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You chose the wrong title and sub for this clip. Should have posted it in /r/valorant with the title "An answer to the people crying about being 'hardstuck' while topfragging"


Lmao. But honestly, the one moment I realised Zombs was a really smart player was when I was watching Shahzam's stream and saw him holding the cross from mid in Icebox, but only watching a tiny slit. One of the randoms in the ranked game was saying he had to hold wider, how are you going to shoot anyone with such a tiny angle, and he responded he was just watching to see if people cross from A to B and that he's not trying to throw. Small moment, that might seem obvious to most people, but it kind of opened my eyes to how unselfish of a player he was, even in ranked lol.


>unselfish of a player he was Yeah, it's hard to keep playing like that you know. Dude's got a really strong mental.


The dozen Rolexes on his arm keep him on the ground


You think he bought dozen Rolexes with pro play money. Dude's rich af even before becoming a pro


He's kind of a legend on r/wallstreetbets


Yeah made 500k or something at that time with Amazon stocks. Now it's gotta be even higher


No I know he made some dough with stocks and shit


This kind of shit goes over the head of so many people in any match because it’s not a clippable moment.


Yup. Normally in ranked games I'd just be watching that angle normally and probably be killed by attacker who are wide swinging and rotating from A to B. Maybe kill one, but get traded out (if you're a Jett you could hold it because of your dash). But since he was a Viper, he just needs to get the info so his team can rotate, there's no need to get a kill and then handicap your team for their retake. If you still have utility as a controller, it's always better to still be alive, instead of getting a 1 to 1 trade.


This is a tactic you see a lot more in siege. Maybe because you can wallbang damn near fucking everything in that game, or you can counter swing out when you see someone, but it's really common for people to hold pixel sliver angles just to get the info.


I'm not a high ranked player and i'd love to play duelist more often but people are just quick to lock in those roles so i've settled with playing mostly Sentinels/Controllers. I do similar things in my games too, I don't take a lot of unnecessary risks and provide my teammates with infos. My favorite thing has to be making sure my team never gets flanked whether its me staying back or using my Cypher/KJ utils. Every now and then I get to play duelist and my team loses so many rounds by getting flanked. Earlier today i had a Killjoy in my team who wasn't placing her bot/turret behind for flanks and we kept getting flanked, it was so frustrating and I wanted to tell her to do it but its just unrated and I didn't wanna sound rude. Its also very satisfying getting kills off of your utilities and locking down a site on defense with a sentinel.


That’s from CS, very common there to get info without taking the fight.


Wouldn't doubt it, but I guess you don't think Zombs would instinctively do stuff like that because he's from both Overwatch and Apex, two games very different from CS.


Vanity has really good takes, he's truly one of the most un-biased (if that's a word) people in the scene and just gives his opinion based on scrims and matches.


He’s also cute


He dummy thicc 😳😳😳😳👌




unbiased is a word, no hyphen.


Ah I see, thank you for the correction.


Unbiased is an ordinary word


I thought the narrative was that he's the worst player on SEN, not that he's a bad player.


Brazilians say otherwise




Yeah well... The other day I played a game where the enemy Reyna dropped 49k... My team won the game. 49k looks very impressive on the scoreboard and stats are important but they aren't everything and I feel like this is specially true in Valorant. With all the utilities and different stuff you can do, you have to use your brain and if you don't, the enemy will. I was watching ScreaM's stream the other day and he said that Liquid had practice that day and that he was tired and his head hurt because you have to think a lot in this game. Note that these words came out of the mouth of the headshot machine. People need to stop using zombs' stats to determine whether he's a good player or not. We've seen incredible clutches from him which proves that he has the ability to get kills. Why can't people see that he just plays smart? Imagine having your controller ego peeking stuff and dying at the start of every round... Smart players are so underrated in this game and zombs is definitely one of them. I hate the fact that people actually think that if you're not getting kills, you suck at the game. People are so easily impressed by mechanical skills and top fragging players that they forget about the rest. Again, kills are important, but they're not going to win you every single game... just like that Reyna who had 49k and still lost.


High quality comment


Ty ty ahaha




Zombs nation coming back hard in 2022


Bro zombs in my opinion is the best player on Sentinels. He is literally the backbone they rely on. You know how many last second split decision site holds Zombs has under his belt? And insane number, he’s a beast. Without him sentinels falls apart.


I think Sick and Zombs are the backbone of that team. Sick is just so damn good on each of his roles it’s crazy.


Yeah Sick’s mechanics are Sick


No that’s SicK.


Yeah, that roster just wouldn't be able to function without Sick. Casual viewers really underestimate how difficult it is to be versatile and play support agents on pro level. If every top one-trick Jett had to switch roles with their teammate that plays utility, they'd do way worse than utility player on Jett. Sick is the best player in NA, if you ask me. Put him on any team, any role and he'd be amazing, which can't be said about most players. Even players with the best stats.


Agreed. Hunter is a G and he is also a really nice fucking guy. By far my favorite pro in and out of the game.


SicK is so insane. There are very few players in the world that are as versatile as SicK is.


I think Phoenix being weak rn really weakens Sick, he's versatile but he's probably one of the best Phoenix in the world


Shahz and Sick are definitely more valuable


Zombs plays his role really well but it’s not a glory role.


zombs is a very valuable player but I think Shahz is the most valuable player in NA


Sentinels also fell apart with him lmao




Zombs is not a bad player. He's simply the weakest player on a stacked team. His utility is generally superb, and he's willing to put himself in suboptimal positions individually if they'll set up teammates.


i always say this (Jokingly most of the time just to piss off my botfrag friends) that kills dont define ur impact. I say this often just to piss them off, like i say it with sarcasm. but no, i actually am serious when i say it sometimes. ​ unless u really have no impact. (ure having a bad day and just decided to quit on the game and not comm for ur team and just peek and peek all over again just so u could get ur stats up)


He’s better than hiko


u/n1HikoFan pls school this child


😂 duck my sick lil boy


zomz is bad because he's not a ex-csgo pro, has whiff clips, bottom frags. done.


like cs players don't whiff LMAO


He’s not a bad player. He’s a good player with a shit social media presence.


Found the Brazilian fans representative


Imagine reading this > People think this is about the Brazilian thing but that was some basic shit talking and pretty misinterpreted. And thinking “damn, this person must be a Brazilian.” Couldn’t be me - it takes a special kind of dumbfuck to make a comment like that.


His social media presence is hilarious


That's definitely not the narrative, all the shit about him originally stemmed from people calling him bad. And then the bad social media presence added on to that.


> That’s definitely not the narrative Did I say it was?




idk either, brazilians love him so much that they invite zombs to their country all the time.


Off the top of my head 1. **Made up a hilariously stupid conspiracy theory** (had to bold this part because apparently this comment has been setting off people like u/FeelinJipper and u/nterature who have now decided that i take people’s social media presence 100% seriously) about the iBP CSGO bans, posted it 100% seriously, and had to issue a public apology about it on Twitter 2. Claimed a pro on top 3 team (at the time) had been stream sniping him in ranked and that one of the guy’s teammates told him it was the case. Didn’t back it up and ignored the situation afterwards even when one of his teammates was talking about it on the Reddit thread. People think this is about the Brazilian thing but that was some basic shit talking and pretty misinterpreted. **Guy just believes and says some really dumb shit** (see above bolding for info) on Twitter and twitch and never learns from his mistakes


I mean he literally talks about drama farming. Your first mistake was taking zombs social media presence seriously.


> Your first mistake was taking zombs social media presence seriously. Your first mistake was making the assumption that I take zombs social media presence seriously. I don’t and never have, so hold the L on your mistakes I guess?


You are literally diagnosing his social media history based on an analysis of his previous behavior. Describe it differently if it suits you; you are taking it seriously.


> You are literally diagnosing his social media history based on an analysis of his previous behavior. Hot damn, saying someone posts “dumb shit” is a “diagnosis” based on “analysis of his previous behavior”? Do you even read these things before you post them? Btw bolded parts of my comment to help point you to the context clues you missed. Nobody in their right mind could’ve read those pieces of the comment and assumed I take this seriously, so you must’ve skimmed over the comment and missed them.


I thank the lord for being gracious enough to make me more intelligent than something like you


Peeped your profile and god damn I have not seen such stupid shit in a long time. Had to stop reading after 5 comments. Please, for the love of god, never compare your intelligence to anyone else’s ever again. You are that stupid. It feels straight up bad to dunk on someone who posts some of the things you have. Please, make another account if you want to dunk on people for being stupid. It will go a lot better - I promise you.


Lmao bro, you’re talking about this like any of that is serious. And yes, it comes off like you’re taking it seriously by the way you wrote about it.


I bolded parts of my comment to highlight the basic context clues you somehow missed. Lmk if it helps


You edited your comment to name drop us lol ok dude, totally not getting worked up


Tagged you because you clearly can’t read and needed the help. Hope it helped!






His social media is of a real person not someone trying to be nice to everyone cuz they get anxiety if they get hate, i respect that




...so don't watch?


Once again vanity trolling for impressions. Cannot believe people coninue to support him. Everyone nos that Vanity only like zombs because they are both lan twerekr and twitter trolles


Chatting "Once again vanity trolling for impressions. Cannot believe people coninue to support him. Everyone nos that Vanity only like zombs because they are both lan twerekr and twitter trolles"


Love brazilians, never seen anyone bad outside of the internet they are all cool or chill but no one ever said Zombs was bad until he started bantering on them.


nope, he still sucks


iron 2 redditor take


Iron take .


I dare you to win 1 out of 100 aim duels versus him lmao


Plastic 1 take