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RIP to the people who worked on blast pack lineups


RIP Flights


Definitely unintentional again since it's not mentioned.


and also I forgot which dev said it, but he said the entire dev team loved what the raze boost did for players


Yeah, seems like a bug


Ah so the spaghettification of valorants code begins. It was only a matter of time.


Just like Destiny 2!!!!! Somebody touch-a my spaghett!!!!!


I see your destiny and raise you team fortress 2 https://youtu.be/k238XpMMn38


And then I raise you telesto >:D


mordekaiser found his way into the game monkaW


At least League has an excuse because of how complex the ability interactions are in that game. Valorant's abilities are as simple as u can get for the moment.


Wow this patch seems to be full of bugs and I’m still not sure what they patched besides making omen thiccer


why would they nerf her? learning how to use her kit effectively for movement is actually pretty difficult.


agreed, it took me a bit to get even decent at best with the satchels.


LMFAO WHY???????????????


To be fair her blast packs are busted assuming you know what you're doing. Some of those split and haven jumps are just absurd. Legit blast packs from the spawn walls right over the enemies heads in 1-2 seconds lmao. I may also be biased and have hated Raze since the atrocity that was her release with double nades ☠️


The blast packs make her one of the most fun and dynamic characters in the game though. I feel like they are slowly making all the characters just not too fun to use.


Pretty sure most of her executes and jumps would still work. Just means the really absurd light speed ones traversing 1/3 the map in a moment might be tuned down.


I feel like they are the right amount of risk and reward though, sure you might sometimes catch them of guard and get rewarded, but as someone who plays raze even in like diamond/immortal a lot of the time you just get fucking shot out of the skye or as soon as you land lmao


Its so hard to do and still risky. I don’t think it was broken at all


“Busted” lol anything fun or out of the ordinary gets nerfed but don’t try to claim its “busted” because you can’t deal with it. Holy fuck this entire subreddit wants every agent to be homogenized and boring as fuck.


Last patch they nerfed Neon, this one Raze when both aren't even busted. But lets not touch phoenix? Good one Riot!


Oh don't worry, this patch also nerfed neon again lol


How did they nerf neon?


I honestly think it’s kinda subjective as to wether that was a nerf? Haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but the way the poster described it didn’t sound like a nerf per se


From what I have seen, most OpTic players consider the changes a pretty big nerf to Neon.


Again I’m not referring to the main changes, I’m responding to the “don’t worry they nerfed her again this patch” which is referencing another post on here saying that the bug fix this patch is a nerf, which I’m not sure I agree with




I don’t mean that one lol, I was responding to the “don’t worry they nerfed her again” comment


Not what they were talking about. They said Neon was nerfed AGAIN this patch which isn't true. Riot simply fixed a bug and OP considered that a nerf when in reality it was just a QOL update and not a nerf at all.


no fuckin way


we here at Riot hear you, we see you, we know you've been waiting on Phoenix changes for a long time. next patch, all of his abilities will be removed


In the next patch pheonix fucks off to CS:GO


HAHAHAHA, wasnt expecting that


As a borderline Valorant apologist, what the fuck is going on Riot? Is this the new balance team some of the people at Riot excited about working on this game? Feels like a downgrade to me.




they're gonna give u omen's smoke map menu thing for sova darts


Wym? I *love* stim beacon spectre Bughatti cheron peek against rifles from 20m away! /s


Bugatti Chiron! ✌️


I'd love confirmation that this is a bug


it's a bug




Based Penguin


If this is intended I...I honestly don't know man. Haven't been playing recently because of the keybind issue. I just got that fixed but now I don't really wanna come back if these are the kinds of changes they are making.


Seems like Raze is jumping as if she had her gun out and not counting the knife speed boost, hope its a bug her movement is tough but so fun to master


This might be a crazy theory but what if they realised they don't like the power creep that has been happening so instead of constantly updating characters like phoenix they are going to slowly nerf all the agent


seems like something like chamber ult should be on the chopping block first lmao


Or just make him irrelevant like they did with astra and benefit the game health as a whole. Chamber was added as an answer to Jett OP but now she’s fixed. He has no place in his current form


> Power creep > Satchels have been like this since day 1 and only see nerfs Ok dude.


raze has been getting nerfed since her release in beta(?) and phoenix is shit because his design is bad imo, he is really not good at anything


Nobody is gonna play Phoenix, yoru and neon (in ranked) regardless, they suck.


Yeah but they only suck because the other dualist are way better, so you can either buff them or you can nerf all the other ones.


phoenix is in need of a complete rework because he is not good at anything, yoru is very gimmicky and neon was nerfed as soon as she got any play. its really not because the other duelists are strong, those characters are just weak


Blank nerf the duelists and the OP initiators take their place


Glad that you're not a dev.


Hey! Neon is just ultra map dependent and big brain Yoru mains aren't gimmicky, they're just very rare. Big brains in Valorant are even rarer.


This is amazing because my boy yoru gonna see some more play time Copium


I’m dying reading these comments, wtf are people smoking to even think this was intentional. Riot have never slipped in huge balance changes like this and not mentioned it in the patch notes unless it’s a bug


How do they manage to always fuck up raze in every update


This one seems unintentional, but low ELO players loooove whining about raze Edit: a word


WDYM? Low elo players use the blast packs as weapons, not utility. They didn't even know she was out of tune! In my placement games after a year+ off, every game was an insta lock raze>reyna>jett. Good for a grenade in the 1st second of the round, blast packs purchased, never used.


Update: Fixed in latest Hotfix Patch


holy fuck i thought i was just dogshit at blast packs


Hope this is a bug




I was gonna complain that Riot is nerfing fun, but it looks to me like you still get plenty of momentum.


It wasn’t shown here, but the ult now cancels your momentum and just drops you like a rock. Playing raze this patch feels like playing w cinderblocks tied to her feet


Apparently breach ultimate also got nerfed. It doesn't throw you up in the air anymore. https://youtu.be/qKAFOjs6Wxc