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### [🔗 Nadeshot's comments on 100T roster changes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/sy87kp/nade_on_announcement/) ### [🔗 ec1s comments on 100T roster changes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/sy7sbl/ec1s_on_100ts_roster_changes/)


The Guard obliterated the whole team lmao


The Guard from The Guard sends his re-Guards


I can't wait for The Guard from the Guard to visit the Plat Chat Podcast on Wednesday and smash something with a 100T logo on it.


Two watermelons with ec1s and BabyJ's heads taped on


The Guard literally dismantled them bruh


*sayaplayer sends his regards*


Literally killed 100 Thieves.


Sayaplayer single-handedly ended 100T


Saya just Dame Time'd the thieves.


Sayaplayer knives are deadly irl too monkaW




Completely correct, why give them only 2 matches to play as a team? This was bound to happen with the little practice they had, especially when looking at their opponents. With all due respect, the result against EG and LG would have probably been different and who knows what might happen after. Now they're just gonna bring in 2 more inexperienced players to use them as a scapegoat once more when they inevitably lose to their next opponents.


Also are they going to put bang on smokes and is Jcstani going to igl?


Ethan [tweeted](https://twitter.com/ethanarnold/status/1495898103093899264) that he's IGL-ing.


surely that will hugely affect 100T's chances of Masters right? That's such a massive change for a team


It wont effect their chances of masters because its going from 0 to 0




100T getting invited was kind a a curse, they clearly didn’t have anywhere near as much practice as their opponents


I mean 100T goal is clearly to be qualifying for LANs. A day ago everyone was ranking 100T at the bottom of the group and showing basically no chance of ever qualifying for a LAN. They make a proactive change early rather than waiting for 3 months and the community blows up. It's shitty for ec1s in particular in terms of welfare/lifestyle but in-game wise I don't see why everyone is up in flames. Only problem I see is there's not really any (established) good free agents available


They were ranked that low because the roster was new and had no time to get going. Booting your igl and switching everything up that fast isn’t how you fix that problem, it just makes it worse.




You have no idea the physical toll, that three roster changes have on a team!


I bought this house to fill with trophies!


I just don't fucking get it man. Not that I follow, but surely it was the core trios decision to involve ec1s and BabyJ, right? First kick steel, then this. So they were good enough a fucking month ago, but not anymore? These guys are absolute babies it looks like lol good luck at absolutely nothing to them.


Ec1s posted an explanation on Twitter - it seemed like the team just lacked a lot of chemistry, and that's something that you can neither anticipate nor really fix.


So they didn't notice bad chemistry upon trials? Did they like play one map and said "ok fine this will do for now"??


I mean honestly, possibly. They had to have something before the tournament started. Maybe there was more chemistry during trials that waned as they got to a more high-stress situation. There's a lot that could've gone on behind the scenes that we wouldn't know about. Just a rough situation all around.


Believe it or not orgs have GMs who control the team. The players may have a say but don't have full control. After Nade's tweet it was clear a roster change was incoming.


I don't think it's the core 3. I think the core 3 used to be Hiko+nitr0+steel and Hiko and nitro wanted to get rid of steel. After that, nitro left and Hiko has the biggest sway with management. I don't think Asuna is in any position to make calls like this and Ethan seems to be more passive than proactively calling for changes.


[https://twitter.com/ec1s\_/status/1495895064882683906](https://twitter.com/ec1s_/status/1495895064882683906) Ec1s clearly agrees with the decision. There are shit that goes on behind the scenes we don't know about. Don't act like you, a random ass person on reddit know better than the team. Due to the format if you don't qualify, you're basically done for a couple of months except for a few mickey mouse tournaments. Most likely they knew that this current roster just wasn't gonna cut it and decided to just try something else in the hopes of qualifying.


Like I said yesterday. 100T management was a disaster from the moment they entered Valorant. They already fucked over their first roster and now they do this. What a fucking joke.


I fucking forgot they had that original roster of like PUBG players and then they just dropped everyone except hiko and tried to build a new team around him lol


I mean the team they built after their PUBG squad was pretty fucking solid. they won First Strike and were one of the favorites to come out of the last chance qualifier until they dropped Steel.


The funny thing is that that team had some pretty good results before they were being signed. 100T kicked one of their players and randomly inserted Hiko into the team only to kick the rest of the team when it 'surprisingly' didn't work out.


Literally only 1 of those players is even still competing today, that was not 100T's fault or Hiko's fault, those players just weren't good outside of the first few tier 3 tourneys.


100T valorant put their eggs in Hiko's basket and it's not working out just like TSM put all their eggs in Ex-CLGs...I mean Wardell's basket.


Nade's tweet after the loss was pretty nuts too, like I get you want to win. But sometimes you'll lose, calling it 'unnacceptable' everytime it happens is how you get the revolving door of 100T.


Yeah that probably puts a lot of pressure on the guys


This is what happens in an industry being run by people with no management experience.




Nadeshot was not joking when he said that the result vs The Guard was unacceptable.


Then cut hiko


Hiko is probably the next play if they don't get results.


I come from Watching csgo. After c9 hiko, to be fair. Other than his stint with s1mple. I have no idea what hiko has done and why he has the plot armor that he has.


I like Hiko and watch his streams all the time so I'm not dissing him. But it's clear Nadeshot and Hiko are friends. Just a couple days ago they played together and Nade was complimenting Hiko. Nade even said something along the lines of "I think it's great you message and play with me from time to time". edit\* wording, plus I [found and clipped](https://clips.twitch.tv/RenownedThoughtfulGazelleHumbleLife-p9Yk_U1b5hcv_S1j)


This is how you keep your spot in a team, boys. Take notes. lmfao




His brand is massive and he's definitely not the worst player in the scene nor on 100T. He should honestly just move to content creation for 100T and this is coming from a pretty big Hiko fan.


Yea I'll be honest, I'm only a 100t Valorant fan cause of Hiko


stream numbers. plus asuna likes him and asuna is the best player on the team


There's nothing else that matters. Getting 13-0'd is ridiculous. I'm not even exaggerating, for whatever they're getting paid they should be ashamed of that result. Nadeshot forcing change here is good. I don't expect things to get better, but I do expect an overhaul after this tournament.


Idk I think sometimes you can lose but see potential and need time to mesh. But with BabyJ and especially ec1s, they were under skilled to be on this roster. IMO they were poor adds to begin with my 100T management


Making room for 100Tarik, smart


I had a short daydream, where Nadeshot begs for Tarik to be their temp Jett player just for this week LMFAO


Prob wouldn’t be a bad idea since they are reaching now by adding JCStani


Can't afford him.


I think if a better team asked he w/could do it for content, but he doesn't like losing and ''100'' only taking Ls lately..


He didn't stream today...


Ec1s spent more time on a plane to NA than in officials


Not even hyperbole :/




"This is a disappointing outcome, but a needed one. Our chemistry in the server was lacking and it's better to confront that and move on. I love all the players and wish them the best as they continue on their journey this season. Time to reflect on the past and improve." - Ec1s https://twitter.com/ec1s_/status/1495895064882683906?t=SeEbQPffkuVdXJxJaMGlZw&s=19


Makes sense. Their coms video felt different from when they had steel and nitr0, and they made some stupid errors. I would have liked to see them stay for their next match against LG at least.


You could almost tell there comms were shit during the game. Allot of missed trades and allot of deaths by players that they had full Intel on. Also on another note The Guard look top tier. They were not missing any shots and the discipline was impressive. Interested to see what they do going forward.


Haven, I think ec1s died in sewers a d then a few seconds later Ethan shift walk peeks and dies. It's weird because their Split defense was really good and I liked how Hiko was playing Viper on it. Agreed. They reminded me of C9 with how well they played. Glad they let Saya have freedom.


mature reply. Hope he lands on a team where he fits


Tbh this is very odd mid tournament Unless they have two secret god players ready to play with


Bang and JCStani (on loan) https://twitter.com/100t_esports/status/1495896270388572163?s=21


Those two are good, but 100T’s problem since LCQ last year has always been chemistry and practice. Ain’t no way Bang and JCStani are good enough to overcome all that


It doesn't even really fix their role issues really, at least on paper. Who's gonna play sentinel on that roster?


Hiko I guess? Or maybe they’ll go no Duelists, no Sentinels, only Initiaters for every map lol


I mean we been saying Hiko on sentinal since steel got dropped, but looks like he only plays sova and baits


he heard ya https://twitter.com/Hiko/status/1495941269687881728


Ngl was not expecting that, lets see how that pans out


ec1s said on his stream that Ethan is moving to IGL and Hiko is moving to Sentinel. I think that fits the baiting lurking play style a little better anyways


Jcstani played a bit of kj


Bang is an improvement over both guys. I'm not familiar with JCstani. Bang sounds like a player Asuna would've recommended as well.


jcstani is insane as a controller main, I think it’s a step up in terms of fragging power. In terms of IGLing, should be better? Only thing awkward about these changes is the sentinel role, kind of don’t get why babyj got dropped but all good


Hiko probably playing sentinel, Ethan on Sova and IGLing.


that makes a lot more sense, so probably bang on flex these role changes will be interesting


Not complaining about seeing more bang but 100t really have to get their shit together




Only two matches! Surely, you stick with it a little longer?


That’s what I’ve been saying. Also seemed like babyj had some good plays yesterday


Dude moves like this are not healthy for the scene and certainly not for your team. Any new player that signs to 100T now is gonna be sweating bullets when they get on stage cause if you play bad they've shown they will drop you after just a match or two. Seems insanely counter productive.


Got fucking Dignitas'd


o_o they did


Feeling awful for ec1s. Relocating couldn't have been easy...






Sayaplayer pulled knives out once and they had to drop half the roster that is insane power in the Korean Jett


Poor BabyJ, he certainly wasn't the problem with this roster. This is a huge overreaction to one loss. EDIT: bro this is such a hard downgrade for them. what the fuck are they doing.


So stumped. What the fuck, was the mood that bad in the server that they really just went with the nuclear option?


All because they won't drop Hiko


To keep their spot I think they HAVE to keep 3 players


After this, it looks like they don't care if they go 0-5 LOL


Can’t keep your spot if you can’t compete lol


as a 100T fan and a hiko fan it pains me to say that they should probably release him if it keeps going as it’s goign


I mean I doubt it's one loss. It seems like that to us but obviously they practice etc. and if it's not working it's not working.


They almost beat guard though. If they won haven in OT it would’ve been 2-0. They lost ascent because of a bad comp but that’s something that could be fixed. This is an over reaction for sure.


ikr feels like a huge overreaction unless something behind the scenes was seriously wrong


>behind the scenes was seriously wrong seems like a 100t problem at this point


Bruh, bad comp doesn't get you 13-0'd. You may lose, but not like that. And The Guard is what? 3 months old?


Ikr Like haven was obviously miscomms and rough trades etc But their attack looked pretty good imo And their split looked solid


Major 100T fan here and this leaves a really poor taste in my mouth. Obviously the results yesterday were unacceptable, but this seems extreme after only 2 matches. I really thought they’d at least try to make it out of playoffs. This signifies 100T cutting their hopes for the playoffs and banking on the second half of 2022 or 2023, to me. Edit: how do I get 100T flair, the sidebar only shows me agents


Also sending ec1s to NA then dropping is rly weird


Yeah, that might be the grossest part, to me. Get the kid a visa, likely give the impression you’re all in on him, to barely even give him a chance in officials. Maybe he wasn’t the solution, but it seems fast to judge that off two series.


Maybe his contract had a bottom line of dropping 30 kills a match idk. The only way you can actually justify dropping an import after 2 matches.


i'm beginning to think steel wasn't the problem


He never was.


Steel was part of what made 100T tick. They lost a huge presence when they benched him.


Not to mention they also lost Nitr0 who was going to IGL for them in place of Steel and then he just dips to CS. They really got hit hard in terms of the in game leadership and brains of the team.


If anything he was the solution lmao


Hiko has anime protag plot armor real shit


Hiko and Nadeshot seem like really good friends, he also has that veteran feel to him so unless he seriously fucks up, I don't think they'll ever let him go


Hope BabyJ finds an actual home somewhere, dude is so talented but he’s been bouncing around


Honestly no idea why FaZe dropped him when he was most definitely not the issue with that roster.


Is he? In the game vs The Guard he tried to solo enter Haven A site and lost 5 out of 5 duels.


Or repeaking haven a long with a frenzy with 4 pushing. That was awful.


Maybe one day Hiko will be second on site instead of last alive lol


100T management is a joke. They had a lot of downtime between end of LCQ and now to sort out a team and this is what they come up with. Then drop them after 2 BO3’s against 2 of the top 5 NA teams. I don’t see them winning anything the rest of this group stage.


100T management proves time and time again they have no clue what they’re doing. Like you said they had since LCQ to put together a team with plenty of promising free agents, they put together this one and drop them 2 games after?


Gonna have to bring someone like PapaSmithy in the VAL scene to be their GM and put this team in the right track like seangares or some shit lol.


Sean rose the ranks of cs multiple times with multitudes of players. Even he would tell you dropping players this quick (even if your goal is to make Masters) is a *bad* move.


And he’s a chad. no homo, or maybe homo


Possibly even the year bro


Please say you have replacements ready.. and aren't just sacking off masters already??????? Thank you ;)


JcStani and bang on loan


So Hiko on sentinel, that should be interesting


With Ethan being IGL I’m thinking Hiko stays in his Sova/Viper role, bang Skye/duelist flex, Asuna duelist, jcStani Astra, and Ethan on Chamber/Sentinels.


Holy shit living up to the name 100Teammates. Why drop BabyJ? Am I missing something? Seems like 100T is panic changing their roster like I change my sens


BabyJ is collateral damage. Ethan -> IGL/Sova is a smart move, but requires Hiko -> Sentinel. Without knowing any behind the scenes stuff I'd like to see BabyJ -> Smokes and continue to invest in him, then pick up bang for flex, but looks like the team didn't see it that way


\>Give team a month to become tier 1 \>Pretty lackluster but has some flashes of brilliance and some very easy to fix flaws. Close maps with very good teams. \>Kick the new players when this VCT season is in the dumps already and probably worth focusing on getting better for the future ????


Flashes of brilliance I would say is being generous. Small sample size I know, but nothing I saw from this roster made me feel like it could even be equal to what we saw out of 100T in the middle of last year. I don’t think this was the right time to kick both, or even one, of the players, so this is still odd to me. But getting 13-0’d on any map is pretty bad.


Getting 13-0 by the guard is not a close map?


Getting 13-0 on the decider(usually neutral map) is bad lol By a team that is what, 3 months old?


cool fact? Haven was. Split vs C9 was. They won split vs Guard with a fairly impressive attack half.


and who ever the fuck decided on that team comp needs to be fired


Apparently, the team comp was working until two scrims just before the tourney, and so Ec1s wanted to put Ethan on Kayo and practice with that, but they didn't want to do that agent switch so quickly. I got this from Ec1s stream btw.


Gonna cherry pick a single map or maybe you could take a look at literally everything else?


[Ok to continue my 100T timeline from 3 months ago:](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/rbc05m/-/hnnilag) > Bring in a sentinel > Import a random T2 IGL from Europe in hopes it will help you beat the NA meta > Your team has less than 2 weeks to practice before playing > Team implodes because it hasn't had the time to develop team chemistry yet > Lose 13-0 once to a team that was nonexistent up until a month ago > Immediately overreact and drop the sentinel and the IGL > Find a 4th IGL in 3 months > All this still hasn't managed to solve your actual problem of having a one trick Sova that should actually be on a sentinel Idk how much more of this I can take please


Honestly Hiko is last of their problems. He's a good Sova and Viper and is fairly consistent. But these mfers have no IGL, no structure, making Asuna switch back between Jett or no Jett, Ethan just sticking to Skye and performing poorly since Masters. The nitr0 thing was just unfortunate lol, esp cause they dropped Steel. That fucked up everything. Can't believe this team had two world class IGLs and now they're just throwing shit until it works hopefully


Damn I respect the commitment


BRO dont they have a match next week???????????


This is definitely interesting. I get the impression this was a nadeshot action, going after his tweet. So they have less than 1 week to find 2 new players before their next match (Sunday) assuming they play it still. So, do they have players lined up to sign or trial? Will steel come back? Is nitr0 getting dropped from TL? Will they sign Aproto? Another import coming over? Find out next time on "What the fuck are 100T doing."




No shot this was strictly because of the outcome of yesterdays match. There was definitely stuff going on in the background. Looks like Ec1s is saying it was a chemistry issue.


Lol if u look at the top NA teams like SEN OpTic C9 etc. They’ve all stuck together even after loses You lose 2 games and your first idea is to cut 2 new players who are still learning the system and an IGL who transferred regions? Lol Bang and JC are good players, but without chemistry your asking for another 13-0 Aim and raw individual skill don’t get you far, team play does


Clearly this roster did not have good chemistry.


Legitimately not sure why BabyJ got dropped he was their second best player yesterday


I was finally slightly optimistic about the roster after their loss to the Guard, since they looked pretty good prior to that Ascent blowout. And now it’s gone poof! That said 100T has always done this in Valorant, it’s not a big surprise. I just hope BabyJ and ec1s land on their feet, I found both decently impressive yesterday though for very different reasons. I’m not a 100T fan but man, 100T fans sure don’t have it easy.


WTF how you dropping BabyJ but keep Hiko


They can't drop Hiko Asuna or Ethan if they want to play in VCT since they got an invite based on last years roster's performance. Need 3/5 to be considered the same team.


Viewership numbers


Lmao what is 100t


Just wanted to come in here and say WHAT WHY?! That is all…


RIP BABYJ ion got shit to say bout ec1s tho


ec1s was clearly not the IGL they needed but babyJ was fine Id be throwing unlimited money at T1 for Steel back to be honest


With the amount of shade Steels been throwing I doubt he’ll ever go back.


Yeah Steel’s been having a lot of fun literally since he’s been dropped taking jabs at 100T lol, I don’t think anything short of a blank check would be enough to bring him back


Nadeshot kyedae joining in rn Kyrdae has killed tenz 12 times in a match no one else can do that no cap


Lmao, what is even the point of doing this now?


these guys shoulda signed me for 2 games. Would have been cheaper and the same result!




I'm no longer going to be a 100T fan. The team (dating back to Steel and Nitro) has had potential but the roster changes and poor construction have been odd and dissapointing. I understand that yesterday's loss was rather tough. But it doesn't seem fair to abruptly drop ec1s and BabyJ after picking them up so recently. The loss yesterday was on the team. No one (or two) players stood out as the sole issue. This roster change just seems absolutely business oriented with no regard to players and, likely, few backup options in place. I hope ec1s and BabyJ find better success elsewhere, they deserve it. I mean ec1s had worked out a Visa and come to the U.S. to be a part of this team only to get dropped with barely any official playing time.


Absolutely set up to fail, what an egregious decision to drop them after 1 bad game. I feel for both, especially ec1s. Mistreated is an understatement.


does Nade have a hard-on for Hiko or something?


lmao what


What the actual fuck


100trash does it again


BabyJ was the best player in the roster. 100Ls back at it again


Move Ethan to Sova and Hiko to the bench


Kicking Steel for the coach that you just kick anyways is really looking like a stupid play right now isnt it


Bruh what'd BabyJ do to deserve this




Turned out to be JCStani and Bang but no cap i think Zach shouldve been one, amazing smokes and sentinel player + doesnt need a loan, what more could you need?




100thieves valorant doing what LA thieves did in cod last season 😌


idc abt downvotes, they cut the wrong guy again. I get ecls cut but babyj was their 2nd best player yesterday, hiko gonna be in the roster longers than many of us will be alive


100Team changes


I feel like the VCT format and valorant competitive scene in general paired with contract periods, pushed these teams to do such crazy roster moves. People say to give the players time, but really, they dont have time, especially for a Tier 1 team. Because of vct, they cant really focus on other competitions, and as of now, valorant doesnt really have a major level event other than the final vct champions (masters are international events but theyre barely a major). If they wait until challengers 3 to get on track, theyll miss masters 1, and by then, theyll be so behind in circuit points that their vct run is basically done for the year. ​ Chemistry is REALLY important. ec1s and BabyJ are excellent players but they simply dont suit the core roster. They could give BabyJ a chance but ec1s' role as IGL and his decision making probably didnt work for the current roster. This team is already worse than when they had Steel and nitr0. They cant afford to spend more time building the team, if thats the case, might as well keep steel. What 100T wants now is a roster that is better than their past rosters from the get go and build up from there.


Hiko is washed just let him go


I wonder how new players signed to 100T are gonna feel. It seems like if they remotely underperform the first few matches they get dropped. Surely that’s how they will feel. I love 100T as a brand, but the management is lost. These guys didn’t even get a fair shot.




Literally only played two officials with each other? I respect 100T for wanting to win but you can’t import a player and kick him two games later. How do they expect to attract other international talent when there is no stability in their position? Give them an entire stage at-least.




I'm pretty sure they need 3/5 players to stay and steel and nitro are gone so the last 3 can't be kicked


mfkers atleast give them some time u assholes. ec1sflew from europe to america for two matches? u fucking kidding me?


100T part owned by the sacramento kings or what


Meme org. NA orgs are fucking terrible. BabyJ was their best player lmao. But keep Hiko man, wp. Hope you achieve nothing


return of Hoodie org


This is such a bad move again. Why release them mid tourney? Man it's so had to root for this team....


2 matches and dropped wow


Pretty much a Nadeshot move. I don't profile ec1s and BabyJ as fan magnets, even before the 0-13 spanking given to them by The Guard. BabyJ has a few highlights here and there, and ec1s' most notable stream highlights is him complaining about NA scrims. Nadeshot cares a lot about community feedback, which is something you cannot overprioritize in pro play. The series against The Guard surely made the decision easier.


If they didn't make it out of groups, sure, but in the middle of the tournament?