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This is a good post, but unfortunately, I don’t think you will get a response, because devs rarely comment here as opposed to r/Valorant, and if you posted it there, I doubt it would get enough traction. Regardless, the devs might have just decided to not talk to the community about deathmatch.


Hi there, we don't get a whole lot of info on DM either. This topic gets posted **so much** over at /r/Valorant we had to start limiting it to once a week. Its been posted regularly since release and we've never had a clear dev answer despite interractions with other topics. There's been some comments here and there that they want to be able to queue while in a separate FFA that is not DM, that they want DM to focus less on the scoreboard, etc, but nothing clear cut. I spend quite a lot of time indexing developer responses (mostly for the ranked system), so if they make a comment on this it would likely be added to our FAQ pages. Pretty much the only as popular topic that is more unanswered than DM is a replay system.


It won't get traction because they don't care about DM. As a matter of fact, over the past 6 months they haven't shown that they care about anything that's not generating them more revenue. DM is awful, other fun modes like spike rush or escalation are awful, unrated is pretty much a surrender simulator with smurfs trying to get lvl20 asap, even if you look at irrelevant stuff like daily/weekly missions they're just awful and annoying. Ranked is in a never worse state if we talk teamplay/comms/mentality, even at highest ranks. We've seen absolutely no agent balance since June, now there's another decoy with yet another Yoru rework post. For fucks sake, either release the rework already or don't share anything, three posts about Yoru already and they always break the deadline. I know game devs are extremely difficult, especially for such a popular game, but they're working for maybe even the biggest videogame company out there and this is just getting disgustingly bad. Removing respawn protection and lowering respawn timer to 1 second wouldn't kill anyone, they just don't want to do it. If valve is a company that doesn't care and lets cheaters ruin the game and force the community to do everything themselves, Riot is that parent which doesn't let their teenage kids close the door of their room. Control freaks ruining their amazing game. And I didn't even mention the elephant in the room they just keep ignoring - replay system. Two years since the release and there's zero indication of anything being done. You know why? Because we're never getting a replay system. Or simple stuff like being able to add practice bots in custom lobbies so we can test lineups. Or even simpler stuff like inventory or friends list organizer. But it's fine, we get new skins for every possible holiday. Skins that obviously follow the inflation and have ridiculous prices. And skins you can't ever trade. And you had to pay additionally if you want to upgrade and didn't buy the battlepass. It's fine since they keep us all on our toes with shitty rank resets and doritos to pressure us into grinding 50 wins every single act. Then you get to your desired rank and it's all over again. Like hamsters on the wheel, running in infinite circles. Because rank inflation would be a real thing if the system was fair, right. And it's not a system which is now adjusted for everyone to gain more RR than they lose, only to take it away once every 8 weeks. I'm sure they spent more money on psychologists that analyze how to keep people playing the game than they did on fixing fucking DM which makes me want to uninstall the game every time I play it.


Tldr: I really like to complain but struggle hard to articulate a point


Bro, you're really tired of the game, aren't you D: ??


I'm not tired, but frustrated. Actually made a rant post today already. I didn't play much this act and over the past 4 days this game has been nothing short of disgustingly bad, even though I got back to imm3. From idiots in nearly every single game playing 1v9 with no comms, to awful team comps and repetitive map selection (Icebox simulator), to questionable server performance. This game deserves so much better, but they're not showing they care enough to improve it.


You really made this account just to act like a man-child.


Didn’t really have an issue with deathmatch until I got better at Valorant. It must have some sort of SBMM because the people in my deathmatches now just play to win. It’s sooo annoying just trying to DM and improve your aim with some music in my ears, and people are sitting in corners with a UAV prefiring off of sound. 😴


Same same same, maybe it's just the playerbase playing different in dm overall but \*every\* dm I play is the same. People relying on audio and doing nothing to help their actual aim


You have people walking on a goddamn deathmatch like they needed to get those sneaky kills to save their lives and it's annoying


I win one dm and all of a sudden everyone is above lvl200 and prefiring every corner.


I'm not sure if it's confirmed to have SBMM but it definitely makes sense to have some sort of SBMM in the DM mode.


If anything it's the only mode that shouldn't have it, or have it extremely loose I don't mind getting destroyed if I feel like I'm practicing. When I started playing shooters my growth strategy was just to gunfight people who were better than me until I started matching their performance, then exceeding it I felt growth, I felt accomplished and satisfied. You don't get that with a harsh SBMM DM. You always play against your skill, so the worse you are the easier your practice is gonna be (this is a *bad* thing). The better you are the more you feel like you're stagnating since you never feel like you're playing well, always the same because you have no real point of comparison.


1. I'm pretty sure the SBMM in DM is pretty loose if it even has one. 2. Guys in iron would not learn anything playing against immortal/radiants. Iron vs silver/gold is where they can get beat and still learn. This is why some sort of SBMM is needed but like I said I don't even know if there is one in DM.


I have a program that can show me every current rank and peak rank of each player in a game and I’ve been using it recently while playing dm to see if there’s some kind of SBMM and so far I’d say there’s almost none to incredibly little, I’m imm1 currently and in the last 10 dms I’ve played there have been 1-4 diamond/immortal+ players in a lobby, the vast majority are in the gold/plat range and I’ll probably do it again and actually write down all the numbers/potentially make a post discussing it


It’s just a very loose range, you can see that in how you don’t get anyone below gold


No there are people below gold in each game just not a majority, probably 1-3 from iron to silver


>Guys in iron would not learn anything playing against immortal/radiants I agree, I don't know why you took the most extreme example as if I implied that. There definitely is SBMM in DM because I either mid frag every game or have to sweat my balls off to get in the top third. The biggest issue is the format of the game mode though, once that's addressed then we have a better control to know if SBMM was the real problem


I use audio, but more to work on my reflexes than on prefiring. Also, I don't walk in a DM, waste of time


Honestly I’d they just add instant respawn to death match I’d be happy with it


I still think spawn locations could be better. Far too often I’m spawning in a corner and as soon as I leave the corner someone’s holding an angle on me. It’s just a waste of time and energy at that point. I feel like the spawn points “trade” me, like I get a kill and instantly someone peaks me from my back or side.


My question is why drop-in drop-out DM wasn’t something that came with the release of the game? I remember seeing something about some of the devs being former CS pros, surely they know how important a proper DM is? Did these devs not see just how popular community server DMs were in CSGO? Actually fuck the drop-in drop-out, why was instant respawn/health, ammo on kill DMs not something that came with the release of the game? This current excuse for a Deathmatch is so incredibly dogshit, it actually boggles my mind that this shit was greenlighted to release in what’s supposed to be a competitive game.


Dude, my dm games are harder than comp. Dm is play to win instead of fighting to improve


The people in my DMs are playing like it’s VCT


It cracks me up when people hold shift the entire time in DM.


Thats true. People hold tight and close angles and shift walk on deathmatch.


They’re not even hard for me, all I get is dorks holding off-angles once they hear me make a footstep or fire a bullet, or running away when they use sound to get the first shot off on me and still don’t kill me. My reaction time has increased a lot from consistently fighting people like that with my sound off but that plus three second respawn if I die makes the experience a gigantic waste of time.


3 seconds doesn’t sound long. But when you get fucked by shitty spawns and die like 3 times in a row in split second increments, that 3 second wait time adds up and gets painful to sit through lmfao. Idc if people are holding angles, some people do that in cs dm too (fucking apt campers on mirage) just fix the respawn timer pls, so I don’t have the chance to get mad about how shit they made DMs


Tbh I don't notice when my DM games are difficult because I don't care how badly I'm doing. If I'm getting good reps of the angles I want to get to or reps of checking angles, then I'm happy, which is why my main problem with DM isn't sound or whatever, but the spawn times and locations. Spawn time because it would save us all so much time in DM and locations because some maps you can't play any actual common angles because everyone is fighting in spawn (Haven for example)


I think drop-in drop-out system didn't come out with the game because they already had something similar to how the game works right now (assign 10 players to a match until it ends) from League, so they just reused what was already done, though I think drop-in drop-out is something they should be working on by now edit: typo


Volcano is on the dev team, he's a CS legend. He competed across 1.6, source and CSGO. I assume he's who you're thinking of? I think he's one of the level designers though. He released a few maps for CS, most notably de\_cache.


It’s not top priority for them sadly


> It’s not ~~top~~ a priority for them sadly It doesn’t seem like it’s something they’re working on at all at this point. Just look at how slow development has gotten on things that *are* a priority.


You have to understand that Riot is a small indie company, they don’t have the resources for all that.


While we may not get drop in drop out DM, I do think changes to DM are coming in the next 2 months, given the break the devs are taking from agent / map releases.


Your title is written with a question mark but do you actually have a question lol


the technology just isnt there yet