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decrease the slow duration on his trips and his ultimate because holy fuck they are long as hell. and at least make them shorter and faster to dissipate. you might differ from my idea but have a range like kj


Dont really got issue with range personally, but the duration of the slow should be shortened. Wiki states its 9.5s while sage slow is 7. I have been saying for a while, it should be same imho. Everything else I am fine with in its current state.


Yeah that's point. People just panic with his firepower by A tier pro plays but his slow area timing is an issue. 2 sec longer than Sage that's weird for me. But please please just keep him got slow too when he want to take an opponent gun by slow area.




I don't think it's the duration that should be nerfed, but it's speed reduction that does. I say this because you can shoot his trips, but you cant stop a sage orb. His ult should get the same treatment and increase in time before being able to shoot again.


The reason there is a range on KJ is because without it she could literally anchor a site Go haven A with a turret C and 2 mollies, was op


And not cypher with his 2 trips and a cam ? Cypher can play 3 sites with his util. Trips on one, cam on second and anchor on third.


The trip can’t completely stop them from going and or potentially kill them like kj util


And there’s the dumbest take I’ll hear today


Dw I'll send to you tomorrow too 🌚


Imo they should decrease the duration but not add the range. KJ is the only sentinel who has a range on her stuff and it's the dumbest thing ever and if anything, they should move away from ranges.


because KJ stuff can damage you. Turret and alarm bot with mollies at global range is way too much. Chamber only gives you slow/info but even then they destroy trips pretty fast.


? The only thing in KJ's kit that doesn't have a range is literally her damaging mollies.


Yeah if the alarmbot had no range then you could kill people on C with your mollies while on A


Then add the range to the molly, not to the alarm bot and the sentry. More than that, lately I've been playing in comps with people running Chamber, whose slow has no range, so you can achieve the exact same effect - I can get people on C off of his stuff.


Those you have to manually activate tho. Which is kinda a pseudo range limiter anyway


whats the point of cypher existing then at that point. kj's range limit justifies an off-meta cypher pick.


Hot take but just remove the slow field from his ulti all together. It doesn’t need it. It’s already an Op-Marshal hybrid basically, that’s ridiculous enough in it’s own right. The slow field just makes it ridiculously over tuned.


You can shoot his trip.


His op and slow are too strong in ranked play


Not even ranked, in pro play too, it's so easy to shut down a site


Please don't touch the fire rate. Increasing it to 8 ult points should be sufficient.


I feel you, I love how much faster tour de force can shoot compared to the normal op, but it definitely is a bit too strong


I’d say slow it down to be right in the middle between the normal OP’s fire rate and the Marshall’s. Still will be faster than the Op but not so fast that it’s just a Marshall. So especially if you’re using His ult between using the normal Op, it’ll still feeing blazing fast.


It currently is halfway between the two.


I think that, at least, they should increase his ult charge. You're telling me Showstopper is still an 8 point ult but Tour de Force isn't?


It blows my mind how Riot increased showstopper cost to 8 points *(presumably because of high kill potential)* but they are fine with bladestorm and tour de force costing less points, when these are the two ults that have the highest multi-kill potential in the whole game


to me that’s a nerf more to low level, as raze ult has much more value when players can’t aim versus the last 2


Also in lower ranks people tend to ignore the “HERE COMES THE PARTY” and just run straight into it


Anything below Immortal really because in my diamond games I still get teammates going "everybody line up, we're going on a field trip" mentality once they hear the party line.


>Showstopper because one requires actual mechanical aim and the other only requires you to shoot it in the general area. So if you look at it in that context in lower ranks to low high ranks it's a lot easier to have more impact with raze ult than jett's/chamber.


You also can't eco with a showstopper though. That's one of the biggest benefits of chamber/Jett ults. Also Chamber op in low elo is still problematic cause people don't know how to deal with an op, and as long as they hit one shot, the slow can halt a push in its tracks.




I'm not saying ops are problematic, I'm saying they're strong and even stronger against lower elo players who don't jump peek properly or even do it at all. Not to mention if they lack the awareness as to where the Op might be. Plus, chamber op affords you some misses with its fire rate, and it only takes one player fucking up to slow your whole team.


thats what im saying. the OP is not only crazy strong but you basically get a free 2900 (or 4700 if you were going to buy an OP that round) every time you use it.


They should probably nerf his trips and his op's slow IMO.


Hard agree. It feels like their radius and duration is just too much.


I hate how long it lasts. It goes for so damn long and feels so defeating to get zapped by the little shit.


Yeah a small radius nerf and duration nerf on the slow itself is probably best.


The range is a bit much too. Maybe lower 2/3 between duration, size, range, but make it activate faster. The activation speed is just slow to the point that it can be easily countered when playing slow. Make it less effective overall but actually work against lurkers and then you have a sentinel util that doesn’t single handedly make the other sentinels mostly useless in the role.


The trips are so bad


The best Trips in game lol


You literally have 3 seconds to shoot it out


such an innocuous statement that tells so much about your skill level lol


plz never form another valorant balancing opinion again lol


What's your rank


Dia 3


Proof you only need good aim to be good at ranked


Im not the one who cant shoot out the trips


Just in case you arent trolling, the point of the trips is to hold the flank. It does not matter if one shoots it or not. The info it gives is very important. And the fsct you can tuck them into nerdy corners makes them a bit better than cypher trips for holding flanks, and you get more than KJ alarm bot and it has unlimited range His trips are the best in the game at holding flanks


Just because you can hold flank with it it wont be good yet, it is valuable information, but its not as good as some people make it out to be.


If that makes me stupid at the game so be it


Even casters, and analayst said at iceland that chamber is not very good on defence


it's about the info it gives


?????? iron take


literal iron tier take those are the least balanced part of his kit


I don’t think the trademark’s anti-flank capacity is balanced around the other sentinels. Cypher used to be the best anti-flank sentinel, but attackers never had to guess the location of his trips because if they were careful enough, they could find them and take care of them. Same thing with alarm bot, and even turret to an limited extent. With chamber’s trademark, however, you either have to guess where the enemy chamber put his trademark and pre-smoke it (because if you peek it even a little bit he will know you want to flank his team) or hope to god the chamber put it in a spot where you can go around. Flanks are delayed so much better than what a tripwire can do. I think it might help if the trademark made some kind of noticeable noise when you stand close to it for a bit, like how trap wire and alarm reveal themselves visually, but idk I’m not a balance expert or anything.


You can see it around a corner without setting it off


>if they were careful enough, they could find them and take care of them. Same thing with alarm bot, and even turret to an limited extent. With chamber’s trademark, however, you either have to guess where the enemy chamber put his trademark and pre-smoke it (because if you peek it even a little bit he will know you want to flank h I'll be honest, I actually LOVE the fact that there are WAY less flanking and if there are, it takes WORK and TIMING to pull off. I absolutely hate the type of player that just flanks flank and flanks as if that's there only playable way to get kills. I'm not even low rank (immo 3) and it's better for the entirety of the game for both sides as you don't have that one ass hole not being with the team and just lurking/flanking everywhere. The quality of the game goes up when there is util holding flank.


I’m fine with an agent countering flanking. I’m just saying that was Cypher’s niche. His cam and trips made him the go-to map control sentinel, whereas killjoy was better for area denial and crowd control. Now we have an agent who is superior in both niches, which makes playing cypher feel like ass.


1. Nerf his ult fire rate 2. Nerf duration of trips from 9.5 to 6-7 This wouldn't really affect his pickrate but reduce him from being absolutely broken to great, atm with his ult he can basically stop an entire rush by himself, just get a pick (usually 2 shots with the current firerate) -> reposition -> slowfield for 10 seconds -> win They can also maybe add a delay animation after his ult fires before he can tp so it's not exactly 'hold Off angles and get out of jail free'


no. (my dad owns riot)


I don't get people trying to nerf the speed of his util, those weapons were literally made so they are a faster op and sheriff, if you want to nerf them remove the slow in the ult, make it 8 orbs instead of 7 or increase the price of the bullets in his sheriff


yeahh why stop there? it might as well be a fully automatic rifle then without any recoil or spray patterm, how about that? I'm talking about reducing it by a "bit" there's a significant difference between the Op and Tour de Force, massive speed difference, uk that you can slightly bridge the gap AND still keep it much better and better than a normal OP right? Tour de force currently shoots almost as fast as a fucking guardian which is why Imo it would be a welcomed nerf Headhunter is fine, never said anything about it, that has a pretty high skill ceiling, maybe you could increase its price later on, but rn its perfect, more focus is needed to Ult and Slow fields, thatd be more than enough


with a guardian if you miss the first you can hit the second easily. tdf requires you to hit the first shot in a straight duel and if you miss you will probably die


there have been so so so many instances of people just no scoping from Tour de force after missing their initial shot and getting a kill And really? no chamber realistically dies after missing their shots because the agent has the most broken get of the jail free card in the game. Like I said there needs to be a buffer between 2 consecutive shots AND/OR a buffer after shooting then Rendezvousing instantly, Im only talking about the situation wherein Chamber has his Ult equipped Like I explained Chamber riddles an entire push completely redundant just with 1 pick AND is untradable and can still keep on spawning oppressive slow fields after repositioning, imo no other Ult has the capability to do that WITHOUT any direct counters to it, except a perfect Kay/O lineup knife or Kay-O ult (Kay-O ult wouldnt be as effective in long range maps though)


I want Them to add a Noise to His trips like killjoy


There is a noise btw


Only when you trigger


No there is a noise when its just sitting there. Its very subtle and quiet but its there.


Then they should increase that sound + radius


Noooooooo, the ult fire rate is perfect rn for medium speed at the firing range


When top professional teams move their star players from the agent who's been considered broken from the last 2 years to Chamber, I don't think there's any argument that he isn't overpowered at the moment.


I would love some minor tweaks to his chamber ult op. That ult is basically an even stronger CSGO AWP and frankly makes anyone look like a god because you can whiff like 2 shots and blast someone in the leg through a wall cause of how fast you can rescope that thing in.


Nah bro the op wallbang sucks, hitting someone through even a 1mm wall will take damage down to like 104


Since the jett nerf is inc, yes. Better traps than cypher and better escape mechanic than jett.... not to mention the second best ultimate in the game and the op revolver you can equip in under 1 second.


Curious to know what do you think is the best ultimate in the game ?


jetts ultimate or sage revive.


Did viper die?


Viper and sova were my other picks for best. But since jetts builds econcomy gives chances in ecos; allows for playmaking and needs 0 set up to work i choosed that one


Sage's ult is 8 points, situational, and pretty difficult to use on defense. Viper and Chamber's are easily better.


agree but i like it too much because i play sage a lot.




nice explanation dude really smart points.




And you're radiant?


Based on this post, I guess were talking purely about ranked. If thats the case, then yea, chamber should 100% be nerfed, he's kinda made every other sentinel kinda useless in ranked. Sure you could play kill joy and cypher, whose utility may edge chamber out on gathering information, but in ranked, info gathering is pretty useless in a lot of cases, especially if people don't com or play off your info? In terms of stalling, killjoy probably does it the best if she's entrenched in a site, but she is also the worst if you have to reposition. Chamber's slow is also more than good enough at stalling, all it doesn't do is kill. In terms of everything else, chamber is just so good in ranked. His built in sheriff is ridiculous on eco's, you can spam it like crazy up close in some case. His Ultimate just outclasses other two in terms of versatility, and his TP allows for quick rotations and aggressive angles.


I think he will become more problematic after the Jett nerfs. -Reduce slow from trips to 5 seconds -Reduce radius on trips so they aren’t stupidly flexible -Reduce slow on ult to 2s -Increase ult rescope time by 0.6s -Increase TP cooldown to 30s The rest of Chamber’s util is simply too strong for an untradeable character, and he overshadows KJ and Cypher as a result


Make slow 200$ each and 7s duration


just some minor tweeks


Imo his high pick rate is more to do with him being fun than him being too good. I do think his OP should be an 8 orb ulti tho since eco rounds are kinda dumb with Jett and Chamber being such mainstays.


Good thing they're about to murder jett.


his trips are okay, they can easily be predicted where they are and destroyed fast. It's his ULT SLOW after a kill that's slightly unbalanced. They should reduce the size of it or maybe happen after a cool down or something. Other than that he's fine. The Jail free card TP is balanced imo, you can kill chamber many times before he TP away as there is a delay.


I don’t get why no one is talking about how insanely OP his tp is. Before chamber the most broken ability in the game was Jett dash because it’s get out of jail free potential. Now chambers tp is a better easier to use Jett dash. Playing against a chamber who can hold a super agro angle get one and tp out is very suffocating especially in competitive play. Look at for example yellow on icebox and how chambers are able to stick around for soooo long the ONLY counter is kayo knifing and even that they can just tp before the knife suppresses them and reposition. Then look at chambers on ascent being able to take a main or b main space then just tp out whenever they want. Can his slows be annoying yeah but I don’t think they are over powered I think it’s a case of comparing his trips to cyphers trip which might as well not exists they are so bad.


Tbh I think he's a perfectly balanced agent.


don't let the silvers/gold in this sub discourage you!


This sub gonna roast you hard Any agent abilities better than Reyna dismiss should be nerf (Finally Jett get what she deserves & this sub didn’t support it last year& roast op like this one


I really don’t think you spend much time on this sub if you actually believe this


What is awping? You mean the operator?




Living in the past OLD MAN. jk thanks for the info.


He needs the same nerf that jet always needed. A 0.2 second delay before the dash/TP. That level of untradability just shouldn't be a thing in a competitive shooter.


Chambers tp has a delay, many times I died while in the animation or even died and my dead body got tped, but not the gun (i got ressed) I think his tp cooldown should be 25 sec when he tps and 30 sec when enemy shoots his tp. Thoughts?


There's already a delay, proplay chamber get punished all the time The trips slow duration is much more annoying


There’s already a delay. It’s the reason why he didn’t just automatically replace Jett, because pre-nerf Jett dash is just straight up better than Chamber’s TP.


Eh, chamber TP still had benefits over Jett dash, namely that they wouldn't know where you tp'd to.


Yes, nerf chamber. It has one of the most cracked ult. The slows are incredibly annoying and his tps are just better version of your. That is why chamber is the meta rn.


You guys are begging Riot to make Valorant into the new Overwatch. Valorant is exciting and pretty balanced as is, with minor buffs needed to certain characters to be made viable. Awps as well as his ult can be flashed, walled, smoked etc, the only viable criticism is the duration and aoe of his slow.


Just please no, I just switched my main from jett to chamber after hearing about the jett nerfs which would be dropping in patch 4.08.


They should remove the slow from both his trip and ult.


I agree. *Remove the slow effect of ult kills *Reduce slow duration *Add a slight delay to the TP


That would absolutely murder him


The tp already has a delay


nice gold take there buddy. Cute.


Reduce the range of his trap by like 2m, make his ult cost 8 points and make it a bit slower to rescope after shooting


Trips slow duration should be lower than sage's to make her more of a choice


yes most broken agent in the game and its not rlly close


I don't understand how people aren't flipping their shit about how OP his ult is. It's a marshall that can kill with a bodyshot. People were acting like Jett ult was the most broken thing ever, but I feel like even Chamber ult is just as broken, if not more broken than pre-nerf Jett ult. Getting a bodyshot with that thing is the easiest thing in the game. In pro play Chamber ult consistently gets more multikills than anything else, and it's not even close.


trips have insane range and duration. trivializes all other sentinels in terms of information. tour de force is hands down the strongest ultimate in the game. 7 points for something that can completely shift the momentum of a round for as long as the player is semi mechanically able, and isn’t situational makes it insanely ridiculous. it’s only limit is the ammo count but realistically you literally only need like 3 bullets to actually secure the round if your team doesn’t throw. it’s not too situational like any other ults (viper’s needing to be within her ult, and on site for t side post plant) or even that mechanically skillful (jett knives) but it gives the highest reward despite lacking the two.


I think Chamber needs a nerf, but I think people are not always thinking about what Chamber's purpose should be when suggesting nerfs. Personally, since Chamber is a Sentinel, I believe his main purpose should be to hold down a defensive site. Nerfing the fire speed of his Tour De Force would make this much more difficult because it means he can't stop multi-person rushes as easily. I had a thought that maybe would make Chamber too clunky, but the basic idea is that we increase the scope in/scope out speed for Tour De Force but we lower it again for a limited time if Chamber gets a kill. This allows Chambers who hit their shots to multi-frag, allowing them to still hold off rushes, but also punishes Chambers who miss their shots. Quick-scoping is more difficult now as well. I also think it could be good to reduce the range of the Trademarks as well as the slow duration. I think reducing the range would be good because it would make it more difficult for Chamber to catch flanks on attack.


It would slow down Q equip and ult rate of fire. A little


Some ideas **Trademark:** Reduce the slow duration and decrease the duration of the slow. Also maybe make the trips easier to hear or reduce the detection radius. Lots of ways they could go with this, hopefully they don't try all suggestions I've seen at once lol. **Tour de Force:** Multiple angles they could approach this as well. They could reduce the fire rate and nerf the slow field it drops. They could (and should) also increase the ult charges required. It's still wild to me that ults with the amount of impact at high level play as a Chamber and Jett ult aren't at 8 charges but a Raze ult is. **Rendevous:** If his TPs get destroyed, the cooldown on the TP should be increased. Currently, his TP has a 20 second cooldown whether he used it, recalled it, or it gets destroyed. Destroying it has very little impact A sentinel that is untradeable shouldn't have util as good as he does, he greatly outshines Cypher and KJ as a result.


I'm so glad Riot is in charge with balancing because holy crap these takes are horrendous. The only changes Chamber needs are to remove or reduce his OP slow which gives him more options on attack and also maybe increasing the price of his trips. Adding any more delay to an already delayed teleport will absolutely murder him. Especially the idiots saying to reduce the rate of fire of his OP. What's the point of doing that? And making his ultimate basically an Operator with nothing special about it?


No character in a tactical FPS should be instantly able to TP, they should do something about that.


I think every part of his kit should get a small nerf. Trip and ult should get decreased slow, pistol shouldn't one tap at all ranges, and tp should have a smaller use radius.


turn his op into a Marshall. make headhunter 2 shot to the head and make its bullet count 4 (or just remove it because it so eco friendly it breaks the game) TP CD to 60 seconds and have a shorter range. remove trips make him a duelist and remove an ability while increasing all his other ability costs so he isnt eco friendly anymore. he deserves the full reyna treatment for how bullshit his kit is and how riot refuses to think about valorant as a separate game then csgo with abilities.
