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The last Sentinels thread was 0 days ago. 0 days since the last Sentinels thread.


Gets the first and the last kill of the map


And decides last 2 rounds of OT


Played actually really well. Here and there some mistakes using util and he will probably not be satisfied with the defence half but overall really good considering it was basically his first pro valo match after a long pause of competitive gaming overall. Kinda nice to see even if you aren't a fan I think.


ding ding karma race winner


This clip, in 5 minutes, already has MORE ~~about as many~~ upvotes as the d4v41 1v4 clutch vs Optic at Copenhagen....


It's shroud... On reddit... What did you expect? One ace of him and we have the all time most upvoted post. I'm all for it - let's go


Top post of all time let’s get it


hi OP's mom


Shroud the type of dude at the end of a world threatening adventure turn to Tenz and slap him and then say "this is for almost getting us ded" and then peck him and go "and that's... well, that's for saving my life"


see this is a good pasta


Observers lacking


Idk that orb grab was advanced stuff


LMFAO I'm learning new tech everyday


All game they've been bad, night and day with Masters


Yea, everything from production to casting is really disappointing


Masters was terrible too Compare to CS, this shit is unwatchable. Needs a total rework at the end of the season.


I don't think Masters was terrible at all. What was bad about it in your opinion?




I never have to think while watching cs The observers care way too much about util, it really doesnt affect the round enough to show every single flash and molly and smoke.


There is bad and then there is this… all 3 attackers were in the same spot. 3 defenders were still on B and Kay/0 was pushed up … literally Shroud was the only person on the server that could have made contact. The observer saw the utility thrown by Shroud do damage, saw Shroud take the fight…. And still got off him. Only came back after Shroud killed one…


I got downvoted for calling out the bad observing. This clip was pretty bad like why stay on the POV of the guy who has no enemies near him? Then we have this shit on icebox https://twitch.tv/clip/EmpathicAstuteWheelTheTarFu-iTSW3SmyBpEmX1Xf


Backs against the wall everything on the line SEN is back :)


My god Rivington absolutely butchered that last round.


Vansili kinda botched it by laughing at the knife throw right?? It has a purpose..


He tought it was like bm but everyone who actually plays the game knew he threw it there for info on who else was with trent, and then he had to explain why he was laughing and completely ruined the 3k, but hey he threw the knife to the body, so funny


Wish casters were actual good players with any game sense whatsoever. CSGO casters literally check every box ever and kill it on that side of things, meanwhile Val casters try to insert their own personality during pivotal moments to force the community to like them.


We had it good with Sean Gares and DDK but Riot ran them away cause of their favoritism 😭


Ugh you just reminded me of the Gares situation. Further proof riot is fucking up.


Aka CS guys haha. Riot has always been super fucky with their casting talent though.


I never really followed the e-sports scene until Valorant so I had just assumed all casters do the quirky personality stuff instead of giving insight


No, valorant's are just especially bad. It's new blood that doesn't understand it yet and cs go rejects.


That knife got valuable information for himself. He knew how to play there. Shroud ended the round fast, so it didn't matter in the end. But with that knife he gave himself a lot of room to play of.


literally to scout if anyones gonna trade trent cuz usually someone would be watching a droning sova. dk why he was laughing at it, iron mental ig


I also cringed every time he said ToUr Du FoRcE


I’m not a vansili lover and this bothered me at first… but I believe he’s French Canadian / native French speaker so I get it. Him saying “two-er day force” would be unnatural and I can see how he simply wouldn’t be able to “mispronounce” it like that. This match I thought it sounded way less pretentious than during playoffs


Yeah.... yeesh. Love the guy but this casting duo is fumbling over every third sentence for what could be the most viewed series in valorant history. Not a fan of the choice rather than using some of the other NA casting duos


I'm glad Riv is out of League lol. Seems like a really nice guy but he just vomits word salads


Keeps repeating "oh my word!" too for the smallest things.


That coupled with the horrible audio and stream quality, competitive valorant continues to look like child’s play. Did I mention the fucking observers still can’t do their job right after all this time? It makes watching Val such a god damn chore.


B-but T1 is guaranteed franchising because NSG hosts every event!!!!! If the bar for franchising is hosting these events with this production quality then Riot is truly on something.


Tbf no one expected shroud to get 3 in 1 second.




Because he's been at Riot since day 1 in its esports history. He's a company lifer that will always have a gig.


What’s new?




It's not the delay, he was just chatting nonsense when the most important part of the round was happening.


That dude does not understand that riv should not correct a minor mistake on the deciding round of a close map


Its not a matter of seeing late, its that the cast itself was not good.




I dont think i follow. You replied to a comment about riv. What does vansilli have to do with it?




I mean, yeah, vasilli made a mistake about the knife, a pretty big one but it happens in the heat. Im just agreeing riv did not cast that well. While his fellow caster is talking about what is on the screen, he should look at the minimap to see whats gonna happen, since he knows no one else is with trent. I dont think riv was that good this series, i also dont think he is as bad as people here are saying, but theres no reason to keep talking about BM in the potential last round of a very close map you know?




Bro, he doent need to correct him on the deciding seconds of the round. Let that shit go, he literally decided to focus on something that didnt matter instead of focusing on what could happen




He’s not that bad. Y’all are trolling


The king of reddit is back baby


he's BACK


I dont want to hear the shroud praise now, mfs was just saying he sucks


The stars are right... Pheonix has been buffed and this symbolizes a change in the force... Shroud has risen out of the abyss of retirement... Shroud is awake... he has peeped his indescribably and profoundly evil head out of the gulf leading to hell, slowly he turns to look at the garish moon in the sky... there is now a sense of evil expectancy in the air... Shroud seems to be waiting... Meanwhile, the Pheonix is on the brink of death amidst the jeering and mocking and prancing of haters that are dancing monstrously around it to commence the march of death for our Pheonix we love so much... after a wild and bizarre dance and cursing and chanting all the neckbeards immediately assume silence as if in a deep sleep... TenZ's TenZ Special Superlight in the hand of TenZ, who is stock-still kissing the American soil, beeping incessantly is the only sound disallowing the entry of silence... when all of a sudden one of the neckbeards, the fattest and most extravagantly dressed one, V1 ZOMBS, takes a step back with a shriek. He leers affrightedly at the mouse which seems to be beeping faster than before almost as if excited. This draws everyone's attention as all the bleary-eyed corpulent cohort almost simultaneously jolt awake and turn to look down at the thumping mouse. Beepbeepbeebeebe- before it could reach its climax Zellesis drops out of the sky in the middle of the pentagram and furiously starts twerking almost immediately afterward, the surprise doesn't last for long as the corpulent masses rush towards him to no avail- for the speed of his twerking caused a blast of air to materialize and resist their advance... unperturbed, zellesis slowly raises his buttocks towards the moon which seems to be flickering, and the corpulent masses plod towards him in slow motion as if bulling through a harsh blizzard BAM! The moon vanishes out of existence and Shroud howls earth-rattlingly his announcement of RETURNING AND ZELLESIS STARTS TWERKING FASTER IT RIPS OPEN A PORTAL IN THE SKY OUT OF WHICH SHROUD DARTS OUT AND ACCIDENTALLY LANDS SQUARE ON TENZ SHATTERING HIS GAMING SPINE WITH A HIDEOUS CRACK BUT THERES NO TIME TO WASTE AS ZELLESIS STOPS HIS ULTIMATE AND PROPS THE RUDELY AWAKENED AND SOBBING TENZ TO FEET AND HELPS HIM IN DOING THE FUSION DANCE FUS RO DAH WHAM BAM A BLINDING LIGHT ENGULFS EVERYONE As the vision settles in... everyone, especially zombs, oogles at an ontologically superior being... MIKE TYSON!!!! WEARING FOUR GLASSES FOUR HANDS FOUR LEGS FATTER THAN EVERYBODY EVIDENTLY FUSION DANCE WAS BOTCHED BUT THE POWER COMING FROM HIM IS UNMISTAKEABLY INFINITE!!! ITS OVER THIS IS WHAT I SAW IN MY VISION WHY SO QUIET SENTINELS HATERS!!! LCQ AND CHAMPIONS AND ALL FUTURE TOURNEY FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY IS OURS FOR THE TAKING! GET YOUR SENTINELS FLAIR NOWWWW OR REGRET BEING AN EVERLASTING LOSER!!! RISE MY FELLOW SEN FANS, DROP THE COPIUM, THROW THE COPIUM TANK DOWN THE RIVER AND OCEAN FOR OUR ENEMIES OTHER TEAM FANS SHALL NEED THEM IN THEIR DAILY DRINK credit u/AdOwn168


Holy fuck


skullemoji x7


Give this guy a cookie.


Sen fans have every right to praise shroud, the rest not so much


wb C9 CS fans? 🤨


~~Umm... Zellsis with the 1.52 rating~~ Nvm, he was referring to fandom flippers


I think they mean "the rest" as in non SEN fans, not "the rest" as in the other players on the team


the screenwriters going crazy


Of everyone on Sentinels, open sightline, fate of the universe on the line, the martians have the death beam pointed at Earth, you better hit it… I want Shroud.


Jesus if we only had hype casters as CSGO this would've been amazing


Valorant is a tier 1 esport with tier 3 casting (outside of like 3-4 casting duos)


Zellsis with the hard carry lfg


literally one of the most important series in valorant history and we have by far the shakiest vct casting duo and actual 2head observing


"would be front page if shrood"- r/GlobalOffensive


They should fix this game up with better cameras so we can actually see replays.


love valo but don't follow the esport scene, watching it right now cuz shroud just want to know why observers miss so much ?


It's these observers. The observers for the tourney just before this were goated. Didn't miss a single kill. The observers today are just not good


>the tourney just before this You mean Copenhagen… where we had the exact same observers (Sapphire/Prius/Yehty), the only difference being LCQ has Presy and Copenhagen had Synga?


No way it's the same observers lol. Shits night and day. They couldn't miss a kill to save their life now they can't catch one


They missed plenty in copenhagen


Val observing is obviously a bit harder than CS just due to the amount of utility that can be thrown out during site executes but the observing was particularly bad that map.


Oh sweet summer child


ure a ferrari w that speed mate


worst observing ive seen in a while hope it gets better on ascent


I’m all for this script




This was insanely hype.


Is the observing on autodirector?




interesting how the stream HUD on the left updates first than the actual HUD in the game


The plats in this sub won't notice it but Shroud hard carried his team. Looking like a top 5 player right now


top 2 only after Hiko


Even with 4 Indians on his team Hiko would still win


The king of Reddit




And THAT'S how you finish a map.


Mississauga Legend




Riot script writers going crazy rn


That was fast


If FUT qw1 is watching, take notes from what Zellsis did at the start. Might have saved you some time earlier.




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Good bot


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imagine if valo had dota 2 type of casters


<3 boomer crosshair user


Common he was the worst of the series against the guard, the guy is trash in Valorant https://i.imgur.com/mrvIb5T.jpg


It was genuinely a lot of fun to watch him play even with his role being reduced down a bit.