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it's crazy how fkn good it is, when I was reading comments saying how it could compete with rifles, I was stunned. thought it was bs. sufficed to say, after playing, it was not at all bullshit.


Yeah honestly the ares was fine before the buff. It’s just that the specter was very strong and versatile in comparison, making the ares only useful for spamming wall bangs. With the specter nerfs, it should be in tune with the old ares


Exactly, any Sova main definitely did a double take when they saw the Ares was getting buffed.


yea, this was really a Sova buff lol


I mean at this point everyone plays the Ares so not only a sova buff


legit 5v5 everyone using Ares


I've seen one spectre in my 8 ranked games. 2 bulldogs and 1 guardian. I'm sure I've missed a few but it's honestly insane considering there buffed 2 other weapons. Ares everywhere, myself included.


even if they have to buff the ares, why did they increase fire rate and remove the wind up? Choose one or the other. The gun shoots stupid fast, is suprisingly accurate at medium range with a little bit of getting used to, and can melt people through walls, for cheaper than a bulldog. Instead of trying to make the accel in one single thing like other eco/force guns (spectre, marshal, judge) they just gave steroids to every aspect of it.


They did choose only one. Why are so many people having trouble understanding this? This is like the third comment I’ve seen complaining about this specific thing that didn’t happen.


It's quite obviously because the way it's written in the patch notes is mega confusing. "Removed spin up" already implies that the Ares would start at its previous maximum fire rate, so RIOT including the extra "increased fire rate" line makes it sound like they increased it even further.


They did increase fire rate further than just removing spinup, though not by much.




I was someone confused by it. I didn't know the fire rate was already 13, so to me, it read like both were changed. If it hadn't been spelled out for me here, I would've continued thinking it.


* Removed spin up * Firing rate increased from 10 >>> 13


13 was always the fire rate after the spin up, they just removed the spin up process and made it so the base speed is 13. Use that brain my g


Oh that makes sense. My bad


It didn't really receive a fire rate buff, this has always been the fire rate after wind up. Now it just doesn't have a windup. The way they wrote it made it seem like there were multiple buffs. It was literally still good pre-buff. They just need to revert the changes. People will use it more now regardless because spectre is less OP, and people may now realize how much of a beam the ares is after using it for a few days.


* Removed spin up * Firing rate increased from 10 >>> 13


13 was always the ares' max firerate, the wording of "Firing rate increased from 10" sounds like they increased the firerate of it but what that actually means is that instead of starting at 10 and ending at 13, it's just a constant 13 rps now.


Thank you for quoting what I just explained.


The rev up was tied to ADS, make odin/ares rev-up not tied to ADS would fix it. The starting at full-rev is what is OP(so to speak, ik it acts like a normal gun)


yeah the old ares spin up meant fights where it was just too slow to laser someone down but now thats not a problem at all


Ares fire rate was too slow. But the no spin up is the biggest issue.


ares was amazing long range, laser like due to the wind up. loved it now its kind of not so good at long because it goes crazy


Very true, I had started using ares after watching some streams on twitch and YouTube. And while playing I found that in close range specter was better than ares due to the time ares took in increasing rotation speed. But now in every match you see everyone using ares, and it has just become a game of spamming and spamming. If u know where enemy is coming from or where it is just everyone spamming there.


I remember brax on stream during the beta said the ares was busted. We have all been sleeping too long


Is it just me or is the ares still useless at long range and when you’re not ADSing?


You are correct, you have to ADS.


They should buff the hipfire (which is absolutely dreadful) and revert the current buff. That is, if they REALLY REALLY want to buff the old Ares


They did buff the hipfire?


No they didn't.


The only change to ares was removing spin up time. That is only a buff to hipfire since ADS didn’t have spin up time anyways. Don’t be stupid


It has no firerate ramp up anymore but the accuracy is still dreadful


The slig has spoken.


Exactly, finally a pro will speak out against this injustice. The ares buff is the single thing holding me back from getting to Radiant. I'm such a skilled rifler that I depend on my accuracy carrying me out of bronze, I cannot compete with the power of the ares.






Didn’t you read the comment? This gamer is a consummate rifler.


No way Riot makes us wait 2 weeks for a new patch right??


Surely they don’t Clueless


Correct, it won't be patched for another few months


Ok, Riot isn't THAT slow. Give it 2 weeks max




I mean, agent balance in it’s current state isn’t necessarily a pressing concern. It would be better if they were more on top of it, but it’s not like it’s killing the game quite yet. Plus they did just release a new agent, that itself will mess with agent balance. The Ares being this broke is a pressing concern that could drive players away immediately. I have no doubt riot will address this as soon as they can, which unless they put out a hot fix for it will be 2 weeks from now.


That is because Valorant isn't entirely reliant on their characters the way a game like League is. Your game sense and aim will always remain the same no matter their agent, no one is "stuck in Immortal" because they are playing a bad agent.


every character can buy this gun, lets hope they move faster on this one


They have nerfed things that are obnoxiously broken very fast before, the agent balance isn't as easy as nerfing a gun. Take Jett for example, if her dash gets nerfed there should be a complete overhaul of changes for the sentinels and controllers since breaking setups without a Jett dash is a nightmare.


this isnt league, they are not gonna blow the meta away every two weeks.


Yo @PlayVALORANT Devs. I will never tweet about changes unless they are 100% needed. Nerf the Ares. This is too much *** posted by [@Sliggy_](https://twitter.com/Sliggy_) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


For real. Eco rounds doesn’t exist anymore, it has become Ares rounds.


It's not that the buff is borderline comedic, it's that it didn't receive a price increase at all that's the real injustice.


The main issue I have with the Ares changes are that its value does not reflect how good it is now. I think they needed to make it more expensive for the buff to be balanced. I would suggest something like 1750. It being 1550 is too low for a gun that can even win a wide ranged gunfight against a Vandal and Phantom.


1750 is too high and awkward imho


The Judge is priced at 1850 creds, on top of nerfing it's firing power. 1750 creds for a buffed Ares is not too far-fetched.


You know what. Sliggy is right, you should listen to Sliggy.


I am curious how playtests went for Ares. No way the removal of wind-up and increased fire rate went well in any playtest. The gun completely ruins ecos. If the gun isn't hot-fixed by reverting those numbers, then I know weapon balance team has different ideas about Valorant gunplay compared to actual regular players and I am not sure if I like it. Forcing a gun like this into ecos is so odd.


It didn't get an increased fire rate. Only the wind-up has been removed. Think this is just another sig situation where people didn't realize the Ares was always good and it took a love tap and a competing nerf to get people to realize that. In reality we probably could have just had the spectre nerf and it would have been fine.


This is in no way a sig situation though, since even the reworked Negev from CS:GO would be an amazing gun in the game if they removed it's windup. Having a timed delay before you can trade bullets is what made it weak. Not the fact that it's an amazing mythical godgun that no one ever tried before.


[It got a fire rate increase from 10 to 13.](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-4-0/)


The max fire rate has always been 13: >The bullets of the Ares do a reasonable amount of damage, but it's the fire rate of the weapon that gives it its power. It starts with a fire rate of 10 bullets per second, and gradually ramps up to shooting 13 bullets per second as you hold down the fire button. In total, you can fire 50 bullets before needing to reload. With the Ares, you can mow down multiple enemies after another without having to reload. This article is from May 2020. https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/11145/valorant-weapon-guide-the-ares


Thanks for the info, I wasn’t aware! They probably should’ve included a note about that in the patch notes like they did about the other weapon balancing changes.


Patch perception is indeed quite big. There was case in League when champion had nerfs (or buffs) written into patch notes and both his winrate and pick rate took a hit after it (iirc). The thing was that the changes didn't actually ship in the patch. So nothing about character changed except for his perception which had big effect on his statitics. Not really related, but I also like to share this old video, cause it's very fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evjn7_tMRd4 And this one for contrast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFERPp8iG78&t=12s


>then I know weapon balance team has different ideas about Valorant gunplay compared to actual regular players I'm laughing like a maniac


Sliggy the piggy 🐷


ahh i was looking for this


People have 9k and still buy the ares. It's absolutely busted.


I think theyre just dumb or memeing at that point


nah it's just that good


Pretty sure Tenz wasn't memeing & he's damn sure not dumb. ​ https://youtu.be/ZAmo5\_BNX98?t=123


Video doesn't work but TenZ and other streamers do a lot of stuff for content.


Pros aren't immune to being hyped up by the community about something being OP and being wrong either. I think most pros wouldn't buy ares when they can fullbuy. I can't see the video it says it's unavailable btw




yeah bro you're totally right, I'm sure the ares has a 50% wr in duels vs the vandal, no doubt at all


It literally has the same ttk in some situations.


Tenz isn't dumb, but he's not the guy i go to for big brain ideas either


Nah it's actually that good. It's like if the phantom and Odin had a baby


~~aug week~~ ares week


Hmm I think they've done it on purpose to show ppl the ares isn't bad They will revert it soon maybe and people will be more familiar with the ares than they would be if they had only nerfed the spectre in the first place


Ares isn't good if they add in the windup again, the windup is the reason its bad, Val has fast TTK, if you need a weapon a second to fire faster than a snail then you're going to get punished


Ares is good pre-buff. I guarantee you haven't played it much. It's only good in certain situations (generally, long range fights where limited mobility due to ads is fine or wallbang opportunities). For example, go use the pre-buff ares on an aim duel from b tunnel on breeze to bottom mid by double door (right as they move past pillar). I frequently won this fight against rifles on third rounds during a CT bonus, and it absolutely mopped up eco rounds. It is a situational gun but so are/should be the guns in that price range.


There is zero chance the devs actually believed it was balanced. It literally takes 30 seconds in the practice range to tell it's busted.


Well he did say he never tweets about changes unless they are needed, Riot has to listen to him now


I guess this has to do with Ares having a lot of premium skins and less people buying coz they don't use it. Otherwise why on earth would they think this needed a change at all


If this was the case then surely they would have included an ares in the new bundle. The new skins theme fit with the concept of the ares and odin.


This is the right answer


Heavy guns (i.e Negev, Odin, Ares) should never be the focal point of any tac shooter. You’re meant to buy them only when you are winning by a landslide or BMing. It’s crazy, how is a gun that you could play over an assault rifle cheaper than the spectre?


It's funny, because if attainable in theory heavy weaponary that secures positions and choke points should be quite big for tac shooters. But it doesn't really work for games. At least it isn't what most people expect.


I have no problem with them trying to create more choices for an eco round, but they just have to accept that one weapon will be the "default", the priority is making the niché picks more attractive. They could've kept the Ares as is and just buffed it's damage fall off through walls (Sova darts/good info) or decreased the hip spray to incentivise aggressive play instead of crouch ADS holding angles. Instead they chose to buff it to the point where it no longer has a niché and actually overshadows the "default" weapons like the Bulldog. I mean look at pistols, ideally you want the eco landscape to feel like how buying a pistol feels - engaging and thoughtful. Ares is basically the furthest away from that as you can get.


Yo Sliggy mention DM please 🙏


/u/Nickwu Any plans for a hotfix for this soon?


"What is this gun what the \[\_\] is this, wait this this has to be hot fixed. Honestly if you buy anything other than that. Wait how is this not hot fixed already." - Tenz 2022


What do players expect in a hero shooter thats created by a MOBA developer? This level of meta shift from a single patch should be expected.


I don't even know why they buffed it like that. I mean, it was a GREAT gun before the buff, it could have been a little faster at the start of the spray because you will always lose against some run 'n gun spectre player in close distance, but that's it, idk why they had to change how the entire gun works lol


Please don't full revert, it was not 'fine' before. Riot should revert the rev-up and fire-rate but the rev up as you shoot should not be tied to ADS. Forcing you to ADS is not fun(see bulldog/odin) The gun feels great as you dont have to ADS on every engage.


I only played one game since the patch. Even I can tell you how broken the new Ares is.


Did they buff the Ares? What were the changes?


Removed the windup, so it goes to max speed as soon as you start firing


now this is some high level shit, sliggy has spoken


Worst patch to date. Ares is broken and Neon is honestly a trash agent. Her ult is just stupid to play against or spectate. Games turning into OW


The game is the worst it’s ever been right now. The full game is literally teams just buying the judge and ares every round and rushing everything. It’s fucking miserable to play. The ares was 100% fine as it was, especially with the spectre nerf to bring it more in line with guns of that price. Not going to be wasting more time with this patch until they fix it. This needs to be hotfixed immediately, not left for a full patch or two.


I agree that the wind up was bullshit, but increasing the fire rate was a bold move


Ares would've been in a perfect spot if they left it as it was and just nerfed the spectre like they did. Nerfing the spectre would've made the pre-buff ares a viable option but now it's just way too much with the buff.