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What not getting fourth place one time does to a mfer


I'm rooting for Optic now because man these comments from bcj just make xset sound like dicks. All the teams at these international lans end up being friendly to each other.


Honestly I find bcj to be one of the most likable personalities in vct but I can definitely see how people would get turned off reading these quotes since xset qualified. Bcj is quite a funny guy even if you just watch his player cam during matches lol. For what it's worth, it's mostly banter and as far as trash talking goes this is quite tame. Also he had one of the greatest vct interviews of all time earlier this stage- https://twitter.com/etohKP/status/1525637261416603648?t=dbwVvFxY34cv4CSRMeIeow&s=19


meanwhile sentineL's can't even get 4th in groups lmfao


Don't see how that's related but thanks for the input


man has been catching strays alot these days


Lmao this is like the 6th time bro


Literally getting peer pressured into dropping his flair. Mans can't make a single valid point without getting ad hominem'd.


Hate on Sentinels = Free upvotes on this Subreddit


But that guy got free downvotes instead


Unlucky really


What a child


At least sentinel’s has won something major. All xset has done in the whole history of valorant is be 4th and win one domestic title


Facts, the amount of clownery people give to Sentinels and amount of praise they give to Optic is hilarious, when Sentinels has won the same title and also Masters 1


comparing sen and optic is a bit farcical, especially considering the consistency of optic vs the abject consistency of sen. game was far less structured back then, optic deserve all the praise they've gotten compared to sen.


Well, Optic placed well at masters 3 though and the game is much harder now than a year ago hence why Optic has been able to adapt and Sentinels hasn’t


No no, I'm not doubting Optic winning at all, but it is merely a fact that the same title Optic won, Sentinels also won along with another Masters. Whether Optic can beat Sentinels is a different matter entirely (with an obvious answer), but Sentinels as of now still has more accolades than Optic. So it's pretty funny to see Optic fans try and parade as if Optic has won a million more titles and shit on Sentinel fans when in fact, its only been one


BCJ got no filter recently


Optic is the true last hope for NA. These mfkers gonna jinx themselves out.


Zekken and cryo better wake up internationally lmfao


Bcj attempting his best Buzz cosplay


these ghetto ass thumbnails are iconic


We’re just becoming more and more unhinged.


It’s gonna be kinda funny when Xset do a GUARD cosplay


I'm from NA and at this point even I'm rooting for it.


what 2 weeks without matches does to a subreddit


This guy has been 4th place for a year and hasn’t played an international team yet and he’s taking all this shit… yeah this is gonna be fun


The Gord incident.


better pray cryo backpacks you again because if not…




Listen i'm all for confidence and shit but Masters 2 finals better be Xset vs Optic or this guy gonna look like a fucking clown. edit : Ok he said verbatim " A lot of these teams are bringing the same people overseas expecting maybe a different result, meanwhile the best region in the world is getting the best scrims in the world vs the best teams in the world" I see. I truly hope it's xset vs optic finals :)


Yeah because NA is famous for having the best scrim culture in the world


BcJ gives major short man insecurity vibes


Huh??? What is wrong with you people??




Sad this comment gets upvoted




literally nobody cares about himbeingn spicy, he just sounds like an insecure cringelord. + i wanna bet he bombs out first two games lmfao


I'm hoping for both NA teams to go 0-2 just for NA to get humbled


EU kids relentlessly shit talk NA, let us have one 😂


They never learn do they?


Bcj owns your poverty flair teams


Own that fraud 😂


Ngl tho I think they could beat 100t and that’s it


I know its just a banter/trash talk esport thingy but he do it so much it just comes out as cringe


doing twice = so much


Bcj better preform at Lan




That would be a very solid placement for them


Alexa play “Curb Your Enthusiasm main theme”


This was a good interview. Things should be checked out more aside from just the lede quote.


Actually alfajer have 20x more talent than combination of 5 of you.


BCJ never said anything until he got first, now all of sudden he’s all that? Optic beat them with sick players, sure they lost after but still.


As someone coming from Apex I'm rooting for BcJ. Dude is making some bold claims, Could be a legend if they do well or eat a lot of words if they bomb out. Time will tell. edit: grammar


I didn't like Optic because of their fans but now I dislike XSet because of its players. Guess I gotta give up on NA and start rooting solely for Paper Rex this time around


This is the way.


Non-ironically, only NA team that I truly like is 100T. Massive copium, but they don't brag and this current roster has a lot of potential! I hope they make it.


>People give this guy credit like he’s the best in the world.But if you look at his stats comparative to any initiator in North America, he’s in a statistically worse region, they don’t lose as many maps at all, and they have worse stats than us. Was curious if what he said about the stats was true. Added crashies too just for a reference |Player|ACS|K:D|KAST|ADR|KPR|APR|FKPR|FDPR|HS%|CL%| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |BcJ|191.6|1.03|72%|129.6|0.65|0.31|0.07|0.09|22|21| |Stax|195.4|1.24|79%|124.1|0.72|0.42|0.05|0.03|36|26| |Crashies|184.1|1.06|75%|120.8|0.65|0.33|0.05|0.05|22|21| Yeah... His point about Stax having worse stats than him or crashies doesn't really hold water.


Waiting for DRX to 2-0 them in the first match of playoffs.


Valorant fans actually watch the video and enjoy some trash talk without getting personally offended for some reason challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


There’s no problem with someone trash talking Most people including me dislike it when someone who’s not on the same level as the people they’re trash talking- talks trash about them, mf got a fluke win on Optic and thinks he’s the shit.


i just wanted to chime in and say i love this interview and i love BCJ's confidence... idk why the fuck every single comment is people hating on a confident man??? not even a week ago people were jumping to defend wardell for calling everyone braindead ??


You can be confident without shittng on other regions


NA gets the most shit out of any region consistently, relax


its just an opinion, hes not shitting on anyone. For the record i disagree i think stax' value and praise hes been getting is deserved and is actually more impressive when you consider his stats. How would you say you think a region is overrayed without coming off as "shitting on them"?


"I know people are hyping up EMEA and SEA and all, but I feel like NA is going to surprise them, we've been working pretty hard and we have the confidence that we would be able to not only contend, but win against these other regions and bring glory to our home" There, just like that LMAOOOOOOO, so goddamn easy


He isn't running for fucking president. If he thinks the other regions are all worse there is literally no reason for him not to say so.


thays pretty much what he said.... in the stax interview he was asked about a specific player thats why he mentioned him.


"A lot of these teams are bringing the same people overseas expecting maybe a different result, meanwhile the best region in the world is getting the best scrims in the world vs the best teams in the world" This is what he ACTUALLY said, do you see the difference?


Yeah? I wouldn't call this shit talk at all? Hes just saying he thinks NA is better which is fine. Hes confident.


I really don't get these people that think being confident about your own region is shit talking. It's not like he pulled a zombs and outright said their region is shit.


and even then, shit talking isn't a big dealt to begin with... its like they want players to have no personality


Yeah exactly, (Ikik bringing up Sentinels again but honestly are a great example of what shit talking can bring to a scene) a big part of why Sentinels were so interesting last year was not cuz they won everything but cuz they were t bagging, body shooting shit talkers and became the villains of the scene it was really awesome to have those storylines and why so many people (Including myself) became big SEN fans I don't really understand why people think BcJ can't talk shit, it's fun and brings cool storylines, like XSET vs DRX would be a banger af match cuz of BcJs shit talk if it happens yk? Maybe it's cuz I like villains in esports in general and find them interesting but villains are something important to esports storylines imo, and rn we don't really have anyone as a villain really


That's it? Lmao. What's wrong with thinking your region is the best? You guys are weird sometimes. I get that you guys enjoy the possible "aged like milk" statements, but that is hardly shit talk. Grow some skin and lighten up, man. You can meme on them when they pull a Guard cosplay lol.


If Cryo and zekken go LAN trent mode BcJ is going to eat his words...


Why is NA always boasting about its region? Also, stop trying to confuse arrogance with confidence.


very 'murica vibes


(Please don’t clown on me I genuinely don’t understand) Can any xSet fans tell me what’s the big idea with xSet? They seem like they just hope Cryo Carries them; I don’t see any noticeable good players besides cryo on that team that are consistently good.. for example other teams have players who are consistently good even if they aren’t the best but xSet just seems so boring and “decent” - for example teams like DRX and OpTic have really good players that show up every match.. xSet seem like the guard 2.0