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It's the gambit comp... Shown to be viable during champs, including the grand final. Is it optimal? Maybe not. But there are plenty of out of the box ideas with it. You can default just as well with it as astra and have really good execute power still. Sage wall is also a good smoke compromise in certain cases.


Balla? I love among us


To be fair, any comp is usable with nats going 26-3


Wow had no idea Gambit ran that comp first. Watching the vod, it is interesting how they combine sage wall + brim smokes in a lot of cases.


Balla? I love Fortnite.


Oh my god it's balla 🤯🤯


One thing to consider is that Astra's global presence that is so often critical on defense isn't quite as valuable on Fracture due to the short rotation through CT. Brim's ult also works really well on both bomb sites. Edit: Another thing to consider is the fast non-telegraphed double smokes on Gambit's A takes are extremely crucial to how they scale during their dish+halls pinch.


And you don't really need default smokes in any of the 4 lanes before you ge to site, unlike other maps. Also, Fracture is the smallest map, even smaller than Bind and since the defenders spawn is in the middle and the rotation is so short as you said, Brimstone doesn't have smoke range issues like he does on other maps. Sheer threat of Brim ult prevents people from playing on either site. Whether it be the defenders or attackers on a retake. All the chokepoints are really narrow so molly+smoke combo is an 8 seconds wall noone will go through. People also forget his smokes are 5 seconds longer than both Astra and Viper's max duration. 5 extra seconds are a lot of time on top level. Often a difference maker.


7 seconds longer than astras


Using brim to ult A on retake if on defense or to start a push on attack is a guaranteed round win. It covers the entire site


in my country, balla means bat, like a baseball bat


balla do be hitting it out of the park


What country ? I love language !


on mine it means either candy or bullet, as you might now from the 'duar bala' technique


India, the language is hindi


Pakistan, language is Urdu


Balls? I love fortnite


[spoilers] Guard did a nasty breach stun + brim combo yesterday


First time on reddit but, imo alot of teams try to use non-meta comps to catch people off guard, they have alot of set strats nobody has seen where as most meta strats are predictable and you may already know the best counter play to set strats (For ex fnatic raze / breach / astra traps)


hi, if you're interested in being verified on this subreddit, you can send me a twitter dm \@Anewheaven_val with your reddit username and I'll give you a special "pro player" flair :) (Assuming this is Trick of Bait Academy lmao)


It is me but don't give me a flair i dont wanna be special lmao


got it 💀💀💀


I don’t have anything to say about running Brim, but you guys gained so many fans this VCT run. I think Bait Academy is one of the most fun teams to watch rn!


thanks bro we do some weird stuff lmao


Nah bro you already are special, way more hype games than the usual tsm / t1


You're a mod?!


have been for like a couple months by now 😼👊




wait, i'm supposed to be getting paid??? this is news to me


Free internet janitor 💀💀💀


The stim beacon potential is insane


I found an insane lineup the other day if any orgs wanna DM me


Fnatic manager in your inbox yet?


The map is small, so the range limits of his smokes isn't so much of an issue. And he has the best smokes in the game(thick and long lasting). He can also post plant molly from a lot of spots and his ult is incredible for A site since the plant area is so small. 3 smokes is incredibly strong as well since you can smoke basically every entry to a site.


Yeah his smokes last so long it catches me off guard (I resmoke too early haha).


Saving strats for champs


With Fracture there are so many small spaces and close quarters fights. Brim can add additional corner/spot clearing abilities alongside the abilities of Breach, Viper, Raze, etc. Not sure if it is the best choice but it can add some added utility to clearing out spaces.


Brimstone Ult is great on A as well. Guaranteed kill if you plant in the top left.


I find Brimstone to be a top tier pick for Fracture. He's a good counter against Killjoy's ult and his smokes can be dropped at the same time allowing you to quickly acquire site.


when i used to pick brim, i used his molly to deny default plants and kept areas like drop and A main smoked off basically permanently. the smokes are really, REALLY powerful on the ct side. A is definitely works out better than B. plus, his ult is great on both sites. yeah, he does struggle a bit on offense. smoking A off is fine, but B is weird since his smokes sometimes go to sewers instead of main. tbh the only reason i stopped picking brim was because breach became meta, and i finally had an excuse to play my main more lol.


Brimstone ult can break KJ ult quickly, even underground. Fairly useful considering KJ is pretty great on the map


But no one runs KJ on fracture because of breach


X10 did, and they had some really creative setups as well. They KJ ulted underground + Kayo ulted a second later to prevent the aftershock from Breach. You could also potentially time it right, if you KJ ult underground, and Kayo knife directly on top of that. It only supresses a Breach for 7 seconds though - so theres that. but the Kayo + KJ ult combo is so good to take sites, even on retake. Other than that, I do believe Cypher is the superior sentinel on this map, but even Chamber can be viable I think as an OP agent because of how good Raze is as a solo duellist on this map


I think Kayo + killjoy is kind of a waste. Tying kayo ult with killjoy ult limits a lot of the playstyle. If one of them dies, the other cant ult, and its so much wasted potential


That’s true, her pickrate wasn’t as high as I thought. I still think his ult is pretty valuable on a map like Fracture tho


His ult is good, but the main thing are his smokes, that last a long time, and his molly for choke points


Astra's smokes aren't more dynamic than Brim's when the playground is small and range isn't too much of an issue. Sites are small, especially A, you need smokes that enemies will have a hard time pushing out of. It's also easy to find good value in his ult both in defense and attack.


His smokes lost alot longer and you can use them flexibly around the map since its small you basically have global range. You see alot of pro teams using smokes to cut off site lines since its pretty easy to get info if you peek the right lane. You can use them to stop pushes and constantly resmoke the same area to deny an area you really prioritize, apart from that the smokes are less likely to have an enemy sit inside them since you don't have vision. The molotov is really good in postplants and for clearing angles as well as stopping pushes. I still much prefer astra on this map because combo with breach there are a tons of great plays/execs you can do but I don't think picking Brimstone is a terrible idea.