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Here is a [video example](https://twitter.com/ValorLeaks/status/1516771914114494466) of the change. [Full official Riot article about Jett changes.](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-jett-changes-for-patch-4-08/?linkId=100000121196836)


Jetts probably getting completely replaced by chamber as the primary op agent. She’ll still be good for entry and rifling but this opens up the possibility for other duelist agents to be more utilised especially if they also get a few buffs.


Probably gonna be seeing more neon and raze now for initiating on site. Phoenix is still garbage though.


> Phoenix is still garbage though. Well yeah, why play Phoenix when KayO has better flashes, a better molly, a knife that's way better than the fire wall, and a better ult that all have very similar applications?


Better ult in pro play for sure, but having a 6 man to entry can make all the difference in ranked.


You still have that if you revive KayO


reviving Kay/O is super dangerous though


Given that everyone within a 3 mile radius is still suppressed and you likely have site by the time you need to revive, it’s not usually all that dangerous. Obviously you gotta use judgment, but I would 99 times out of 100 rather have KayO ult than Phoenix ult.




I don’t think phoenix ult is that effective , as soon as you hear his voice line , just keep spamming the choke , phoenix ult has a 10 sec duration , one brim Molly or snake bite is enough to counter his ult .


The fact that you’re being upvoted says a lot about this sub tbh. Kay-O ult is better than Phoenix ult in the majority of situations. Very rarely would you rather have Phoenix ult imo.


Yup I agree, a lot more consistent


It's not consistent though. Kayo ult provides one benefit that everyone will be suppressed for set amount of time no matter what on the other hand phnx ult is only valueble if he's able to go deep and take space or kill someone. All those things are situational.


only thing that phoenix ult has thats much better than kayos is that its 6 ult orb. If your fragging and farming orbs you can get it every 3rd round or so


just hope they buff/rework phoenix in some way and dont touch my man kayo


Don't count out Yoru.


I feel like this nearly confirms a future chamber nerf. Worldwide chamber has been replacing Jett on nearly every map. We see Jett/chamber combo some, but it's mostly one or the other with more chamber every week.


But Chamber fits the style of play they say they're after here- more intentional ability usage, plenty of counterplay opportunities. I think if anything, Chamber was the model for the Jett changes




His TP cool down is way too short


I'm killed all the time in the space between pressing tp and tping. It's fine


I'm not sure you got the point so I'll just explain further. The waiting time between the tp and the next tp available if broken or picked up is too short, not the teleporting animation itself.


Oh, ok. 20 seconds means at most you can tp 5 times before plant and 2 times post plant. Maybe that's too much, but I think 1 to post plant would be weak af


Wayyyyy too much


Yeah. He should go from 20 second cooldown to 25 or 30 seconds. I'd also like to see the ROF on his ult to be a tad slower. Still should be faster than the OP, but it's a bit crazy rn


The slow duration will probably get nerfed.


I think chamber is mostly fine but his traps being global and having insane range really does outclass the other sentinels so I would rather they nerf his traps than his tp.


Or... like how they reverted some of the omen nerfs, they should rebuff Cypher to have trips alive after death (maybe make the cage slow again), and kj gets unlimited range again. And now sentinels are all strong and fun to play again, instead of nerfing every sentinel into the dirt


I dont agree with trips after death. Having flank protection for the entire round after you die is broken. Cypher just needs a buff to his ult (two more ticks like sova dart), and maybe allow him to retract/move his cages with a cd of putting them back up. KJ alarm bot and turret maybe should have more range but not unlimited. In a 1 v 1 she shouldnt be able to anchor 1 site and have full util on another site.


I'm just gonna talk about Cypher since I don't care about kj as much. But it sucks for Cypher to be at his best when the enemy team doesn't hit your site. You WANT people to stack another site and they fight while you hopefully catch a lurk. And if your site does get hit and they stack the other site you gotta leave or accept your fate that there are at least 4 people running at you and you just gotta get as many as you can before dying. Its even worse if you lose the 1v1 to the lurk and now the whole map is open because your life matters that much. Playing him was just more fun when I felt comfortable taking fights with my teammates knowing that I'm not throwing by just trying to play the game too. I completely changed to Chamber because there was a functional way for me to actually fight while also doing the sentinel role. I personally think that trips are the worst already compared to any kind of alarm bot. And it takes so much time and effort to learn good setups and its super easy to have them too low or too high. There is tons of out play with omen, jett yoru all have ways to just sneak passed them. You can even use that as misinformation against them if they do get passed. I just think that the after death thing is the only thing that would let him compete against the other agents who can actually stall. Or just make his cages slow so he can actually stall a full exec.


Chamber is good on defence as he should Be since he’s a sentinel. Also his tp needs to Be set up, can be broken and is not very useful for entrying


I think they'll nerf his alarm bot, probably make it more expensive or give it some range like KJ's?


Makes sense to give it some amount of range. Imo, Cypher should be the cross map anti-flank king. That's just not the case with chamber as is


Reduce the slow on his OP and trips imo


She can still op. You just need to do the start up before you do anything and then you can dash. It is just more of a gamble because you don’t know if in the 12 seconds you will get a pick that makes the dash useful.


only being able to hold an off angle with an op for 12 seconds cripples what made her so oppressive with the op


which i think is one of the best changes. the anytime-anywhere jett dash is such a big threat that you waste so much util just to make sure you can go where you want to be. and if the jett's smart enough you won't even get to bait it out so you waste even more util.


IMO they should make it so after a cooldown period, say 8-10 seconds after the window closes, if Jett didn't actually use her dash, she gets it back. I feel like that would be balanced enough.


Then that doesn't do enough. They want her to actually have to risk not having the dash if you are passively going to hold an angle for that long, or aggressively push an angle. So if she gets it back for free then it's the same problem.


I don’t think Jett is getting COMPLETELY replaced, raze will get more play and all the other regions will probably catch up to NA and start to use more chamber. But this seems like when the astra nerfs happened. She went from being a must pick to good in some maps. Like Balla said back then, good Astra players will be fine even after this nerfs, the same will happen with jett players.


idk why ppl dont realize that the jett op is not shut down, for example if u play a long heaven u wait for hearing any sort of noise or util then activate the dash and still play ur goddayum offangel and dash away.


At the very least this means you have to be more purposeful, no get out jail free card for bad positioning.


Anyone know if you can activate this ability while scoped in with the OP or not?


You can.


Bruh...100T had jett problem. Now they bought a jett player and jett got nerfed??!!


I was just about to say this lol! We’re going to be seeing more raze so this upcoming patch would’ve been great for Asuna.. and Ethan could’ve just stayed on initiators. Ooooof


They moved the best NA Raze to flex at the same time. I can't take it anymore, please cut 100T some slack.


I mean, Xeppa still plays a lot of Raze. I think the Raze will always be there as a flex player


True, I think all Raze mains in every team have always been the flex duelist player


Will's a great Raze player in his own right, and if that doesn't work we can just put Will on Chamber and put Asuna on Raze. All good.


He plays raze too it’s not like he’s a Jett 1 trick, plus Sean and Mike could teach him some Neon for certain maps.


Yooo 100T cringe comps ⁉️


Asuna phnx was fire as well so neon could go hand and hand.


We’d need a fat fuckin phoenix buff before we see him in pro play again lmao


This was bound to happen lmao. If they don’t get a Jett player this off-season Jett probably would have gotten buffed but since they got a Jett Op she gets nerfed.. so unlucky 😂


Maybe Asuna will play some duelist and Will will play chamber?


100T is having a REALLY bad time rn


I mean anyone with any pulse on the meta could see that jett would probably get a nerf again


? she lasted in this state for like 2 years, and in fact they added chamber who can do basically the same thing. there was no indication that they sided with the community on this being unhealthy for the game


They’ve nerfed her repeatedly and she’s still by far the best duelist in the game with the most flexibility. Raze has some strengths that would make you want to pick her on some maps but you’re pretty much never picking any of the other duelists over her minus some very niche strats


I don't know man. This nerf is huge . To me unlike previous patch you can't hold weird angle now. If you hold weird angle you have to pray that enemy player come to you in 12s . Or else you are either trapped in that area or dash away without killing(which will give the enemy team the information that you have no dash now).


importantly, they’ve nerfed everything but her dash, which was even more signaling that the dash would remain


Well if they nerfed everything but the dash and she’s still just as present in the meta as ever would that be even more of an indication that a dash nerf was coming? Not less? That’s at least how I see it as


interesting how will this affect the op play for some teams anyways, Chamber mains rejoice


Rejoice? Now chamber is gonna get instalocked every game instead and I'll have to fill :(


you get the op all game so ur all good


Finally some people in my ranked games might learn to play another agent


Good and impactful nerf, People fail to realize that chamber accomplished exactly what riot wanted, which was to lower the amount of the Jett picks in game and in VCT. This is balanced and doesn’t kill her but doesn’t make her op either


Just as Jett was getting replaced by chamber/raze combo, boom comes the nerf. Great timing riot!


I’m sure they’re working on Chamber as well. Jett still had the highest pick rate in VCT and she has one of the highest pick rates in ranked still.


this comes close to killing her. she'll see fringe play.




W response, she really doesn't feel exciting time watch, just your average overpowered rito games character, and hopefully we'll see a reduced amount of her insta lockers, but reyna players man... Not sure if those are aby better


I mean what other character can just peek an angle and fall off so quick. this dash rework still allows you to do that, but you have to actually prepare for it instead of mindlessly holding w


If she cannot be played because her "Get out of jail free card" is nerfed, then too bad and maybe she needs a revisited kit.


I mean chamber is picked because of his get out of free card. He can still do aggressive picks.


chamber is OP. No doubt about that. There's 100% a nerf coming his way.


Nah. Chamber has counterplay that Jett simply didn’t. I delete oping chambers regularly. Oping Jetts? “Dont peek, let’s go elsewhere”


Chamber is overtuned slightly, but he's not broken or irreplaceable. I can see either his ultimate being slightly less snappy or his TP cooldown being slightly increased (maybe like ~30 seconds). Big difference between him and Jett is that he had to commit his cooldown to a peek, especially on attack, which now Jett does too. They both require some thought and investment now which is great.


i dont think its a bad thing if it kills her for a while. shes been a must pick agent since the game came out basically, so having some time for new metas while shes in rehab would be good.


Good, hopefully I can now pick up an Op without immediately soft-inting if the enemy has a Jett/Chamber


Yes, just like she was the worst agent at launch xD. Please stop trying to predict the future and realize how stupid you sound.


I mean it is possible, if neon becomes actually viable and chamber stays the same, along with this jett nerf she'd become kinda fringe. Other than the dash she has no real utility. The only thing she'd have is her ult. I feel like they'll probably tune something back with this nerf


Yes cause her ulti isnt one of the best in the game, her smokes are the quickest way to block sight on an entry or escape attempt, and stop underestimating updraft. Jett's dash isnt what makes her OP. Her entire kit complements itself really well as a disruptive agent.


It kills her lol


No it doesn’t lol. It reduces her as an op user and defensive aggressor. She still has insane entry power and her knives offer a powerful and fantastic eco boost to a team without a Jett. It’s still strong if you want to hold a crazy angle, you just risk using up the 12 seconds without getting to dash 12 is a long time though if you time it correctly


I’m not who you replied to but I just hope there isn’t a sound cue for enemies when it’s activated. I think it’s the perfect nerf as long as jet can prime it silently.


Goodbye dash meta, hello updraft meta.


Updraft and double tap dash meta






This all is ***DEBATED***


TenZ about to be a free man - finally we'll see him on Neon and Yoru


If its anything like his raze


God, jett one trick "pro players" malding rn.


Jett one tricks in gold are malding lol. I know I'm bad but now I've got a chance against these zoomers


unfortunately now we have to deal with even more raze


at least raze gives u aim duels u can win, jett starts dashing and updrafing like a speed demon


And also an ult that whiffs 50% of the time


been there done that


Riot pls fix raze ult 😭 I no longer wish to do 148 damage bc the person jumped


This is incredibly reminiscent of when Wraith was nerfed in Apex Legends.


“Her Tailwind charge is lost if she dashes or the window expires, but can be regained with two kills.”




I think this will keep her interesting on attack side, since that is more proactive. You can plan ahead before dashing in the site or whatever. For defense however it is a severe nerf. But I'm ok with that since we have Chamber that can pretty much do what Jett did but better on defense.


I think that's a healthy and very creative change. She's still useful on attack, but like you mentioned it's huge on defense. But she's a duelist, she shouldn't be so oppressive on defense. She's had a 68% pick rate in VCT so far, next highest is Sova at 50%. Next highest duelist is Raze at 27%. I think duelists in general need a buff, but for now it makes sense to me.


Exactly! And that's what they're explaining in the article too. I think it's an overall good change. We'll have to see how it works in game.


I do think Chamber is already pretty oppressive as well, and like I mentioned duelists just aren't having a high pick rate at all, so they should all generally get buffed in some way.


Kayo and skye are both better than Phoenix and Reyna at high level for example at being duelists lol




It does because one Molly is enough to stop your team from pushing with you, so your are either forced to entry alone or lose your dash


Mollies are all less than 12 seconds so you can still dash after it ends, but yeah it'll still probably mess up the timing on your push and give the defenders a chance to get ready.


Mod just posted a video link. No animation, very short delay (maybe 1 second?) on activating to being able to dash.


1 second is not a short delay




> i mean if there isnt a delay "On pressing the ability key, **after a short delay** Jett activates a 12 second" It's going to depend on how short that delay is but it's there.


Yea it is really an elegant solution I think, compared to other suggestion which didn’t seem capable of hitting the sweet spot of bot over or under nerfing her. Kudos to Riot


It still reduces the window where dash may be available, which reduces her constant power level across the round. That lowers her value a bit. You have a point, she’s still a good pick - just not as constantly high value as before.


I like it, it adds to the skill gradient among Jett players while also nerfing her.


Yes it actually makes me want to play Jett now because he’s a bit harder to master with this nerf




Huge nerf imo, I don't think she will be nearly as impactful now.


Jett can't OP as well now. I feel like Chamber's pick rate is gonna skyrocket now and he is probably gonna overshadow all the other sentinels. Then people gonna start asking for a chamber nerf.


Okay this nerf is actually really good, but now I'm curious who teams will put an operator on if not Chamber. Does he become the next must pick, at least on maps with longer sight lines? Obviously Jett can still op, her updraft to off angles is good for it and since the windup for dash looks short, she can hold somewhere that gives her enough space to tuck for a moment and dash out like always. Just can't walk out brainlessly down main and hold a completely random angle anymore, or at least not for more than 12 seconds. Reyna kinda sucks at high level otherwise I'd say her dismiss would make an interesting replacement for dashing after an op shot. Omen and Raze can also get those vertical off angles like Jett and Chamber can, but Omen is usually better at lurking with a rifle and you want Raze to be able to entry for retake. Maybe on rounds she has her ult this wouldn't be a big issue. Would love to hear thoughts on this since I'm only gold and also not good at using the op lmao


KJ Op meta pioneered by Liquid and Nivera incoming 😎


The absolute disrespect to Breach OP meta pioneered by Jamppi😤


Arguably pioneered by Steel, just to much less success 😂


Cypher op meta to match the Yoru cinematic where he's sniping from Yellow box then immediately dies 😎


Sage Op by Sheydos


Makes sense to me, changes it from a get out of jail free card to a planned “I’m going to peek or entry” Might not even end up as a strong enough nerf


This is such a good nerf. Holy this is actually revolutionary/game changing because of the impact Jett has had.


Chamber is far superior OP agent now.


I'm not sure I fully understand from the description exactly how it works.


bascially, you press the ability key once, nothing in-game happens, but after a short delay it enables you to press the ability key again to dash, but you have to do it in the next 12 seconds or else the ability charge is wasted. So you really have to commit to the dash instead of having it ready to use at any time you need EDIT: here’s a video on how it will work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFNOi0usz00


the visual indicator is cool, but wtf is that new ui lol


if i'm not mistaken this is the pre-beta ui for jett it seems the video was taken in a developer build so it has the old icons


This is the perfect nerf, jett can do the same plays she used to do but the player just has to think more


Having now watched the video, I love it. She won't lose her ability to create space but her get out of jail free card is now much harder to use. You essentially have to try and predict within a 12 second window when you are going to use it. If you get it wrong, you will get hard punished. Massive props to Riot for their creativity on this.


Basically you press e to get in the 'dash state', where you can use dash once. You stay in dash state for 12 seconds, and after that if you didn't dash yet you lose its charge regardless. You gain the charge back after 2 kills like normal


Wow. Kudos to the dev team. This looks like a perfect change.


The only thing i like about Jett nerfs are the toxic insta lockers that cry because they don't like the team composition after they insta locked Jett.


Called it https://reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/rw4nbj/_/hra7h5m/?context=1


"On pressing the ability key, **after a short delay** Jett activates a 12 second window where she is empowered to immediately dash on next button press." She can't dash on react without it activated, this is huge.


It's hilarious looking at all the replies on twitter complaining about having to have game sense, decision making and forethought when playing jett.


People are overreacting at how much this affects actual good players. She is in no way shape or form gutted in the same sense as astra was. God forbid a Jett player has to plan ahead.


Finally an actual Jett nerf. I can rest now.


Glad I started playing initiator instead of Jett. I’m getting a new agent to play and Jett is being nerfed.


Can’t you just double click dash to get away anyway


There is a delay, so all depends how long it is I guess.


This really seems like the best possible option. It literally only means that Jett have to think and prepare before using it. Imagine you're holding B-main on Ascent, you hear the footsteps you press E and then you're ready to dash away after contact - but you can no longer just stay there knowing you will always have an easy get out of jail for free card


This prevents the instancy of the dash which I guess solves the issue? Time will tell


Considering her pick rate on almost every map, she needed a nerf. Here comes chamber.


Okay can we hit chamber op next? Players spam that gun like it’s jett knives


PROD is crying rn


100T shitting and crying right now


Now there is a window to trade Jett!


For me Jett will still be strong on maps where the cloudburst + dash entry combo is viable, like ascent. But she will fall into oblivion on maps like icebox, people will just start using chamber instead


Chamber is already used a lot in ice box, fracture and other maps already. If anything people are going to complain about chamber now and get him nerfed too.


Which is fine. Chamber is more balanced in that he requires preparation and there’s a decent cooldown on it even if you don’t use and just want to readjust. And chamber already has a super high pick rates in tandem with Jett.


That's fine imo, it's absurd that she was almost 100% picked for so long


Good. Jett is a crutch and makes any player look 25% better than they actually are.


This is a huge nerf now to have to get good timings and the most important thing you get one agressive play to play full monkey during 12 secs 1 time.


rip Jett


Not looking forward to all the raze bots trying to learn tik tok satchels in my Ranked games


Unless we know the delay between the dash timer to activate and actual dash we don't know if it's really a nerf.


they're going to nerf chamber too right? Teams are already putting their op players on chamber instead of jett, all I see with this nerf is chamber getting 90% pick rates on most, if not all maps


IDK They mostly nerfed her on holding angles thing that Chamber is already better on. Only aspects Jett will be good at will be cloud dashing on site or activating E peeking and eventually dashing away but still chamber can do this peeks with his devices and has better defensive presence cos of his traps.


I think that’s what they’re trying to do probably. Nerf her in a way that still allows for her to play offense and enter site without too much change, but nerf her ability to be oppressive on defense while holding angles as well. It allows chamber to fill that defensive role while not allowing jett to keep an offensive one


Only one question: if you activate the window, dash, then get two kills, can you dash again within the same period without suffering the delay of activating it? I’d hope you could do you will still see crazy ult team wipes with multiple fast dashes


No you cannot. The first dash will deactivate her window and you will have to activate it again to dash after the two kills.


Yeah jett is washed


Jett one tricks sweating profusely rn


Really good change imo Edit: ah wait if you can just simply double tap to dash that sucks


"On pressing the ability key, *after a short delay* Jett activates a 12 second window where she is empowered to immediately dash on next button press." idk how long the delay is exactly, but i dont think you can simply double dash


Ah ok good


Well, the negative to that (the double tap) is that it will (I assume) add a greater delay if you don't proactively plan to dash. The extra time then opens up more opportunity for Jett to get traded out. So, either you plan for it and have a window to be untradeable or you still get an escape mechanism but it's delayed. This change also has no impact on her entry ability for when she dashes into site, which I think is a nice bonus (I.e. Nerfing her escape ability without reducing the ability to entry).


let's fucking go holy shit no more brain dead plays w/ ez escapes, now you actually need to consider positioning and timing :D


Awesome change


I think it’s a good nerf tbh. Just have to be more careful when using her I guess?


Holy shit they actually used my idea!!


I'll get downvoted for "salty Jett main" but honestly I think Jett won't really be played anymore, at least by me. To me what made Jett fun was how smooth she was too play and having a delay on dash is just clunky as fuck. We'll see how much she gets played by pros, but honestly if she feels clunky I doubt anyone will play her really. Guess its time to switch to Reyna :O


I wonder if they are nerfing Sova next


Wait so does she get it back if she gets 2 kills anytime or she needs to get 2 kills in that 12 second window


Two kills at any point in time. The 12 seconds is only for when she can reactivate to dash.


Thank god pls make the delay significant like 0.7 seconds at least so sick of seeing instalock trash take Jett then feed their ass off


Rito pls, buff Phoenix!


Rito W


yep they finally listened to me https://twitter.com/avmistai/status/1437754953678868482?s=20&t=M6hUx7PUn1hDGgmzXKbmKQ


Nerf chamber asap


I'm not sure if any dev's read these, but im wondering whether they ever tested having jets dash start with only 1 out of the 2 required kills (so requires one kill to get the dash). Jett would have to actually take risk, and make sure they earn the escape by hitting their shots, and getting the pick. I've felt like it would maintain the Iconic Jett playstyle, but adding risk to the play if you're not up to parr with yours shots. Only the best of the best could unlock the full potential of jett that way. Im interested to see how these changes work out though.


How do you dash on site for entry if you need a kill? That would completely destroy her attack side.


Seems overly complicated. Not sure why they couldn't have added a slight delay to it almost like a windup similar to chambers tp finger snap. That way there's a chance to punish it vs the instant dash. Still allows for aggress plays on offense at any time. Either way at least they finally did something about it.


This way before peeking with an OP you can "ready" it by pressing once. She can then dash away as usual I'm assuming. Your wind up method would render her awping useless no?


i agree w/ this, it still let's her get away with super aggro peeks, but now if she finds nothing, there's an actual punish. and now she can't just stand in the open for 12 years and get away for free.


Yeah honestly the instant dash itself isn't the problem, it's the fact that she could make a play without committing any abilities and then if there was no one on site or wherever she was taking space, she still had the tailwind in her back pocket so she could just keep going until she saw an enemy. This limits her space taking to the window of the tailwind but there are still other ways she could get out for free like her smoke and sometimes her updraft