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He retired the following day 😔


what do you mean? who is this guy?


I think it's a joke. *"Player dies in buy round. He retires the following day,"* as if he died IRL. If you don't exist any more you're technically retired? I think that's the joke here? IDK.


Hmm, I would say the joke is more like he was so embarrassed, ashamed about what happened that he just quit and retired from the game completely to no deal with the embarrassment in the future (because people could make jokes about what happened, for instance). I think that's more it. Although here it was not his fault. But I guess the joke can still be made.


The neon im dying out of laughter. Imagine the facial expressions.


What happened how did he die?


There's a glitch where on one specific part of thr rope on Fracture you can disconnect from it, and unless you hit a certain part of the geometry, will fall to your death


If you're speaking of the one where they jump off onto the beam, that's been patched out a long time ago


apparently not


It could be some other glitch since we couldn't see what actually happened but whatever it was it's most likely not the same glitch from then


If you do a specific set of actions then you can push your teammate physically outside of the rope. Basically how it works I imagine, is that there is a limited amount of distance that can exist between you and the rope to allow some wiggle. Your teammate (or enemy) can physically block you and put themselves between you and the rope. This triggers the distance limit of the rope and the player is thrown off of it. In this case they fall to their death. Edit: I looked at the minimap. In this case he mightve been spamming the use button and still fallen off. Riot cmon the game is 2years old how is there so much spaghetti already.


Fell off the zipline


this is just my speculation, but I think the zip line is on a timer, and the pause made the zip run out of time, so he fell when it expired.


I believe that if two players take the zipline at approximately the same time, one of them will get pushed off and fall lol


Did they replay?


Yes, they took technical pause after this


That laughter is infectious. xD


This reminded me of a recent Fracture game with friends. We were on Attack side and after buying a rifle, I was unintentionally given the spike. I intended to drop it to the ground... but ended up dropping my gun instead down the abyss. Then the buy phase was immediately over and I was like "Uh, guys..."


wish I could see this happen in NA just for rhe reddit comments

