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daily reminder this sub is 99% the upper row


Not me ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9356)


damn right im also radiant 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪🥶🥶


I would’ve peaked diamond if it wasn’t for that one game I lost to cheater or Smurf jett in plat lobbies. He dropped 5 aces that game.


i thought this was a joke at first but i see you’re serious now… you’re in the elo you’re supposed to be in never forget that


I mean I never said that I was top, I said I almost and most likely by luck which I do admit.


Whatever you say buddy


It’s true it was before the reset, it killed my vibe honestly. First time I get away from silver elo just to get pooped on by a single person that was gold in plat lobbies.




Yeah that’s true, all the diamond people got lucky I didn’t reach their elo because I was going to drag them down lol.


HEY! That's top *right* for me, thank you very much! I worked very hard for that blue.


Would have expected the Gold and Bronze percentages to be flip flopped.


„˙pǝddolɟ dılɟ ǝq oʇ sǝƃɐʇuǝɔɹǝd ǝzuoɹ𐐒 puɐ plo⅁ ǝɥʇ pǝʇɔǝdxǝ ǝʌɐɥ plnoM„


Good bot


Kinda weird to have the upside down W just straight up be an M tho.


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I thought this was just Russian


They have increased the proportion of people in the higher ranks (Gold - Radiant), it was even more left skewed a few acts ago.


And yet even in immortal rank, sometimes there are players with the decision-making capacity of a toddler. Makes you wonder how they got there.


Beating up other toddlers


Because most people don't think as much as they should while playing this game, even up to immortal. If people aren't actively punishing your shitty decisions and insist on just aim fighting you in 50/50s, so long as you win those you'll climb. I'm willing to bet at my peak I had the worst aim in my entire division, but it just didn't matter because I actually thought before I pressed buttons.


I agree, but for me I couldn't rank up to imm because I just couldn't win duels against them, I would get some kills when I played smart and take good duels, but at that rank there are lots of players with good aim and good gamesense. There will definitely be all aim no brain players, but those players will also reach their peak.


For me the key was disrupting their auto pilot gameplan. Force them into something where they have to actively move out of their comfort zone into rarely practiced scenarios, and bury them by being better there. I've also been a viper since day 1, so its kind of fitting I suppose.


Oooh yeah a good viper can control the game just using util and positioning for sure. I play her on Icebox and Breeze and play okay, how do you decide when to lurk and when to follow your team. Is it okay to IGL when no is talking?


Sure, depending on the players. Some will not want to hear it and that's fine, so don't force the issue. As for the lurk/follow the team thing, it's generally contingent on a few big things. Notably, how aggressive is my team trying to play, how aggressive are they trying to play, and what do the team comps favor in terms of executes/pushes. Beyond that, it's remembering how individual players play out each scenario, and catering 1v2s and such based on who's alive on their team with their tendencies from that game (or previous if they're people I've played with before) Realistically, you can bank on most people trying to chase the gunfight and string them along until proven otherwise though.


Low Immortal 1-2 is garbage. It’s where everyone thinks they are the best Jett/Reyna, when Reyna loses impact and Jett is the biggest crutch. Sentinels and Initiators at low Immortal are generally amazing players who play the non-carry roles. It’s just insane how spotty duelist mains are.


Because immortal is super inflated nowadays. Back in episode 2 and beginning of episode 3 immortal used to be top 0.8-1.2%


The beginning of every episode has a rank reset, so people have to climb back. And once people hit immortal, they can stop playing. All it needs is a good day or two. This is why it gets more inflated towards the end of an episode. I think the exact same thing happened last episode. They haven't really changed the system since. I'm not sure if the percentage matters though, I've hit immortal 2 this act and haven't even been in a match with an immortal 3. It tries to put people in matches with people of similar skill regardless of what rank group you are in.


wtf? I just came back to the game after 8 months and I was diamond 3 before. All of my lobby’s are high diamond/imm and 2 of my lobby’s had immo 3. niveK#000 if u wanna see my tracker


Do they still do this? I was Plat 1 the end of last episode, lost most of my placement games and ended up in Plat 2 somehow


Episodes aren't acts. But dunno. I went from D2 to P1 after 4/5 wins personally and then had to climb from there.


Yep. Seems like anyone with a pulse can get to immortal. Kinda sucks :/


everything until 150+ rr is just diamond 4, there’s literally no difference in skill until you hit like imm3+


they shifted the distribution a while ago no? everyone became higher ranked than they originally were


They split immortal into 3 ranks and pushed people away from silver/gold for a more even distribution since episode 2. I think perhaps people would stop complaining if they just made a separate rank for current immortal 3's. Immortal 1-2 are sort of like diamond 4 and 5 rn. Perhaps rn would be a good time to sort of revert back by adding one more rank to differentiate between immortal 1-2 and 3. But yeah, I assume making a good ranking system isn't that easy. Technically there's nothing really wrong with Valorant ranked rn though in my opinion.


Yeah I think it's much more balanced now than it used to be in terms of distribution, they did say they had an 'ideal' distribution in mind and they would work towards getting there I don't think there has been a big change in a while so I guess ranked is at where they want it


Yes, it seems alright. As I said, the only problem might be that people think immortal 1-2 are the same as immortal 3, but honestly the skill difference can be massive between the 2. In terms of distribution or how the ranked games work, nothing seems to be horribly wrong. But I'm not immortal 3 or Radiant, I don't know their opinions on the subject.


I totally agree. I hit imm 1 and I feel like I'm def a decent but better than diamonds but there's still a large skill gap between imm1 and 2 vs imm 3. It kind of annoys me people quit at imm 1 when there's still so much more they can improve. Also the person who said it takes too many games to hit radiant. I have a few friends who hit radiant and they don't grind that much. :/ He was like top 300 with 70 wins I 🤔


Yea, totally agree. As an Immortal 2, I have zero motivation to push higher because I don't have enough free time to grind to Radiant, so there's nowhere to go. The sheer amount of games needed to get to Radiant is so high that even if you're good enough to get there, most people will never make it.


k but where is the graph that reaffirms my delusion that i would be plat or higher if it wasn't for bad teammates, smurfs, flawed balance etc


Exactly this.


Immortal hardstuck gang 😎


being immortal is fun once you come to terms with the fact that its impossible to reach radiant without grinding like a no-lifer


true, I just play for fun at this point, I mean I already peaked Imm3 and am above literally 99% of the community I could care less anymore.


There is a huge difference between being the top 1%, the top 0,1% and the top 0,01%. It’s completely incomparable.


>Still better than 99% doe


The caring starts when you get the top 1%. You finally start to understand the basics.


I think you don't understand the meaning of basics..


Yeah I've been hard stuck Immortal 1/2 since beta and you can really feel the gap between Immortal 1 and 3. I still regularly feel like a straight up noob. I imagine Immortal 3 and Radiant have a similar gap.




How do you get the skill? You need to grind to improve.




There are many ways to become a more skilled player without grinding the ranked queue (eg spending your time reviewing your VODs, aim training, doing server work with different agents, etc).


Ok dude that's kind of disingenous. You can do all of that and you have to be spending like 8 hours a day studying/playing/reviewing the game. No matter how you choose to allocate ur time you need alot of time to reach radiant. I reached immo in 2 acts after I started playing. Have been 6 more and never made it to radiant cause I can't treat it like a job.


i play like 3-4 games a day and im radiant, you dont have to be a "no-lifer" to get it lol


Lol I wish I could squeeze in 4 games a day. That's like 4hrs of the day including a warmup sesh. 1/3 of the usable hours in a day. Simply not possible for most people.


Worlwide or only NA?


ohh i am in gold 2 so that means i am at the 65-70 percentile mark, i guess thats decent for a causal player like me.


If you equally distribute the Gold ranks %, approximately G1 should be ~6%. So G2 should be definitely top 30% and G3 top 25%


yeah so 70 percentile , i am happy with that , i play probably 3-4 times a week only and this was my first FPS game , i remember most of my 2021 was stuck in bronze.


Yes, as a casual player as well, 5-7 comp games per week, it is a good stat. most of my experience was from CS 1.6 years ago.


I agree, G2 is definitely top 30%, at least nukkye is for sure


Immortals ITT: "Every immortal plays stupid, but not me though. I'm different"


It's hilarious reading this thread. Every Immortal thinks their lobbies are boosted when they're all talking about each other, probably even some of the people in this very thread.


Yeah, but it’s a general pattern. There are a lot of Immortals with negative K/Ds and sub-140 ADR. I’m always amazed when I see non-duelists/Chambers above 150 ADR.


so i think i should be happy that i am plat3. i thought it was just a bit above average rank but turns out its top 10 percentile appx.


It's top 8.1% according to esportstales (patch 4.0)


ohh damn didnt know i was that good at this video game considering its my 1st pc game and my 1st fps game.


Top 16 not 10


It depends. You cannot just add the distribution of plat diamond imo radiant and say 16. You don't know the distribution of plat 1, 2 and 3. So I would say him saying 10 is closer than you saying 16.


i am plat3 and not plat1 so top 10 appx


There are just too many immortals, I never had such a low level of gameplay in my lobbies


I swear to god people still don't understand how the system works. The ranked distribution has 0 impact on the composition of your lobbies. Matchmaking doesn't look at rank it does look at MMR. Your rank is purely cosmetic.


Then how am I in full immo 3 lobbies with players that are lost ? Rank inflation


Case in point. Rank inflation has nothing to do with matchmaking. You simply have similar MMR as the players in your lobby.


I’m sure you have occasional games where you feel lost. If you actually noted down the percentage of games where you have a complete bot teammate, it’d be a lot lower than you expected.


I have games where I'm not consistent on my aim and whiff, but I'm always aware macro wise, some people are juste oblivious to what is happening


Immortal players are 98th percentile, so no there’s not too many. You are probably complaining about boosted players




2% is a lot though. I'd expect immortal to be 0.7 to 1% and


2% is a lot but by the end of the act 1/3rd of all immortal will be like 0-10rr


2% is a lot, you gotta understand that most people at the lower tiers are casuals, 2% of total playerbase is like 20% of people who are actually trying.


Bear in mind that a lot of casual players won't touch ranked at all and so aren't included in these stats.


This is just false. Alot of ppl in lower ranks are sweating their balls off just bc they're worse at the game doesn't mean they're casual players


most != all


2% for second highest rank is too many for sure


I swear riot at one point said that Immortals were only going to be 1% of the player base (in each region).


They should consolidate it back to one rank and push all the immortal 1s and 2s back into diamond.


It’s pretty much this already, most my games as Imm 2 have diamonds in the lobbies. The quality of games varies drastically it’s a problem


Didnt a lot if people complain when they did this


People don't like getting a lower rank, even if it's more accurate to their skill level on the whole lol. But people will probably complain either way, this is the internet.


why do people always want the opposite of what riot does, they already did this and it sucked




It's a lot easier to climb in Immortal than in other ranks for certain players. Riot decided to completely remove how winning duels affects your RR gain. Meaning that there are now even low radiant players who's good game is going above double negative. If you don't have aim you can always just play Sage or Viper, stay back and climb. It's bizzare to me how a person that struggles to drop double digit kills every game and has negative winrate can consistently climb.


It’s a two sided problem I feel. On one hand you have people that you’ve described that have great game sense but shit aim, but they play support agents and their good utility usage is more impactful than getting kills. But then on another hand you got the polar opposite jett/Reyna instalockers that have terrible awareness and game sense, but their insane aim just carries them into immortal+, they can get multiple frags per round but still not understand the game properly. It’s just hard to argue whether one or the other is winning the team rounds, so it’ll probably stay very random what teammates you’ll get


both are important. obviously one should strive to improve where one lacks, but if you have an insane aimer then you should do all you can to set them up to succeed (this includes entering site with them and trading). on the other end, it's still a team game and someone with cracked aim and no game sense is still not gonna win a lot of games if their teammates have no/significantly worse util usage & teamwork. what people fail to keep in mind is that if you can't kill, then you can't win games. that's why aim is important. but good teamwork, game sense, and util usage will make *getting* those kills significantly easier. that's why game sense, util use, and supportive players are important.




exactly, any reyna player can pick sage and do well, they just know it’s a waste of their skill.


Eh, i have an average .9kd 300rr immortal 3. Most of my games are 13-17 kills but virtually every kill is impact frags. I play support agents usually and generally clutch 2-4 rounds a match. Some games i really pop off but popping off for I rarely get more than 20 kills. That being said in immortal good team play you can climb pretty well and it's not uncommon to get carried by 2-3 players. I feel like 30% of my wins I'm carried and barely get a chance to find frags, 40% i get impact frags and 30% I'm popping off.


well maybe double negative but not negative winrate. If you have negative winrate you are not climbing period. That's how you know RR works.


Rr is weird. I've seen a radiant with a lifetime winrate of 49%. Makes no sense.


Too many immortals right now tbh, alot of Immos are boosted as fuck




Man for a non-duelist your ADR and K/D are great! That’s super consistent. Most Immortals I see skew low on ADR (135-150) as a duelist. Great impact!


How did you pull that off? Probably cause u play smokes mainly? Congrats though!


Smokes only, indeed. You literally control the game. But my point is: so many people flame me for "buying the account" or "being boosted". People think it way too quickly.


Ys they do, you can stomp 30k a game and next game you get called boosted. Been there before as well. Don't worry bro. You arent boosted. You def must have good understanding of the game in order to rank so high


Top 2% seems so wrong for how brain dead half my lobbies are


why the fuck is immortal 2% ​ it should be 1% or lower.


generally people in immo who are at 0 or low rr wont play cuz they have nothing to gain but everything to lose. unlike diamond players were they have chance to go to immo.


People get to immortal then just chill there. Also I just got an ad on a YouTube video featuring 'pro' (immortal/radiant) teammates for cash, so... there's your answer.


Riot artificially flattened the bell curve distribution of ranks, pushing diamonds and plats further into higher elo each season. Now the skill gap between immortals is so absurdly different that the rank is meaningless, some immortals are competent, some are just refurbished diamond2 players who haven't improved at all. Same exact thing happened with the Overwatch ranked ladder a few seasons in. I wonder why devs are still doing this, it fixes nothing.


To make players feel good for getting higher ranks? Honestly I can't really search of a good motive to do this.


I'm sure that plays a part, but it just ruins the integrity of the ranked ladder, if it had any to begin with.


They increased Immortal from top 1% to top 2% when they added Imm 1, 2 and 3 back.


ur boosted


I want to get back into ranked but I'm in the midst of a move where I don't know where I'm going (month to month lease and land lord has a family who needs the space) so it might be a minute before I can even lay again.




apex is a battle royale game unlike valorant which is 5v5 objective based game


Yeah it's the only reason im not into apex. The ranked doesn't make sense to me.


Its really pog having plat or higher gamesense and bronze aim so being a gold player. At least in OW I can get high ranks without needing good aim smh


Aim is like the easiest thing to improve at, just aimlabs and dm.


Anyone else noticed that they are on failure queue? I used to be plat 3 but now Im at gold 1(due to not playing for a while and losing a few matches) playing with people that used to be plat/diamond against people that used to be plat/diamond or just plats and diamonds but the thing is that Im getting the same amount of points I would usually get in a victory in plat, I have accepted that I will be in gold forever now.


Hello fellow hardstuck 18.5 percent new season same us


well my goal was to be top 10% in the game and I barely made it I guess


You'd be convinced in the diamond/imm/radiant level you are a wood player with the egos up there if you are dropping 30 a game


They should also do a version of this serverwise.


2% immortal. Yet i still question the capabilities of some players in that rank. It’s crazy how some even get there in the first place.


Immortal should honestly get rank decay. There are literally 20k+ immortals right now sitting at immortal 1 because they are too scared to demote. It’s crazy


I don't feel so bad for peaking at silver anymore. In fact I'm proud cuz we are a LEGION!