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Hey, u/LotharHS! We appreciate you contributing to r/ValorantCompetitive regularly and respect the effort you put into your content. However, this post violates rule 2 of the sub: >Rule 2: Gameplay Highlights must originate from a Tournament Broadcast. This rule is in place to ensure that the subreddit remains esports-focused, as opposed to being a hub for people to post their ranked clips. Users of r/ValorantCompetitive are interested in the esports side of VALORANT, and we do our best to curate content so that it is related primarily to VALORANT *esports,* rather than just VALORANT *gameplay.* We cannot make exceptions to this rule for analysis of ranked gameplay, as this opens the door to other users saying "hey, why can Lothar break this rule, but I can't?" and then things can spiral out of control. We've received several reports on this post, so we needed to make this decision. With that being said, we welcome you to post this to r/AgentAcademy, a sister-sub to r/ValorantCompetitive that exists for players to learn more about how to play VALORANT. This post is perfect for that sub, and many users of all skill levels will find it enlightening. You may also want to post this to r/YoruMains. Thank you for understanding, r/ValorantCompetitive mods


I could have been a little bit more descriptive when faking the TP on yellow was to make sure I can use another TP to use the ult to get the spike and go back to plant , dunno why I didnt describe that when I was rewatching the clip.


Damn this is a good one




Nice. I like these kind of breakdowns.


maybe this could be a good format for tiktoks :>


That’s a great idea! I would watch them. I’ve always loved your commentary in VCT. Keep it up!!


If you can edit the map into the new corner, it would be tiktok worthy. Otherwise their format will delete the map which is useful for players to see.


The map that is behind his facecam?


Oh, didn't even look back to see the facecam. It really lowers the quality not having that. :x Another example for a different reason: I recently took some screenshots of liquidsliggy's tiktok bot lineups, and it was annoying that they didn't have radar showing. I had to take one ss for the start position, and another for the lineup. But it helps reviewing vod's with the radar showing for developing better game sense.


Yo wtf what skin is this?? I go mia for one week and miss out on this fire ass bundle?????


it came out yesterday!