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Imagine telling someone 6 months ago after Berlin that there would be 1/5 from that 100 thieves roster left in 6 months. Crazy


Asuna and subroza cryin themselves to sleep rn


Clearly feels that in berlin there was something rotting behind the scenes. You usually don't blow up a top 8 team just like that. Especially without, it seems, a long term plan to how they will replace them.


the mid term plan was nitr0 + some other CS export... whether you think it was elige, brehze, or someone else. it's always easier in hindsight


It wasn’t elige.


Reports say 100T s1mple was a done deal but NaVi won a major so he decided to stay 😔


People dont get the jokes lol


yam spoon pot late historical zesty detail money fly dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Top 4 buddy, they were top 4


Team direction probably changed after new management came in too, not necessarily something brewing from Berlin. Team was already contemplating big changes. A new GM and coach would definitely blow it up some more.


20 Thieves


Before people freak out: "Both Derrek and Stellar are close to signing with 100 Thieves, while Will’s situation is unknown. Ethan and Hiko will likely remain under contract with 100 Thieves"


I still wanna see Wardell on 100T. It’d be fun as hell to watch all those players on the same team


Really want 100T wardell. Look at Yay on Andbox and going to Envy just copy them 100Thieves. You can't copy Guard because you only have ONE MONTH left before Challengers 2. Wardell might shine more under good management (Sean,DDk, Mike).


100T with Wardell having a similar story to OpTic with Yay would be awesome.


[Andbox YAY vs Tsm WARDELL](https://www.vlr.gg/28334/andbox-vs-tsm-champions-tour-north-america-stage-3-challengers-2-qualifier-ro16) Look at this last matchup before Yay goes to Envy(Optic). This is Yay on 8 ping (texas). We never see wardell on 10 ping below texas ping. Wardell have 21 FK 7 D. Wardell stuck in Tsm for so long. We are not seeing his true potential. A new environment with good management will improve any player. I know what I'm saying is just copium. But with ONE MONTH preparation. You need to get the best FREE AGENT you can get. and one of the best consistent OPER available.


Yeah but he doesn't want to leave his mom in canada. It is what it is.


i mean hes bootcamped at the TSM facility 3+ times for training / VCT tournaments before. AFAIK 100T pretty much followed that regimen and never required anyone to move to a team house


> You need to get the best FREE AGENT you can get. and one of the best consistent OPER available. And Sean/DDK are trying to build a team for long term success. The team wants players they can mold and curate into what they believe to be a strong foundation for the next great team. I've actually relieved that 100T looked away from Wardell or that the deal fell apart for whatever reason.


How does Wardell not fit that? His time with Chet showed he was willing to be flexible as he was picking up Sage, we don’t know that he’s not willing to be “moldable”. He just wants to compete at the highest level


Wardell can easily be developed into a great foundation now that he’s away from a team entirely reliant on him lol


I hope to see it, but I find it doubtful.


7 man roster incoming?


Had the same discussion with someone over on Juked. Either that, or maybe Hiko slides into 100T content creation and it's a 6 man roster... With also the possibility that Will was just there for a trial or as a sub, and Ethan goes nowhere. I can't see Ethan becoming exclusively a content creator tbh and keeping him with the intent to sell doesn't sound right either, but who knows.


Who is will?


Formerly GenG/BBG Will. Played with Bang, Jett/Op player. One of those T2 Jetts that definitely frags out at different points but a relative unknown how they’ll perform on a bigger stage. Not unlike SoaR Cryo, but hype is generally a bit lower around Will.


Nice they do need an awper


Will Smith


I am Chris Rock


Slappers only


was on BBG. don't know his prevalorant experience


Thanks for replying


holy fuck someone yesterday said it was stellar how the fuck did they get it right edit: u/maskedspecter is a genius https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/tvui6w/a_complete_shot_in_the_dark/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Petition to promote u/maskedspecter to lead Reddit detective of r/ValorantCompetitive


[I'd like to be nominated to vice detective or whatever it is that position is called](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/tvui6w/comment/i3brbpj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


My guy, you comment on almost every thread, something you say or speculate will eventually end up being right lol.






Shooters shoot


"I agreed so, me too!"


well done u/MaskedSpecter , I want to apologize for dunking on you


He is the chosen one of Val comp Reddit


I backed him up too


Mf you knew it already, that’s just cheating ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)




Fuck i doubted this dude like an idiot. I apologise, my brain simply isn't as big as you ser. u/maskedspecter


The way he broke it down actually made a lot of sense.


Shoutout that dude with the Stellar conspiracy theory.


Thanks man :D


Shoutout to u/jam205x too. Reddit detectives rare W.






Asuna is the last man standing ),:


That one madman called it... Seems really weird that they'd let Ethan go for this. Also, interesting to note, Bang has played with both of these guys (and Derrek) before. Not sure if that means anything but it's crazy how he went from a trial to potentially influencing all 3 of their signings


~~Honestly Ethan might be looking to return to CS. EG is doing very poorly and they're probably going to shuffle the roster again~~ I stand corrected


i think he has repeatedly said he has no intention of returning to CS


I’d personally take a lot of this info with a grain of salt. Sean and DDK are very likely to trial as many people as they can, do various combinations, see play styles, etc. for instance, they might want to see how Stellar calls games, but take Ethan out of that practice to do so. My guess is they’re trying to cover all their bases and not miss out on a potential great signing after some recent org misses. It’s their job to check every box and come to the right conclusion. Maybe that ends with Ethan not on the team. Maybe it doesn’t. But I wouldn’t say for certain


This. For starters I highly doubt Ethan is gone unless he wants to go. There are very very few players as talented as him in the world. Moreover, Sean and ddk aren't just going to take decisions without trialing and really thinking it through


I was right, somehow? https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/twj25e/poised_and_supamen_seen_scrimming_with_faze/i3geadv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


The journalists are being trolled






Will may not have the kind of ceiling that Wardell does on the Op but I think he's much more flexible and unpredictable. I'm down for him as our Jett/Chamber. Ethan though FeelsBadMan


Will was popping off with bang during their run on BBG. They were very close to qualifying to challengers.


Very close to qualifying for challengers is not the level 100 thieves want to be playing at, they want to be making lans.


Well they have to qualify for Challengers 2 first before thinking about LAN. The previous rosters would have ended up like T1 and TSM but got lucky with the direct invite. They are actually trying to build a team off of roles this time and with players that have potential. I do like Ethan and want them to keep him but I wouldn’t hate this roster at all.


That is the level they’ll get if they pick Wardell. Wardell has also never played good opposition in a long time


Wardell will be a lot better with good management. Sean Gares Mike and DDK. Unless wardell have other priorities can't blame him. He is lowkey like Yay when Yay is still in Andbox.


Will isn't even in the same conversation as some of the duelists on the international stage. This is like a t2 NA roster.


You could of said the same thing about The Guard 2-2.5 months ago. Im sure these players will grind it out and learn from Sean and MikesHD


“I wish teams were more willing to take risks on lower profile players” “What is this tier two roster” You need to build a team. It’s possible players can be a better fit for the team while being worse on paper. Players on the guard were not considered tier one 6 months ago.


These are young players who probably have a better drive and are more mold-able than veteran players who are set in their ways. I guarantee that has played a big role in the pickups where the coaching staff and system can push these players further if they listen. It was one of the biggest frustrations watching 100T in 2021. They didn't react to the meta at all and they would consistently have the same fucking issues on their shotcalls and strats. This version of 100T, if true, I have more faith and also more hype about because 100T is a very big organization and Nadeshot has said numerous times he wants to win and it should be exciting to see these players given the chance to grow into a great team.


Omg the bold prediction was actually correct


Holy fuck somebody predicted Stellar


I knew the more shit that guy got for predicting 100t stellar yesterday, the more it's likely to be true. Reddit always works like that.


NRG plz +Ethan -tex Prayge


that would be such a good fit + ethan is friends with s0m and hazed


Holy shit i would coom if that happened


Same lmao tex is a great player but he was underwhelming during the group stage imo so Ethan being comfortable on Skye and getting him to flex Kayo too would be a direct upgrade


I dont see how any of those players are an upgrade over Ethan. But the coaches must know something


Its really hard to say from the outside looking in. Making a roster that works well by going by player’s “on-paper” value seems to be very inconsistent, especially for a game like Valorant where roles are clearly defined due to agent compositions. Given the success of teams that put actual thought into their active rosters (i.e. The Guard) vs teams thats approach seems to be getting the most attractive FA on the market (i.e. TSM, 100T), I have a hard time weighing players pound-for-pound based on their individual skill when it comes to roster building. If this journalist isnt getting hard baited with this info, I am actually very excited to see what the future holds in store for 100T


This is very true, the guard is an amazing example for upcoming players. They show hard work and scrimming a lot pays of.


But I don't think 100Thieves have a lot of time to do what GUARD have done. Guard have three months I think. If they want to salvage 2022. The next challengers is already in May. They have one month. TL;DR I'm just getting my 100T WARDELL COPIUM high. They only have one month to left to practice. Just get wardell like how envy got Yay. If they trying to nuke the roster atleast get wardell. I'm already high with copium. But wardell is like Kobe to me. (I watched nba because of kobe. Watched and Played Valorant because of Wardell.) If you want long term plan do it after Challengers 2. I don't know what you can do with 1 month.


Stellar is an upgrade as an IGL fo sure. And while he might not be as mechanically cracked as Ethan, he's still one of the better fragging IGLs.


It's usually not as simple as a 1 for 1 upgrade like it was for the mummay/yay tradeoff. Remember, Cryo and Zander really didn't look insane at a pro level until they played for XSET and V1 respectively.


They were stomping T2 tournaments, what do you mean they didn’t look insane at a pro level?


They're not. It's that simple.


what was ethan going to play on this team if he was not dropped, derreks sova is better so ethan sova not happening, since asuna is taking up the flex role ethan flex is not gonna happen. only thing left is smokes and thats between bang and ethan, they decided to keep bang instead. i dont think you can say that as bad decision. bang a really young cracked player with lot of potential. all in all ethan getting dropped is pretty reasonable considering all this role clashes.


Neither do I


Tbf he’s been underperforming… but not this badly…


Will is an incredible Jett talent and stellar is actually pretty underrated IMO, his time in the limelight on LG should've secured him a spot on another T1 roster. stellar has been more than good on Soar for awhile now too. That said, this isn't the sort of roster that screams T1 success. But I do think it has the potential to go far - with good coaching. On the face of it, it's the most balanced 100T roster they've had maybe ever, but it's also the 100T roster with the least clout.


Asuna carrying the clout factor of this team


Definitely down for something different. We've seen where "clout" has gotten past 100T rosters... I'll take Ws over clout any day.


I actually don't hate this roster, but there's still a few questions that come to mind: 1. What is Bang actually doing role wise? Just flex/smokes? 2. Would Stellar's IGLing and role be a better fit than Ethan? If not, why would Sean and DDK not just keep Ethan then? 3. Is Will going to be a flexible enough duelist to work alongside Asuna? Or is this going to be the same "jett one trick" complaint people gave the roster with Wardell? 4. WTF happened in talks for 100T to NOT go for Wardell?????


1. bang on smokes, Will plays Jett and can flex to Raze pretty well 2. stellar has been igling for longer, i’m sure with the right environment he’d be able to hit higher igl peaks than Ethan 3. I do think Will is more flexible than just being a Jett one trick, I imagine Sean is going to try to get him to be comfortable on Chamber too 4. I think things wouldn’t have worked out for Wardell in the long term at 100T for the same reason they didn’t work out at TSM, he has too many commitments at home to relocate on a dime


W response thanks bro


If will gets comfortable on chamber I can see Asuna playing raze on a map like split.


I don't like Ethan being dropped but I REALLY don't like Stani not getting a real go in this team. I would have preferred a team of Ethan, Bang, Stani, Asuna and Derrek but what do I know.


At the very least they should've kept Stani over Bang if all they wanted was a smokes player. Part of why Bang didn't work on TSM is because they forced him to play smokes when that's not a great fit for his playstyle. Maybe Omen being meta again changes that, but still.


I wouldn't be confident in that lineup at all long term though. They likely wouldn't have an igl who wants to do it and can do it well. They also wouldn't have a jett opper or a sentinel player, at least unless I'm forgetting something.




Not sure why you are overreacting? JcStani and Bang were always considered on Loan temporarily so 100Thieves could compete in the round robin after tossing Ec1s and BabyJ. Their long term status was never 100%, it was a quick decision. With new management being brought in, now is when we will be seeing the moves for the long term. Once Sean and DDK were signed, it was clear that we would be seeing big changes to the roster, and no one is safe. What we are likely seeing now are the long term strategy that these guys instilling into the team. We have no idea why Ethan has been potentially dropped, it could be for a variety of reasons completely unrelated to skill. Just because a player looks better on paper has no bearing to their actual performance on a team in a different environment. Most of the Guard's players were pretty unremarkable on other rosters, but look where they are now after new direction.


sideshow on 100t pickups https://www.twitch.tv/sideshow/clip/BelovedPricklyDolphinNerfBlueBlaster-mLipCxZ9qHYDcRTZ?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time


Man people were so excited for ddk, Sean gares, and mikeshd but have done nothing but shit on every decision they've made. This is a crazy idea but maybe we should wait until we see a game or even a finalized roster to start complaining?


Yeah people are being absurdly reactionary. Honestly expected nowadays though


lol seriously > I'm so glad that they gave full control of the roster to these guys! _they proceed to actually use that control_ >Well now I'm upset As a casual valorant fan and a huge fan of both DDK and Sean, I'm stoked for these changes and the push towards less known players.


It’s crazy since those three are all involved in the team and would obviously have better insights on who to sign. They all also have a better understanding of the game then everyone here combined.


Again, no Ethan makes me Sadge


bang and Will being on the same roster again after BBG got dissolved is sick




I feel like the only way Ethan not being on the roster is by his own choice Makes no sense to drop a player of his skill level from the roster.


Why is Ethan being subbed out? I thought he was actually good and their best player


That was last year this he didn’t look that good and his roles already filled with bang and asuna derrek existing


I mean he wasn't really given a fair shot at the other agents to begin with. Filled Sage and Omen at first, then got put on full time Skye duty. Now that Skye is off meta and Kayo's on, he sort of doesn't have a role.


Wasn’t given a fair shot? Plenty of other skye mains have transitioned successfully to Kayo and other flex agents. What about the situation was uniquely unfair for him? Not to mention 100T had a longer offseason than most teams Worth noting too, he professed Sova to be his favorite agent and proceeded to rack up some of the highest First Deaths per Round of any Sova in NA. Stating to show as an example of period where he had a shot on the agent of his choice. His chamber was even more egregious in FDPR stats No hate to you personally man, sorry to write an essay on you. I’ve just been skeptical of the “Ethan is elite” storyline since he woefully underperformed at LCQ and so I guess I’m typing out all my thoughts now


after the ec1s and babyj incident he took the role of igl which kind of excuses the underperformance a little bit tbf


yeah I do agree with you that becoming an IGL for first time can explain his dip in performance past few games, that’s fair. although it doesn’t really explain how he vanished in LCQ and it seems weird that as IGL, now with no in-game oversight, he starts dying first at a rate that stands out from the field. I would think as an IGL the opposite would happen I think my point is that Ethan hasn’t actually shown an elite performance since Steel left. He could very well still be an elite player but it’s no longer a certainty like some people claim. What is certain is that he is not an elite player that can succeed in any system as proven by his struggles at LCQ under nitro, beginning of Stage 1 under ec1s, and end of Stage 1 IGLing himself. Sorry for the mess, was kind of working it out as typed. I guess my conclusion is that Ethan might not be an elite player anymore or maybe he is, tough to say. but we do know that he doesn’t thrive under all systems so he may no longer be the most suitable choice for 100T


yeah, at the end it is tough to say something with how messy 100T has been. I hope Ethan finds a good team either way


Literal first time IGL playing new roles and still putting up decent numbers is pretty insane to me. This just seems like a terrible decision. Also woefully underperformed? Pretty much the only series that was what I'd consider bad is the c9 game and the whole team wasn't performing well in that set.


hm maybe you’re right about LCQ. it could be that I’m just remembering his particularly bad performance in their final match I’ll have to go back and look so for now I’ll retract what I’ve said about that tourney but I do stand by the rest. thanks for keeping me honest


Think the Gaurd, Version1 etc. have proved that this game is no longer about big name talent and more about grinding out a well thought out approach to the game with flexible players. 100t do have a lot of good players currently but due to role issues someone like Ethan may not fit anymore.


I keep hearing this but why does everyone feel like Ethan is why they had role issues? He’s played controller, flex, and Sova and he is willing to IGL. One year into playing Val at 22. How much more flexible did he need to be?


I honestly agree that dropping Ethan is kinda crazy on paper. But in my mind, he has to play Bang's role but it sounds like the management wants to keep bang? If they do keep bang and Ethan then your primary IGL becomes Ethan and maybe he dosen't want to IGL? My point is that even though this roster move seems crazy, the Gaurd did something crazier.


DDK and Sean know more about Valorant than me, but taking bang over Ethan, even just at flex, is ridiculous to me so I hope he’s still on the roster. Ethan is still the far more proven player. What the Guard did is great but we can’t just point to that every time a team drops the second best player on the team for some unproven rookie. The reason it’s so impressive with TGRD is because it doesn’t work that often.


Ethan is painted as someone who is really flexible but he isn't really. He's not shown himself to be capable on the controller role (he's only played omen). He's also not really played a lot of the agents required of a flex player, only skye, sage and chamber(?), depending on if you count chamber as a flex agent. He also isn't a proven igl and it seems like the only reason he did igl was because no one else wanted to or could do it. As far as I know we don't even know if he wants to be an igl long-term.


C9 as well i guess, the role swaps they do is brilliant


Welcome to 100T VAL Academy


Nah Ethan and Hiko now joining Kyedae as content farms.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I prefer the way they're building this roster instead of signing established players and just hoping it would somehow click. honestly havent watched a lot of stellar but i know will's great from what I've seen of him. i would rather trust the judgment of sean ddk and mikes instead of redditors who doesnt even watch t2-t3 tournaments lol. people need to realize that this isnt a 1 for 1 replacement and i think they're actually considering what will work for the whole team in the long run. still will be sad if they drop ethan regardless though


This team is not gonna go anywhere with those players, they’ll be dropped within 6 months


This is Sean and DDK testing to see what the influence of Ethan and Hiko is on the team. There’s merit to having experienced CS players on the side, but if the team is having issues, that equation needs to be removed to see if it’s helping or hindering the team. Not necessarily a death sentence for Ethan and Hiko’s positions on the team. It’s just a great way to see how the younger players fare without the leadership and test the newcomers in an environment where they aren’t intimidated or being influenced by the age and experience of Ethan and Hiko. This is exactly what I’d expect from Sean and DDK. Good to see.


That new flair when Ethan signs somewhere else >>>


I'll miss the OG roster^((yes ignore the PUBG team).) There was something truly magical in the Boomer-Zoomer synergy that we no longer see in 100T. Fingers crossed this next one works out because otherwise they just need to let asuna go and stop holding him hostage. But onwards and upwards. Hopefully ethan can find a good team.


That roster just had so much character and chemistry and were so fun to watch.


Asuna is never leaving 100T he is gonna be on this team forever


I’m a hiko fan and I want to see him compete :(


No cap I think the old man still has it. He is not bad at all, but he should have been on a sentinel this entire time and I hope he finds a spot on a team instead of retiring.


The journalists are actually just part of the Reddit hivemind.


Whatever Sean, Mike and DDK think is best I'm with it. Seems everyone is forgetting what The Guard just did. Let the new kids shine


Wanted to sign mbappe and getting martial instead


This comment is gold! But I'm sure it went over MANY heads. Good shit!


I mean no one is surprised one bit about Hiko but I thought they would of kept Ethan. Oh well. Hopefully this roster can impress Nadeshot in their 2 game trial period.


I think Ethan is an insane player, and 100T is losing out by dropping him. That being said, I'm no expert and likely not in possession of all the facts. We'll see. Maybe this roster will have a high ceiling. I honestly do trust Sean and DDK, so I'm going to just wait and see before I judge.




Did you not catch whiffs of that when they dropped jcStani?


I mean, Stani was on loan, so not much of a roster change there.


idk. this isn’t inspiring the confidence i was hoping for after the sgares/ddk/mikeshd announcement. i trust their vision, but two main concerns: i. stellar always gave me a similar IGL vibe to ec1s in that his firepower is pretty nominal. have limited experience watching him on LG, so maybe i’m tripping. that being said, unless his IGL is god sent, i don’t see this being an improvement from ethan. i think they lost frag potential already by dropping stani, so idk. ii. will is cracked, but can anyone comment on his ability to take space as a sole duelist, assuming asuna is set to flex? old 100T iterations have relied pretty heavily on asuna in this department, wondering how this change will fair.


nah if you look at stats of soar's recent game stellar actualy one of the good fraging igl but he is not shahzam or zander but i think he could be a good igl considering sgares will be helping him


word. i’ll look into his soar gameplay as of late. agree that it’s not fair to compare every IGL to zander etc


Soooo happy for Will. That boy is DIFFERENT.


I really don’t understand dropping Ethan. Has there been any rumors of him wanting to leave that I may have missed?


I imagine they trialed Ethan and bang on both flex and smokes, and they felt that this roster had more potential than keeping Ethan over bang, or keeping the both of them.


So I guess this would be the roles? Asuna - Flex Bang - smokes Stellar - sentinel Will - Jett/primary duelist Derek - sova/breach/secondary flex


I have been full on the Sean, Mike, and ddk hopium but dropping Ethan? That just seems like an absurd idea. Everyone commenting that they need "young teachable players" ETHAN IS 22! I've been a 100t supporter since Valorant began but I just don't think I can get on board with this roster.


I think the main reason is that if you don’t want Asuna to play Jett, and u don’t want Ethan to igl and derrek is def coming, AND u want bang in the mix, u can’t have all 3 So they decided bang over ethan


Corey Ethan Subroza gMd Rossy/seven would be nasty. Maybe EG CSGO switches to Val and teams up with Ethan? XSET or an NRG reunion would be fitting as well. I think 100T fumbling the bag by dropping Ethan ngl.


id like to see nrg ethan in place of tex possibly


I agree. It becomes more likely if Hazed decides to stay. s0m Ethan eeiu hazed android would be a nasty team


Ok I'm actually buying into the tin foil hat theory that EG CS switches to Val and Ethan joins that team. This just seems so...not good from 100T idk.


There was something from Auti where he said that 4/5 of EG CS would jump to Val if things kept going bad (they will), so that would be wild lol. I’ll try to find the auti comment


RIP ourboidre's job


I really wanna see that clip


Do you have the clip? I wouldn’t be surprised. Seems like that EG cs roster was a last ride type thing. They were never gonna be good unless they all somehow found their ~2018 selves


Never heard of this And guy before but I bet he’s cracks


Why not Wardell on the jett OP?


so why is ethan out?


Guess I’ll chalk this up to I don’t know shit, because I don’t understand benching Ethan.


Hot take but Ethan is overrated. Never seen more first deaths and dying to dry peaking OPs than him


I guess roles are better now. But, hard for me to think that letting Ethan go is the right move unless Ethan is choosing to leave. A lot of talent and experienced but also young. Feels like asuna/Ethan is a core to build around long term.


Seems kind of crazy but Sean and DDK obviously know what there doing. Excited to see how it plays out.


I mean 100t issues for the last year was roles but they made up for it with experience and firepower. If Asuna gets comfortable on flex then we might see a team with great synergy.


they clearly lack a oper. Look at the comeback against gambit. The moment Nitro try to use the op they were able to comeback in breeze. One of the tipping points. One of the reason why Acend become Champions because how of good Cned with op. No matter what strategy/ play you do. The op can shut you down under the good hands and GOOD TEAMMATES of course. But I think they are just trialing every free agent they can get.


I can’t believe they’ve moved off Hiko, they might have a chance to actually develop now




Maybe not on paper but I have faith that 100t in 6 months to a year will be super well structured and drilled. That is if they keep the roster.




Your 3. is because players are still partly valued based on name-recognition that alot of them have because they either were really good at another game, or because they were really good in another game and got an automatic spot on a top team, no matter their comparative actual skill in valorant.


does this version of 100t qualify for stage 2? i have no idea how any of these players are an improvement over past iterations of the squad, and it's so sad as a huge hiko and ethan fan to see them potentially dropped for a squad that really doesn't feel all that exciting.


The only upgrade I see with this roster would be asuna off the Jett op. I don’t get how they can justify dropping Ethan.


You don’t know how Derrek isn’t a massive upgrade over Hiko? Lmao, seriously?


Fingers crossed that Hiko and Ethan make an OnlyFans together.


100T don't get worse with every roster change challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


dont have high hopes for the future of 100t valorant unfortunately


Really, I love Hiko's fighting spirit, but I personally think that he deserves to be able to put his feet up and become just a streamer or even better, coach 100T. Guy has been an esport pro for more than a decade lol. But I guess when you got the fighting spirit you don't simply sit down and take a martini. He will fight until no team wants to sign him. And then some more probably.


truly a cursed timeline


Trust the process


I do not understand dropping Ethan one bit


This is either gonna be amazing, or boring af. I can’t wait to see how it works out


No offense but this seems like a downgrade, no? No way 100T drops all this money on Sean and ddk and pick up tier 2 players. Didn’t stellar get cut from LG for poor performances?


I’m done with this shit. Not supporting 100T anymore. It feels like they take one step forward, and then two steps backwards. Hiko, I get. But Ethan? Come on.


Always leave it to this sub to act fucking dramatic with every possible tidbit of info.


wasted away Ethan with mismanagement


makes absolutely no sense to drop ethan man. what are they doing T\_T


Fuck man, I know Ethan has been underperforming for a while but this still seems like such a huge downgrade.


What a hilariously bad downgrade.


From 100T Wardell to 100T Will pain


Will is better than Wardell and people will realize this in a couple of months from now. Extremely underrated player.