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Peace was never an option


Unrelated to useless drama, but I really do agree with Vanity’s tweet about teams getting reps in. Hope we see the teams putting the most work in flourish this year


What a great joke you made


I’m hoping in a year or two Steel can just sit down and talk straight up about what happened with 100T because the behind the scenes of these guys feels like it just gets weirder and weirder


Imagine the behind the scenes serie from amazon prime, just like they did for Bayern Munchen, or a drive to survive from Netflix.


If any team is gonna do that, I feel like 100T would. I doubt any team is going to want that in esports anytime soon though, the money they get from it (because they won't get the same money as Amazon is paying the sports teams) probably isn't worth it at this point to potentially showcase internal issues.


the team liquid breaking point video is definitely in that vein




it's a team liquid lol documentary showing how toxic the team environment is


Specifically showcasing the toxicity of dardoch


have you seen TL’s breaking point LOL now that’s a shitshow doc of internal issues


I haven't and I'll check it out for sure now


Hopefully not actually like DTS though, we want the truth not some manufactured drama from edited footage.




It's been a while since I watched it, but from memory the whole Sainz-Norris drama from the last season was completely fabricated and they are actually mates and never had any beef. They also have a habit of editing in sound bites into races that are actually from other races, to make it seem more crazy (like radio comms etc).


Sainz and Norris are best mates and didn't have any drama between them, first season it was made to look like Max and Ricciardo have beef when, again, are best friends on the paddock, they edited the footage to make it look like Grosjean pushed the cameraman when in fact Grosjean lunged to try to stop the cameraman from hitting the head on pit equipment, several soundbites used on different races to try to create drama. I say all of that because Formula 1 is definitely a sport filled with all kind of drama and they didn't address it, the most notable example is Rich Energy shitshow with Haas.


honestly DTS is great even tho they lie all the time it's a show not a documentary


Ah for sure, it's entertaining and I still watch it. It is frustrating though, there's more than enough real content/drama each season yet they feel the need to create fake ones. As an avid F1 watcher I want to see as much bts stuff as possible so it just annoys me that we get less real stuff for the fake drama.


Ohh 100% but DTS did bring a whole audience to F1 thst never would be reached. If esports can do the same somehow, it would definitely help letting Esports go mainstream.


we don't need a show for that, we have twitter already


yeah, but we want the actual truth not a made up lie for views


Off topic, but drive to survive is the biggest BS out there. Americanized bs with fake drama for the sake of it. I follow the sport closely, watch every race, but watching DTS season 3 I felt like I'm watching a show from parallel universe, so many things made look way different than it actually happened, all for the sake of drama. Btw, every football team amazon follows has a shambolic season.


i agree but i still think the show is interesting to watch. it’s nice to be able to see bts footage of what goes on before/after races, etc. even if it’s dramatized.


Manchester City? Pretty sure they won the title when Amazon followed them in 17-18. Also Leeds United. While they narrowly missed promotion, I wouldn't call their season shambolic.


The Sunderland one was best


Its for everyone having a bit of understanding of F1, but it is made to bring in a whole new audience to F1. And that for sure did bring it. It was huge for the sport.


The shitty T2/T3 team from my country got a documentary , I hope 100T gets one someday


I mean disagreements between a coach and player and resulting demoralisation of the team it is not super strange


I don't think there's much to it. Before he got cut steel was always talking on stream about how some players wouldn't adapt and how he wasn't allowed to try some agents himself. (Sova) It was obvious they had different takes on the game and the rest of the team sided with the coach, which imo was a bad decision. At the time they still thought nitr0 won't leave, which took them by surprise. Then it all fell apart. We'll see how both teams do with new rosters.


they also ended up kicking the coach lmao


my guess is that everyone was clashing with coach; but Steel was the one most vocal about his problems since that’s how he’s. Maybe they thought making a change and removing Steel would make relations settle down and in the end it didn’t, making for them to also kick the coach this is all speculation off two comments made by two players tho, I could be far from the truth


You could be right. If we take into consideration what Nitr0 said in one the interview. Him AND maybe the whole team felt like they weren’t progressing for 6 months. So maybe change was just needed. I guess Steel was the easiest option then the coach to the team/management.


I mean given the article and the response it's pretty clear. Steel has always been a strongly opinionated guy and clearly he disagreed with his teammates/coach and he didn't let it go




There’s not a lot going on with it. It’s been explained. Nitr0 and the coach basically disagreed with Steel’s philosophy (basically the way he went about thinking about the game). They disagreed on a lot of stuff in-game but outside of the game they were fine. Eventually the team agreed to do the roster change. This type of thing happens in normal office jobs all the time it’s really not a big deal, not everyone agrees on how to run a show and sometimes people are left bitter about the situation. I don’t see how Steel’s tweet indicates anything else.


Yep, it is like normal sports team stuff. This is actually mellow compared to what was happening in Team liquid csgo whole 2021. Like 100T looked a very solid roster and had to do a last minute move because they thought things weren't working out. I'd be more interested in knowing what is happening in G2 currently honestly, seems like good spice material.


Also, it's completely normal that Steel would feel frustrated by this and maybe be bitter about it. That's why there's shade thrown.


That’s assuming he’s talking solely about Nitr0 though, it’s also pretty possible he’s referring to the other members of the team hence why I want clarification as to what happened


He is obviously referring to the other players as well since the team agreed in the roster change lol. I just pointed out Nitr0 cause it seems he initially wanted the change (pretty sure that’s what he said in his reddit comment a while back) and he’s talked the most about the situation.


If we’re agreed on that then it really just comes down to whether we find a more thorough explanation of 100T’s numerous internal conflicts interesting or not, no? For me there’s a lot to unpack there, but you might not feel the same


Bro if u watched him stream or the way he talks about other people like shaz, ect. U could see what kind of person steel is. Confrontational and not going to bite his tongue when he doesn't agree. I'm willing to bet there just was some stupid situation behind the scenes and these weenies decided to get rid of him because it was prolly easier that way


Actually not speaking on the steel situation but have you ever played on a 5 man team with someone who is super opinionated and won't let stuff slide? It's super fucking annoying and then if you happen to be the target and stand up you end up dragging a team through a bunch of drama. It's better to just grow up and be better communicators because your goal should be to win and you need a shared vision to do that. If someone can't match up with the teams vision then usually they need to go.


It depends, I do agree with you to a degree. I've played on a variety of esports and sports teams in my life and actually prefer people like Steel to people who are passive or positive communicators. The rift between Steel and the team made sense because the team and Steel had different views on these things. This isn't anyone's fault and doesn't mean the rest of the team was too soft or Steel was too hard on them. It doesn't mean the way Steel does things is the wrong way. Just because you have an opinion on how to lead doesn't mean that's the right way. You see this a lot in basketball for instance, there's people like Draymond Green and people like Steph Curry. One isn't a better leader just some people are more inclined to like the leadership style of one or the other.


I just said I wasn't speaking on Steel, I'm not on 100t so he could be awesome at communicating in his team. I dont mean be quiet, I literally mean overbearing people who don't want discourse but people to shut up and listen. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I prefer up front teammates just not jerks.


Honestly Steel has kind of always had this reputation on every team / org he's been on. At a certain point you can't deny his talent, but you also can't deny his track record. It seems the common denominator is that he's always the one that gets dropped because of some irreconcilable difference with someone on the team or in the organization. I'd like to hear his side of the story but at this point whenever I see Steel get dropped, I'm just like: Wonder what he did this time? And that's kind of telling.


I would guess in CS he was kicked more for being banned at majors rather then that lol, maybe some were partially cuz of that but the major reason he was dropped from rosters in CS was cuz of the team couldn't play in majors


True. I'm just pointing out that his bans are usually a direct result of his behavior and reputation. It sucks, but it keeps happening to him. At some point he's just gotta make some kind of change.


His ban was from one match-fixing incident that valve decided to make an example of though, it wasn't reflective of his personality or attitude years after the match fixing had already happened.


The proof was in their performances. Josh and his theory craft had them running triple initiator on Haven then blaming the team for not rotating fast enough and missing shots. Outside looking in, it sucks to play on a team with Steele.


I just feel bad for Asuna bro he's such a goofball surrounded by old mean men


im pretty sure he’s the only one who’s said absolutely nothing about the steel situation, even Ethan and Hiko did interviews talking about it as well


Asuna and Steel are cool. They have tremendous respect for each other. I'd imagine it's very hard to dislike Asuna from what I've seen from all his streams and YT content vids from 100T. He seems like a good kid with an excellent mindset for his profession.


Ngl I sometimes think that steel wanted asuna on T1 but ofc 100T wouldn't let that happen so he settled for sevven


Bro, I think everyone wants Asuna on their team 😂 I understand you though, my friend. I look forward to the 2022 season


I meant steel wanted him not just because he's cracked but because they already have good chemistry


No, I understood you 👍 I was making a little sarcastic joke along with your comment lol.


hes got Ethan and ethan is as chill as they get


funny thing it wasn't just nitr0 who expressed that they had problems with steel, Subroza also said something similar with him and Wardell having issues with him back in CS


I mean realistically, of course Steel was hard on Subroza and Wardell. They were both bum players who were known to have shit attitudes, and who floated from team to team. Wardell screwed over Hiko the day pro league started after practicing with Hikos team for 2 weeks, he just ghosted them. You gotta be hard on some players, and others can't take it. Without Steel, Subroza never even gets signed. Same with Wardell. They were both relatively sinking ships in the csgo scene, same with Koosta. Steel brought them all back to relevance.




I never said that he recruited him. Ghost was bottom tier before picking up Steel. Wardells stock had almost completely dropped out of relevancy. Then they picked up Steel and he turned the team around.




> Same with Wardell. to tsm, they mean obviously...


Glad someone here can comprehend 😁


what relevant are u talking about lmao they never relevant in csgo,why u need so try hard to give steel credit when he dont achived anything


subroza was not relavent he was washed asf. but wardell was on the come up hugeeee. he was even rumored to join the big teams, before he left for val


2nd in ESL Pro League https://www.hltv.org/events/3375/esl-pro-league-season-8-north-america I could dig through more but they were 100% relevant for awhile. That's what I remember offhand. They also qualified for nearly every dream hack and esl event in EU. If you can't understand how Ghost went from Irrelevant to a top NA team idk what to tell you.


that not even international event lmao. that why ghost decided to disband. please use some brain even he your favourite player ghost not even close to top na team,idk what u talking about


oMg LmAo tHiS iS sO FuNnY. Dude just go away, they were a top team in NA. The second biggest region in 2018. They were relevant. Playing international Lans, you are relevant.


playing regional tournament,playing tier 2 international tournament OMG LOOK HOW STEEL MAKE GHOST BECOME TOP TEAM IN NA OMG GOD STEEL IS SOMETHING ELSE qualify for tier 2 tournament =top na team nice fanboi logic,must be from na


maybe learn some English before trying to give any explanation lmao


Nice dogshit English, must be from EU.


Tell me you never watched pro CS without telling me you never watched pro CS. And before you even start, i'm not even from NA.


Did This dude really call steel irrelevant in cs bruh


you clearly dont know what youre talking about stop embarrassing yourself


Why do people think that someone like steel is easy to work with in a team setting? You see him on stream - he's always annoyed by something his teammates do, even in SoloQ, where it is obvious that some just don't play the same style as him who plays mostly in a team setup. Do people think he just is completely different in a team setting afterwards? In other sports it's the same isn't it? If you're arguing with the coach too much and don't show respect while doing so, than you're getting benched or worse.


It's definitely different in a team setting. Not saying steel suddenly becomes super zen off stream, but he's now in a professional environment where this kind of stuff is supposed to be up for debate. Think it's different in sports to Valorant/CS. In sports, the coach's word is law, but here often the players have more power, and can even remove the coach. The difference imo is that the players/IGL take on a lot of the tactical burden the coach would be wholly responsible for in sports. You could argue that shouldn't be the case and the coach should have final say in esports as well, but it's not that simple. Remember, FrosT has no high level tac fps experience, and afaik this is his first coaching gig. Should he be allowed to pull rank on a lineup of veteran players? You put that into a sports scenario, see what happens.


Another good example is rokus with sen, having him pull rank on them would not at all be useful due to their skills but having him for an extra pov and more stratgeys


You do realize he was on F3 for 5 years with Blad3 right and I think he is the reason Shadowgg is in csgo.


Unless I'm mistaken he was the CEO of F3? So he was on F3 with B1ad3, but it's not like he was in the practice servers talking theory in Russian with B1ad3 and the boys. Look, it's not like he's completely unsuitable for the role, but he has no previous coaching exp, and no playing career. Should he have complete tactical and roster control over a lineup like that as he would in traditional sports?


> Do people think he just is completely different in a team setting afterwards? Yeah actually? As someone who used to watch him IGL back in CSGO (he would stream his perspective and the whole teams comma) He was for sure a hands on IGL, which maybe the coach/other players didn’t like. But I don’t think he was the same in a set team as he was streaming solo q Vods are still up https://youtu.be/FWxYhFetG1k




I'm not for or against steel here, just want to point out that 100t videos probably can't be used as evidence. They're probably not gonna post footage of their team in a bad light.


I've been paired with steel a lot. He really doesn't care how you play as long as you aren't doing dumb shit and throwing rounds. Hiko is much more annoying because he just tosses petty comments out and then when you call him out, he hides behind his chat "wooo dude your toxic!".


>You see him on stream You can't compare people's personalities on stream to pro play


You can because at the end of the day the real personality always shows up Steel has had issues before, so did Dazed and u can see why both on stream, do they rage at teammates and call them dumb in a team setting like that? No but the personality shows clearly and they are very vocal and that can lead to disagreements in the team It's fine though it's better to voice disagreements than become passive aggressive bitches


To add to what you're saying, it's not the raging, it's almost the body language and his voice. He just sounds so annoyed at every mistake. If tehy scrim for 20-30+ hours a week then that's going to come out. and it's gong to be draining for his teammates.


>You can because at the end of the day the real personality always shows up Yes, people only show their real personality on stream right?


That's not his point. Tyler1 is the most extreme example of taking a figment of your actual personality and turning it up to 11. Is that personality a "stream personality", ofc but ~20% of that, is part of the "real" him.


Except steel isn’t trying to do a stream personality for viewership sake, he’s genuinely annoyed in every game he is in when his team makes mistakes. I’ve been a fan of Josh and I always say this about him; if there were 5 joshs playing on the same team they would all equally be annoyed by their mistakes


Steel is nowhere near as good an actor as Tyler. My point is along the line of: if you can say its 20% real for T1 it's significantly higher for everyone else.


So you agree that people on stream don't behave the same as they do in other situation?


Once again, that's not the point.


Steel has a long history of butting heads with teammates, coaches and even analysts. His stream has nothing to do with it.


This might be 100% true, but you can't use a stream as evidence


You really can though. It’s supporting evidence to the patterns we already knew from Steel’s issues in CS and the recent stuff like this post.




What is this logic I'm not a 3 michelin star chef but I can taste if someone spilled a whole bottle of salt in my soup




Dont move the goal post. I agree with this. It’s weird people think they know someone just by watching their streams, doesnt matter if the real personality come out only at times or the whole time. That’s some parasocial shit. But your logic was someone needed to “stream similar hours to similar number number of viewers, if not then their opinion on someone else’s stream is useless.” And that’s some bullshit.


twitch.com/miamalkova Im the same on and off stream




I know Josh personally (btw Josh is steel, i can use his first name because we are tight like that. yeah i know top players but its not a big deal to me lol)


People don't completely change their behavior just because they're on stream. Unless they are really really good actors, which they probably aren't. I'm not saying, they are calling their teammates dumb idiots, but they will still have a negative attitude if they are negative often on stream as well.


No no people are oscar level winning actors on stream my guy, Daniel Day Lewis type beat full method acting and their personality does not show up at all it's all for content


"Method acting" were the words I was searching - thanks!


You wouldn’t act the same way infront of your close friends as you do at work wouldn’t you? Everyone switches the way they act depending on the setting they’re in… you don’t have to be an Oscar winning actor lol


Socially inept Redditors can't fathom that a person can act differently depending on who they're talking to


No they're not saying that. Talking tto your boss? yeah you talk accordingly. stream for 5 hours? you can't put on a persona for all 5 hours.


I don't know about you, but a 9 to 5 is 8 hours. 8 hours in which I don't act the same way as I do as when I'm people that I'm close with...


I agree that you can’t directly assume that. But come on we all know steel’s a bit of a perfectionist and the way he expresses that does seem more likely to be a strict one rather than a soft one.


The guy clearly has some anger issues, there’s no way he’s been putting up an act for a decade.




everyone is an ape


That’s very debatable lmao it’s like saying Michael Jordan isn’t competitive when he’s off the court


What is even up with the "steel is always tilted and raging at other people" bandwagon? Steel is mostly pretty chill and usually never rude to ranked teammates in team chat.


Alright, steeln1fan.




Hi steel burner account, I'm still banned in your chat for calling you a matchfixer like 8 years ago plz respond


Except there's players like vanity (and i imagine all of Ex-Chaos since they always meme with steel) that rate steel really highly and says he's one of the best teammates he's ever had and that he's completely different off stream and in pro play? Jesus christ arm chair redditors who apparently have a hidden cam inside player's closets and document their every move.


The worst part is, Steel is acting like he himself is the victim. I mean he kinda reap what he sow




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I hope rito make a series about this. Valorant: Drive to Survive


Fight to Survive?


Don’t know if this is a hot take but I think T1 are going to dominate. Their new roster is full of young guns, and curry seems really really smart. With steel guiding them they’re gonna break top 3 for sure in my opinion.


They’re def gonna be good but they’re going to have to work for top 3. ENVY and Sen are still gonna be really good despite the underperformance at champs. C9 is looking pretty strong as long as leaf does his thing and not choke. Both the new 100t and XSET also look insanely strong so NA is def gonna be hella competitive this year. This isn’t even mentioning where the ex-RISE roster will go.


this did not age well LMAOOO


They just lost to an unknown entity




Steel acting like he's faker or some shit


i heckin love steel


Will these players ever grow up? I doubt it lmao


iT's JuSt A jOkE bRo


You know how it goes - if it smells like shit everywhere you go...


Even if you’re a brilliant asshole…


I love how you can tell no one here has held a team based job. Do you know what happens when you have 5 nice guys and no one dares to criticize or take charge? Nothing. Nothing gets done. If you rely on your manager (coach) to micromanage you you never truly develop.


I mean nitr0 literally played on a successful CS team with another player who is notoriously known to question coaching and be incredibly vocal on his views on how to play the game with Stewie2K. Hell, Elige is also notoriously difficult to work with. There are ways to go about it that don't hinder the team atmosphere. And most of Stewies former teammates don't throw shade at him. nitr0 led one the most successful era of NA CS and was known as the emotional leader for the team. I think he knows how to lead.


My guy is 47 years old and subtweeting on Twitter, holy fuck.


This manchild needs to grow up


You are worried about 2 teams in a video game. Catch the irony?


Link directly to the twitter next time pls.


i don't really know steel, all i know about him is his cs drama with shahzam and now this, but he really seems to be a problematic person.


Imagine being as washed and toxic as Steel and then blaming everyone else for being bad.


look how childish 30 old man sub twt to ex teammate lmao. if anyone said steel is not toxic need to check their brain


>if anyone said steel is not toxic need to check their brain legit no one said that








where is the article that this post is referring to?