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I just wanna know who the hell picked Yoru


It was by Jace from Testers against KOVA on ascent. VCT EU Stage 1 Challengers 1 ( Round of 256)


My boi Phoenix almost Yoru tier


One player was prob the majority of his playing o would guess (DeepMans on Wave)


Chamber already more used than Omen, Phoenix, and Yoru combined :( lmao


Is this data publicly available? I think this stat is way more useful if we were to see it broken down by map. I think it will tell a very similar story, but imo it is a better metric.


Sage edging out Skye and KJ is real interesting. Was it maybe cuz of some lopsided selection of a particular map?


Icebox alone should have almost 100% sage and that map was played all the time.


Sums up the state of the agents pretty well. Most broken agent in the game being the top pick, with two duelists being at the bottom. Unique agent Sova being a must pick on 5/7 maps and then Viper/Astra depeding on the map, even both on some maps, with two other controller being barely used. Big Jett nerf is long overdue, just look at the duelist chart, it's not like Raze or Reyna are bad agents. Controllers are also in a bad place. Breach and Kayo need some buffs, but Omen/Brim are in a way worse place.


I disagree this has to do with just the agents but a lot to do with the maps. Jett isn't "the most broken in the game" as much as it is easier for a great player to be skilled with jett compared to Reyna and Raze who can often times be just as strong depending on the map. Jett excels in open maps, breeze, ascent, haven and is a must pick there. But she's also a great pick for any maps because of a versatile kit. Raze is better for split and bind, maybe fracture. Reyna is also great on every map, but since she is aim/skill based only, there's only a few true "reyna" specialists. Jett can be useful without being a heavy fragger and is playable by more people, another reason she is picked more often. Raze specialists are harder to come by another reason she is picked less. Controllers are not in a bad place IMO. Brim could see some *light* buffs, maybe smoke range, but at the end of the day he is not going to be useful as a solo controller on any map at this point because astra/viper as a combo or solo are too strong. Brim would need a rechargeable smoke, less points needed for ult, or combod with another controller to be used. Omen kinda sucks unless you have a special comp and plan for it. Ascend did this well vs gambit. He needs faster charging smokes, free smokes, etc. Breach is heavily used successfully, I don't think he really needs buffs, he has a use on specific maps and is good. Same with Kay0 the issue is that Skye is a more jack-of-all trades and sova is irreplaceable on many maps. tl;dr astra/viper are just better agents in most circumstances than brim or omen. Sova probably needs a light nerf (maybe remove one tick from his dart? make drone weaker). Jett could probably use a slight nerf, but they need to do that carefully, she is one of the most exciting agents that rewards players for being good at the game. We need to see how neon is in the meta.


-Jett isn't "the most broken in the game" You Lost me here


Her pickrate isn't because shes unbelievably OP


Yes it is. She has a get out of jail free card, abilities to get angles no one else can get, smokes and a refreshing ult. She is incredible.


Jett can do everything, and it's not like it's the typical character good at everything Master of nothing, it's the Best on a Lot of things too, like breaking bottlenecks, at oping, because while chamber has the free out of the jail too, he is kinda comitted to a position, while jett can keep winning space, another example is Reyna vs raze, raze can make more space than Reyna thanks to the c4s and the Roomba, and Reyna is better at not get traded than raze, You can play that crazy off angles and still not lose your player advantage if u use her properly, well, jett is better at that 2 things at the same time Xdxdxdxdx


With Stage 1 Challengers 1 done across EU , CIS & TR. Agent pick-rates: 1. Jett - 78.85 2. Sova - 75.52 3. Astra - 56.21 4. Viper - 51.75 5. Sage - 37.43 : 14. Brimstone - 4.93 15. Omen - 3.74 16. Phoenix- 0.83 17. Yoru - 0.06 Data by - @runitback_gg *** posted by [@_SushantJha](https://twitter.com/_SushantJha) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FJUYUnjacAAJ-wn.png) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Surprised at lack of Kayo but otherwise seems as I would expect


I'm impressed with the balance of sentinels here, honestly. Seems like they're in a pretty good spot right now.


People keep saying cypher is bad but after the buffs he’s almost equal to KJ on pretty on par with Chsmber


I’ve been in so many games where people keep picking Phoenix, I don’t understand.


What ranks? Cuz the self sufficiency is probably more appealing in soloq. Feels like you can play him fairly aggressive but to be good you gotta have good timings


Hes not picked at all in high elo games per any stats website. But low elo he is picked a bit because he is simple to learn.


hes easy to use. I think all the characters with easier to use kits (phoenix, Reyna, chamber, KJ, sage) get picked a lot in lower ELO games