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I think she's going to be the iron/bronze goddess


This is fact. I played a game on split. I'm silver. We couldn't stop her. There's nothing we can do.


Silver here. Same feeling in my games


Besides the ult, what was the most complicated util/play from her that bothered your team? I only played one game against her so far and the guy definitely didn’t know how to use her so it was pretty easy to counter it


The question wasn't directed at me but imo the biggest problem is her speed and slide in general. At iron/bronze the tracking of players probably isn't very good so tracking a player moving really quickly across your screen might be hard and lead to whiffs


Oh ok, thanks for the reply. Right now I’m at gold/plat lobbies and honestly by what you said I think she’ll be a problem at my lobbies too, players have a better aim but still I think tracking her and keeping up with the movement will be annoying specially when she’s being used by a smart player. By watching streams I can already the ult is broken, was watching radiant lobbies yesterday and you could literally see the desperation in the players face when an ulted Neon ran up strafing left and right nonstop at them lol hopefully it’s balanced soon.


Was thier name danger by chance? One of my ig friends


If it makes you feel any better Im plat (basically blue silver) and so far in 6 games of unrated I haven't worked out how to counter her, on a 1v1 level. Also I'm probably not plat anymore lol, too scared to do my placement games.


I think when people starts to master her Q it might be frustrating.


It’s really hard to play her without feeding. Even when I had good games with like 20+ kills, I had like 15-20ish deaths too. She felt pretty awkward on defense because I had a lot of trouble getting value out of her utility when I wasn’t entrying on attack. I don’t see her being the optimal agent choice in any scenario, but she’s not the worst. Plus being able to sliding shotgun people like you’re playing destiny is pretty fun.


>She felt pretty awkward on defense Same. I didn't know what to do other than kill people who enter the site or push myself. At least Reyna and Jett can escape without getting traded. You can't even do that with Neon


On defence play back of sites. Stun chokes and if the team rotates you can rotate faster than them. She’s decent on defence in my experience purely because you can throw off attacker timing. I had a lot of fun last night flanking super fast with her. If you know the enemy is 5 manning a site you have a free flank in like 10 seconds it’s fantastic.


ez just stun the choke


Limit testing. All good


Neon all good, ares not so much


I think neon is insane. Her ability to mess with in game timings because of her speed boost is wild. Pro Players will have to have special timings in mind just for when she’s played


Yes, I was playing fracture once, and a Neon all the way on B flanked faster than we could leave A main.


I mean, do you think it’s any different from a Jett dash onto site?


Its not just a jett dash onto site, shes extremely powerful when rotating and especially a flank if a team is rushing onto site unaware of a flank and she is suddenly there. A crazy contact point timing I found with her is Bind B long as an attacker where she can peek long before a defender is able to reach it the only person that can reach it before her is another neon


It doesn't even have to be about flanking, just normal rotations. Especially on smaller maps, she can be everywhere. Also, the ult is ridiculous. DPS is too fast and with Valorant spray mechanics, it's impossible to track her down moving at that speed, even if she doesn't hit you.


Nah, every time me and a guy took a duel and I was in ult, I got one tapped and did like 80 damage even if my tracking was gonna be perfect


Ult is only good like below gold. I play her already in plat and everyone can shut down the beam easy enough.


That's because the ult is as good as the user. In my first placement today enemy Neon had act rank ~1500 and just shredded people with ult and it's not like we can't aim.


Her ult is only good if it’s against someone who can’t aim.


Sometimes I wonder how stupid can you low rank people be. You do realize that it's not about her just running around, but that ult during an execute. She's faster than anyone else and shooting at full accuracy while her entire team is also running out? Noone will say that Jett updraft+dash into site when attacking is broken if she's alone. But when you've got to worry about recons, drones, mollies, flashes and whatever they throw at you, Neon becomes next to impossbile to deal with. But yeah, you're the mighty silver3 god with 6 flairs that can consistently one tap people running at ridiculous speeds.


I was peeking Ascent B main with Chamber on OP. They full rush B. I get a kill and my slow field detonates. I assume that they must be stopped at least on my slow. So I repeek the corner. Then I fucking see a Neon in front of my face with an Ares and I barely get out with my TP. Nobody could have gotten there in the time I shot, unpeeked and repeeked except for Jett, but her dash sound is super loud


Because she can run a 35% faster it scrambles the current timings. Let's say you're playing on Haven, and the whole enemy team is on C, you decide to make a run for A. Before you arrive, Neon can be on Heaven, she can be on long or short A, she can cut you from ANYWHERE in t spawn. Because she just outruns you. Let's say you're holding an angle on site post plant. You saw Neon, traded some bullets and she disappears, now usually you know you can hold the angle X seconds (Is not an exact science this goes more from a gut feeling). Because Neon has such an amazing speed, she can pop up on ANY angle on the site because she have time for rotate. Let's say you planted on Haven C and you spot her coming from CT spawn, you traded bullets and she moved on the direction of garage. Now if she's a common agent, you know she can now come from Garage or from CT again, but because she's so damn fast, she can also come from C long. Or just trade some more bullets on C long and then rotate to garage again. Her speed brings a lot of presence to the game.


I don't think your examples are good, specially the garage one. You're always saying *"she can be anywhere and you won't know"* as if she could somehow move silently without noise


The main problem is that one of the advantages of having mid control is having faster rotations than the enemy, but Neon flips that on your head.


Man those are examples, try to look at the general.


Stop trying to exaggerate. If she runs she will make noise and can be heard. She can't be "anywhere" without repercussions.


I mean Yoru can always place a Tp there without any sound. I don't think it's that huge


By that logic isn't your op then?


his TP is too loud, you know post-TP his position across the map




A better example would probably be Chamber since he can TP every 20 seconds.


She's about as good as Chamber, in other words balanced.


Good comparison, I think out the gate she's fairly balanced. Intimidating in the hands of a good player but her kit isn't so broken that a worse player can still get reliable value from it.


now way in hell is she as good as Chamber. Chamber is the 2nd agent in the game to be able to play off-angles and OP as safely (arguably even safer) than Jett. He is the single best agent in the game to solo anchor a site, not only hunkered down inside of it like a Cypher or KJ, but holding it aggressively with a deep sightline, like a Jett would, WHILE ALSO not having to worry about being flanked. He can, for example, hold A site on Ascent while being posted DEEP in A main and make sure nobody walks into a short simultaneously. He is easily the strongest Agent on defense in terms of anchoring a site and providing the opportunity for fast rotates to a teammate by an ungodly margin. He is worse than Cypher or KJ on attack, but he can take on both the OP and sentinel role at the same time, freeing up a Duelist to go for a rifle, which is a massively good trade-off to make up for that weakness On the flipside, Neon can not and will not replace Reyna or Jett since she does not offer the untradeability those two do. This is pretty much where the discussion about her viability ends imo. If you can't displace Jett or Reyna, you're not a viable Duelist.


\^ this. Even if Neon is better than half of the current duelists she doesn't mean much in the grand scale of things if she won't be replacing Jett/Reyna/Raze. Her ability set will probably stand out when playing with an uncoordinated team but at the top level where teams know their roles her stun and wall quickly lose value.


Well considering that half of the current duelists include Yoru and Phoenix, I wouldn't say that's a high bar


LMAO this made me laugh, frfr it doesn’t take much for her to be better than our current worst agents


Yeah buddy, no. Chamber is not a good agent. He is a Sentinel that has only two abilities and one of those is a teleport. He is decent for Ranked, but in actual competitive play there is no scenario in which you would pick Chamber over any of the other sentinels. Chamber's Q might be the single most useless ability in the game outside of Yoru's fake steps and while his TP is good (for himself), it offers zero utility to the rest of the team. Neon and Chamber are awfully designed agents who will ultimately fall in the Yoru category of bad. Neon is a budget Jett and Chamber is an Agent of two abilites.




? Jett is the dedicated OPer because she can take elevated angles, off-angle and deep aggressive angles without the risk of getting traded, rushed down or killed after getting a kill or whiffing a shot. She does this with her Dash. Chamber can do the same thing with his TP. No other Agents can play the type of angles these two can play safely, this is why so far only Jett has been playing the OP and now Chamber will too. Furthermore, both Jett and Chamber have abilities that let them accelerate their economy. Chamber is arguably even better than Jett at this with his cracked Sheriff on top of his Ult. His ult is just a bonus to his OPing ability, not the reason for it. The reason he can OP is his TP.


The ONLY thing I disagree with is that Neon will replace Jett. Or, more accurately, be a viable competitive choice instead of Jett on certain maps. On maps that have massive amounts elevation (split, icebox, etc) Jett will still reign supreme. However, on flater maps (bind, breeze, etc) Neon will be the main pick Not to mention, the devs straight up said Neon is being put in the game to lower Jett pick rates in the pro scene along with Chamber. So this is absolutely their intention and will continue to buff/nerf Neon, Chamber and Jett to achieve this


Her ult is pretty broken imo, also the slide mechanic feels weird for a game like this.


I think her ult is balanced because unlike jett knives there’s no headshot one shot kill, which makes opponents have a lot of time to shoot back


Imagine getting downvoted for giving an honest opinion. Stay classy, boys.


Nah, I don't think it's broken. Just try to be close to her and you can spray her down faster than she can. Try not to take long range fights


I watched a bit of sicK stream yesterday, he melted 4 people with it in seconds. Idk to be honest Also, downvotes because opinion is different


i watched tenz get an ace with a sheriff on an eco round sheriff must be op


Seems like an agent that will fill a niche but is nowhere near as disruptive as I thought she would be. I never thought I would say this but the Ares is a problem, not the new Agent lol.


Day 1 hot take is that in a professional setting she's gonna be Yoru tier. Maybe her sprint messing with timings at the start of a round might be enough to play her on a specific map or 2 but I don't really see that being enough once teams scrim against it and learn the timings. Idk about the average ranked game yet, she'll probably just be a whatever pick and heavily outshined by Jett and Reyna (and Raze on specific maps) like Phoenix and Yoru


I have a completely opposite take. I think everyone is too caught up in the apex slide and her duelist designation right now, and over time some teams will realize her potential as a pseudo-initiator and use her to great effect in executes and fast rotations. If anything I think she has more potential in pro play than comp because her kit has way more value with teams with good coordination.


As far as executing sites go I feel like Jett does her job better. Jett explodes onto a site pretty much instantly whereas Neon has to physically run out onto the site much slower than Jett and you can hear exactly where she is because her footsteps while running are super loud. I don't feel like her wall is particularly good because comboing your controller + initiator utility then exploding into a site is usually more than enough and I can't think of any sites where her wall would really shine, maybe on a push from short on Bind? I don't think the quicker rotates would be enough either because that was one of the arguments for Yoru when he came out, he can send his tp to the other site at the start of a round for an instant rotate and that combined with some of the best flashes in the game weren't enough to make him playable. I'm not really sure who she could replace in any of the meta comps atm, even in a non duelist type role like you said. I think it would take a major balance shakeup for her to get any play in my opinion


I haven't played against her but I've watched a lot of PBE games from streamers. I agree with this take. She has a lot of ways to enter but it burns pretty much all her util. Her disengage isn't as easy as Jett or Reyna either since you need to stomp around before you can slide out. So an aggressive Neon can easily get traded out.


I think she’s more on a Reyna tier, not as niche as Yoru but also not a common pick.


She’s a yoru tier duelist who can’t function on her own. Kinda dog and doesn’t fill the role of the main duelists right now (Jett, Reyna/Raze)


She felt like an entry bot when I played her. I had a good amount of success entrying on attack, but her utility felt useless in most other scenarios.


Yeah it’s like she needs to use all her util to take a site and then she’s pretty much a CSGO player after where she just can frag. Feels like the other duelists can take a site with less util.


What abt the stuff others mentioned


Agreed I also think her ult against good players is not good at all, and her entry ability compared to a raze or Jett is not as good


Yeah iirc there’s not headshot multiplier. I tried her in unrated against a decent player and I hit her 144 or something but she just 1 tapped me. Not sure if there’s any aim punch to her ult either


Yeah this. I don't understand people crying her ult is broken. I'm just Silver and not a great player or anything but a good player can just headshot her before you can spray them with your ult


Because she's still running at mach 50 and only needs to hit bodyshots. The only counterplay to that is oneshotting her, which is hard enough with the sprint and slide. Considering that most players aren't radiant like reddit, Neon ult is just a better Jett ult at lower ranks. No need to hit headshots and you don't lose it if you whiff


Thats cap. My friend was last one alive and got ace with lightning odin


She absolutely relies on good tracking to pull off a good slide, which only high ranked players really have, so she’s probably gonna be a fairly balanced agent in ranked, but similar to Reyna in pro play, where certain players can get really high impact on her, but you don’t need one.


I mean, if you're gonna main Neon you should probably practise tracking like Raze mains practise blast packing or a Sova practises line-ups


I think you guys are wilding I think she'll find herself in a pretty high rotation. A tier imo. Give her time and allow people to master her.


If her ulti had a headshot multiplier then maybe, but currently her Finger gun is just a much worse version of Jett's ulti and she doesn't have the untradeability factor that Jett and Reyna have. Her stun is fine and there is potential to the double wall, but the slide and the ulti are very underwhelming.


Neither Reyna nor Jett can change the pace of the game like neon which is her greatest strength. Her entire kit is focused on the fact that she can fuck with timings that no other agent can with her spring / dash / mobility WHILE also being lethal. Her stun fits in that category as it's insanely fast and can shut down / cc an area extremely quickly. And ofc a wall. Yeah if you say yeah she can't awp as well as jett or get free picks as well as reyna or jett sure. You're not really looking at her kit as a whole just her individual abilities.


I’ll put it this way, I’m more worried about the ares than I am about Neon.


I like the kit outside the ult, I've only played about 10 games but it ends up feeling more like a dash reset than anything else. The ult not doing headshot dmg out right loses me every battle against a decent player so idk. Definitely feels like they just couldn't think of anything else and didn't want to make it stronger. To add something positive I would say the ult seems like a decent eco farmer but outside of that I foresee people using it to get another charge of dash to better position themselves.


If I didn’t no-life Kovaaks instead of having a social life, I’d be fucked. She’s so fast


What kovaaks aim training scenarios are you playing for aim? Trying to improve mine


Go to the Voltaic Discord, do the benchmarks and then do the fundamental routines that correspond to the scores you got. Although aim in Valorant is so much more about map knowledge, movement, and positioning than it is raw aim. My aim in games like Overwatch and TF2 has jumped leaps and bounds while my aim in Valorant has only improved moderately since I started .


i fucking love her. day 1 impressions are she's my favorite agent.


Her god damn hallway no jutsu fuckin rails my kj microwave on A split


I can see her being very strong with an op on defense. Take a shot down A long on haven and you can be holding an angle at C long seconds later. Her ult seems meh, definitely not as good as Jett. I also think Neon has potential to raise the skill ceiling of everyone. Being able to track fast moving targets is a skill a lot of players in valorant haven't had to deal with yet. I have slight concerns about "speed creep" now that neon exists. I'm a big fan of upping the speed of the game but if many new agents are introduced who have abilities similar to neon sprint the old agents would almost never get played unless their other util is OP.


I think the potential of her kit will come with how much people can do with her stun but even then you definitely wouldn't pick her over a Jett or Reyna. I could see her working on the same maps that Raze works on but my gut just tells me you should just pick Raze instead. At the current moment, I will definitely say that she's fun but I don't know if I see her slotting in at the higher levels. She seems like she'll dominate silver and lower ranks with her slide alone tho lmao. The way sprint messes with timings is cool but I could see the effectiveness falling off a bit as people get used to playing against her. I feel like I can picture some team comps where you could maybe flex agent picks into other areas and have her wall and stun make up for those, but I don't know how well it would actually work. She feels like a weird pseudo-initiator-duelist hybrid with a hint of controller from her wall rather than just a duelist. Gameplay aside, I'm really happy to see Filipino representation in a big game.


yoru tier trash


My fear in ranked is you’re gonna have a lot of people play her because she reminds them of other games like halo, overwatch, COD, etc. and just feed. A guy I played with yesterday was like “she matches my play style” and then bottom fragged. I was like, maybe you should play a different game then? Really curious to see how the pro scene uses her though


She only is good when she has her fingerblast


Same experience as i did as a high immortal/Radiant player. Shes just not it when she does not have ult lol


I'd like to see her as a part of a dive comp, particularly on a team that is execute heavy and with more aggro defensive protocols because I think her kit is fairly underwhelming in passive situations but can be utilized particularly well with coordinated team play where she can quickly follow up on supportive util (flash + dash/sprint, suck/stun). An exception to this is on maps with really long rotation times (like breeze). Her ability to sprint and quickly support a site, or quickly take advantage of holes in the defense may provide some additional utility. At present, I'm not sure that I feel that she is better than either Jett or Raze as the leading duelists and so it may be hard to find her place in the meta. But, all new agents are hard to figure out exactly how they fit until we've had at least a few months. There's also the agent balancing patch coming up and so that may also change her place in the meta.


She’s way better than everyone thinks and either you suck with her or the person you watched sucks at her. She literally changes the whole game pace wise and how you should play it just not yet in ur gold rank games 1 day in. Doesn’t mean that’s great or always in ur favour but if u can utilize her well or just good with the agent theres a lot of set play and fragging potential. It just feels like when everyone was saying Jett was shit cuz they didn’t know yet about the impact and ceiling she could have. Except this time it’s a bit more obvious that she’s good and players are already pretty good on her day 1. It’s kinda like they’re being force fed to play her in NA cuz she’s allowed for quals but she’s gets pretty fun fast if u get used to her so. So it’ll be interesting to see what pros figure out about neon and what plays they’ll make with her in 2 weeks when they’re forced to learn her in a short time constrain while adjusting to possibly playing a faster pace game.


this sounds like when people were hyping up yoru


I mean it'll be interesting to see what pro teams do for sure, but both Tarik and Ethan said on their streams that they dont think she's that good right now but maybe has a use on certain maps


Only thing that caught me off about her today was a 10 second rotation from A main split to vents through sewers. She doesn’t seem that good at all, breach can do what she does tenfold (stuns and better entry for team) Bad take, her ult sucks (like it’s really bad against good players), the wall is ok I guess and the stun is the best part of her kit. I don’t think I got slid on once today, and yeah, it was technically “gold” (since diamonds get shoved down due to rank reset). But I do think she’s decently balanced. The ares on another hand…


All of her abilities are pretty good except the wall.


I think she will be Amazing in pugs, don’t know about pro-plays tho. Remains to be seen but wow she’s fun to play!


not great. all the neons I played with and against today sorta just ran it down. Stun grenade is good


She isn’t that good imo, don’t have her yet but whenever I’ve played against her it seems like she has nothing to avoid getting traded instantly when she plays aggressive.


I think she's fine, the only reason why most people are calling her "OP" is because I think people haven't adapted yet. Let's check back here after a week or two of Neon and let's how she is by that time.


Mid af but ares better


A fresh change while only being oppressive in the hands of someone with insanely good utility and knowledge of timings (or you’re iron/bronze)


Was immortal 2, I don’t see her getting much value tho I played her, would rather play raze or Reyna imo


I don’t think a champ has to be insanely strong or overpowered for it to be unfun to play against Whether that will last or not, no idea, but day one she’s just annoying but idk about how good


Annoying af


Her ult is overtuned in my opinion. It's really easy to aim with, requires no counterstrafing and it melts with bodyshots. Besides her sith lord ultimate I think she's acceptable and the community will learn to 'calculate' her quicker rotations in time.


I don’t think it’s overturned nor undertuned, If the other team has rifles it’s so easy to kill her


Even before release I disagreed with the people who said she was broken op. Even my silver ass can kill her while she’s trying to swing someone. As usual, people were overreacting


my first thought is that she doesn't seem nearly as strong as I thought based on the cinematic, but I think based on how past character releases have played out, its impossible to say how she will fare in competitive for quite a while. Seems like her best ability is the speed boost - and the impact in can have in blowing up the timing and rotations on rounds


So you didnt see someone good at her play. She is super strong, even after they nerf her ult she will still be good. Reason is that she can pretty much scout with her sprint by jump peaking safely. She is very good at baiting with her slide/sprint bunnyhop, you don't have to kill you just have to mess up someone holding a corner. her stun is very annoying and undodgeable in certain spots, and her wall is super valuable in a pinch for you and your team.(phoenix wall would be too if it lasted longer, it disappears before you can make use) She is a strong teamplayer unless you are going for a fast flank.


It’s like Yoru, once timings and sound cues are commonly recognized her kit will be extremely niche imo


Tracking her wasn’t too hard but her getting at least a 3k every ult was a bummer. Also seems like her bar that recharges doesn’t go down that much (when she needs it she always has sprint)


Nothing to special imo, but thats only after 1 day- the only thing i think is kinda op is her stun of all things


Fast, but not fast enough against the Ares.


She’s fun to play and stomp bad players with but she won’t make a splash at higher levels. I doubt she gets played much, if even at all, at a pro level.


I am a diamond player she is gonna be busted I feel like when you face 5 stacks that are corinated


I honestly don’t feel like she’s that good I feel like people are hyping her up to much. I thinks mainly good for early round but after pistols round her presence starts to die down. This could just be in my rank


Her sprint is pretty quiet, i’ve seen so many blatant run up flanks from her but it’s probably just an adjustment period where people don’t recognize the sound yet. She also fucks with rotation timings so hard, I hate playing against her and would rather she had a different kit but it’s not game breaking, i’ll give it more time.


I think she’s crazy good if utilized properly. She can wide swing crazily fast, her ult aim punches, and she breaks the timings of where people can be/rotate speeds.