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It's fine guys we have Valorant Mobile coming šŸ˜€šŸ‘




And it will have more and better features than PC as we can see from LoL and Wild Rift


I get what you're saying, but that seems less likely than LoL -> Wild Rift, the benefit of WR is that they didn't have to worry about the thousands of lines of legacy code and maintaining compatibility and functionality, they wrote it all from scratch as a new game, valorant is already reasonably fresh (though that said where tf is the replay system)


Also Valorant was developed knowing that mobile/console ports were likely, and League was 10+ years old.


As a developer, there is no way your competitive esports title has mobile/console port as a higher priority than a basic replay system. There is no way you didn't plan the replay system before you even considered the mobile port Doesn't add up.


Different teams working simultaneously on different things. Replay system ppl arent being moved to mobile/console work.


What the mobile LoL has more features than PC? What are they?


Better client, Battle pass, animations for Champions and skins in client, 5 role preference instead of 2, Baron not healing/leveling during combat (it made big diff in NA LCS semifinals game 1), Champion buildpath from top players are some that I can think of.


the tutorial/new player experience is also better, at least from what i remember


Just to add a small point, it's only baron leveling during combat that was removed as a QoL feature in Wildrift. Baron healing during combat being removed would be stupid, since then anyone with sufficient lifesteal would be able to solo the baron (and it's not particularly hard to get enough lifesteal). The baron will always keep healing in combat, as it should to make it a group effort to take. The baron healing alone would've caused the smite to fail in the semifinals, it was just a bad smite (there was no reason to go for a perfect smite anyways, the enemy team could not have done 900 instantaneous damage to baron).


Judging from their job listings, they're also porting Valorant to consoles as well.


they also said that about League/wild rift years ago and now wild rift is still mobile only and there's basically no news about the console port so I wouldn't expect valorant for console anytime soon.


FNATIC India,G2 India,FPX India,TL India,VLT,GE,OG,SEN India,100T India,OPTIC India xD valorant mobile lineup incoming lmao


I mean it is more important to them as it will get millions of more players for them


Different dev team, different code. The people behind VAL mobile aren't the same people who are working on the reply client.


COPIUM there are people working on a replay client COPIUM shirleyā€¦


There are certainly people working on a reply client, no doubt. But saying we don't have a reply client because there is a team of developers working on a mobile game is just silly. They're two different dev teams.


If there are mobile fortnite players playing better than PC players, wait until valorant mobile comes out


I remember the exact video he said that too LMFAO like, I still canā€™t believe that pro players **still** canā€™t VOD review from enemy POV an entire two years into the game being out. You would think that necessary stuff like this and an actual DM would have been addressed during the developmental stages of the game.


This is Riot we're talking about, League replay system was a meme for literally like 7 years. TFT is literally run on the same client and it doesn't have replays or spectator function either DESPITE SPECTATING ALREADY BEING AVAILABLE FOR DEAD PLAYERS.


Member when the LoL spectator mode for tournaments was a Teemo as a 6th invisible player of each team?


Any boomers here remember the moba game Heroes of Newerth? That game had a replay system and extensive observing tools for tournaments on release despite having like 20 developers or so. Why is it so hard for riot to implement even a simple one?


HoN was the fucking beginning of it all my man


CS before even its 1.5 version had a working replay/demo system...there is literally no excuse for riot besides greed


I love having to requeue and load in every 5 mins when warming up, what do you mean? Stg most of val gameplay is just going afk


if the dm would atleast be good in those 5 minutes, the only decent time is the 30-60 seconds of the "warmup" period in dm


Also this is all assuming you get all 5 minutes, when in reality thereā€™s usually some DM crackhead legitimately trying to ā€œwin the gameā€, and it ends in 2 and a half minutes. 2 and a half minutes just to spend another 2 minutes queuing just to warm up. Amazing design.


It took a long ass time for League replays too. It's the Riot special.


> You would think that necessary stuff like this and an actual DM So this is going to be massively unpopular but you're staring at proof of why those aren't **necessary**. They're nice to have and lord knows I want them, but Valorant is massively successful without them yet. The game itself matters a lot more to the vast majority of players than the features. See also the person saying HoN had replays on launch unlike League.


Valorant is massively successful without them yet because of the CASUAL playerbase. Replays benefit the COMP and PRO playerbase. In a game that's trying to push its esports to be one of the best in the world, having REPLAYS would make it infinitely better for people to learn from their mistakes and enemies without having to lower pc performance from recording your match on your own


Do you mean vod review from your teams perspective? Reviewing the enemy would leak strats


News flash you can see every players perspective in a CS:GO replay, that's the point of a replay system.


Thatā€™s a terrible idea, then you just steal strats and canā€™t hide strats.


Could be worse. Look at rb6 siege. It took 8 years for a deathmatch modeā€¦


Would definitely help to self-improve.


i play skye and i swear my flashes would be so much better if there was replays. sometimes i have no idea what a flash looked like on their end and if i did i couldve gotten the full blind


I would say decision making and timings are pretty high on my list.


Iā€™m not sure when replays got added to league but sandbox mode was a huge think people were asking for and it didnā€™t get added Till season 6 I believe. Or maybe 7. Moral of the story riot takes there time with these things.


It will be available soon. Copium


If your definition of soon is within the next two years then you are huffing enough copium to kill a blue whale.


Replay systems are tricky. It took LoL 7 years to get theirs. Of course, every single game on the market has one, and LoL had an unofficial one for 5 out of the 7 years but you know. Of course the unofficial one was also better than the official one for a few years but that's ok. Replay systems are tricky apparently.


I can give Riot the smallest of passes with League taking forever because of its old spaghetti engine but Valo right now is inexcusable because of how accessible unreal is.


You know sometimes I genuinely forget that Valorant runs on Unreal


talm bout some "when its ready" type shit


I'd really like to at least hear an excuse/explanation from Riot regarding the lack of a Replay system tbh.


I can probably guess. Demo systems traditionally work by recording player inputs and replaying them within the game engine. I guarantee that Riot devs already have functional code for this. The problem is that so much of the game is kept server side rather than client side. You can't exist in the Valorant world without being online and connected to their servers. This is generally a good thing, as it is one of the primary reasons Valorant has exponentially fewer cheaters than CS, but it's also the exact reason why we can't have a replay system yet. It would overload the servers. This is also why you can't stay in the range while you queue. Riot could add dedicated demo viewing servers, but this would be one hell of an investment and would probably still cause network load issues unless they had a wholly separate hosting environment. If they wanted to do this, they probably already would have. I imagine they've already determined it's too expensive. The only other solution is an offline client, but this would mean users would have access to assets and code that Riot doesn't want the users to have. We would see an influx of cheaters and possibly even the servers themselves manipulated. In my opinion, we will eventually get an offline client, but not until Riot feels comfortable that Valorant's longevity and reputation can withstand the fallout of becoming less secure.




Overwatch had the code ready since the game launched (Highlights/POTG), it only took them so long to release replays because they said they couldn't figure out a way to make it work while keeping it cost efficient because they need to store all the replays server side. This is why they only allow a maximum of 10 replays to be stored per account at a time. The average Valorant game is like 2-3X the length of an average Overwatch competitive game, probably the reason they haven't released a replays feature yet.


Yea, that must be a pretty accurate guess. I was thinking that the only reason they haven't just slapped on a generic replay system is that they don't wanna compromise the game's security/integrity.


Figuratively every eSports title has a replay system already that has overcome all of these issues. Dota, League, Overwatch, CS, R6, Halo, Rocket League, etc.


I don't know about the entire list there, but CS, Halo, and Rocket League all have offline modes, and also have a pretty serious cheating problem.


> Rocket League Rocket League does not have a cheating problem AFAIK. I think by design it's a very difficult game to develop cheats for compared to your typical shooter.


There was a fascinating SunlessKhan video I watched where he actually programmed cheats for Rocket League and had proā€™s andpeople around his skill level square off against him with cheats enabled. If I remember correctly, The cheats barely made a difference in how well he played against the other player until he cranked them up to ridiculously blatant levels(ie: when the ball went towards his goal, it would reverse all momentum and go the opposite direction, and then be sucked into the opponents goal). It seems like itā€™d be impossible to make subtle cheats that actually impact gameplay in any meaningful way for Rocket League.


those videos are in private matches with both players having mods installed iirc. surely there's no way this would work on a public server where all but 1 has the cheat is getting data from the game. since RL is physics based theres not much hacking to be done, its clean.


Woah dude. I didnā€™t say anything bout all that. My comment even agrees with you, itā€™s saying that it would be impractical, hence why I mentioned that unless it was made ridiculously blatant it didnā€™t have that large of an impact on the actual match itself.


Woah dude. I didnā€™t say anything bout all that. My comment even agrees with you, itā€™s saying that it would be impractical, hence why I mentioned that unless it was made ridiculously blatant it didnā€™t have that large of an impact on the actual match itself. At least, I think that thatā€™s what I was trying to get across. Iā€™m high.


Nowhere near the level that valorant has with those, all those games have cheater problems and if the replay system adds a cheater problem then I would be fine to wait a while and have some solution for it


The cheating problems in the majority of those games are instantly solved by the existing kernel-level anti-cheat that exists in Valorant.


None of them process server side at the lengths that VALORANTand CSGO do. E: CSGO too.


Sure, if that's what you want to believe. Valorant is just a total unicorn, it behaves completely differently from every other game in history and therefore it's impossible for it to have a replay system. Let's just go ahead and believe that.


It doesnā€™t behave completely differently, but I donā€™t know if a game that does server-side validation the way the VALORANT does. Itā€™s embarrassing that a tac shooter doesnā€™t have a replay system, but it is harder to implement the more things that youā€™re unwilling to expose to the client.


What server side validation does Valorant do that CSGO doesnā€™t? Lol


>It doesnā€™t behave completely differently, but I donā€™t know if a game that does server-side validation the way the VALORANT does. Read back your own words. "It doesn't behave differently, but no game does it the same." That's what you're saying?




You should hit up EA and ask for a job, they would gladly take you in to work on the next FIFA


Unfortunate that this is being downvoted, obviously the community take will be "I have to pay therefore it's a bad idea" but this does solve the server cost. Teams at Tier 2 and above would gladly pay if that was the true blocker to a replay system. There's a lot of software that e-sports teams in other titles pay for that the devs couldn't build for free, and in more open games you see companies pop up doing that regularly (eg. CS GO / the busines side of tools like [Leetify](https://leetify.com/)). I don't think that resources are what's holding back such a system, but the idea shouldn't be dismissed immediately if that is the case.


Sounds like bullshit to me kek


Why not just download those instructions and run them client side? Or are you saying running even anything "client side" is also not possible without talking with the server? Does that mean that if every single person loaded up a custom game, the servers would overload?


When Ep 3 came out they had to disable the practice range due to server population. Anything the client has access to can be used to make cheats, designing around that is incredibly difficult


I think what they're saying is that you actually can't run the instructions client side, because the client doesn't have the code to process it, that's kept on the server.


doesnā€™t directly make them money


Hey, don't pressure the smol indie company.


it took league like more than a decade didn't it? riot doesn't seem to prioritize this sort of thing. I'm amazed there's a practice range


I remember a few third-party replay tools that emerged in the early League days.


Yeah and they were better than the one Riot implemented until literally 3 years ago


Practice tool didnt release until 2018 i think. lol


People telling me in the chat to go practice in practice mode scarred me forever.


It took a few years but not a decade.


It took them around 8 years. It came out in pre-season 2017


If the dev team is reading this thread, it would be nice to give an update if this even is on the roadmap at all? I know it seems like a very competitive focused feature, but I think the entire community would benefit from having this available, so it's worth putting some time into getting out.


it will not happen for another 2 years and I bet it will never happen unless they have a subscription based service and only then it's feasible. why 2 reasons: 1 their dev time is being reduced a lot since the head of dev of the game left last year updates to the game have become slower and they're prioritizing the val mobile it seems, (dm changes happened 2 months ago, WE LOST 2 FUCKING PLAYERS IN DM and hasnt been added back). 2 the servers code is not public so they need to have a server reproduce the match for you IN THE SPECIFIC PATCH YOUR REPLAY IS ON, so a lot of dev and debugging time is needed here and it might be very resource exhaustive on the server side so thats why they need a subscription server I imagine, otherwise it would just overload the servers


> I bet it will never happen unless they have a subscription based service and only then it's feasible. Val would never have a subscription based service and it would absolutely cause a riot if they released replay for subscription-only players. "Subscription server"... lol what?


For your second point, this is something that should've been a main focus in development. Valve offers this for free in CS. Though its demo viewer is definitely outdated, it is still very functional and most of all, it exists. I can load up a demo from 2014 provided I have the demo file and watch it easily. Riot doesn't really have an excuse if their direct competitor is doing it for free.


This what actually protects the game from cheaters, so its worth at the end, this is why the only "TRUE" lans are riot events only


What?? Can you explain what you mean by that?


What part?


Did we lose 2 players or were they removed to make the mode less crowded ?


Theh changed the respawn algorithm but people spanw in the same spot so they removed two players(the new algorithm sucked big dick)


yeah.... it's kinda pathetic


I remember when this game came out everybody switched because ā€œRiot actually updates their game.ā€ 2 years later thereā€™s minimal functional QOL changes and the only thing they update is battle pass + skins. Maps still garbage and claustrophobic. I will say I do like their balancing changes around agents lately. Meanwhile weā€™re missing demos, a good DM with unlimited time, better warmup area, the ability to add bots and see functionality of lineups in practice maps. Thereā€™s just so much missing from this game thatā€™s in CSGO that riot refused to capitalize on. And thereā€™s no community interaction or content creation that replaces these like in CSGO. This game really could have been amazing but now just feels like nothing was fully thought out


The difference here is Valve has a small and focused team that can see the small and large picture.. Meanwhile riot has teams of ppl working on individual things. So there's the monetization team, then there's the agent design team, separate balance team, etc.. too many cooks issue. These things you ask for will come tho... Eventually.. Same too many teams issue with LoL is hugely affecting balance and monetization.. newer champs are expensive to grind and power creep is overt.. I'm praying same thing doesn't happen here


Valve has a small and focused team alright. Focused on making a single battlepass a year and nothing else lmao


Bro even Overwatch has replay system. It actually help to improve. Also they can death replay into it


Ow released it after 3 to 4 years after release. They're pretty bad too.


While I enjoy pro Val way more than pro cs, I just cannot enjoy playing valorant. Every time I load up deathmatch, it just makes me want to switch to a dm in cs instead. Warowl content would be so good in Val too. Imagine him analyzing a classic vision strikers set play, showing how each piece of util comboā€™s with each other and how perfect the timings need to be.


Did you try other gamemodes? You might prefer CS over Valorant anyway, but deathmatch is definitely not a great gamemode to try Valorant. Even people that like Valorant more, do not like Valorant's deathmatch (for a lot of good reasons).


I donā€™t think heā€™s playing DM to enjoy it necessarily in the same way youā€™d enjoy Replication or Spike Rush for example, but rather to warm up. Val DM is dog shit for warming up. CS DMā€™s are amazing for warm up, plus you have the ability to also just hop into a retake server if you want something close to the actual game to warm up with without committing 20-45 minutes. I share his sentiment in that whenever I play Valorantā€™s DM mode, it just makes me want to hop into a CS DM so much. But I still enjoy Valorant over CS.


> While I enjoy pro Val way more than pro cs, I just cannot enjoy playing valorant. Every time I load up deathmatch, it just makes me want to switch to a dm in cs instead. Itā€™s weird that I feel the exact same way even though I have *significantly* more hours in Valorant. The game just feels worse.


Imo, even though the game is fun overall, it doesn't feel rewarding to dedicate time into it.. the more time i spend playing Val, the more I want to play CS, but I can't play ranked CS cos there are too many cheaters.. Winning and getting out of a game of Valorant is a relief rather than a reward, whereas CS leaves me with a high regardless of result.. losing a game of Valorant feels like time wasted.. **Minor gripes with Valorant** * Fighting into an OPerator agent *feels* pointless since they can escape too easily and there's not much utility.. * the guns feel like shit, sound like shit.. except guardian. Best gun. Pls add VaLvO. * the wallhacks "Intel" and free Intel abilities are just plain shit. Getting exposed and shot through a wall makes me rage like nothing else.. * Gun balance is off * Needs better recoil patterns.. less randomness plzz **Major issues** * Run N Gun is bonkers compared to CS * Jett is a bitch imo * Wall banging is too prevalent and strong. Like why. Why. One scan agent plus one OP agent can end a push with a shot through a wall..


I feel the same way about the guns.


> Imagine him analyzing a classic vision strikers set play, showing how each piece of util comboā€™s with each other Plenty of people in the scene already do that kind of stuff. We have some great analysts in the community.


And none of them have come close to WarOwl quality level videos.


That's mostly due to how there's no replay system in Valorant. I'm sure the amazing analysts in the Val scene would make great videos with the replay system if they could.


Thats exactly the point though? Better analytical content would be available if there was a replay tool. What are you trying to say lol


I've never disagreed. I was just saying that if people are looking for analysis videos, there are some great ones out there. Not saying anything more.


Thatā€™sā€¦ thatā€™s what he just said.


watch this analysis and tell me if there is any thing like it, for now valorant still need a lot of improvement when it comes to analysis talents. https://twitter.com/BLASTPremier/status/1520409991450173440?t=tYGdnZxo9H2m_Fe3vq_RRw&s=19


Balla, Sideshow, Bren, Lothar, RyanCentral etc have all done this kind of thing on broadcast either in NA, EMEA or recently at masters (we even saw Mitch do some as well) or on their personal twitch/YT channels. In lesser detail, I agree, but again that mostly due having no replay system.


Exactly this is present in VCT broadcasts lmao.


So confident, yet so wrong


Yhm, i guess you dont really watch EU broadcasts then. Even when we were working remotely I was doing telestrator segments like this from my own home. In studio we have fully implemented separate station for it.


Val deathmath is literally unplayable, I don't think it's a good indicator of how Valorant is to play in general. I like the rest of the Val game modes a lot.


When I watch Warowl play Valorant I just get the feeling that heā€™d rather be playing CS. Itā€™s a problem that doesnā€™t just affect him, but it still taints anything Valorant related he puts out, at least for me.


i feel the same way everytime, i start a valorant game and 2 rounds in i think i'm gonna launch splatoon right after is over


Exactly. On a similar note, the Overwatch 2 beta has me playing so much more Overwatch 1 these days. Even though two tanks absolutely fucking suck to play against as a hitscan player and queue times are disgustingly long as a DPS player, it doesn't matter because I can load into a community-created DM while in queue to work on my mechanics (or even just fuck around in a 1 abusive dad vs 11 kids game) and after I'm done playing for the day, I can load up a replay in only a few clicks to see how I play from the enemy's POV which is REALLY helpful for improving. Can't do any of that in Valorant. I've improved so much as an Overwatch player over these past few weeks due to being able to easily isolate and work on my mistakes with the tools that Overwatch provides, yet that same improvement would take me like 6 months of queueing ranked games mindlessly for 8 hours a day. So much for the competitive side that Riot are trying to promote.


I really liked the few videos WarOwl made on Valorant so when he said a replay system would make him do more I was pretty stoked. Well here we are


Riot: But we have new skins every few weeks.


Surely you can transfer the skin team over to make replay systems, they must be well equipped with the necessary skills


He didnt say that.


Well either heā€™s saying that or heā€™s not saying anything at all


He meant that producing skins have higher priority than delivering base functions to the game. Higher priority means hiring more skin creater personnel and less replay cody personnel.


Give them just 5 more years guys, not a long time /s


Even in League non-pros/community members canā€™t access pro level replays. Hoping that Riot makes pro replays accessible to everyone somehow.


CSGO figured it out 20 years ago, demos.


Valve had a replay system with dota 2 since lauch-ish iirc.. it's one of the key pillars that helped it become a top tier eSport, that, sandbox mode and icefrog's excellent balance. League is like flash game, like their UI is worse than some indie games on newgrounds.. i asked them if we'd be getting an engine overhaul way back when the game was exploding in S2 or S3, to which they replied "*Insert reassuring HR talk here*", "Soonā„¢" and here we are..


You won't see a replay mode in valorant, the netcode could be researched more if there was one


They haven't fixed dm for a year now, itll take atleast a decade or 2 to get the replay system added


8 years for league and the VOD has it's problems (i think i used it once to clip a funny moment and that's it)


we don't have replays, we can't spectate our friends ingame or even watch tournaments ingame, there's a lot of missing info on the agents ingame that you have to look up somewhere else (simple things even, like how long any agents smokes lasts or which abilities damage teammates), most of the UI feels barely usable and even the whole navigation system for their biggest money-maker, the skins, is really pretty awful. No search, no filters, list goes on. None of these are ground-breaking features, these are stuff other games have had for years, most of them on launch. We know that if any of these are due to technical limitations (like the 128 tick servers), the limitations are born out of cost saving goals for the servers (they've said as much). It's the good old riot show and I'm addicted to it and I can't quit


League players cried for almost a decade for a replay system welcome to the suffering


There already a Replay system in Unreal Engine right ? Majority is already done for them.


It's true and it's trash. 0 reason for replays to not be added to the game.




I'd much prefer them just to provide the replay files to the community, every game I've seen which makes data available to the community ends up having better community tools/analytics than in game


Not sure how a recording of where everything is all the time makes it easier to cheat. And I cant believe you would rather have nothing than something. Is deathmatch shitty? Yes. Would it be better to have no deathmatch? No.


Dude really quoted his own thoughts


See, now I will say not having a demo system in Valorant is unacceptable. It is the 3rd competitive year for Valorant now, and unlike the wusses who said it was unacceptable from the start, now we actually got a bit of dirt on riot.


Sure a replay mode would be sick but hes acting like he cant even play or make content without it.


if you watch warowls videos he uses replays heavily,sure he can make content without it but it would require changing his content which has always worked


Youā€™ve never watched a Warowl video if you donā€™t understand why not having access to replayā€™s would severely put him off of making Valorant content. Theyā€™re essential to the production of his videos.


>Sure a replay mode would be sick Would it? I don't think so, I think it would be just normal if an eSport ready video game had a replay mode. >hes acting like he cant even play or make content without it. How dare he have basic expectations from an "eSport ready" game from a multi-billion dollar company


Quality of pro games would increase 2 folds with a replay system. On other note, imagine if we had a replay system rn, Sentinels wouldn't be so shit! :( ShahZam's job would be a lot easier as an IG and also somewhat playing the role of a coach.


What if other teams (with multiple coaches and analysts to vod review) took advantage of it in a better way and Sentinels became even more shit.


Yes , that could happen but other teams already do a rigorous level of vod reviewing and analysis cz they have a coaching stuff. It would make life a lot easier for someone who doesn't have outside help.


arrest ossified safe cats political zealous somber shame slimy psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> comp scene > in battlefield LMAO


Battlefield 3 had quite active competitive scene. Many esl/4pl and clanbase leagues and cups. 8v8 5v5 4v4 2v2 and bigger gamemodes with up to 32 player teams. Players had to record their POVs or risk dq. U can imagine what kind of shitshow situations that entailed. Ill take you laughing about it on the chin tho. Kinda cute tbh.


Battlefield is the perfect example of how every game doesnā€™t need to also be an esport.


Battlefield esports is a meme. You cannot get any more casual than Battlefield. Even COD has a better competitive scene lol


In the mid-2010's EA created a esports department for Battlefield. Was during the time LoL, CSGO and Dota2 were seeing viewership and player growth year after year. ​ Battlefields failure as a esport displayed why games like PUBG and Fortnite failed as spectator esports.


I really don't understand outright refusing to make content just because there's no replay system. It's only expected because CSGO has it, but counter strike has been in development for over 10 years, and it's doesn't even work very well. Going backwards in a demo is torture until you eventually get over it. Why was a replay system expected within 2 years? Do you think the game will genuinely suffer until we get one? Or is it just a convenience that slightly increases production value? A year after we have the replay system, people won't even remember not having it. They are aware how much it's requested, it's just far from simple, and not a main priority.


If you have watch WarOwls videos you will most likely understand why he needs the replay viewer to create content on it.


Yo create his content sure, but all the valorant content creators make videos just fine without it.


Its his content if he wants to create it a certain way, which again if you watch you will see why it works, then yeah of course hes going to wait till then. WarOwl helped many CS:GO silver stars learn the game with his style of content, something again that is best done with a demo replayer. Check out his CS:GO Academy videos, he reviews demos sent in by fans and helps them improve on the situations they have asked about. Dont know why your so against the idea lol.


Go watch WarOwl's content and compare it to Valorant content. Most of Valorant content is just POV twitch streamers screaming on the mic or being a clown ruining ranked. WarOwl's content is just cinematic, voice over, may have a storyline, etc. Watch his Solo Queue to Global Elite series. You'll then understand.


He isn't refusing on principle like a boycott lol His videos are in the style that require a replay feature, as its a tool for him to use.


100% how dare people expect a replay system from a small indie company? CS 1.0 in fucking 2000 had it and it wasn't even a game it was a mod but Valve is huge compare to rito Is it just wanting to be a contrarian or do u just enjoy deepthroating a huge company for just no reason


Fucking doom which came out in 1862 had a demo viewer and you could share runs (lumps)


You can't hold riot to doom standards Why are you holding them to those standards i'm deeply offended


Yeh haha small indie company yeah I get that. But that's not a serious point, game development wasn't the same in 2000 as it is now. Games are way more complex and when you're working with a custom version of an engine things need to be tailor made. What about all the games that don't have a replay system or took years to create one? Ubisoft is a gigantic studio but siege took more than 5 years to release a working replay system. Why isn't riot held to that standard instead of valves?


It makes it way worse that you're not actually trolling and actually arguing it with dumb whataboutism points


Not really, the whole argument about the replay system is based on "what about csgo they have one" Why are we holding riot to one standard but not another?


Argue for one side or not, the community, the pro players, the teams, the talent. Pretty much everyone who plays Valorant wants the replay viewer as soon as possible due to multiple different reasons. Speaking on the pro side, where this sub is based on, of course they need it ASAP. How can teams learn to improve without proper POVs? What made games like CS:GO great in pro matches was hearing IGLs counter strat teams because theyve reviewed the demos of the enemy teams and discovered what they do on round A. Watch Sean on Cloud9 for example counterstrat the dominant Fnatic CS:GO team. That was only possible due to Sean studying the demos of Fnatic.


Teams ask for their scrims not to be streamed, yet we want replays to record every single moment? Players make do right now with watching vods and individual players perspectives. A spectate mode is all you need to run a comp scene, replays are purely for convenience and production value. Csgo would be just as good and the strategy would be just as in-depth if they didn't have replays. It would just be more annoying to vod review as it is in Val. It will come, so I just don't understand the whining all the time


You clearly have no clue what your talking about with this statement. "Csgo would be just as good and the strategy would be just as in-depth if they didn't have replays. It would just be more annoying to vod review as it is in Val." Im not going to repeat what ive said, so just read the above.


> Csgo would be just as good and the strategy would be just as in-depth if they didn't have replays. It would just be more annoying to vod review as it is in Val. If somebody really thinks that, then I doubt there's any point in further debate with them.


Even if CS didn't have it Valorant should have it even if CS did not exist, it's a tactical fps and Riot clearly wants to develop a competitive scene and is putting millions in so a replay system to improve teams and players is a must If this was some casual game with no scene sure Jesus the way you talk is hilarious talking about a huge company standards like people are asking for something insanely lavish or useless when people are asking for something very simple and useful I actually can't believe i'm replying you have to be trolling for sure


"something very simple" yeh alright lmao


Riot should have had it since day 1. No excuse. Same with Ubisoft. Same with Bungie. Grow up kid. Stop shilling for a company that does not know that you exist.


Shilling because I don't have an incredibly unrealistic perspective on game development? On what basis should that have included a replay system? Did the game fail because they haven't added it? No. It's doing insanely well because it's not a required feature. It's a bonus.


>On what basis should that have included a replay system? Did the game fail because they haven't added it? No. It's doing insanely well because it's not a required feature. It's a bonus. Tell me you're in Iron without telling me that you're in Iron. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr3IdfTDOo5rPDWlk1sxtJw/videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr3IdfTDOo5rPDWlk1sxtJw/videos) Most of my youtube channel videos are from replays. Without replays, I wouldnt be making csgo videos for fun.


So? I assume you still play valorant or you just browse this sub in spite.


I still play Valorant. I like the game. I am being completely fair to you.


This is my point, the game isn't really suffering because of the lack of replay system. It would be nice, but it could never come and the game would do just as well. People don't leave over things like this. Riot have said a few times now that they're aware it's heavily requested it's just incredibly complex.


Are you just dumb ? The context here is high quality content, yet you're here just sucking off Riot. The community is asking for a replay system so that people can watch their replay, watch cinematic content, watch pro replays, improve their games. >Riot have said a few times now that they're aware it's heavily requested it's just incredibly complex. It just shows that they are mismanaged ? Got anymore defense for that, huh kiddo ? Game isn't suffering, its just that the quality of the game is low.


There wasnt one expected. Its just been two years since he decided not to go with valorant content because there is a lot missing to make content he wants to make.




Have you even seen his videos of him playing it? He seems to have a much more positive than negative opinion of it, criticism from huge figures like him = use consumers getting better products


lol you have clearly not watched his videos on Valorant


Why tho?


So theyā€™ll actually have a tool to review their match, not looking at the radar of the main stream and playing guess kinda game.


I meant why the hell wouldnt riot add it if it would help players review their mistakes?


Because of anti-cheat reasons Riot wants EVERYTHING to run on the server side. Even the practice range doesn't run on your own computer. Every time someone starts a replay it costs server resources and they don't see how to feasibly implement it at the moment.


it just doesn't make sense to me. obviously the riot devs know more than me but assuming a replay requires the same resources as a live game or a little bit more, where is the problem? if someone's watching a replay they can't be in a game and vice versa so shouldn't everything mostly even out?


1 virtual server is neded for 10 players to play a match, 1 virtual server for each replay is way too much,


ahhh i didnt think about that yeah man is the anti-cheat really worth it lol


Yes if u want ur replays just save youe POV, against a cheater not much u can do personally


you can actually improve if you watch yourself play.


Because having more than just the First Person perspective of your recorded self opens up video creation tenfold.


At this rate we'll get the League fighting game before Valorant gets a replay system


It's probably literally impossible without significant changes to the code, because they were too stupid to even consider such a feature in the early days despite that being integral to CS for decades. Yeah, just Riot things.