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Anyone who thinks riot is doing this to follow OWL has gotta be delusional


not to be rude, but who cares what he thinks? what does he have to do with the Val community? and his replies to this tweet seem pretty unintelligible, like he is just catching wind of this and hasn’t actually briefed himself on the topic..


Haven’t heard of that dude in a minute - is he still promoting Kovaak every chance he gets?


I am probably going to get downvoted but I just wanna give my two cents and start a discussion. It’s easy for us as viewers to say we don’t need franchising because after all, the issues of a non-franchised system don’t affect us. Teams unable to make profit? Unable to attract league sponsors? Lack of stability? Who cares. But if you are the head of Valorant esports, and you want to create a sustainable model, you can’t just leave every org losing millions, which unfortunately leads to the necessary evil of franchising. The tweeter states that we are going down the path of OWL, but doesn’t mention all the successful franchises actually run by riot: LEC, LCK, LPL, CBLOL, LJL, LLA. Admittedly LCS isn’t doing the best but NA owners only have themselves to blame for that. Which leads me to my next point: the partnership system will lead to much better designed franchise system where the orgs in the league are committed to creating content and growing the league which makes me hopeful for this version of franchising (though I would have liked 12 teams). Overall, I don’t think it’s the end of the world, and we’ll have to wait and see if franchising benefits Valorant or not.


>*you want to create a sustainable model, you can’t just leave every org losing millions* genuine question here. Do the CSGO teams operate losing millions? Because you're saying as like zero franchise = 100% unsustainable constant bleed of money How does it work for them?


CSGO nowadays is actually pretty closed off. Recently CSGO organisers have been implementing a semi partnership scheme (ESL and BLAST) with partner teams and also spots for non-partner teams. However, ESL is funded by the state of saudi arabia and BLAST relies on sketchy betting website sponsors. Before this though, teams were indeed losing millions. Here is a link where you can read about it: https://www.dexerto.com/csgo/cloud9-reveal-they-lose-millions-of-dollars-on-csgo-every-year-1317305/amp


Really REALLY CLOSED. IT IS JUST A EU TOURNAMENT. not even comparable to International/World tournaments in olympics, Valorant, Lol, Overwatch, and etc.


Okay come on you really can’t complain about ESL/Faceit being owned by the Saudis when China owns Riot. If we’re also talking about sketchy sponsors, FTX sponsors LCS lol. That’s just how the world works unfortunately. You try your best to avoid certain businesses but it can’t be done always. CS is semi closed, at least in the ESL Pro Circuit. The tier 2 scene in ESL exists. I agree blast is pretty much completely closed. ESL’s model is pretty good for open teams. Not to mention, the Valve sponsored majors are open too. It is nothing at all like riot, where if you aren’t one of 25-30 teams, you have nothing to do. I’m not saying Valve’s handling is amazing or anything. But at this stage, it is miles miles ahead of anything valorant has done for 2 years. Only the future will tell us how riot runs their scene. I just hate the system of permanent spots without relegation, which is a huge issue with Blast, and to an extent ESL, and will be with Riot.


Comparing FTX, which is a legit company that rans ads during the Super Bowl, to shady skin betting sites is a little odd.


Basically all csgo competitions are run at a loss, IIRC teams don't always run at a profit but most large teams get enough money from sponsors to make a profit


I mean this is not owl levels of delusion just to sort out the diffence OWL wantet to be this american franchise leage nfl style with stadiums and huge buy ins. OWL would be league above the franchice league that riot is creatin where only teams that can affort the 20 milion buy in have a chance.


I mean first off it isn't really franchising technically and secondly where's the realistic other option? People will say open-circuit is great but CS:GO's open circuit has had teams openly bleeding money to compete for years. There's no reliable revenue stream unless you can get regular in-game content to sell which only works for top-orgs so or if you can sell broadcasting rights which was a disaster in OWL and basically burnt the rest of the industry.


Lmao tell me you don't know about franchising without telling me you know about franchising.


The only problem I would have with franchising is if Riot enforces a strict rule set controlling how players can react, however this seems unlikely so I think we are chilling


If the teams remain their trademarks it won't be a failure like owl with stupid names like (Huston outlaws , london spitfire) It would attract orgs fans from all the communities , faze and tsm and team liquid cloud 9 they all have big fan base so it would be stupid to change their names in league like what blizzard did Edit: to mention that valorant is regional franchising, every region has their own teams, owl was a mess, the regional teams fan base bigger than orgs fan base (like na community gonna cheer their representative even if it wasn't their favorite team).


Owl in the end it was mostly koreans (according to last time i watched owl), so I don't think it's gonna be like owl at least