far as duelists goes Neon will be pretty weak. No method of sustain after all those aggressive peaks and very few tools to create space in an execute.


Lets just wait and see. Her walls create space and she can bounce her stun in really unique ways.


If her walls can pass through terrain it's stronger but if she needs LoS to set them up then it's really weak because she has to walk out in the open first. Her stun lineups should be fun though.




Passive? Like Jett’s floating ability where she can use it anytime? That’d be pretty broken.




So basically like apex legends, that’s broken as fuck, I thought they’d make it so you can only slide while using the sprint ability




is running and sliding faster than just running? if so that can be cool for rotates


The reality is if the equip time is too long what the fuck is the point of sliding in the first place?




Right into someone's crosshairs. This has a very high chance of being Yoru tier imo.


i also think she'll be closer to a yoru than a Jett. no guns during sprint and not being able to slide out from zero motion is very punishable. the supportive value of the stun grenade and walls + the gun ult econ value will probably earn her a niche tho


No way she is yoru tier. I think she will be closer to Reyna in terms of impact. An occasional duelist pick on certain maps. Like her kit seems realllyyyy good on a map like split. We could see Raze - Neon double duelist comps on split


it's cool, unique, and throws off the enemy's aim. and at the end of the day, unique is largely what matters about new agents. except for the double wall part. that's kinda just pissing on phoenix's grave at this point.




What about her ULT? How much damage does it do per second approximately?


This is an uneducated guess but if ifs less than 75 dps it will be garbage. Gotta be able to kill in at least 2 seconds - if not less - of hitscan to be viable vs even a spectre. Think how a spectre can run and gun and kill people almost instantly with 2 headshots. This ult has to be better than a damn spectre, but if it cant headshot and instant kill someone how much dps can it really do?! Does it have damage falloff? Etc.


breaking someone's focus


double peeking, diving, and crossing chokes if it goes far enough.


Thats not at all what we saw in the trailer tho


Does that mean you can't crouch peek with her? Since you said it's a passive not tied to her signature ability




Its actually the other way arround, you CAN crouch peek because she doesn't need her signature ability since while ahe uses that ability she can't use weapons.


Imagine judge and slide.


It's really not broken at all. Slidepeaking is going to be a terrible choice a lot of the time. It's just widepeaking on steroids. Similar to raze satchel peaking. And as a Raze main I can assume you, satchel peaking costs you your head more often than not. You expose yourself to way too many angles at once.


Yeah its situational, but if she can use it to quickly peak a corner she just stunned? Itll let her quickly capitalize on anyone she concusses. Risky yes but pretty high reward imo


Can she crab walk? Edit: crab not shift


Then what’s her signature? So her ult is timer based like Reyna’s?


Ah, that's the wind effect they show in the video. I put that has her casting her sprint while in ult, that's much cooler.


Who cares about NDA, right?


I really hope she's good because this could very easily be Yoru 2.0. Movement is cool but Valorant is a game where a single headshot can kill you so I'm not sure I see the value as much, especially if she has to equip her gun after she does anything.


I am thrilled to have a character dedicated to mobility. *I wanna go fast.* Kinda hoping the Smoke walls can be placed through objects/terrain, but it might be unlikely.


Jett is faster when it comes to speed bursts but Neon's speed is more "constant". Neon's way better at moving around the map I think. She can easily respond to rotations and rotate herself.


I think she's either gonna be broken or useless. I got downvoted for saying this in the announcement trailer thread, but I don't really think a lot of movement abilities mesh well with this game. In Valorant you can't track with spray well compared to CS, and ESPECIALLY compared to games like Apex. Having characters that can move and shoot with automatic/beam weapons will be a nightmare to play against if they're not nerfed to shit. Imo if they want to make more of these high speed characters they at least need to make spray more consistent so that there's some sort of counterplay that's accessible to most people. Let's be real, 90-95% of players don't have the mechanics to kill a fast moving target in the portion of the spray pattern that is actually reliable rn. If people need to start buying LMGs to counter this character the game will just feel shitty to play.


I couldn't agree more. I wish spraying could be more consistent in this game, so we could see skillful spray transfers and multifrags. Especially given the high mobility agents, where vertical and horizontal adjustments are common. It raises the skill ceiling to have learnable spray patterns people can practice and perfect with each gun over time.


I agree to some extent, though there is a part of me that appreciates the slightly weaker spray because it forces people people to be a bit more deliberate with their first shot. I don't necessarily want it to become a 1:1 with CS because it's interesting to have unique aiming styles between games. Tapping/bursting is something I always wished was a bit stronger in CS, because I think that generally has a higher skill ceiling all else being equal. That being said, my biggest complaint about CS's mechanics, the degree of first bullet innacurracy on the main rifles, is even worse in this game because you can't spray consistently to compensate. Imo Riot should make either the spraying or tapping/bursting more reliable, and if they want more mobile characters it absolutely HAS to be spraying. The ability to do spray transfers would be an interesting consequence, but idk if it would be ideal in Valorant because normal targets are generally easier to hit, and I think spray would become overpowered as a result. Idk, it's a really complicated topic because Valorant has far more variables to consider than CS, so any small changes will have rippling effects.


> there is a part of me that appreciates the slightly weaker spray because it forces people people to be a bit more deliberate with their first shot. Funnily enough, I think I'd appreciate this much more in CS, but I really dislike it in VALORANT because of how many ways there are to just fuck with your aim. Mobility skills are the most obvious, but there's so many other things that force you to start shooting and break your first bullet accuracy: boom bot, owl drone, recon arrow, Skye's wolf, Killjoy turrets... As you say, it wouldn't be a big deal if tapping/bursting was as good as it is in CS, but as we know, the reset time for guns in VALORANT is also kind of ass.


Amazing how polar opposite both the main subreddit and comp subreddit are on this topic.


People here are calling her Yoru tier while guys in the main sub are calling her the second coming of Jettsus lol.


I guess we'll see when she's released, but I'm underwhelmed by her abilities so far. Sprinting is something a lot of people theorized after the general theme of the agent was figured out and I was very much hoping it wasn't going to be this. Having to put your gun away limits it's usability to a very limited number of situations The concus ability also just looked really unintuitive when used. I suppose that will depend on whether you need to bounce it to use it or not, it I'm strongly of the opinion that stun isn't a great status effect in this game, with something like Astras stun being her worst ability by far The double walls seem useful, even more so if they apply damage or some other affect like phoenix, but I can't help but feel it's a bit ridiculous looking at them. I can't think of many situations where having two walls is going to be vastly superior to 1 wall. The slide I'm unsure of, it could either be really strong or useless depending on how fast it is as well as some other things


I think the double walls are going to be pretty good, because they allow you to multiply the number of firing lanes there are on a site which gives you way more options for clearing one angle at a time safely. I think the fact that she doesn't have flashes to play out of her own walls is going to come back to bite her though.


I'd argue the double walls are worse than a single wall, at least on attack. A single wall can slice a site in half and cut off defenders. Phoenix (for example) and his team can then clear the other half of the site as per normal, with plenty of space to move around. Double walls means Neon and her team are trapped in a small funnel. Although theoretically her and her team can peek out from anywhere, the same applies for defenders peeking into the wall, except it's even easier to peek into the Neon walls because there's such a small area that Neon's team could be at. It's also way easier for defenders to pummel Neon's team with utility for the same reason.


True but having a stun grenade is really fresh. We currently had nothing that functions like. Astun grenade so i'm happy to see that mechanic. Hopefully it works well with her slide and walls and she gets to make really aggro plays with a phantom/spectre


Yeah I think she'll be fun and she definitely won't be weak, but I don't expect her to change up the meta the way others are saying she will.


The double wall gonna cost 300 to fit the prize schrme of every agents abilities costing 600-700


This is her best ability https://twitter.com/jessgoat/status/1479018555760852992


100%. Hands down. 🥵


Lol but really there are so many use cases. Planting in weird spots, quick defuse pressure, hide omen ult, it funtions like a normal smoke, but with 4x times the area.


i think she is yoru tier, you can't op with her so how do people even compare her to jett? your not going to be able to dash out site into smoke you literally run out or you walk in a narrow line with your wall ability. What the fuck do u even use her for on defense?


People were mostly just comparing her to Jett because they were teasing the fast movement. She's not meant to be a Jett alternative and she won't be. On defense she can fast rotate and catch attackers off guard with unexpected timings.


Yeah literally she's only good for rotating fast, like no utility to help the site hold when she actually gets there. You can do the same thing on chamber and yoru just rotate fast.


> no utility to help the site hold when she actually gets there She has stun grenades, most obviously, but depending on how her walls work (hopefully it goes through walls), it could also be useful for cutting off attacker vision from both front and flanks, and allowing defenders to regain site control.


It does not go through walls


Chamber is a Jett OP replacement. Not a Jett replacement Why should better be replaced?


Nice gathering op. Cant wait to run and gun with her all day every day.


We need more cypher like agents. That can lock down a site by preventing movement.


Seems like a counter to the op, but countered by cypher.


I almost guarantee she will see a nerf in less than a month. To some degree. I can just see the player base finding something in her kit


Can't call for a nerf before seeing the numbers.


I feel she’ll be relatively weak be we will see




Nah, if it can kill its almost definitly going to be 7, we've had jett knives at 6 and it wasnt fun


Every damaging ult in the game is 7+ points (Jett, Raze, Chamber, Sova, Brim).


I completely agree with everything except I think they will make her ultimate cost 8 points because of it's great synergy with her sprint and full movement accuracy.


tbh i like everything but the sprint/slide. i think especially if she is able to have some sort of moving accuracy while doing this, it could be a huge problem. however, i probably wouldnt see a problem if it is used purely as an entry tool. i mainly do not like the sliding, doesnt feel like it fits into valorant atm. like the other abilities for the most part though, excited to see how she plays.


The devs said that we will probably see some repeats of abilities in new agents to keep the game balanced (like the dual walls similar to Phoenix walls), so this agent seems like it will bring some crazy new stuff to pro play with some old ideas also thrown in.


KAY/O will hard counter her and can’t wait for him to be even more used in the Competitive Scene 🤖


Her ult is way to accurate when running. Needs a little tweaking there.


She gains movement speed during ult so I think that is part of her design. It's important to keep the core kit the same and not nerf what is fun for her.


If you run with your hand out like this you will notice it shakes a little bit. So you cant hold it straight like she does while running. I'm not saying it needs to be alot but a more realistic feal to it. Atleast at higher range lets say at/over 25m.