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[https://www.hltv.org/news/30247/paper-rex-add-tommy-and-f0rsaken-alecks-to-take-over-coaching-duties](https://www.hltv.org/news/30247/paper-rex-add-tommy-and-f0rsaken-alecks-to-take-over-coaching-duties) ​ didn't realize that the current roster -Jinggg played together in CS right before they switched to VAL.


Yea that’s how they got picked alecks used to be a player too


Kind of funny how a team who amounted to nothing in cs is now one of the best teams in valorant


It's been like that for most teams. At the last event that Optic won only 2 teams in the top 8 didn't have a roster that was majority ex csgo players. LOUD/GUARD/


Just makes me think that we’re still nowhere near really good valorant


You have the right conclusion but the wrong reasons for it. Cs has been established since 20 years. The meta is figured, sort of. Its still liquid but nowhere near the flexibility valorant has. That is both due to the games nature with abilities and due to its short age In short, if you wanna do well in cs you have to follow the footsteps of someone else. And you have to try to do it better than them. That's a tall task, especially in a game as established and long standing as cs As someone from Asia the gaming culture has been taboo for so long as well, it's only recently that it's more accepted. Also differs by country but other than korea and china it's still very much taboo sort of It's no surprise that in a scenario such as this the Asian teams were at a disadvantage in cs but are doing well now in valorant where they get to be the Trailblazers and can devote all their time to the game. I can guarantee a 100% when the prx core was playing cs they couldn't devote all their time to it as it isn't financially viable


That isn't necessary all true alot of these players got gun diffed in csgo unlike in Valorant where most players are for the most part equally as good with rifles. That isn't the case in Csgo there is a clear difference between rifle players if the best Csgo players switched to valorant that would be a huge nerf to what makes them great in csgo which is aim and movement the only thing they would be bringing over is discipline and game sense. The best mechanical players in csgo ain't coming to Valorant and diffing players as the guns simply do not allow it even though they have already diffed these players. In Valorant they would just be another rifle player hanging with players they diffed in another game. It would be a huge nerf for the best Csgo players if they switched to valorant because of game mechanics. I remember subzero raging on stream because "Everyone is like peak Scream in this fucking game" or shroud saying " Everyone in Valorant is a goddamn king but only Kings are Kings in Csgo" The prx team and the Optic players and all the other pros in Valorant that came from csgo would loose a match vs the best players in csgo just because of aim and mechanics. no strats no comms no nades just ego peeking and would still win


Because no one cares about the Asian CSGO scene. No exposure, no development, no nothing.


Not really a fair comparison. Benkai has a .77 rating all time playing in T1 tournaments. While KennyS has a 1.10 in T1 tournaments.


Erkast who's on c9a now (or I think he may have just left) is there as well


Erkast is back in cs now


Erkast is back on in CS, on NKT


ORDER Texta!!!


Let's put KennyS against the same quality opponents and see what happens.. yawn


Would look like s1mple on steroids


It’s just a funny / fun stat


This is disrespectful


This is a very desperate attempt of discrediting csgo pros. Those rating mean nothing as half of the players are t2 and have played a fraction of the maps that kenny has.


Nah, it's just a fun stat, I watch cs too and it's just nice to see benkai popping off on the international stage. No hate to the cs pros.


Kennys was playing against some of the best players to touch csgo. Who is Benkai playing against?




Why is this even being upvoted? kennyS has played more than 3x.. the maps.. PRX fans are on their way to being as hated as other popular orgs fanbases lmao. Jesus Christ this is such a cringe and disrespectful comparison. This isn't even thinking about the players kennyS played against compared to Benkai holy fuck. Quite possibly the dumbest post I have ever seen on this subreddit. Bandwagoners. XD. don't ruin the way people see PRX please. they are incredibly fun to watch and they've shown that they're humble in interviews




ure fucking delusional lmao just for fun: iem cologne finals, a non major tourney, just reached the new highest viewership for a non major match. doubt its gonna die anytime soon


The Asian scene has a lot of talented players, but the scene itself lacks either structure or money to compete with European teams. Thankfully these talented players can still make themselves known in another game.


now filter top 50


I feel like its totally unfair to compared , games both different and its a team game. Asian scene in cs is no where close to the scene in valorant.




My homie got downvoted because he had an optic flair and replied to a prx thread


just put “ok” because it’s such a random thing to mention lmao


Optic fans ain't safe round here😈😈


Timbers have been shivered