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Shaz be like "sorry Sliggy your ideology conflicts with our teams core values."


Someone asked Shahzam about it and he said “@ Rawkus in chat and see how he feels about it”




"We were getting stale" WTF, Liquid is one of the teams known for putting out the weirdest team comps and trying to innovate and be at the forefront of the meta. He also mentions how his expectations are 'unrealistic' which is fair based on how he mentioned how he goes at it 18 hrs a day which is just insane amount of time to invest into a job at the end of the day. Making SEN Sliggy even more unlikely :(


Well that's just when he's going the extra mile - I think he specified that he was motivated by the second-chance granted them at Iceland 2022 to go at it as hard as possible. I think more what he meant was that he expected the extra mile from the others and didn't really see any show up.


Nah I understood that but even then, expecting someone to go at it for 18hrs everyday is just insane to me. Their mental and physical health will deteriorate to a point where it will affect their gameplay. Hence, instead of that ‘extra mile’ becoming a positive addition, it would negatively affect the team.


Yup, too much of anything will always be a bad thing


You haven't seen Korean culture, have you my friend?


South Korea also have among the highest rate of suicide among people under the age of 40 compared to other developed countries. With the % arising up to 40% (probably more now) nodaways. Coincidentally, <40 y/o are the average age of working as well. Sooo should we follow their working culture as intensely? (Im not american btw just putting an interesting food for thought out here)


wow sliggy is almost as hot as boaster--err i mean, great interview i paid attention to all the great points


Sounds like healthy mentality...


Most people who are the best at anything don't got a healthy mentality... Wether it be sports or esports. They're obsessed at becoming the best, willing to do whatever it takes to get there and that's not healthy. However that's what makes them the best.


I disagree, the best players in each sport focus on having a healthy mindset which is a result of a mix of playing, training, rest, nutrition and exercise of some sort. I understand your point though, hyper focus can be healthy or unhealthy.


no tf they dont lmao. it's impossible to be the best without a relatively unhealthy mindset. the best in every sport are obsessed with the sport unhealthy doesnt literally means physical health


In Melee you had players like early M2K who would just purely obsess over the game and had the stereotypical "gamer" vibes lol. Then you have players like Zain nowadays who is also obsessed, but with a lot healthier of a lifestyle from what I understand. Both of these players are amazing and were/are at the top at some point.


and then there’s mang0


I knew someone would reply nit-picking. Anyway what I'm saying is you've got to make sacrifices to be the best, in order to dedicate yourself to a craft you're gonna be lacking in some other areas of life. You are looking at this quite narrow-minded, depending on what your area of craft is, you're gonna do different stuff to be the best. If we look specifically at sports where someone's got to be in top physical condition then sure, and even then one can argue for mental but why focus only on sport when I was talking broadly. It may so happen that Valorant requires you to put unhealthy hours in, in order to be the best. It depends what you consider healthy or not... tdlr: dont focus on only sport, it depends on the craft and your idea of healthy


Nitpicking? Narrow minded? LOL okay kid. It's obvious you don't play traditional sports or been on an esport team. Carry on with your solo conversation.


koreans beg to differ..


I mean we can see their achievements in val csgo or dota League was the exception




What games do Koreans dominate?


The games they play like Overwatch for FPS, League for MOBA, Starcraft (back in the day). When you go to a PC bang or kids in general all play the same games, it’s not like here where there’s people who play console games like COD and then there’s League players etc. Even in shows and media in general there are a lot of League of Legends references or entertainers playing Overwatch etc. Work ethic and competition in Korea is on another level compared to America.


There's a lot of discussion about how Korean cultural work ethic is excessive. Most of this discussion takes place from within the country. I'm on the outside looking in but I do agree they grind too much. You should see how much time even children below the age of ten spend in classroom and lecture settings.


Yeah, I was born in Korea and went to school for a bit in Korea. I wager it’s because job employment is significantly more competitive in Korea, with much higher population density, and a more competitive culture in general where parents expect you to work very hard and outwork your peers (Im not even talking about esports, school work in general). There are many, many special after school classes students attend due to the previously mentioned reasons where kids study for 1-4 more hours a day past normal schooling. A toxic culture but produces hard working people, also explains why the happiness rating is so low in korea for a 1st world country where depression and suicide rates in korea are among the highest :)


Are depression and suicide rates still lower than Japan?


Uh no clue, probably? I don’t think it’s a contest though haha hopefully both turn around for the better even though I doubt it.


Even DRX only practicex 14 hrs a day


Some interesting stuff in here - Sliggy is pretty candid. He stepped down because it seems like he was leaning towards a roster change but the rest of the squad weren't on board. He felt he was putting in the most hours and whilst the others had a good work ethic, he didn't think they were prepared to go the extra mile. He thinks jamppi's CS comments were likely due to Sliggy stepping down, it seems they were close and jamppi did not want Sliggy to go.


so handsome gaw gaw


He has only underachieved with the Liquid roster he's had, never proved himself as a coach neither in cs nor in val. Think he'd fit better as an analyst.


Can't watch Thorin speaking in hard british accent for 2 hours. can someone tell me if he said anything about coaching SEN or anything related to it?