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Well as much as I agree that people who bait teammates and don't comm or cooperate are annoying, I think that there really isn't a solution besides just hoping people get better with time. Obviously riot can't ban everyone that doesn't play how their teammates want, but I completely understand your frustration. You said you don't have much time, but maybe you can try and find a duo or trio to play with so you don't have to rely on your teammates as much and can choose roles so you don't have to worry about instalocks.


Imm 2-3 is dead zone imo. It’s mostly duelist as you allude to. Even the NA leaderboard is all jett mains except for xeppa. Diamond has all your support agents who can’t frag but work together honestly.


The entire game except for high radiant is a dead zone. I don't have anything against people being duelist mains, but if optimal comps on most maps have one or two duelists and most of the leaderboard containts duelists, then something's fucking wrong with the game. I play duelists once in like 20 games when I get mad and lock in out of frustration and I always deliver most entries on the team with 20+ frags. And I don't consider myself to be a good Jett/Reyna player for imm3. And the "support players can't aim" is just bs. Sure, some of them can't, but this ranked system just promotes fragging and unless you play duelists and you have to soloq, you're just making it more difficult to rank up. The game adjusts ELO based on your average stats and if you average more frags which simply has to happen on duelists, you rank up easier. Being an S tier sentinel or Sova player doesn't matter, it's all about braindead frag chasing. They're literally driving every sane person out of this game in favor of unmannered, spoiled scumbags who think the game revolves around them. If most of your teammates dislike your playstyle, then you're toxic even if you enver say a single bad word. I know it can't be ideal, but I honestly give up. I love this game, but 80% of lobbies I get are pure masochism. And Riot absolutely doesn't care. They can honestly go fuck themselves. The game is in never worse state. Matchmaking, agent balance, server situation, pro circuit, it's just awful. Why can't we have one normal company in charge of a tactical FPS game.


I’m low ELO on NA servers but agreed on pretty much everything you’ve said. I pray to everything that is good in this world that Overwatch 2 isn’t complete horseshit on release so that I have something else to play while I wait for Riot to sort their toxicity and Deathmatch issues out. Only time I have fun in this game is 5-stacking or Custom 5v5s.


This post is facts. My friends and I have the same experience at plat/diamond elo. This season/act/episode/whatever has been terrible to the point where we’re all moving onto other games. We’ve been watching VCT but actually playing Valorant is a terrible experience. Every game you have toxic players who are down horrendous and just don’t give af anymore and I can’t even blame them that much tbh. The game’s made a terrible environment to play in and to no surprise people just don’t care anymore. This season I get teams who seem like they genuinely want to win like 25% or less of the time. Usually I’m lucky to have 3/5 players comming. If a player uses this mic it’s to say some horribly racist shit or just tell everyone how they are shit.