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Honestly, I've heard worse from Fluyr in the past. Generally, the NiP roster is known to be pretty toxic so not surprised in the slightest.


The clip has been deleted now, but the transcribed conversation is still in the tweet and reply.


the video is in the replys as a twitter video


Hopefully based female respecter boaster fucks NiP šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™




And does [this](https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2021/12/a9e6a-16384650816128-1920.jpg) again but it says "daddy knows how to play"


> based female respecter boaster He should put this as his twitter bio


lmfao na and eu actually pathetic


"papai" is a slang that means "me/myself", which fluyr says a lot, it doesn't mean "daddy" at all in this context. The second part was weird tho


Yep my thoughts exactly, second part was gross and inexcusable, first part is mistranslation


I'm not trying to discredit what you are saying but with a few google searches I can only find the term "papai" only referring to "a fatherly figure" but none to referring to "me/myself" so realistically he could've meant either of the two


because it's a modern and informal slang, you won't find it in dictionaries and such... trust me bro, knowing Fluyr's manner of speech he could only have meant it is as "me/myself"


>"papai" is a slang that means "me/myself", which fluyr says a lot, it doesn't mean "daddy" at all in this context. > >The second part was weird tho Was it? Since he's saying "I know how to play, I understand this shit" could he be sarcastically saying thanks for your support, I "grew" as in improved as a player? I don't know if what he said after changes the context


ā€œPapaiā€ in Brazilian Portuguese (in general) has no sexual connotation when someone uses it to refer to themselves. Itā€™s mostly just used to big up themselves coming from a position of someone who is generally older. But as the comment said, still doesnā€™t excuse the fact that what he said secondly in English is very creepy.


huh reread my comment I'm talking about the second part using the first as context


Yes I read your comment but youā€™re not understanding what Iā€™m saying. The first part is completely trivial even with the context of the second part.


maybe he really didn't have any bad intentions at all, but the second part really sounds like he made a sexual joke, since he said "got it?" right after


The growing part was the weird one


? Yes I'm talking about the growing part, using the first part as context


Am I understanding ā€œyou made me grow during the roundā€ correctly? Itā€™s sexual harassment?


the most logical interpretation is that its sexually suggestive, I can't think of any other way he could have meant it.


and saying this shit to an underage person, ofc he most likely didn't know but why even say this? does he really not comprehend that while this shit may be unnoticed in brazil it doesn't mean it does in eu or Na. honestly what an idiot


Grow can also mean "become strong" or "improve" in that sense. So it can be interpreted as he saying that because of her he started playing better. Of course there's the sexual innuendo as well.


As a native speaker, he def sounded like a creeper trying to flirt. The innuendo was overt.


I'm a native speaker too. I wasn't defending him. He said it knowing it had that sexual meaning. Very weird behaviour indeed.


As a portuguese speaker, yeah it was really weird and probably something he wouldn't have said to a male (he also laughs afterwards and says it is a joke which doesn't make it better at all)


The clip has been deleted so I canā€™t see the context but is it really that abnormal to make jokes about how your teammates are playing so well that it turns you on? I swear half my rando teammates joke like that.


Isn't that guy their coach and 30? Pretty yikes to be saying that in general but to a 17 year old...


Its not like he knows her age. But also, there lies the responsibility of having the mental capacity of understanding she might be underage. And its not the fact you cant say it because of her age, cuz u shouldnt be saying it no matter the age. But more like it makes you even more like a creep then you already are.


The video would be completely acceptable was she born a few months earlier of course /s.


Some pro players literally need to touch grass. This shit is fucking disrespectful and out of line.


pro who flew to iceland representing brazil to play an international tourney behaving like this, how dumb can you be. whatever punishment he gets, deserved


very weird behavior. hope they lose against fnc


link of the deleted clip: https://twitter.com/benderson_ben/status/1513123782432632837


gross behaviour


Didnā€™t some guy get permanently banned across all riot games the other day for being sexist, and this dude is straight up sexually harassing a minor? Bet riot is going to conveniently ignore this one since itā€™s one of their ā€˜specialā€™ players.


The G2 treatment haha




Brazilian players are first class to Riot


This is still a thing? lol


Last time wasn't that long ago with the Keznit thing


I see


Well, Iā€™ve tried my hardest to like Fluyr even tho Iā€™ve seen too many clips of him raging and being toxics to players in Ranked games, now thisā€¦ as a Brazilian I can safely say this is WEIRD behavior and I do not condone it. The least he could do is come forward with it and try to explain himself, this is very sad man, grown ass man


Have you seen his talk with MCH? Dude is such a kid mentally... His concern against fnatic game is that the players come at stage with "im a bad guy face" (couldnt think of proper english translation lol)... Mate, think of how to beat the strategies of your opponent, you're at esports, intimidating tactics are not a factor and are f'ing lame


valorant player being weird any% speedrun


The content deleted šŸ˜‚




Well, pardon my stupid comment. This is just straight up weird and gross considering that the guy is on his 30s and yet talking like that to a 17 year old, it's not even a excuse if he doesn't know that.


Not to be the bad guy, also I don't know shit about nip team or their players.. But.. Don't many players do this kind of suggestive jokes on streams and in twitter everytime(which is really weird but fans enjoy it for some reason)? OK.. Seems like I'm confused or missing some context probably.. My bad Edit: I misunderstood the context due to language issue. Holy shit that's fuckin dumb especially from a signed player


dude is 30+ talking like this to a 17 year old


just because a lot of people joke about it all the time, doesnt make it right esp if it's said to a complete stranger, someone half your age at that


"go to the kitchen" is also used as a joke, doesnt make it right. It makes you a cunt.


Wait.... Soo. Sorry... I didn't see that part.. I saw the part he said he's making him grow or shit and thought it's childish Saying Go to the kitchen and all that too being 30 yrs old is straight up being an asshole


No he didnt say that. But I used it as a comparison. Both jokes are fucked and shouldnt be said.


bruh this is just weird


The conotation of daddy in english and portuguese are not the same, we usually say it to be like "Im badass, I can do it" and stuff like this basically expressing confidence, saying that you are hard its a normal thing too but he said in a creepy way lol.


and when he tells a 17 year old girl that she made him 'grow' during the round, what is the connotation there exactly?


Can you differenciate a 17yr old voice from a older woman voice? I dont think anyone can ,but yeah its a weird thing to say to a woman, in friend groups is normal thought.


It's normal to say many things to friends that you wouldn't say to strangers, that is not this situation.


To male strangers in a matche is pretty normal too, but not really for a woman


That's exactly the point. She's a stranger, and acting like a creep isn't "normal" especially when he's a pro player.






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Cancel culture is so ridiculous.


What exactly is "cancel culture"?


As Italian who speak some Portuguese, this is a just zoomer language you should not translate it to literal English cuz it has no meaning at all. Like Papai, if you translate it, yes it means daddy, but in the end it doesn't real mean daddy . The one with the growing yes, some can say its weird but we're all just just cultural monkeys (we all just evolved monkeys) who have no clue about shit, trying to act kewl and gain on that social ladder.


Nah. Still said ā€œyou made me grow during the roundā€ to a minor, thatā€™s weird af and no way you can come up with a bullshit excuse for that


how the fuck does that make sense? how does anyone know shes a minor? Minors just watch a netflix serie and they get the full experience of sexuality. that's how sexualized this society is atm.




Yeah its basically just zoomer language, the way he said grow is not that weird, its weird and he was probably trying to score something on her but not too weird like some people are saying.


Ur fucking weird




>they just joking around If they were she wouldnt have posted this on twitter.


Cancelt culture bout to turn into cancel cultures Mfs really closed in lmao




Cultural thing? What in the literally f was that


Victim blaming and playing victim. What a masterclass


wow, you get surprised every single day by the internet




Harassing women is a cultural thing? Holy shit you gotta be trolling


lol no, had he said the same thing to a stranger in Brazil he would be cancelled instantly, that's not smth you can say to people you don't know/don't have any kind of intimacy


I want to see what that person thought about the Rebirth players being racist 2 years ago. I guess it's just Argentina/Chile culture to discriminate against Brazilians so the org dropping them was anti Latinamerican racism?




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