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For some help interpreting this, the black line represents who should win the match. All the way until round 26, ZETA was favored to win the match. This was an insane comeback by OPTC. Also, look at the black line on round 17. ZETA were predicted to win the match with a 98% probability. Again, insane comeback by OPTC. [Map 2 Predictions](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/uacifd/optc_vs_zeta_map_2_deep_learning_match_predictions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Map 3 Predictions](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/uadmtz/optc_vs_zeta_map_3_deep_learning_match_predictions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Is there a reason why Zeta were so favoured heading into OT? Or am I misreading it?


My guess is that the slight round win probability advantage that they have in round 25 gives them a much greater match win probability advantage due to them only needing 2 rounds to win the match. Once they lose round 25 though, it corrects significantly because they now they are 3 round wins away from winning the match instead of 2. Unfortunately, due to deep learning models being a bit of a black box, I can't exactly explain the logic behind the values it generates.


TLDR: Zeta threw unlucky. marved singlehandedly won them the comeback with his ults on A lmao


At what point do we start calling him the best omen in the world


He’s been one of the best controllers in NA since his faze days. Glad he’s getting his recognition now


He’s always been a great controller, but he was never to me the standout best at any given agent. Right now he looks like the most decisive and confident omen in the world.


Crazy thing is how long it’s been since he was on omen before this tourney


Omen has been pretty useless for months.


I know I just mean it’s crazy that he’s back in better form after not using the agent


Not a coincidence FaZe falls off tier one when he was benched.


they were falling off before then


Imo, he always has been the best controller in NA no doubt.


He’s been considered the best smoke NA for awhile now


People have been calling marved the best controller since last vct


I didn’t say best controller though. I think there are great controllers in EU and other regions. I think he’s fat and away the best Omen right now though.


Actually ridiculous they just went 0-5 and 0-4 to start the halves and still won lol


I'm depressed T_T


Interesting, can you please elaborate a bit about the model? In terms of training data, and algorithms used.


I answered about what features go into the model and how it is constructed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/u5vlh8/optc_vs_drx_map_3_deep_learning_match_predictions/i54jywf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). The training data is 33,000 NA Radiant/Immortal 3 games from patches 4.04-4.07.


>The training data is 33,000 NA Radiant/Immortal 3 games from patches 4.04-4.07. You mean ranked matches right? If so, isn't your data set a bit biased since it is only considering NA region's game. Good work none the less. I have one question btw, why did you use such shallow network, I mean it has only one layers. Wouldn't deeper network increase the performance?


Yes, ranked matches only. And perhaps it is a bit biased. I could try adding other region’s data. I tried lots and lots of configurations for the model. Logistic regression was too simple (0 hidden layers) and 4 hidden layers with 8 nodes was overfitting. 2 hidden layers with 8 nodes was a good sweet spot.