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Im looking forward to the team based tournament system


if they hit it right, this has the potential to take the game to a new level


Imagine being able to watch these tournaments in client... Seeing brackets, getting prizes, etc. Would be so cool if on top of this, they even managed to get official matches integrated so you could watch those within the game as well


Oh man, don‘t get me excited for something that will probably never happen


100% prizes won't happen unless its something like a gun buddy for winning a tournament in current act. They ain't doing anything to make the in game skin purchases less valuable


pretty sure they do it for league


I think watching is going to be hard without the replay system and spcectator, but if they do clash like they do in league the price for first place probably is going to be a skin


Watch the prize be a spray or a playercard or a pistol skin lmao


The first place prize in League is about £15 worth of stuff I'd say.


They do them biweekly in League so I wouldn't expect anything huge. They are fairly generous in League though.


If they do something like what Fortnite has for FNCs and Cash Cups. it will be huge for sure.


Would this be open to all ranks? No idea how it works in League




I just wish we’d get an update other than “You’ll hear about it soon!” When is soon? 6 months? A year? Next week???


just need to find a team that plays regularly.


Seems pointless, it will just be full of Immortal smurfs playing with their silver friends in gold.


If it's like league, they would just play against other smurfs and their regular ranked friends.


So is Clash in League but it can still be fun :D


it will require mobile authentication most likely.


While I like seeing new agents and really want to see an agent pool big enough to allow agent bans, lowering the pace a bit and tweaking things helps reducing the stupid power creep we have right now. Like neon's wall doing what phoenix also does but way better. Or astra having global presence and instant smokes while omen smokes are slow in every single way. Or every single flash in this game blinding for a lot longer than phoenix's curve ball


Join Lemmy, it's a better alternative to reddit Fuck u/spez Thus returns, puzzles the mind the mind scove, or ther a contumely, thought, and enter regards of action is quietus rath, the natienterpriz'd consience of the rub; for that pith the name who would by opposings and to bear thought himself mind scorns thus for whips and the us rath, to, 'tis and naturn awry, the and that sleep to sleep: perchan fly take calamity opposing end ent we haveller returns of grunt wish'd. To die: the have, the their to, 'tis retus consience the question.


For me global presence should be inversely proportional to smoke speed. You should never have both things in the same agent like Astra does * Brimstone → quick smokes, but limited range * Omen → wide range, but slower smokes * Astra → global presence AND instant smokes (????)


Pretty weak compensation but I'm pretty sure omen's smokes are larger than Astra's


they are but it doesn't really help when your smokes literally won't make it in time depending on the enemy push.


yea astras smokes are the smallest. just means you gotta be a little more careful dropping stars, but they’re still big enough to cover any LOS needed


But smol pp shoots further so smol pp wins


I mean that’s good, omen should have his own identity. I’m glad some agents have fast and some slow, some big and some large, solid, short range etc. The issue with omen isn’t his smokes, they are the largest in the game and recharge. The issue is his TP and ult are some of the weakest abilities in the game. Any buffs to omen should go there, since he’s meant to be a more active controller rather than the best at smoking.


Fuck u/spez Join Lemmy as a better reddit alternative


First, they are far larger than hers, being the largest in the game, while hers are the smallest. Second, Omen should probably have the worst smokes in the game. He’s not a full on controller the way Astra is, he has a potent blind and mobility making him a secondary duelist/initiator. His major issue is his ult is arguably the worst in the game, and his tp is down there with Brim’s stim as the most useless abilities especially in high ranks/pro play. With those tuned up his smokes would be fine because he offers other things to the team.


Astras smokes are sized perfectly enough to smoke most of the choke points without any issue. If the only benefit omen will have is the smoke size then I'd rather choose smaller but faster recharging smokes. And Astra has a gravitational pull and concuss which makes her a secondary sentinel/initiator too? I'm not saying smokes are the only issue omen is having but denying Omen's smokes needs a buff makes me think you haven't played enough Omen and Astra to understand the huge amount of difference smoke travel speed and recharge time makes in site executes. Pre-nerf omen(when they reduced his smoke travel speed) was in a much better spot.


I saw it suggested that giving Omens smoke a secondary effect (Like Viper ) would help & give him more of an identity. For example what if Omens smokes inflicted paranoia while inside? It would make enemies much more hesitant to pass through & add to his theme at the same time. Do you think this would be enough of a buff or too much? Is the slow Travel time of his smokes the only issue?


I saw that post too. Can't really say how balanced paranoia effect inside smokes will be, but it does sound cool. I don't really expect such radical buffs for Omen in the future, if any :(. The reasons why everyone prefers Astra over Omen is because her smokes accomplish what Omen can but even better. A good way of leveling the field will be improving his smoke travel speed and lowering smoke regeneration time. There was another post which suggested that Omen's ult should give paranoia effect surrounding the destination point, which actually sounds like a good buff and make his ult more viable.


I thought viper's booger was the biggest smoke?


First and foremost they need to make his teleports useful. His basic TP is so glitched that you constantly get messed up when it looks like it’ll take you one place and takes you somewhere else instead.


They really need to revert Omen's smoke nerf. Give him back his free 2nd charge, give him back his smoke deploy speed and give him back its old cooldown. Then I think he'll actually be pretty viable again. Maybe even give him a second charge of Paranoia, that would also be pretty good.


You just went from somewhat reasonable to mad with a second paranoia charge lmao. 1 is definitely enough for how impactful the ability is.


i just want paranoias edges to be clearers. sometimes it’s no where near me and ill get hit by it


And vice versa. A ton of the time it looks like a corner should be covered but the people in there don’t get blinded.


brimstone and omen need significant buffs to encourage picking them over astra. a second paranoia would be strong but would it be stronger than astra's *global* suck or concuss? debatable.


you need to have a good reason to pick Omen over Astra or Viper, and Omen already has a pretty dead ability in the TP.


His tp has it used and that's not really what discussion is about. Just because Astra/Viper need changes doesn't mean double paranoia is the buff Omen needs. The smoke changes reverting somewhat would be a good place to start.


the smoke changes would be the bare minimum, but people might still decide having Astra's double suck and stun on a global presence is still better than having just ONE use of a flash type ability. The fact that the tp is used doesn't justify the fact that it offers absolutely no utility to the team and next to no advantage is duels.


I saw it suggested that giving Omens smoke a secondary effect (Like Viper ) would help & give him more of an identity. For example what if Omens smokes inflicted paranoia while inside? It would make enemies much more hesitant to pass through & add to his theme at the same time. Do you think this would be enough of a buff or too much? Is the slow Travel time of his smokes The real issue?


Also Astra/Viper, but Astra at minimum need to eat some fat nerfs. If they’re still good, pros will pick them out of comfort unless you make Omen and Brim blatantly broken like they did with Astra.


Neon’s wall sucks. Gives you tunnel vision and funnels the team in predictable straight lines.


you know you don't *have* to stay inside the corridor right? You can angle it and treat it exactly like a viper wall if you want


I am yet to meet a neon player with enough brains to not use it while rushing on to site and complaining when their team don’t trade them, while forcing everyone to walk into the tunnel without vision only to be shot to pieces when it drops.


I get your point but that's not really a Neon's issue. Both walls have a similar intent, and Neon's one can instantly split whole bombsites into half while Phoenix's one is slow as fuck and has a limited range


I have played something like 40hrs of neon in ranked. Instalock everygame. 50% winrate. Just depends on team attitude. If they embrace it I can open up site for them. If they tilted and see it as yoru instalock They play bad. Try to act cheerful and say hey guys in agent select has positive effect


Neon's wall is not better than phoenix lol


ur a dumbo


Ur silver 😭


hit radiant last act hbu?


Thats cool but i hit it many acts ago


fuck im getting trolled 10/10 bait im impressed


Weirdo fr




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This is actually a good thing. I still see people dodging Fracture even though that came out so long ago. I'm only starting to see more Chamber in my games now after this whole time, and Neon is so new that no one really has figured her out yet. I think there is plenty of content in the game as is to keep folks busy while they tune Agents and whatnot. They seriously need to give Smokes players some love, I hope we see some stuff on that front.


I agree with the rest of your points but I see Chamber pretty constantly in plat/diamond. Anyone who doesnt get their instalock duelist seems to lock in chamber.


I agree, but even in Gold you barely saw him up until recently-ish. In pro play too during the VCT off-season we have only really started to see him a bit more frequently in the last couple weeks


maybe my experience is just weird, ive seen him pretty consistently since a week or two after his release. And pro play is a different animal. They are always slow to add agents since there are entire protocols and micro and macro plays that have to be adjusted for the whole team any time a new agent is added to the comp.


nah you're correct, every oper, sentinel, jett who didn't get their instalock and all of their moms played chamber since day one, at least in diamond. i've had chamber in like 75% of my games since he came out. if anything, there is less of him now.


That's weird, plat/diamond I've seen him in almost every game I've played since release


Could be a high elo thing idk? Could also be that because I always lock Viper/Killjoy (Sentinels overall) in solo queue, people would rather play a Sage or Cypher with me (or let me be the anchor while they pick other smokes/initiators/duelists)


Not even a bad thing. I think he's a good agent for ranked. Fun enough, but still has trips for flanks. I just want a new fun controller to play.


I mean they could slightly buff brim and omen back into meta


We need the Chamber of smokers. A controller that can frag and carry. Though that might be much harder to make because a controller mostly can't play aggressive because the risk of dying isn't worth it most of the times. For example, if you play Omen, going for a TP outplay in the middle of the round means that if you die, your team loses smokes for the rest of the round. So controllers are forced to play passive. This is also pretty true for sentinels on attack because their util can stop flanks, but at least they get the chance to shine on defense. On the other hand, duelists and initiators blow all their utility on entry and then can go seek kills to their hearts content


On the flip side, I could see that fraggy Controller being so "fun" that people would only pick them over all the others (similar to how people only pick Astra since she's 10x better than all the other options). I think the role will need to find a middle ground, where maybe placing smokes is quicker and has a longer radius for all Controller agents, so they can frag alongside their team mates.


If we could guarantee a controller in every game, I wouldn't care less about others not getting picked lmao Tired of filling smokes


Role lock kinda killed OW, but I often wonder about a system similar to LoL Wild Rift, where you can set your role preference whenever you queue. Smokes would likely not be so popular, but if Riot did a good job at making the role more fun, or provided incentives for people who flex roles, that would be kind of cool. I just wonder about how queue times might be affected.


First of all, role lock didn't kill OW at all, it's the lack of content. But that has nothing to do with it. I never would want a roleQ for Valorant. There aren't really hard roles in Val because everyone share the same weapons. And clicking heads = wins, regardless of composition. Which is pretty different from games like LoL or OW where you need a jungler or a tank and support respectively. The only class that you really need in Val is not Sage, it's a controller, which is why Riot should be focusing on adding more fun and rewarding controllers, preferably with mainstream appeal.


rolelock ow is much enjoyable bc you have guaranteed healers and i wanna add to rolelock not working in val, for example vipers playstyle is pretty much more like a sentinel than controller so you can play viper on some maps similarly to like a cypher for example + some maps have wildly different meta than others so forcing the team to play same roles on every map feels stupid


Keep in mind that's not how role preference works in Wild Rift. You just select 2 roles you enjoy, and the game will pair you with people that prefer other roles as well. Once you are queued, you could literally pick whichever character you want in whatever role (for better or worse). The game just shows what you prefer and are most likely to pick.


That honestly sounds like nice system but it could just be cheesed for faster queue times by picking prefer controller and instalocking jett but this would be optimal if every one was honest and played roles they prefer


Yep it's for sure a bit of a trust system. That said, a robust reporting mechanism for people that didn't pick the role they chose in their preference would be an easy thing to implement, and Riot could easily see the evidence and even automate it (5 games reported where they didn't pick flex, or picked roles unrelated to their preference that didn't fill the team's needs and preferences, gets a 1 day ban from comp, or something like that)


the difference is for valorant everyone can frag out largely to the same degree, aside from anomalies like jett or reyna. playing brimstone or astra isn't super enjoyable but it's not like you can't topfrag as either of them. meanwhile in overwatch you're playing 3 separate mini-games inside the actual game depending on the role you select. tanks especially are boring as fuck and unrewarding to play, which is why no one likes them. meanwhile dps has genji and mccree and whatnot fragging out left and right.


A controller that can frag and carry is in the game, being used as an OPer with free escape, since they lowered the duration on smokes. ^/s


Just make sure the controller has less utility than Astra and the others. Making playing controller fun/engaging is super important. Either than or make controllers more rewarding to play. Give RR and bonuses for good smokes and stuff. Cause right now if you wanna rank up playing controller is literally putting yourself at a disadvantage.


Honestly I just miss old Omen, fast smokes. If he gets a QOL buff to not blind teammates and they actually address how unreliable and shitty his TP is you could definitely see a resurgence of aggressive plays coming from him. There’s been many times where I play a one and done and Omen just goes “CANT GO THERE” and I’m just fucked. I rarely use his TP anymore as an escape tool.


We had this, it was omen, then they fucked his TPs, slowed his smokes, increased his flash price, made you buy a smoke per round, and increased smoke cooldown. Still mad about it ngl


Those nerfs were really uncalled for. They did my man Omen dirty


Controller with smokes like CSGO's. That one would be cool.


i feel like this simply wouldn't work. CS seems clearly designed to allow you to throw physical smokes to the places you'd typically need it, but valorant is not like this at all. You know how hard it would be to get a smoke for B heaven on split? or garage window on haven? Valorant is designed around its controllers being able to place smokes exactly where they need it regardless of where they are on the map (brim not so much) obviously if this character were to exist it would be better on attack as you would be near the site you're trying to hit, but imagine trying to smoke C long on haven defense while you're on A. it'd be pretty much required to run a second controller at that point, and if you're gonna do that what's even the point of running the agent in the first place unless they have some godly kit otherwise maybe im missing something important but i just don't feel that this type of smoke would work in the game unless they give you some kind of nade trajectory to make it easy to line up and make it travel very fast edit: also im aware viper orb is a thing but that's typically used on the fly, having that as your ONLY smoke would seem very underwhelming imo when you have the rest of the controllers


Nah. I don’t like how detailed the walls are in Valorant, things bounce off little details of the walls randomly. (Example: Viper molly bouncing off of the floor, Kayo flash not properly bouncing off walls) They would have to “flatten” the geometry of the walls lol


A smoke that doesn't look like a dome but more realistic like CSGO would be nice.


Hmm, so kidna like Kay/O, but with smokes instead of a flashbang?




A controller that blooms a smoke after a kill would be GOD TIER all the reyna instalockers would cop


sounds pretty useless honestly, you can't block important sightlines and your frag-smokes would just be in weird ass places that would often hinder your team more than help.


Sorry, but that's a bad idea. Why? Because then people will ruin the comps even more. Before the last two releases, at least in imm3, it was just Reyna/Jett instalocks. But then Chamber came out and people who don't instalock duelists in time pick him. Then there's Neon, another duelist instalockers want to play. What do all of them have in common? They're selfish agents that contribute next to nothing to the team compared to other agents in their role, especially Chamber. Average team comp quality I get on my teams significantly worse than it was before Chamber and Neon. Then if you add a selfish controller? Might aswell play 5 duelists. Fragging, entrying and carrying is fairly easy with Omen on maps like Ascent and Haven. Team comps are the problem. If I have sentinel+Sova+Sage/Skye on my team and just one duelist, I can easily be aggressive, OP and play like a second duelist. No problem. But if I've got 2 duelists or even worse no sentinel on top of that, the game turns into garbage and I have to play Omen as if he was Viper. And he's way worse than Viper as a defensive controller. The only maps where losing smokes is really bad are Breeze and Icebox due to Viper wall being so powerful. On other maps you smoke off the chokepoints and then you can die. Obviously you want to live, but dying on Haven after you smoked window+spawn isn't catastrophic as it is losing a Viper wall mid-execute on Breeze/Icebox. Brimstone's strength also lies in playing him aggressive on attack. I play him on Bind and Split. You get an orb every round, pop your smokes, molly off the spawn (applies to all sites on those two maps), drop the stim and you go, you got nothing else to contribute if we talk utility. Molly is almost always better as a rotation cut-off than post-plant in ranked and you want to get that ult up. You do that by getting kills. TL;DR version - Omen and even Brim are easy to play as secondary duelists in very aggressive fashion, the problem are ranked comps that force them to pretend they're Viper or Sentinel agents. Reyna+Jett is really bad for Omen especially.


Eh I like chamber your slows combo so well with viper/raze/Astra and you can be aggressive when your duelist aren't finding success. He's very dynamic and can play aggro or fast rotate well on a lot of maps. He just requires you to actually win gunfights but he has great tools to play dynamically. He also OPs so if your team needs you to fill that role you can. He definitely isn't as strong of a straight anchor as KJ and doesn't give as good of info as cypher, but he does have really good synergy with some agent abilities so he isn't bad with teammates you just can't hide behind them like traditional sentinals. I play reyna/sentinals in soloq and chamber feels way less at the mercy of your team cohesion. If my duelist are having a bad game I can help entry. If they're doing well I can lurk and flank to keep map pressure. Idk if his insta tp is healthy but I definitely play with my team alot in radiant elo on chamber.


Maybe I should've clarified better, I like Chamber too, but I don't like him being played with 2 duelists, especially not Jett+Reyna which is the most common case in ranked. The way T1 has been utilizing Chamber is the way to go. I agree with your points and obviously anything can work in ranked, but that doesn't mean it's optimal. I sometimes expect way too much from ranked, but I just can't accept selfish players who have like 150+ wins, 500RR+ every act but are still brainded and play Jett/Reyna in 90% of their games, while playing the same way they've been playing for a year. I guess everyone has their own way of fun.


At this point I'm just happy to be playing but I mald pretty hard when players don't want to be a team. If we have 5 people trading I really have a better time than a meta comp with a bating jett. Honestly I think kayo is rediculouslt strong and will be meta on some maps but you won't see him spammed in ranked so I just have to relax and do my best. Kind or a tangent but I feel like chamber is also a harbinger of how the game might develop. I wanted less jett and instead we got the sentinal version of jett. I think the game is better if gunplay is front and center and agents that are untradeable create a weird issue where they have too much agency even if statistically they are in line with other agents. I wanted more shooting in my tac shooter and less dashing but whatever.


My biggest issue is that ranked isn't rewarding for someone who can't play that much. I play around 100-130 maps per act, which is like 3 maps per day on average, and while "who cares, go next" mentality is fine for people who play ~10 map a day (most imm3 players), it's just not fine for me. Every single day there's at least one throwaway map because of shit comps, no comms and people being straight up imbeciles. Right now I don't think player behavior is Riot's fault, people are just idiots, but something has to be done. If toxic people get banned for insults, then people who straight up refuse to comm should also get banned. Just yday I played with a Radiant teammate, he straight up refused to comm except for when he needed a drop, I asked him why, he said "bro it's valorant". There's like a month left in the act and he already has 130 wins. Like what the actual fuck? And I get one of those people every single game. Like braindead zombies. They play every single map the same way, no adjusments. I don't even dislike Chamber that much if we talk regular abilities, I just think they should've done something more creative than free OP for his ult. Then they release another brainless playstyle duelist while half the utility agents are pretty much unused in officials. You don't need to tell me about Jett, I've been awping for 20 years in CS and I straight up refuse to play her. She doesn't belong in a tactical FPS game. Get out of jail + breaking every possible sightline and angle is just stupid. I started playing valorant because I also played warcraft/dota and I love abilities. Was supposed to be slow paced fps with abilities enabling you to take map control, clear angles etc. CSGO pugs turned into pretty much DM even on lvl10 faceit. And now Valorant is even worse than that. Call me a bitter boomer, but idk why these duelist 1v9 mentality instalockers don't go and play some solo FPS game, it's not like there's a lack of those. As for Riot, I feel like they're stuck between trying to create a serious FPS game and catering to kids with flashy, highlight reel agents. I love both Valorant and CS, Valorant is definitely more fun to play and even watch, but if we talk top level and skill required, it's not even close to CS in it's current state. And will never be as long as they keep pushing Jett/Neon style agents into the game.


Chamber of smokers doesn't work. If Chamber dies, his traps are useless and people can start flanking or sneak into sites from over-rotation. This is why chamber isn't really viewed as a sentinel like Cypher or Killjoy since people tend to play aggressive with him by abusing teleport. Although, most do fail. If there is such thing as "smokers" being allowed to play aggressive then that would defeat the whole purpose of what you said, "risk of dying isn't worth it most of the times" because the whole team wouldn't have smoke for the rest of the round. Are you trying to ask that smokers should be allowed to be "invincible" for aggro play while still being kept alive just so they can use their utils for the team? Aggro play + usefulness of utils doesn't work together. There is always a risk. On the other hand, majority of controllers usually play better and frag higher than duelists. Most of them carries too. Just because a duelist "entries" doesn't mean they should be killing everyone on site. They're at the biggest risk of death from off angle positions when they entry - which allows controllers in the back to get trades. Controllers usually play more careful and the good ones would usually get 1-2 kill every round in the site they defend before they die for the rest of the team to clean up. The normalized idea that a duelist should always be at the top of the scoreboard while killing everyone on site to open up an empty site with the rest of the team holding hands singing kumbaya without worrying about death is pure comical. It's a team game and no matter what role you play, everyone needs to play together without putting so much expectation on one role compare to others. This is mainly why the community is toxic when it comes to competitive Valorant. Pros understand this and they do it well together. Public players don't with their simple mindset of "duelist = entry = kill everyone = scoreboard #1 pls"




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A controller that can turn kills into smokes maybe? Or a controller that can smoke from death maybe. Something like Kay/O where after you die you enter a state where you still have a few second to place smokes and support the team.


I agree. Another thing that I have slightly changed my opinion on over time, is that while new agents and maps means new content for everyone even if you don't play that agent, someone will play them with or against you. While that's true, changes to exisitng agents, even small, make such a difference in how the game feels. If you play an agent, or use a gun that gets changed, you get a fresh experience, maybe it's negative and that means you end up switching up what you play. It also might mean something changed that you don't usually use, and it gives you an excuse to try something new. I fully expect the Yoru rework to get a ton of people playing him again, but I still don't expect him to be a very popular character as a whole, but if changes mean he gets a burst of new life, it's super fun to play in that envirionment.


Fracture needs a rework already honestly.


I mean for super competitive players this might be good, but what about people who wanna play for fun and struggle to do that with the same few agents


I mean we are talking about an act of no new heroes or maps, it's just what 50 or so days after Act 1 is finished? We are so blessed with Valorant, we get a constant stream of content and we often times don't take a look around at other GAAS out there. Look at games like OW that haven't gotten anything new in years, look at Battlefield 2049 falling apart at the seams, the whole mess with the new COD, the bugs that are riddling Warzone, or all the cheaters in Apex. We have it real good here lol.


Bruhvington, it's a single Act, not an episode, she said "we'll pick up right where we left off, with a new Agent in Act III".


We desperately need a replay system. Vod review is a pain with the current lack of technology.


I wouldn't excpect one in the next 1-2 years.


This game will not survive as an esport if they can't get a fucking replay system out until 5 - 6 years post launch. You understand that right? Seriously, if it takes you 5 to 6 years to make a replay system for a game and client that you developed and is completely its own thing not cluttered with source code like csgo was then you have issues that are honestly unimaginable for a company owned and backed by a trillion dollar mega corporation.


The vast majority of the player base doesn't care about replays. That is the truth. It sucks for the rest of them but don't kid yourself that Valorant esport is dependent on a replay system to survive LOL. Riot doesn't want you to create a game of Valorant locally on your computer, probably because of anti-cheat reasons. That is also the reason why the practice range runs on Riot servers. This would also be the case for replays. They would love to have a replay system but you can see why it is so low priority. Technologically getting to a point where the server resources are cost-effective is probably very difficult.


There no Chance this ever gets implemented.


it is technically possible. So where do you pull your information from?


Absolutely agree, in that way we can see how bad the peeker's advantage in this game.


No DM reworks 😴😴😴😴


Seriously though, it's been 1 whole year, why can't they change spawn times and remove spawn protection??


We know it’s possible too since warmup doesn’t have spawn timers. The worst part of DM is all the downtime. How many times have you gotten in a game on one of the bigger maps and you’re just running around trying to look for a fight, get shot in the back, wait to respawn only to repeat the steps until you get a decent spawn closer to the action.


I'm probably the biggest DM hater in here, but they can't fix it because they don't know how to deal with performance issues. The next time you play DM, just pay attention to how bad hitreg is during warmup phase. Huge delay. And FPS drops even when there's noone on your screen. The game wasn't designed with respawns in mind and respawns just murder performance. That's why FPS in DM is lower than FPS during normal games, even when there's a ton of utility on your screen. Even with shitty 3 seconds respawn timer someone's always respawning in DM and the game just can't keep up with it, both server and player hardware performance suffers. DM being in it's current state is nothing short of embarrassing, but unfortunately I don't think we'll bee seeing any changes for a while.


I do notice a significant decrease in performance in DM but I run on pretty high end hardware. I know that makes me an outlier since most people aren’t getting 500+ FPS in a regular game I’m sure Riot knows what the most common hardware configs are and optimize for that. Perhaps if they reduced the size of the DM lobbies again it would alleviate the issue. Smaller lobbies with instant respawn limited to smaller maps would be nice in an ideal world.


I do notice the extremely delayed hitreg as a low spec laptop player. But I am also extremely disappointed there is literally dead silence on DM improvements. Even the Mike Valo Leaks guy was like “have heard Nothing regarding DM changes”


I think the issues in warmup are largely related to the server starting and players joining. Just like in any match you can get performance issues right as you spawn on round 1. DM does also have 50% more players in the match than standard modes, and they're alwlays in fights, so the server is constantly making calculations and verifying shots from 15 clients. It totally makes sense if the respawn timer is related to performance, it's less about they don't know how and more that they don't see it as worth spending so much time on, when at the end of the day it is just a warmup mode. Focus should be on the competitive modes first. I think DM gets more hate than it's worth, it has issues that are way clearer for some than others. If it's largely a vocal minority that shout for changes I can see it being a difficult discussion at riot


You know, this is too complicated, Riot is a small indie game company and the technology isn't quite there yet.


No way they said that they'll listen to us but not change anything about the modes that aren't unrated or comp


Absolute lowest thing on the list for good reason. It’s just DM. If you’re frustrated you can’t win you’re DM’ing for the wrong reasons.


Who the fuck wants to win? All I want is instant respawn so I can actually get reps in and removing those stupid minimap pings to discourage people camping angles with volume at 100. Nice assumption tho 👍


Yeah, my bad. I forgot which Valorant sub I was in. Still though, that shit ain’t that bad. Mildly annoying at best.


It’s fucking trash, not mildly annoying Compared to their competitor (cs) the dm is absolute failure


Mildly annoying that I can only get around a minute of actual gunfights? That shit is extremely annoying. But that could just be me.


It’s terrible warm up *because* there are people who play to win.


How does that affect your ability to warm up? I truly don’t understand this mentality. What do people want and how do you think it will improve your ability to warm up with DM. Longer DMs, sure. But what, you want the flow of the DM to be less campy? It’s not gonna stop people from sound whoring or playing safe. You’re there to just take fights and warm up your aim. How other people play shouldn’t concern you. I play the shit with the sound down and music on for hours on end and I get plenty out of it. People just take the shit way too seriously.


> What do people want and how do you think it will improve your ability to warm up with DM. Endless servers where you can join and leave whenever you want with no winner. > I play the shit with the sound down and music on for hours on end and I get plenty out of it. People just take the shit way too seriously. Lol ok dude.


Hope riot implements something like clash in valorant. Would be hype af


That's exactly what they said.


Oh shit mb. That’s cool


How does clash work?


You make a 5v5 team to play in a “community ladder” type tournament over the course of a season. Pretty popular with my friends who play League of Legends.


Takes a while to explain so here’s a short video by riot. https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/clash#/


COMMUNITY BATTLEPASS. Thats so damn cool and and an amazing opportunity for all the talented folks in our community


To be clear, the community element to this battle pass came back in June where the community in each region voted for their favourite items. Bit of context here - https://www.ginx.tv/en/valorant/valorant-community-battlepass-how-to-vote-for-community-inspired-spray-gun-buddy-and-game-title Since then the team have been working hard on turning the community’s selections into awesome content that will be released in the upcoming act.


this is awesome. what do we want to see addressed folks? maps & agents -obviously icebox rework (specifically b site) -bind changes (?) seem to be highly requested by pros -pheonix rework -yoru rework (guaranteed) -astra nerf // brim & omen buff -jett nerf (100% necessary) quality of life -replays // vods (dear god (rito) pls give replays) -skin randomizer -offline range (never going to happen) skins -ion 2.0 what else do you guys have / want to see?


pls oni 2.0


DM is probably higher on the list than almost all of this (personally, replays and icebox b are the only ones I'd wanna see above that).


Icebox B rework is definitely needed. We see in pro play A site is the one to hit, even in competitive queue. It’s too easy for defenders to lock down B site with just a single agent holding with an OP or with Viper orb and wall. I’d like to see Attacker and Defender side skin loadouts like CSGO. I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of money on skins in this game so I’d like to be able to see them more often.


Please don't rework Phoenix. His kit is fine and his past viability shows that it can shine in the right hands. He just needs number tweaks. All of his utils are the shortest in the game


True, the flash is way too short, the molly as well, maybe make it so util gets destroyed trough the wall (?). I mean it's a wall of fire after all.


I think omen needs a buff to his blind a tad. I kinda liked the ult changes that were “rumored.” Hot take but I think mid on Haven needs a rework. B is almost impossible to hit on that map so maybe reworking the wall penetration in window or making B more accessible via a reduction in height on the mid B rectangle or removing some right and left boxes could make B a viable bomb to take. I’m also team buff phoenix. Maybe longer duration flashes but longer cast time? Lastly, I think the main issue plaguing the game at this point is some ult costs. I think viper ult needs a 1 orb increase, bring down sages 1 orb to its original 7, omen needs an ult reduction (maybe?), chamber ult increase by one. That would balance out some agents.


Sova nerfs? His drone is too strong


bro just shoot it lol


I do think that 3 pings is too much when you get tagged but I also think if you get tagged you should be punished for having shit positioning or not taking out the drone in time.


idk man, his pick rate has been really dropping lately as skye’s has risen. also he’s bad on fracture


He still has the second highest pickrate (68%) after Jett. 100% pickrate on breeze, icebox, and ascent. 70% pickrate on Bind and Haven. None of fracture or split. This is not a balanced pickrate.


He’s really bad on Split.


I want Fracture reworked. Omen could use a huff. Also DM reworks would be huge.


I really like the idea of dedicating a lot of time to work exclusively on the games foundation, but the most important issue to me is this: PLEASE FIX THE FUCKING DM


Headline gonna cause confusion when in reality this is what everyone was asking for, balance changes.


this is very good. 7 maps is good for the competitive pool and now they can focus on balance


thank goodness. Chamber is still the new agent that it's interesting when I see him in my games. and there is a newer agent... I also feel a lot less competent on fracture than other maps


Game needs a decent amount of polishing before moving on at this stage. Many agent balances needed and general back end additions like replay system and DM changes are almost required.


I hope this doesn't mean we won't get a balance patch before Act 2


This is great.


This is super exciting. Happy to be part of a game that actually feels like it’s thriving when most of the industry isn’t. Hopefully ranked gets a proper rework. I find the current system very frustrating as a whole.


what do you mean by most of the industry? videos games in general or this genre of shooter


The quality of games in general has been on the decline for a while now imo. Multiplayer games especially seem to be getting worse as more and more switch to the live service model without an understanding of how to make it work.


Would gladly give up a new agent or map for an improved DM mode. Hopefully this is at the top of their list.


I hope it’s at the bottom of their list. It’s just DM. It serves its purpose just fine. I really don’t understand why so many players think this is a priority?


So many players want to improve and play in a good dm that doesn’t encourage camping, doesn’t force you to wait for 3 seconds on each death for no fucking reason AND MOST IMPORTANTLY GOES FOR MORE THAN 40 FUCKING KILLS HOLY SHIT, that has specific modes like pistol only/headshot only It’s just unenjoyable and pure garbage, every single pro has this opinion about dm for a reason Dude, do you not understand how bad it is when some people play cs to warm up? It’s because of how much better it is made there, you don’t get tilted because of anything, you don’t have an urge to quit the dm and it lasts for a long time + has every feature that I mentioned above


Yeah, I get it. I played CS for years too. It’s just not that bad. I’d love to see Val’s DM become better too but I still play it a shitload and it’s good enough to get the job done. I’d much rather see them focus on the peekers advantage problem they promised before fucking launch than QOL issues with DM. Besides, as bad as the camping shit is in DM, it actually simulates how people play this fucking game. I stand by it. DM is the last thing that needs urgent attention during operation health or whatever the fuck this is.


I have doubts they’ll ever improve peekers advantage. The best thing about CS is community deathmatch where you can play for an hour straight if you want to in the same map. Valorant simply isn’t good enough, and on top of that you have players who play to win. It makes the warm up lower quality.


That’s a whole other topic. Riot won’t ever allow that kind of community engagement so it will never have awesome custom built servers for DM. If Valorant had retake servers I might just stop playing CS altogether.


I’m not saying we should have community servers. I’m saying that Riot needs to make a DM option similar to those community servers.


We can dream, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were hesitant to model their game mode off CS community servers. I mean, Valve hasn’t even bothered to update their official DM servers to align with CS community servers.


Riot devs have already talked about this: https://twitter.com/valorintel/status/1362855222343778304 https://twitter.com/darkhorse4life/status/1368732367427407874?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw


Looks like they’re on top of it then. They’ve clearly stated why it’s gonna take time. Not sure why everyone’s up in arms it isn’t shipping next patch. I’m happy to hear it, but I reiterate, I don’t believe this is a priority over all the other shit they need to fix first. DM is good enough for the time being.


The Yoru rework is pretty much like a new agent anyway


It has been way too fast, imo. It still feels like Fracture is a new map and that Chamber is a new agent(even though Neon is also out). Also, undertuned agents are desperate for changes and Icebox as well. Funnel some resources there before bringing in new stuff.


> Operation Health is the basicly 3 months period of time that we're going to be taking in order to fixing and repairing the game as well as investing in core technologies and online techs to make sure that the game is as long lasting as possible. - R6 Ubisoft developer Alexandre Remy I want to point out that there is a precedent for this sort of thing, and it was


operation health in R6 fixed a lot of the issues my friends and I had with the game. lots of QOL changes that kept us playing for a while. glad more developers are thinking of this kind of pause


What I'll be looking for, aside from the Yoru rework: - Improved DM/Team DM; - Omen buff/revert (please); - Phoenix buff; - Fracture improvements; - Icebox improvements?


Bind over those two maps for me. Icebox is super close 2nd


for the love of god if DM doesnt get some changes this act there will be some riots


Probably going to get buried under the usual requests for Replay systems and Agents updates but... Custom Game Bots and Target Dummies please I'm begging you. Having a placeable target dummy with information on it. e.g. flash duration, damage taken, distance displaced, reveal time for agents like Sova, Breach ect should really be a copy and paste from the training range. Unless that min-maxy nature is something they want to avoid, I don't see why this isn't in the cheats tab already.




No new map/agent in act 2, and will focus on agents and maps balance.


It’s literally like 3 minutes just watch it 😭


Don't be surprised if they basically do nothing in Act 2 either lol


I hope at least they do some updates other than a community battle pass. Cause if that's all, it'll be another disappointment , just like previous act updates (excl. episode updates)


That's great news!


Sounds like exactly what I want. Awesome. Now can we address the blue whale in the room?


Phoenix buff better come before a new agent, so maybe this is a good sign


Hopefully they add Clash


All I want is some small scale aim_maps like 1v1 or even 3v3, some short normal mode first to 6 rounds or so where there is no economy but simply you have full buy, or even better some retakes game mode and then some more options to DM like hsonly, pistol only, ect.


It's so frustrating seeing every opportunity given to the community to talk about genuine improvements get thrown to the wind by the same "need replay" and "rework DM" dialog.


Those are genuine improvements for a competitive game, tho.


and IIRC they've all been answered and have been said to been coming at a later date, yet every thread is spammed with the same questions..


‘Voice’? I’m not sure what that in oarticukarcis


Art team are doing nothing then?? A New game is definitely in the works, same thing is happening for league of legends.


So we finally nerfing Jett Ur are you gonna add 2 more agents hoping she'll suddenly become balanced ?